RR 390: DATA – How Understanding Search Habits Will Help Grow New Customers
DATA – How Understanding Search Habits Will Help Grow New Customers
Al Haberstroh, a partner and Chief Strategy Officer at MontAd Media has developed numerous innovative, revenue-driving solutions for marketers of all sizes. He was an early adopter of content and database marketing and was instrumental in the development of two new proprietary marketing tools for the aftermarket; Shop Reach 360 and Audience ID.
Al knows that data will help drive traffic to the aftermarket. They key will be to interpret the data and use it to engage with customers who are searching for problem solutions.
This is episode is the answer to most questions regarding tracking data and its content and relevance. Monitoring the trends and movement with months and months of data can offer you a confident approach in assessing the products and services you offer. It is like reading the future and being a psychic using data analysis.
THA 065: Your SMS Data – Who Controls It?
Do You Have Control of Your Business Intelligence Data?
Data is king. It is ok to share your data if you know who you are sharing it with? If and when you share your customer database with vendors; what do you want them to do with it and how should you expect them to treat it thereafter?
These topics and many more are covered in the lively and wide-ranging discussion and debate over data and what happens to your data once you sign an End Users License Agreement (EULA).
Guests include Karim Morsli, Winkler Automotive Service Center, Bill Nalu, Interstate Auto Care in Madison Heights, MI, Chris Cloutier, owner of Golden Rule Auto Care in Dallas, TX and president of Autotext.me and Greg Buckley, Buckley’s Personalized Auto Care in Wilmington, DE.