Transparency is the New Trust: Bridging the Gap Between Technology and Client [RR 903]
“AutoTechIQ helps car and truck owners identify problems their vehicles are having. We provide proven auto repair work that has solved similar issues thousands of vehicle owners have faced. We also recommend auto repair shops in your area based on trust, customer education, and quality of work. These shops inspect your car using a courtesy Digital Vehicle Health Inspection and create a state of health report with symptom information and necessary fixes.”
Frank Scandura and Krista Erickson discuss how AutoTechIQ aims to bridge the gap between shops and customers by creating better relationships through technology and transparency. The goal is to empower customers with knowledge and build trust.
Unlocking Higher Levels of Learning [896]
Recorded Live at ASTE 2023, Jim Cokonis kicks off the conversation with a mention of the late Anthony Williams and his innovative concept of “the Sage on the Stage” in training and education. This approach emphasizes the importance of learners discovering knowledge on their own, rather than being passive recipients of information. Jim also discusses his role as the Executive Director of the Auto Talent Co-Op led by John Gustafson in California, a non-profit organization aimed to solve the talent gap and technician shortage in the industry.
Scanner Danner: The Next Chapter [RR 892]
A Journey of Collaboration, Family, and Philanthropy
Recorded Live at ASTE 2023, Kristin and Paul Danner discuss the next chapter of Scanner Danner: the birth of their nonprofit organization. Their mission? To help fulfill the needs of others by supporting the automotive community and beyond. As they embark on this new chapter as soon to be empty nesters, they’re choosing a path of service and giving back. They also discuss the challenges within their marriage during the rise of ‘Scanner Danner’ and Paul’s perspective on elevating shop owners as an industry movement.
Build Your Labor Rate From the Ground Up: Part 2 [THA 346]
Part 2 of our labor rate discussion in the automotive aftermarket industry. Our panel emphasizes the importance of setting labor rates based on the shop’s own expenses and profitability, rather than comparing them to competitors. They also stress the need for regular labor rate increases and educating staff about the financial aspects of running a shop. They address fear and mindset issues that can affect labor rates and overall success. The episode provides valuable insights and advice for shop owners in effectively setting and managing their labor rates.
Lunch and Learn Training: How It’s Done! [AW 174]
Ryan Baxter, the owner of Modern Auto Service in Fruitland, Idaho, shares his approach to training, including setting aside dedicated time every week and bringing in trainers for technical and personal development. Ryan emphasizes the positive impact training has had on his business and the value of continuous learning.
Start Your Engines for ASTE 2023 [CC 112]
Transforming Lives One Bike at a Time: The Impact of Philanthropy [THA 342]
Fernando Miranda, Aleta and Kevin Delaney and Jeremy Behling discuss their participation in the Transformers 2022 Summit in Cancun, where they took part in a team-building “Build a Bike” activity. The panel share heartwarming stories of giving bikes to local students in need and sponsoring their education. They emphasize the importance of philanthropy and how it can have a positive impact on both the community and business. Carm encourages listeners to have a giving heart and take action to help others. The episode aims to inspire listeners to make a positive impact in their own communities.
The Power of Partnership: Liz and Keith Perkins on Marriage and Business [RR 846]
Recorded Live at the TST Big Event 2023. Keith Perkins discusses his presentation at the TST Big Event on electrical theory and the challenges of balancing foundational knowledge with advanced concepts for a diverse audience. We also delved into Liz and Keith’s relationship as a married couple who work together. They discussed their passion for their industry and how it doesn’t feel like work. Bonus: find out how many animals they own!
Unlocking Technician Earning Potential [RR 842]
Recorded Live at the TST Big Event 2023, Justin Kidd and David Macholz discuss the challenges faced in terms of technician retention, the importance of certification, and the need to change the industry’s perception and promote it as a high-tech profession. They also emphasize the importance of training and education in the automotive industry and introduce, a website created to serve as a centralized hub for industry events and training opportunities.
Technology Horizon, Do You See It? [RR 838]
The Automotive Industry: Does the Public Really Know What We Do? [RR 836]
Job of a Trainer Isn’t a Job, It’s a Lifestyle [RR 833]
Recorded Live at Vision 2023, we are with 3 trainers that describe training as a lifestyle, not a job. Today’s technicians must have an engineering mindset in order to repair vehicles and that requires a continuous commitment to learning, improving, and teaching for both the trainers and attendees.
Creating Simple YouTube Videos Under 60 Seconds – Niko Sougias [AW 139]
Student Career Fair [AW 138]
Why Speak to Fifth Graders? [THA 292]
No one can do everything, but everyone can do something. Raising the image and perception of our industry starts with getting involved with schools. If you’re involved in your local community college or high school, I would like to put out a challenge that you also visit the elementary and middle schools. The students are buzzing with energy, questions, and already have a leg up on technology. If you’re not involved with any schools, what’s stopping you? You can’t afford to not put your time into students, teachers, and school counselors. The impressions you leave on the youth are critical to creating opportunities for our industry’s future.
How To Build Relationships with Students and Schools [RR 760]
How many schools have you visited recently? What is your relationship like with the teachers, and school counselors? Have you hosted a shadow day at your shop for students? If your answer is no to any of these questions, answer this one: what is stopping you? Thomas Edison once said, “Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.” Dont miss this opportunity to get involved with your schools and community and properly represent this industry to our younger generation.
Prepare for the Future [THA 277]
How do we prepare for the future? In this episode listen to the insights from the perspective of a shop owner, technician, instructor, COO, and trainer. Times have changed, so how do we get the younger generation passionate about our industry and our high-tech vehicles? What does the future of ADAS and electric vehicles mean to the aftermarket?
From the Bays to the Classroom – Brandon Steckler [RR 746]
Do you have a passion for teaching others and watching them grow? Is it something you’ve been interested in doing? I’m with Brandon Steckler at the TST Big Event 2022 and we discuss his path to becoming a trainer and writer for MotorAge Magazine. He also shares a transparent review of one of his classes from a peer. A special episode I did with Brandon on his passion for teaching is episode 342. Speaking of training, did you know that auto tech colleges need part-time instructors? It is a great way to engage with auto tech students. How about being a high school night school trainer. Let’s think outside the box and advance the aftermarket together.
The Hardest Lessons to Learn – Kevin Eckler [RR 744]
There’s nothing better than catching up with an industry friend at TST’s Big Event! Dive into the blueprint of Kevin Eckler’s second location, and his transparency of learning a valuable lesson of full commitment to his employees. He explains words are just words until actions are put into place. You’ll also hear from his newest employee that was an intern at his shop.
Celebrating Educators [RR 736]
Are You Knocking on the Doors of your Local Schools? [AW 100]
What better what to celebrate the 100th Episode of Aftermarket Weekly than with my family? We have a school field trip to the Ready Academy in Buffalo, NY where my son Matthew Capriotto is the School Counselor. Get an inside look at placing interns and working with local businesses. Hear from both students and teachers.
A Life Changing Vision 2022 Scholarship – Eric Dallas [RR 733]
Are you ready for an inspiring story that will leave you with goosebumps? I’m with Eric Dallas at Vision 2022, one of the Technicians of Tomorrow scholarship winners, who shares his story about taking a pay cut from a dealership to work for ChangingGears. Their mission is to empower people who are working their way out of poverty by providing affordable transportation. Listen and be inspired and realize the good that scholarship programs are doing to invest in our future.
Embracing Students into our Skilled Trade & Used Car Update – Justin Fricke [AW 081]
Embracing Students into our Skilled Trade & Used Car Update – Justin Fricke [AW 081]
Guest Host and Shop Tour with Justin Fricke, CarTime Auto Center, Dundas, MN. How do you get students involved in the automotive industry? What piques their interests? What are your first steps as a shop owner to start engaging with students and schools? Justin also discusses his tandem business with used cars.
Automotive Service Councils Educational Foundation [RR 695]
Automotive Service Councils Educational Foundation [RR 695]
Did you know ASCCA (Automotive Service Councils of California) the great California association also has an educational foundation? The purpose is to raise funds to support and encourage technical training and education for the automotive industry. Did you also know you can be involved outside of California? Ask yourself if you and your network are doing enough to support educational scholarships for our industry.
Apprentice Journey – High School to Graduate [RR 675]
Apprentice Journey – High School to Graduate [RR 675]
How did a high school student who wanted to just fill a slot in his schedule end up becoming an apprentice at Dynamic Automotive? What are the qualities a mentor needs to have for an apprenticeship program? Is it possible for a 20 something-year-old to be financially stable in a career with no college debt? This is a down-to-earth, real-life episode that will shed some light on the importance of apprenticeships in our industry. … and you know how important apprentices are to me and to our long-term survival.