Archive for March 2020
Automotive Instructors Move to Online Training Amid Pandemic [RR 523 ]
Kevin Holzworth, is currently working as an Assistant Professor of Automotive Technology at Montana State University-Northern in Havre, MT. Kevin started his career at MSU-Northern where he earned his 4-year undergraduate degree in Automotive Technology. Upon graduation, Kevin went to work as a technician at Ressler Motors in Bozeman, MT for 5 years. Throughout his…
Stop Quoting Price Over the Phone – Maylan Newton [FTR 091]
Maylan Newton from ESI – Educational Seminars Institute is a business coach, trainer and industry speaker. Maylan is no stranger to the podcast having paid it forward many times. He is a much sought our speaker at industry events in the US. Find Maylan’s previous episodes HERE. “He is ‘just a car guy’ with lots…
Lift Safety with Rick White [RR 522]
Rick White, President and Lead Coach for 180BIZ, an auto repair shop training and business coaching company. He also owned and managed several successful automotive repair shops. Early in his career, Rick got his arm stuck under a vehicle while working underneath it. He managed to get out safely but it was a wake up…
Final Inspection – Quality Controls & Covid-19 [Bonus 07]
THA 164 Final Inspection – Quality Controls
We are tackling Quality Controls and the Final Inspection. This episode aired live during the Covid-19 Pandemic and will become an important listen not only for the power of a good Quality Control process but how the Coronavirus weaved into this conversation.
In this episode, I’m joined by Chris Cloutier, Golden Rule Auto Care and CEO of and Tom Ham, Auto Centric, Grand Rapids, MI and Automotive Management Network and
Frank Scandura, Frank’s European, Las Vegas.
This team does have strong Final Inspection QC – Quality Control practices. They share why they do it, what they’ve learned, that we are human and make mistakes which is the strongest reason for a good Final QC process and we also spice this conversation with their practices in light of the Covid-19 pandemic.
There is no need to take notes. If you want them go to /// on my website! On the show notes page find my guests bio’s and links to their previous episodes. Also the lists Chris Cloutier offered are also linked there.
Final Inspection – Quality Controls & Covid-19 [THA 164]
THA 164 Final Inspection – Quality Controls
We are tackling Quality Controls and the Final Inspection. This episode aired live during the Covid-19 Pandemic and will become an important listen not only for the power of a good Quality Control process but how the Coronavirus weaved into this conversation.
In this episode I’m joined by Chris Cloutier, Golden Rule Auto Care and CEO of and Tom Ham, Auto Centric, Grand Rapids, MI and Automotive Management Network and
Frank Scandura, Frank’s European, Las Vegas.
This team does have strong Final Inspection QC – Quality Control practices. They share why they do it, what they’ve learned, that we are human and make mistakes which is the strongest reason for a good Final QC process and we also spice this conversation with their practices in light of the Covid-19 pandemic.
There is no need to take notes. If you want them go to /// on my website! On the show notes page find my guests bio’s and links to their previous episodes. Also the lists Chris Cloutier offered are also linked there.
Financial struggles. Gain Control of your Finances [FTR 090]
With me is Maryann Croce from She and her husband Tony also own Croce Transmission in Norwalk, CT. As a business owner, she can chalk up many a mistake that has turned into wisdom. She has been there and done that and shares 5 key principles to help a startup business person get ahead of the…
Covid-19 Aftermarket Panel Discussion ‘Business as Unusual’ [Bonus 06]
In the format of a virtual coffee discussion, this group delivered on a wide range of pertinent topics we are facing. In light of the Covid-19 pandemic we are talking lines of credit, SBA loans, sanitizing, marketing, open or closed waiting rooms, planing short, medium and long-range .. as each week passes, expense review and the optimism that you need to get through this
My panel, is shop owner Greg Skolnik from Motor Works in Rockville, MD, coach Bill Haas, Hass Performance Consulting, shop owner Tom Ham, Autocentric and Automotive Management Network, Grand Rapids, MI and shop owner Bill Nalu, Interstate Auto Care, Madison Heights, MI
Survival Tactics – Covid-19 with Chris Cloutier and Dennis McCarron [RR 521]
Chris Cloutier is co-owner of Golden Rule Auto Care in Dallas Texas and CEO of Auto Tex Me. He spent many years in the software industry developing solutions for companies like Southwest Airlines, and Wyndham Intl. He’s worked for companies that understood the marriage of service and software, and have applied it in an effective way.…
Covid-19 Think Tank Panel Discussion for Unprecedented Times [Bonus 05]
For many small shop owners, you’ve learned how to implement smart practices and holding yourself accountable. You’ve joined networking groups, maybe even hired a coach to bring business acumen to your world.
If you’ve done a lot to become a better marketer and leader you’ll be OK. If not, it is not too late. There is some good business advice in this episode, that if you implement it you will come out the other side of this Covid-19 challenge.
You’ll value this discussion with Dwayne Myers, Greg Buckley, Matt Fanslow, Danny Sanchez and Bob Greenwood. …. and my pledge to keep you flowing with thoughts and ideas from your fellow colleagues continues.
Keep in mind it is still not too late to do the right things for your family, employees, business and customers. If there is anything I can do to help you … like find a peer network, talk to a friend, find a coach join an association …. reach out to me
Becoming a LEAN Technician [RR 520]
Jarrod Alexander from BG Automotive, Fort Collins, CO. Jarrod shares his experience with his first-ever training seminar on becoming a ‘LEAN’ technician. Key Talking Points: Technician to trainer at ASA ColoradoAlways strives to be efficient technician, servicing customers Started to have health issues- forced to slow down and work smarter not harder Owner signed…
Make your Competitor Your Friend [THA 163]
Brad Pellman first started working in the automotive industry at the age of 15 and over his career has held a wide variety of jobs at both dealerships and independent repair shops. In 1995 this dream of owning his own shop became a reality when he opened up Pellman’s Automotive in Boulder, CO with his wife, Lisa.…
Knowing All About ADAS Will Make You a Smarter Technician [RR 519]
Ben Johnson, Director, Project Management, Mitchell 1 ADAS training class- training is maintenance, instructors need the training to give a training class Full class- many was their first time hearing about ADAS ADAS is not a “thing” it is industry generated category- each car company will use different terms for ADAS systems (ex: blind-spot monitoring),…
Cecil Bullard – Parts Pricing in the Age of Online Parts Sellers [FTR 089]
Cecil Bullard is President of the Institute for Automotive Business Excellence. He is a trainer and business coach in the automotive aftermarket working closely with service professionals. Previous episodes featuring or mentioning Cecil, click HERE. Institute for Automotive Business Excellence website. Talking Points: Re-thinking parts margins based on pricing transparency from online parts sellers He doesn’t like…
Bonus Episode 03 – Town Hall Academy on Insurance Coverage
THA 161 Insurance Coverage Review – Part 1
Many don’t understand insurance, some feel they are over-insured, some underinsured. When, it is too late, and you have a claim, that is when you learn about coverages. This episode will go a long way to help you comprehend.
I’m with Bambi Crozier, Car Clinic in Lowell, AR, Kim Aurenheimer, CS Automotive, Brentwood, TN and Brad Hazelwonder, Federated Insurance. We are all over insurance. When I owned my business doing an insurance review was never something I looked forward too, HOWEVER, I knew how important it was to me, my people and the business.
The show notes are already done for you and could serve as a great meeting outline. Go to Copy and paste the talking points and also find my guest’s bios and links to their previous episodes.
Kelly Moore – Enticing our Youth to have a Career in the Aftermarket [RR 518]
Kelly Moore Dr. Kelly Thumm Moore has over 20 years of experience in the career-focused higher education industry. She currently serves at Campus President for Lincoln College of Technology – Denver, a career-focused college offering certificate and degree programs in the automotive and skilled trades fields. Her previous experience includes presidencies for Westwood College and Career Colleges…
Are You Paying for Training? The Right Thing To Do [THA 162]
Keith Williamson is the owner of Williamson’s Repair and Tire in Bondurant, IA for over 20 years. He is a member of MWACA where he leads the Shop Owner Support Group (an amazing group of shops) in Iowa. He and his team focus on the customer experience, as well as Hybrid, Electric and emerging vehicle…
Stop Being Afraid – Bryan Gossel [RR 517]
Bryan Gossel, BG Automotive, Fort Collins, CO. Brian’s Previous Episodes HERE. Key Talking Points: Started as technician and service writerNo structure, education, or much training from shop owner Owner didn’t see value in outside training Bryan exemplified natural leadership, intuition and communication Partnered together to also buy motorcycle parts and accessory business- had to shut down…
Shops Putting Others Down. WHY? – Tom Palermo [FTR 088]
Tom Palermo is General Manager of Preferred Automotive Specialties in Jenkintown, PA. Tom is a world class Master Technician and a Certified ASE Advanced Level Technician, is certified from ASE including Master Auto, MasterTruck, Master Truck Equipment, Master School Bus, Master Collision, Master Transit Bus, L1, L2, C1, X1, P2, F1 Besides the 2015 NAPA/ASE Technician…
Our Customers Don’t Know How We Make Our Sausage and it is Time They Learned [RR 516]
Carolyn Coquillette of Luscious Garage, San Francisco, CA chairs the ASCCA Connected Cars Committee, serves on the ASCCA Board of Directors and is active in her local San Francisco chapter. She’s also the Founder and CEO of Shop-Ware. Look for Carolyn’s other episodes HERE. Scott Brown is an ASE Master Certified Automobile Technician with over three…
Insurance Coverage Review – Part 1 [THA 161]
Bambi Crozier, wife and co-owner with Neil Crozier, of Car Clinic in Lowell, AR (Northwest Arkansas), has a passion for the hardworking shop owner. Her vision to Change the Face of Automotive Care motivates and inspires every aspect of her daily operation. She entered the industry in 2012 as an entrepreneur shortly after moving back…
Growing Your Business and Striving for Greatness – Kirk Richardson [RR 515]
Kirk Richardson is a young and successful entrepreneur. Born into a blue-collar, hard-working family, he was a below-average student in high school and college. At the age of 22, he left school and started his first business. He bought his first three-bay shop at the age of 24. Seven years later he bought his second…
Kevin Lekas – ASE Renewal APP – Certification Without Expiration [FTR 087]
Kevin Lekas is the Project Manager for Special Testing Programs at ASE. Kevin’s previous episodes HERE. Key Talking Points: myASE renewal app is now branded ASE Renewal APP One year in development and testingThere are about 2,000 techs already involved and another 4,000 ready to get on board Certify without going to a testing…