RR 288: Jorge Antico from eAutoClub.com

Customer Transaction Data is a Powerful Resource for Organic Growth

With a business and computer science education, Jorge Antico identified the aftermarkets need for transactional service-data aggregation. In essence, a family-owned vehicle fleet service management system.

The data that sits on your server contains a treasure of information that can be served up in just the right way. With the right AI software for natural language predictive CRM, you can do a lot with your information. Antico shares the power of growing your business using the data you already own.

This episode will provide much insight, from a tech perspective. There are many strong thinking moments here that will energize your systems and marketing talents and inspire you to grow your business.

RR 279: Wheat Ridge High School STEM Program – Auto Shop on Steroids

Where did high school auto shop class go? Into the STEM program at Wheat Ridge High School.

A college-level program at the high school level is challenging 80 students to learn design, manufacturing, marketing, media, electrical, welding, fabrication with a competitive will to win as a collective team.

An exciting a refreshing look at how just one high school STEM program is making a difference that could one day engage students to join the automotive industry. This group has won the challenge twice in the last three years.

They are also working on a two-person NASA Mars vehicle that must fold up into a 5x5x5 foot space.

RR 250: Dave Hobbs – Lead Technical Trainer- Delphi

Renowned Industry Trainer Says Our Technology is The Carrot at The End of The Stick To Entice Recruitment Into the Industry and to Keep Our A Techs.

Dave Hobbs, Lead Technical Trainer and Program Developer at Delphi Product & Service Solutions, has been in the aftermarket for over 30 years living his passion teaching technicians about repairing new technology.

He is on the cutting edge with ADAS (Advanced Driver Assistance Systems) and discussed the challenges with calibrating repaired systems. This interview covers his start in the industry, what it takes to create a training seminar and that he sees great opportunities for A techs even if they want to move to a new city, to find the right situation, and work for a top shop.

RR 247: Derek Kaufman – Partner at Schwartz Advisers – What Does the Future with Autonomous Cars Look Like?

What does the future with Autonomous Cars Look Like?

Derek Kaufman a Managing Partner at Schwartz Advisors is thinking large about the future of the auto care industry and the acceptance of TaaS (Transportation as a Service) with ride sharing and ultimately vehicle ownership.

Vehicle ownership will have a big impact on our industry and it will have a big impact on the miles driven with the remaining vehicles in the car parc.

Derek is challenging a report that says there will be only 44 million vehicles that will handle the 6 trillion Vehicle Miles Traveled in 2030 in the car parc vs 270 million we have today. He is accepting the technical evolution with AV’s, however, he is questioning the numbers from the report and applied some of his own math to figure out what our future may look like. Will these vehicles be able to handle the miles we drive today for work and pleasure? What about convenience. What about our work trucks? Listen to his view on our future.

RR 246: Scott Brown from iATN

Is iATN A Staple In Your Shop? Listen to Scott Brown Tell the Story of the Humble beginnings and Future Plans Of iATN.

Scott Brown president of iATN and co-owner, with his wife, of Connie & Dick’s Service Center, keeps his finger on the pulse of the industry by staying engaged at the shop. The interview takes you back to the day before the internet when bulletin boards were a way to communicate with your peers.

iATN is keeping pace and is working on exciting plans to continue to bring value to shop owners, technicians and educators of the auto care industry.

Scott gives an insider look at the iATN mobile APP, the new ‘Review’ space and the new iATN 2.0 and much more.

THA 011: Your Website – Tactics To Improve

Your Website – Tactics to improve Traffic and other Tech Talk as discussed by two industry experts, Danny Sanchez from Auto Shop Solutions and Todd Westerlund, CEO of Kukui. Along with shop owners Ryan Clo from Dubwerx in Cincinnati, OH and Doug Grills from Autostream in the Greater Baltimore/Washington, DC area.

Great talk on being mobile, Google Analytics, SEO, review marketing being sure your site converts customers, website design, analytics and call tracking, and working with Google Premier Partners.

RR 226: Connected CARS Detroit May 2017 – An Overview

The Future is Now. Are You Preparing for the Future of Automotive Repair?

Held in Detroit on May 18th & 19th, 2017 and presented by ASA, Automotive Service Association, Connected CARS (Congress of Automotive Repair & Service) and organized by Donny Seyfer. This training conference brought industry trainers, automotive engineers and service professionals from all parts of North America to learn about rapidly advancing vehicle technology. Participants got an important glimpse into the world of the connected car with in-depth and detailed looks at ADAS, Next Gen Vehicle Networks and the future of diagnostics.

Listen to a compilation of seventeen of your industry peers as they discuss their reaction to this top industry event. There is no time like now to best understand the speed and gravity of technology. This conference helped serve up the enormous opportunities that lie ahead for the ‘connected’ service professional.

RR 186: Chris Cloutier on Shop Technology

Do you understand the logical progression of software tools and systems in your company?

Keeping up with technology improvements and enhancements is an important strategy for any shop owner. Chris Cloutier has created an info-graphic that maps the implementation and process of a technology driven service shop

Chris created a website to help shop owners understand the process, stages and options available for shop owners. The timeline helps create an implementation strategy so that every shop keeps up with technology advancements and critical levels of customer interaction and connection.

RR 155: Social Media Strategy with Greg Buckley & Frank Leutz

How strong is your social media strategy?

Many service professionals wonder how valuable and important a great social media presence is to connect with their customer’s digital DNA.

Learn from early adopters Frank Leutz from Desert Car Care and Greg Buckley from Buckley’s Auto Care. These two service professional entrepreneurs are sharing their strategies and how-to concepts for creating or improving your social media presence.

RR 134: Todd Erickson from Identifix

Todd Erickson, an Identifix Carline Expert gets to talk shop on the Remarkable Results Radio Podcast. You will learn how Todd got his job, what he loves about it, and how he views the learning curve in the industry.

Among many great stories, Todd goes back 15 years to explain his job interview at Identifix. He illustrates how a trick question, he answered correctly, may have been the deciding factor in him getting the job. This Subaru expert excels in diagnostic reasoning and provides a great behind the scenes view of this industry resource.

RR 116: Craig & Deb Van Batenburg from ACDC

Craig Van Batenburg is the CEO of ACDC and a former repair shop owner. His wife Deb is his partner and vice-president. Craig is engaged full time in the understanding of the technology used in hybrid and electric cars. His 45 years of automotive experience serves him well.

Craig Van Batenburg gives some great insight into why his career took the path to Hybrid repair and training. He says back in the early seventies he worked at a Honda dealership. With a huge passion for Honda’s, at 26 years old he opened a shop to work on Honda’s only. He bought the first model Honda Insight which was the 23rd hybrid sold in Massachusetts. His wife Deb went to Kent State and was always into recycling and politics. NOTE: This is the first husband and wife interview on Remarkable Results Radio Podcast.

RR 104: Todd Westerlund from Kukui

Do you want to further your uptake on how to communicate with millennials? Want to catch a discussion on ‘gamificaton? (what’s that … you are just a click away)

Kukui CEO Todd Westerlund and I sat down and had a lively talk that will fill up a yellow pad of ideas. This is not GEEK talk at all, just an enlightening and open discussion where will you will learn at least one new thing.

Audit the other discussion points on lifestyle marketing and taking advantage of social networks. Get your straight up talk on marketing to millennials here.

RR 078: Behind the Scenes on the Connected Car Part 1

To say you are in for a deep and powerful discussion about the connect car is an understatement. Your panel consists of four very ‘connected’ individuals as it related to the connected car. With vehicle technology a big part of the Consumer Electronics Show in early 2016, it demonstrates the importance and value of this…

RR 062: Tom Ham of Automotive Management Network

Tom Ham, with the help of his wife Deb, is the creator and owner of Automotive Management Network an 12,000 plus member website that is the largest information center for vehicle service facility owners and managers. 

Tom got his start in the auto service industry pumping gas in the late 60’s. Tom and Deb operate Auto Centric, an import specialty shop in Grand Rapids. Tom and Deb have five children including two sons and a daughter who served in the Iraq War as U.S. Marines. He writes extensively on industry topics. Tom’s previous episodes HERE.

RR 060: Greg Buckley from Buckley’s Car Care

Greg Buckley from Buckley Auto Care in Wilmington, DE has been a previous guest and did an entrepreneur interview back in episode 19. A classic … don’t miss it. After hooking up with Greg in Detroit in summer 2015 at NACE/CARS and attended two seminars he was teaching, I knew that we needed to have…

RR 054: Social Media Best Practices

   Greg Buckley of Buckley Auto Care says it was a thrill working alongside his dad, when he was eight years old, helping with his brother to build the 49 year legacy business. He is a busy man being a member of ASA, an ATI Coach, and is Car Seat Certified and is on the…

RR 053: Danny Sanchez from Autoshop Solutions

Danny Sanchez is owner and founder, of Autoshop Solutions and grew up spending countless hours working around his dad’s auto repair shop in California, eventually taking over and running the business himself. Autoshop Solutions started in 1998, when Danny founded Auto Web Solutions. The Internet was starting to take off, and Danny took great interest…

RR 045: Kim Walker from 5 Stones Media

Kim Walker from 5 Stones Media is a social media expert, but before she became involved with Five Stones Media she was a school counselor and a teacher. Her husband Brian, started his own shop while he was a Mercedes technician in North Carolina. Then asked Kim to leave her school job and join his…

RR 040: Roger Lanctot from Strategy Analytics

Roger Lanctot, Associate Director Global Automotive Practice from Strategy Analytics, Inc., a global research and consulting firm that provides insights and strategic business solutions to companies operating at the convergence of information, communications and entertainment technologies. Roger Lanctot has a powerful voice in the definition of future trends in automotive safety, powertrain, and infotainment systems.…

RR 036: Peter Meier from Motor Age

Pete Meier the Director of Training for the UBM Advanstar Automotive Group of publications goes ON-POINT here in episode 36. I’m sure you’ve read Pete in either Motor Age, ABRN, Aftermarket Business World or Dealer News. His primary goal is to bring working technicians the information they need to succeed. Pete is an ASE certified…

RR 032: Malcolm Sissmore on Telematics

Malcolm Sissmore is a wealth of knowledge on telematics and provides great insight on the subject.  Malcolm is with Delphi Product and Service Solutions. He is the North American Sales Director: Traditional Markets & Telematics and the Country Director Canada. Many of our guests have discussed telematics technology as a potential disruptor or opportunity. Besides…