Are You Setting Your Employees Up To Fail? [FTR 095]

By setting realistic expectations, providing necessary support and training, fostering a positive work environment, and maintaining transparency and honesty, business owners can create a more productive and harmonious workplace. Implementing these actionable tips from Kevin Eckler can help reduce turnover, improve employee satisfaction, and ultimately lead to a more successful business.

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How Can Technicians Make a Personal Commitment to Training and Improvement? [FTR 094]

Bill Weaver from NAPA Autotech discusses the vital role of personal commitment to training for automotive technicians. He shares his experiences and emphasizes the importance of continuous education, mentorship, and self-education. Weaver highlights the need for technicians to invest time in training through various platforms and stresses the significance of applying acquired knowledge in the workplace.

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Inspiring the Next Generation: How Camp DRIVE Is Shaping Future Automotive Professionals [THA 386]

Tenise and Weston Chapman, owners of Black Hills Tire in Rapid City, South Dakota, discuss their initiative, Camp Drive. This hands-on camp introduces young people to the automotive industry through engaging activities like brake and alignment modules, electrical scans, and engine performance sessions. The Chapmans discuss the Camp’s positive impact on participants, support from local schools and businesses, and plans for expansion. They highlight the importance of inspiring the next generation of automotive professionals and the enthusiastic feedback from both kids and parents.

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How a Mentor Can Change Your Life [THA 384]

Discover the significance of mentorship with Bill Weaver, a NAPA Autotech Trainer, and his mentor, Jim Dzurik. They share personal stories and insights into their mentor-mentee relationship, highlighting how mentorship has profoundly impacted their lives and careers. The conversation delves into the importance of passing on knowledge and wisdom to the next generation. The episode emphasizes the value of seeking and offering mentorship to foster growth and personal development.

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Shop Owner Reacts to His 360 Review From His Team [THA 380]

In this groundbreaking episode, shop owner Brin Kline undergoes a first-of-its-kind 360-degree review by his team. The session unveils insights into leadership, stress management, communication, team dynamics, and the importance of training. Through candid discussions, Brin and his team explore opportunities for growth and improvement, highlighting the value of feedback in enhancing leadership skills and business operations.

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The Courage to Train: From Hawaii to Kansas City [RR 943]

23-year-old Evan Hansen, a young automotive professional from Hawaii, shares his enthusiasm for attending (by himself) Vision Hi-Tech Training & Expo and the invaluable in-person training he received. Find out what classes Evan attended and how he met shop owner Jim Fleischman, who took Evan under his wing for the remainder of the conference. The episode is a testament to the industry’s commitment to fostering professional development, training, mentoring, and camaraderie among its members.

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Mentorship, Training and the Rise of Specialists [E941]

Recorded Live at Vision Hi-Tech Training & Expo, Rich Falco, and bilingual trainer Oscar Gomez, dive into the critical role of mentorship and training in the automotive industry. They discuss the rise of mechanical and technology specialists and the necessity for continuous education to keep pace with evolving technology. The conversation underscores the importance of experienced mentors guiding newcomers, advocating for a culture shift from traditional challenges to supportive mentorship.

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Coaches Lab: When Will Shops Stop Doing Work That They Don’t Get Paid For? [THA 363]

It’s time to find the hidden costs of ‘busyness’ in auto repair shops. It’s not just about the work you do; it’s about the work you’re actually getting paid for. Measuring technician productivity is crucial – because if you’re not measuring it, you can’t manage it. It’s a wake-up call for shops everywhere to stop leaving money on the table.

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I’m More Than Just A Mechanic [RR 919]

Can a break-up be the catalyst for an entrepreneurial leap? Find out during Shawn Gilfillan’s 20 questions in 30 minutes episode! Shawn also discusses the importance of a strong business culture, mentorship, and the joy of hobbies like aviation. Shawn shares strategies for managing gross margins and the significance of client experience.

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What is Leadership Coaching? [THA 362]

Our panel of industry coaches highlight the importance of humility, self-awareness, and emotional intelligence in effective leadership. They share personal stories and insights on the transformative power of coaching, emphasizing the need for leaders to be approachable, own their mistakes, and foster a safe environment for growth. The conversation also touches on the significance of mentorship, asking questions, and guiding team members to find their own solutions. The panelists encourage embracing personal growth journeys and the role of coaching in unlocking individual potential, driving home the message that leadership is about empowering oneself and others to succeed.

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AAPEX’S Commitment to Student Mentorship [THA 360]

Recorded Live at AAPEX 2023, industry mentors and students worked together to service, repair and donate a 2013 Ford Edge to a Veteren. The students share their experiences and aspirations in the industry, from welding to diagnostics. It was also a heartwarming experience to have the recipient of the donated vehicle, Savannah, present in the studio with us. Let’s continue to have a positive impact on the industry and inspire more support for young people to join.

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Give Me 10 Update: Collaboration with Education [AW 186]

“Give Me 10 Mission: To provide a work-based learning model that any industry can utilize to bridge the skills gap. Combining classroom instruction with on the job work based learning opportunities. This program integrates the classroom with employers to create an introduction to a career path of the student’s choice. 

The program simplifies the relationship between an industry lead business and vocational education that can lead into a career path. We ask for no money. Our “ask” is for your time. Time to integrate a student into your business to create a career fit. It starts with 10 hours and can grow into a new employee. Can you “Give Me Ten?”

Sue Dixon, the creator of the “Give Me Ten” program, discusses the importance of collaboration between the automotive industry and education. The “Give Me Ten” program, which exposes students to the automotive industry and helps them explore potential career paths, is highlighted. The discussion also covers the need for updated curriculums, industry involvement, and the success of the “Give Me Ten” program in providing work-based learning experiences.

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Technician’s Three-Year Succession Plan [RR 906]

Andy Bizub and part owner Brandon Ludwikowski discuss the transition from technician to business owner, the importance of a positive attitude, and the tools and knowledge required for technicians. The conversation also covers the division of responsibilities within the company, decision-making processes, and the importance of understanding business fundamentals and financials.

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Unlocking Higher Levels of Learning [896]

Recorded Live at ASTE 2023, Jim Cokonis kicks off the conversation with a mention of the late Anthony Williams and his innovative concept of “the Sage on the Stage” in training and education. This approach emphasizes the importance of learners discovering knowledge on their own, rather than being passive recipients of information. Jim also discusses his role as the Executive Director of the Auto Talent Co-Op led by John Gustafson in California, a non-profit organization aimed to solve the talent gap and technician shortage in the industry.

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Why Join Our Automotive Virtual Toastmasters? [THA 350]

Recorded Live at ASTE 2023, Carm Capriotto welcomes Chris Cloutier, Craig O’Neill, Sara Fraser, and Tracy Capriotto, They discuss the importance of effective communication and the value of joining Toastmasters to improve speaking skills. The conversation touches on topics such as the impact of technology on human connection, the benefits of feedback and evaluation in Toastmasters, the significance of timing in public speaking, and the need for better communication in the automotive industry. The episode concludes with a discussion on the importance of effective communication during times of crisis and the benefits of joining Toastmasters to enhance communication skills.

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Defining Mentoring and Its Role in Implementing Change [AW 179]

Gary Gunn discusses how mentoring differs from coaching and how it can benefit shop owners in defining their own success and implementing necessary changes in their businesses. Gary shares his experience as a mentor and offers tools and strategies for shop owners to implement new ideas and overcome challenges. He emphasizes the importance of working on the business and oneself, creating a scoreboard for business performance, and understanding the true cost of doing business. Gary also explains the role of a true mentor and the value of assessments in tailoring mentoring approaches. Carm and Gary believe that mentoring can enhance the value of coaching and help shop owners gain confidence and make informed decisions.

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Family Business: The Dads [THA 349]

Shop owners and fathers Charlie Marcotte and Paul Campanella discuss the topic of passing down a family business to the next generation. They emphasize the importance of aligning roles and skill sets, providing training and guidance, and setting realistic expectations for children joining the family business. They also explore the value of mentorship, learning from outside sources, and the challenges and rewards of running a family business. Whether you’re considering integrating your family into your business or looking for ways to make adjustments, this episode is a must-listen!

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Speaking Greatness Into Your People [RR 889]

Dan Taylor and Rod Olson discuss leadership principles and creating a culture of recognition in the automotive industry. They emphasize the importance of recognizing and affirming people in the workplace, being sincere and specific in recognition, and creating a psychologically safe environment. They also discuss the impact of positive language, effective communication, and the role of coaches and leaders in helping individuals and teams reach their full potential. Remember, as leaders, our words have the power to inspire, motivate, and shape the culture of our organizations. Let’s use them wisely!

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The Unspoken Reality of Grief [RR 885]

Jock Brocas, Author, Publisher, Researcher and Evidential Medium discusses the topic of grief and its impact on individuals and society. Jock shares his personal experience with grief and emphasizes the importance of integrating it into our lives rather than trying to recover from it. He explains there is a societal fear and discomfort surrounding grief and how it affects our ability to support those who are grieving. Jock offers insights on empathy versus sympathy and encourages engaging with those who are grieving. He also discusses the transformative power of grief and the importance of leaders in the automotive industry supporting their team members who may be grieving. Jock shares his simple model for coping with grief and emphasizes the power of choice. It’s our hope that this conversation will inspire you to approach grief with empathy, understanding, and acceptance.

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The Roadmap to Success: Work Smarter Not Harder [RR 884]

Dan Taylor discusses various aspects of running a successful automotive repair business. He emphasizes the importance of having a roadmap to success, repackaging information to resonate with different people, utilizing reliable shop management systems, client and employee retention, effective marketing strategies, well-defined processes and procedures, and artificial intelligence in the industry. The episode concludes with a discussion on the importance of making money in the automotive repair industry and the need for a paradigm shift towards maintenance and customer service.

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The Art of Onboarding: A Deep Dive Into Employee Training and Development [RR 880]

Murray Voth discusses the importance of teaching and training employees instead of assuming they have common sense or knowledge. He shares personal anecdotes and observations from the automotive industry to highlight the need for employers to nurture a natural curiosity and desire to learn in their employees. He also discusses effective teaching and training methods, the importance of understanding employee strengths and preferences, and the significance of clear expectations and policies during the onboarding process.

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Listening to Service Advisor Phone Calls [THA 343]

“The art of asking the right questions: this approach, inspired by the Socratic method, helps uncover valuable insights and ensures a thorough understanding of situations. Authenticity is key in every interaction.”

Carm Capriotto introduces a panel to discuss the importance of listening to service advisor calls. Rena Rennebohm and Clint White are service advisor coaches, while Collin Ashin and Tyler Nichols are their clients. They discuss the benefits of reviewing recorded calls, such as identifying areas for improvement, enhancing problem-solving skills, creating a safe environment for feedback, the value of coaching, and the need for continuous improvement. Remember, the journey to self-improvement begins with a single step.

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Developing Our Future: The Training Bay at Joe’s Garage at AAPEX [RR 878]

Carm Capriotto introduces a special edition of Remarkable Results Radio featuring the Joe’s Garage training bay at AAPEX that provides training and career opportunities this fall. Our panel discusses the unique opportunity at Joe’s Garage, where they will bring together people from distribution, trainers, shop owners, and lead technicians to work on vehicles in real time. They also discuss the importance of quality parts, attracting the youth to the industry, professionalism, continuous learning, and the impact of attending AAPEX. They are passionate about the future of the automotive industry and encourage young talent to join.

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Don’t Be a Boss, Be a Leader: Tips for Building Strong Relationships with Your Employees [RR 858]

David Askwith, Managing Director of Auto Stream Car Care, discusses the importance of evolving and changing as a leader in the automotive industry. He shares personal experiences and offers advice to shop owners on how to improve their leadership skills and build better relationships with their employees. David stresses the importance of seeking guidance and advice from peers and mentors, holding employees accountable while also being part of their career development, and building trust within the team and the organization. He also emphasize the need for leaders to constantly evaluate their culture and reputation.David Askwith, Managing Director of Auto Stream Car Care, discusses the importance of evolving and changing as a leader in the automotive industry. He shares personal experiences and offers advice to shop owners on how to improve their leadership skills and build better relationships with their employees. David stresses the importance of seeking guidance and advice from peers and mentors, holding employees accountable while also being part of their career development, and building trust within the team and the organization. He also emphasizes the need for leaders to constantly evaluate their culture and reputation.

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