THA 081: Niche. Should We Find Specialties and Create a New Business Model or Services?
Niche. Finding Specialties to Create New Business Services.
A very interesting summit, a lesson for the forever student of the aftermarket. We’re talking Niche or Finding Specialties to Create New Business Services. A vibrant discussion to challenge the use of your talent and facility and to listen to your customers and find out exactly what they want and need from you.
The panel warns you to keep your eyes open. The shift is coming. Toss out those unprofitable jobs. Clean out your closet. Review your current business model. We will not survive doing what we always have done.
The panel will help you understand How to consider a specialty, product based niche vs. service based niche; but an overlying theme is to be sure the basics are being done right. You cannot add a new service if you don’t aren’t fixing your customers’ problem right the first time. Get your house in order before adding.
RR 349: Tracy Martin – Our Vehicles are Becoming Smartphones on Wheels
Smartphone on Wheels.
Tracy Martin has authored six Motorbooks Workshop Series and writes articles for industry and trade magazines. His articles of late are focused on the connected car.
Our cars today are becoming if not already became smartphone on wheels. If this is the case, then all threats that are threatening our computers at home and our mobile device could potentially harm our cars as well. There are instances of factory system hacking and car software hacking that heightens our concern.
We talk cybersecurity concerns, the evolution of techs needed to fix the vehicles of the not too distant future and a better encryption protocol. Tracy says that you must be aware of the risks that can and will be present as the future unfolds.
RR 334: Deb and Craig Van Batenburg from ACDC – Part 2
Looking Thirty Years Into the Future
The evolution of electric, hybrids, hybrid/electric and the internal combustion engine and how we will do business in the future. Deb and Craig Van Batenburg share their view of the pace of tech changes and evolving business models.
Craig believes in zero emissions and that climate change is real. He feels that students at high school and college level must learn to work on hybrid and electric cars and that the transition from the internal combustion engine will happen faster than anyone knows. The driver for a rapid change will be the cost of a barrel of oil.
Deb and Craig are sought after speakers and trainers for OE, aftermarket and through worldwide clients. Their training company, Auto Career Development Center (ACDC) is all hands on and only accepts nine students per class.
RR 327: Prepare to Change – O’Neal – Barrett – Cloutier
Are You Prepared To Change?
Jeremy O’Neal from Freedom Automotive and AdvisorFix, Barry Barrett from RLO Training and Chris Cloutier from Golden Care Auto Care and bring a lively discussion and debate on the need and necessity of change.
President John Kennedy said: “Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past or the present are certain to miss the future.” We all realize that our industry is in constant change, however many do not embrace the vision necessary to keep pace and improve.
Listen to how these aftermarket professionals look at and embrace change. It is part of the vision. We cover two ways leaders lead. First is the fear of change, and second is that we are willing to change as long as there isn’t any pain.
We get into communications, connecting, and that winners and losers have one thing in common. Listen to find out what it is.
RR 319: ASA Northwest – Jobst, Smith, Kelley
Ask for help. Offer help. Reaching out to help your peers.
Become the fly on the wall at ASA Northwest’s training event, ATE, and listen to an enlightening panel discussion with Butch Jobst, the ASA Northwest Chairman of the Board from B & B Automotive in Aberdeen, WA, Brian Smith the ASA Northwest Immediate Past Chairman of the Board form Gig Harbor Automotive Service in Gig Harbor, WA and Bryan Kelley the ASA Northwest Chairman-Elect from Valley Automotive Electric in Covington, WA.
The panel was very transparent on their own business career’s and they offered up their wisdom on coaching, the E-Myth, the power of networking and the invisible hand of ASA Northwest, the opportunities for growth with the aging vehicle car parc and embracing advanced technology.
There is a strong message to young shop owners that cannot be missed.
RR 316: Scott Brown with Diagnostic Network
Is The Industry Ready For A Diagnostician Learning Platform That Is Deeply Connected To The Industry?
Diagnostic Network, Scott Brown’s new venture, will be a learning platform and open a deep channel of communication for diagnosticians and aspiring diagnosticians while connecting the industry that provides the products, services, information and training to the marketplace.
If you earn your living in the aftermarket, and for that matter serving the motoring public, you’ll want to give this episode a serious listen as Scott unveils his plans for that will focus on the diagnostician.
Scott shares his vision along with the industry collaboration he is building to create a very powerful repository of aftermarket intellect. Peer discussions and peer reviews will be part of this program to help refine the rich content.
There isn’t a clearly defined guideline as to the skill set you need to be competent in this industry. Scott sees the creation of the right building blocks for training and says it is time to break the mold and to improve engagement and transparency.
RR 315: Chris Gardner from AASA
Technology Talk, AAPEX, ADAS, CES and More.
Chris Gardner, MAAP, is the Vice President or Programs and Member Services for AASA, the Automotive Aftermarket Suppliers Association. AASA is the voice for the Aftermarket Supplier Industry. Chris also manages all things technology for the association and that is where we spend most of our time in this interview.
An interview highlight is Chris’s view of the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) that he has attended for the last three years. He’ll give you a perspective on what he saw and the impact on the aftermarket as our future rolls out, as he sees it.
Among other discussion topics ADAS and the tech he saw at CES. Chris sees a convergence of telematics with the consumer, the service professional and the supplier. We even talked a bit about smart parts.
RR 309: The Shop of the Future – Are You Prepared? Vision 2018 Town Hall
The Shop of the Future: Are You Prepared?
Have you thought about how you will do business in the future? Well the mission of this panel was to stretch the boundaries and serve up plenty of thoughts, concepts and changes coming that you need to be fundamentally be prepared for.
So happy to be able to present this audio recording from Vision 2018. With me are shop owners, Summer Gurerro from Affinity Automotive Services, Inc in Wichita, KS, Keith Williamson owner of Williamson’s Repair and Tire in Bondurant, IA, Trainer and Mobile Technician Eric Ziegler form EZ Diagnostics, Chris Chesney the Senior Director, Customer Training at the Carquest Technical Institute and Donny Seyfer the Executive Officer of NASTF, the National Automotive Service Task Force and co-owner of Seyfer Automotive in Wheatridge, CO.
Many great thoughts that will help shape your future. There are many important action steps discussed that need your support and engagement. Listen carefully for those cues.
RR 292: Technician Round Table – Part 4 – Heipp – Landry – Fanslow – Meyers
Wide Open Discussion from Three Aftermarket Technicians and One Who Left the Industry.
As usual, these guys brought their opinionated selves to the interview, yet spoke from the heart about topics they are passionate about. Some no holds barred discussion points. There are times where there is no sugar coating and that is good to embrace all sides of an issue.
Matt Fanslow, Bob Heipp, Peter Landry and Tom Myers openly discuss some very hot and touchy subjects that affect all aftermarketer’s.
Just a few of the topics we discussed, shops charging for diagnostic time, opinions on social media, a discussion on augmented reality. They discuss that techs need to help the business owner make money, and therefore owners should share in the wealth. We talk about shop owners training their top and best-vested technicians and talk pay and benefits.
RR 288: Jorge Antico from
Customer Transaction Data is a Powerful Resource for Organic Growth
With a business and computer science education, Jorge Antico identified the aftermarkets need for transactional service-data aggregation. In essence, a family-owned vehicle fleet service management system.
The data that sits on your server contains a treasure of information that can be served up in just the right way. With the right AI software for natural language predictive CRM, you can do a lot with your information. Antico shares the power of growing your business using the data you already own.
This episode will provide much insight, from a tech perspective. There are many strong thinking moments here that will energize your systems and marketing talents and inspire you to grow your business.
RR 278: Emerging Technology – How Will the Aftermarket Prepare – Service EDU @ AAPEX17
Trends, Current Issues and Outlooks On the Future of the Service Sector
Shop owner Ryan Clo, Trainer Dave Hobbs and Diagnostician Matt Fanslow share their perspectives on the opportunities and challenges that make up the dynamic and changing aftermarket.
Don’t miss the discussion on training, business models, technician pay, business culture, specialization, and the changing role of the shop owner.
RR 275: Chris Chesney – Sr. Director Customer Training – Carquest Technical Institute
Are You Committed to Be A Lifetime Learner In The Automotive Aftermarket? Learn Why It Must Be Your Most Important Goal.
Chris Chesney is the Senior Director, Customer Training at the CARQUEST Technical Institute and explains that our great aftermarket has its best days ahead, however, the challenge is going to take many people, teams and organizations working together to formulate solutions as we prepare for the largest wave of technology and consolidation we’ve ever seen.
Chris explains that all successful technicians and shop owners know …. that you must be committed to being a lifelong learner. If not … you’re in the wrong profession.
RR 215: Derek Kaufman from Schwartz Advisors – Business Model Transformation
Prepare for coming trends, emerging technology and business disrupters as the aftermarket prepares for the future.
Derek Kaufman, Managing Partner at Schwartz Advisors is focusing his future lens on today’s trends that will have a big impact on how the aftermarket does business tomorrow.
Will you be prepared to change your business model because car sharing, autonomous cars, augmented reality, an increasing hybrid share, multi-party leasing, among others will force you to do business differently as the future unfolds.
Aftermarket players are innovative and responsive to turn these realities into a business advantage by offering service alternative that are fully competitive with the OE shops.