RR 183: Michele Winn, Diagnostician at Beck Service Center

Lincoln Tech Grad: Only woman in her class is drivability diagnostician at Beck Service Center.

Michele Winn flipped burger at Wendy’s when she got her first job doing payroll at a service center. She got the bug and spent six years at a Goodyear, then on to Linder Technical Service and now at 30 bay operation Beck Service Center in Indianapolis.

Michele graduated from Lincoln tech and spends her day diagnosing drivability and electrical problems. She shares her opinions of training, she lists her personal strengths and feisty is one of them and how she sees the impact of future technology.

RR 180: Jorge Menchu from AES Wave and Industry Instructor

How Do We Make Ourselves SMARTER?

Jorge Menchu was hooked at an early age. He grew up in Kansas City, MO. It was his go-cart that brought upon his passion for loving cars and mechanics. This developed into a passion about learning.
His goal is to help young folks to realize their own success and failure by engaging his students to be better learners.

The episode highlights Jorge’s three pathways to learning. These fundamentals can change your ability to learn and understand. They are Self-Awareness, Learning Awareness and Building a Structure of Knowledge.

RR 176: Jennifer Maher from TechForce Discussing a Solution to the Technician Shortage

There’s a tech shortage in the transportation industry. It doesn’t matter if you’re talking automotive, trucking, diesel, aftermarket, motorcycle, marine, collision repair…you name it…they’re all struggling to find trained, professional technicians. Meet Jennifer Maher, the CEO/Executive Director of TechForce Foundation, a nonprofit 501(c)(3) with the mission to champion students to and through their education and…

RR 168: Bob Heipp – Mobile Diagnostician

Automotive technician finds his move to mobile diagnostician the perfect fit.

Bob Heipp lead tech and Technician Manager for Mobile Auto Solutions, LLC in Chicago evolved throughout his career as learning became his passion and smart career path.

Bob believes his desire to learn is what opened doors to meeting technicians around the world. He considers

RR 158: Tom Meyers

NAPA ASE Technician of the year, 2009, in Chicagoland has a career that spans 40 years and still does it all; but loves diagnostics.

In 2009 Tom Meyers was selected as the NAPA/ASE Technician of the Year for the Chicagoland area, a first for a non-owner technician. He is an ASE Master Certified with L1 Certification and works on everything from computer diagnostics and engine performance to engine installations and rebuilding differentials. In the past 40 years he has always focused on repair quality and the latest automotive technology.

RR 146: Matt Fanslow – Technician Interview

This is the inaugural episode dedicated to one technician’s perspectives on the industry and their role in it. The Remarkable Results Radio Podcast has geared up to include technicians into the interview mix. Meet Matt Fanslow who works at Riverside Automotive in Red Wing, MN. Matt is the diagnostic tech/shop manager. His primary responsibilities are to…

RR 138: James Snider from Auto Tech Career.com

Listen Alert: Ever put an ad on Craig’s List to find a technician? Ever answer an ad on Craig’s list for a technician’s job? No matter if you are a shop owner or technician this is a ‘must listen’ interview with James Snider. Breadth of experience proves valuable James Snider is an unlikely shop owner…

RR 134: Todd Erickson from Identifix

Todd Erickson, an Identifix Carline Expert gets to talk shop on the Remarkable Results Radio Podcast. You will learn how Todd got his job, what he loves about it, and how he views the learning curve in the industry.

Among many great stories, Todd goes back 15 years to explain his job interview at Identifix. He illustrates how a trick question, he answered correctly, may have been the deciding factor in him getting the job. This Subaru expert excels in diagnostic reasoning and provides a great behind the scenes view of this industry resource.

RR 126: John Gardner Automotive Instructor and Host of Tech Garage

John Gardner, automotive instructor at Chipola College in Marianna, FL believes that the quality of technicians graduating today are bright and amazing. John shares his passion for teaching and his love for training in an inspiring episode that includes talk of his hosting duties for Tech Garage on the Velocity Channel. John’s classroom motto is “Outdo…

RR 122: ASE Test ‘Uncovered’

ASE Test Uncovered. Everything you ever wanted to know about the ASE Test … ASE 3but were afraid to ask!

Joining me for this very open discussion is:

-Dan Baumhardt, ASE Test Administrator
-Matt Fanslow, Professional Technician and an ASE Subject Matter Expert
-Ryan Kooiman, Director of Training at Standard Motor Products

RR 109: Scott ‘GONZO’ Weaver

Who hasn’t heard of Gonzo’s Toolbox! Enjoy an enlightening interview from Gonzo himself. Do you know what Gonzo does to recharge? …. Why he loves being a diagnostician? … and do you know how Scott Weaver got the name ‘Gonzo’? You are about to find out.

RR 105: Big Event Technician Training

“You never grow old until you stop learning”. Henry Ford

As it relates to training and new technology: Are you keeping up? Are you participating in the many regional training programs that are becoming the norm today? Have you attended one? How many hours per year are you investing in to keep current or stay relevant?

You need to listen to technicians talk about keeping up with technology and diagnostics. Inside this episode are four technician interviews I met on a road trip in March 2016 while attending a day long seminar hosted by TST. If you need any confirmation on what the techs are saying about the need for quality training … get listening. If you are ‘always learning’ then listen to your peers affirm why your commitment to training is your job security.

RR 098: Ryan Kooiman, Dir. of Training, Standard Motor Products

Training PERIOD is the lifeblood of all companies large and small and for every person working today. We know how technology is moving at a rapid pace and our industry is no exception. In fact it seems like it is moving faster than we can actually keep pace. Getting a perspective on training from a…

RR 059: Technician Training Best Practices -Roundtable

Watch the replay or listen to the audio only podcast. Podcast is available on iTunes and Stitcher Radio and of course listen below. Welcome to Episode 60 a rebroadcast of a Face To Face Video Podcast using the BLAB platform for Live Video Conversations. We had a lively discussion on technician training best practices with…

RR 036: Peter Meier from Motor Age

Pete Meier the Director of Training for the UBM Advanstar Automotive Group of publications goes ON-POINT here in episode 36. I’m sure you’ve read Pete in either Motor Age, ABRN, Aftermarket Business World or Dealer News. His primary goal is to bring working technicians the information they need to succeed. Pete is an ASE certified…