Paying Attention to Inflation [THA 269]

We’ve all heard inflation is up 8%, as of this broadcast, but when you walk through the grocery stores and sit at a restaurant, it sure seems like it’s a lot higher …  don’t you agree? As prices continue to jump, what are we doing as an industry to adjust? And why are so many shop owners worried to raise their labor rates? My panel includes 2 shop owners and an auto shop bookkeeper with a wide-open discussion about labor rates, parts pricing, and even employee retention in the age of rampant inflation.

There Can Be Change Without Progress, But No Progress without Change – Chris Cloutier [RR 731]

Did you know you’re 27% smarter when you’re positive? It makes sense, doesn’t it? Having a positive attitude can change everything if you let it. I’m with Chris Cloutier at Vision 2022. We didn’t have an agenda or talking points. He came in, sat down, and in classic Chris fashion, I was on the edge of my seat listening to him. Find your positivity and get smarter.

Ultimate Toyota Truck Specialty Shop – Duc Nguyen [AW 098]

Guest host and shop tour with Duc Nguyen, Duggy’s Garage, Houston, TX. Duggy’s Garage specializes in Toyota off-road vehicles ranging from Land Cruisers, Tacomas, 4Runners and FJC Crusiers. Duc’s team offers a consultative approach for their customer’s specific needs.

6 Components to a Great Compensation Plan – Bob Cooper [RR 730]

How do you incent behavior and retain top talent? Is the tech shortage a blessing in disguise? Did you know money is not the best motivator for employees? Bob Cooper, President of Elite Worldwide, shares 6 key components you should have in your compensation and incentive package for your employees.

Know Your Strengths [THA 268]

How well do you truly understand yourself and the people you work with? Are you going beyond the surface-level interactions and diving into personal development? In this Town Hall Academy, my panel not only discusses the different strength finder assessments but also the ‘why’ that drives and motivates different personalities within your business. A very important episode.

Are You Comfortable With Your Problems? Business Coaches Lab [RR 729]

You’re going to love this transparent interview recorded live at vision 2022. 3 business coaches, and no agenda. Listen firsthand from these business coaches on why so many business owners are struggling and how they are able to lift them to success. We talk about marriages, ego, habits, mistakes, and bad reactive pricing.

Peer Group Review of Your Business: Ready For One? [AW 097]

Guest host and shop tour with Brian Weeks, ATC Auto Center, Augusta, GA. Brian hosted 36 shop owners that are a part of Elite Pro Services. The group sectioned off into teams to give an indepth peer review of the shop.

Restructuring New Staff – Vinnie Lucido [RR 728]

The idea of completely restructuring your staff seems impossible, right? So how did Vinnie Lucido do it after his brother and partner retired from the business? And how did his role as the sole owner and operator change? I asked Vinnie all these questions, in the Vision KC studios, including his perspective on interns and how he can work such a few hours a week.

Important Employee Benefits [THA 267]

Did you know money isn’t the main motivator for employees? How many people are willing to work 40+ hours a week in an unhappy environment while being undervalued? What benefits set your business apart from other shops in your area? And, are you reminding your team of their benefits package so they understand their value within your business?

How To: Change Your Mindset – Murray Voth [RR 727]

What’s the real reason why you became a business owner? Did you want to be your own boss? Have a flexible schedule? Were you certain you could do things better? My guest Murray Voth explains there’s an ‘entrepreneurial fizz” with so many technicians becoming business owners. But changing your mindset from tech to business owner doesn’t come easy or naturally.

Our Team Sold Jobs While Stuck at the Kansas City Airport [AW 096]

Guest host and shop tour with Shawn Gilfillan, Automotive Magic, Kenvil, NJ. Shawn and his team were stuck at the Kansas City airport after Vision 2022, but that didn’t stop them. They worked remotely while using the communication training they received over the weekend.

Brought His 14 Team Members to Vision – Travis Troy [RR 726]

I asked Travis Troy, point-blank, what did it cost him to take his entire team to Vision this year. I talked to so many shop owners at Vision KC 2022 that closed their shops to take their entire team for some of the best training and networking both Technician, Service and Management. I stopped counting at 30 the number of shop owners who closed their shops there had to be 100 or more based on my simple survey results. Some strategies were to uplift and cross training their people into leadership roles by selecting that type of training. Travis and his partner Josh know they’ll get a huge return on their training investment. The message: get out of your comfort zone.

Next Best Improvement: Lean [THA 266]

How do you calculate the common phrase “work smarter, not harder?” This episode is all about getting lean in your shop. Are you tracking the steps it takes to do something simple like an oil change? Are your parts and supplies not only organized but purposefully placed in areas for efficiency? My panel discusses simple ways to get started with Lean Six Sigma. 1 simple change can save you time and money.

Can the Independent Aftermarket And OE Work Together? [RR 725]

I have a question for you, are the OEMs really after the service and repair market? Or do they need us as much as we need them? Can we work together, and will that give us access to important information? Rob Merwin joins me, the publisher at Aftermarket Matters, and brings his intel on the Right to Repair Act and topics he reports on. He has big dreams of everyone working together.

Out with the Old, in with the New [AW 095]

Guest hosts and shop tour with Rich and Linda Brauer, 59 Auto Repair, Plainfield, IL. They’ve been in business 28 years and was the 2021 NAPA Shop of the Year. Rich and Linda discuss the importance of being open to new ideas and change, rather than saying “that is the way we’ve always done it.”

Husband and Wife Accountability Partners [RR 724]

Darrin and Ginger Barney are a powerhouse husband and wife team both at home and in their business. It’s not always smooth sailing when you work with your spouse. Many of you know that. Find out how they make it work and their advice to spouses considering working together.

Coaches Lab: Turn Around a Struggling Shop [THA 265]

Asking for help and admitting you need help is often the last thing struggling business owners want to do. They also might not know who or how to ask. My panel of coaches has experience in the shop business and has a huge tenure as successful aftermarket business coaches. They’ve seen a lot and have helped many find unrivaled business success and a path to financial freedom.

1 Shop, 3 Apprentices [RR 723]

For anyone who doesn’t have a working apprentice in your shop, this is your wake-up call. Roy Foster from Foster’s Automotive currently has three apprentices and you’ll get a chance to hear from all three. Two are his sons and Yes they are going through an apprentice program. What about your son or daughter. Their excitement and motivation for this industry is hard to miss.