Are You Fixing Hybrids Cars? [THA 221]
Are You Fixing Hybrid Cars? [THA 221]
If you’re waiting for a sign to get into hybrid repairs then consider this your wake-up call! You can either sit back and let a specialization opportunity pass you by, or take action and embrace hybrid repairs whose cars have been around for 21 years. Our lineup includes Craig Van Battenburg, Automotive Career Development Center (ACDC), Cameron Lee, Ernie Lee’s Service Center, and Raleigh Hybrids and Eric Carlson.
They are here to help guide you through hybrid repairs, marketing, tooling, and training. The key talking points for this episode on Hybrids reside at
Specialization with Tom Palermo and John Anello [THA 220]
Specialization with Tom Palermo and John Anello [THA 220]
We are here to talk about specialization. Ever wonder what are the pros and cons to being a specialist in a certain field of repair? In this episode, we discuss fleet business with Tom Palermo, Preferred Auto Specialists, and the world of being a mobile diagnostician/programmer and ADAS calibrator from John Anello, Auto Tech on Wheels.
Listen to their approach to specializations and how they’ve adapted to the changes in our industry. This is Knowledge you need to have as you continue to learn what makes our aftermarket tic.
The key talking points for this episode reside at
New Technology – Finding Out How it Works – Dave Hobbs Part 3 [RR 615]
New Technology – Finding Out How it Works – Dave Hobbs Part 3 [RR 615]
Welcome to the 3rd part in a series with trainer Dave Hobbs.
Dave Hobbs is the lead technical trainer and course developer for Delphi Product and Service Solutions. Dave talks about innovations in ADAS, calibrating radar, education for tech and shop owners, brainstorming ADAS class for customers, safety, new technologies and why the automotive industry is deemed an essential business.
Hear Dave’s surprising acronyms: FRED, WARPand EWFM. Some new vocab for you.
You can find Dave Hobbs’ other episodes, and this episode’s key talking points, they reside at Remember make listening HOMEWORK.
How to Become a Thermostat Instead of a Thermometer- Dave Hobbs [RR 601]
Become a Thermostat Instead of a Thermometer – Dave Hobbs [RR 601]
Dave Hobbs, the lead technical trainer and course developer for Delphi Product and Service Solutions, Dave Hobbs is back. Dave has graced us recently with his episode 592 talking about how to avoid comebacks with tech talks. He is now offering you his insights on ADAS training virtual classes on how to become a thermostat not a thermometer.
You can find Dave’s other episodes and the key talking points for this episode at
From College to ADAS Calibrations – Learning How [RR 599]
From College to ADAS Calibrations – Learning How [RR 599]
My guests today is Dominik Wrobel and Bob Heipp both from Mobile Auto Solutions in Chicago. Commonly referred to as MAS. This interview is about Dominik. As a 23-year-old, is straight out of college, working with 25 other mobile diagnostic technicians and learning the trade.. He is Bob Heipp’s Mentee. You know Bob as a member of the threesome TechnicianTalk Group where we’ve done 9 really intense and off the wall episodes. If you are new to the podcast go to the collections page on the website to find all Technician Talk EPisode.
Dominik and Bob talk with us about the transitions and challenges of adapting to work without any prior experience. Very much like what an automotive grad would go through. Dominik will also shed light on his mentorship, new technologies, and how much he likes ADAS Calibrations. His goal is to have his own MAS mobile truck and get out on the road. Dom is learning from all 25 team members by using slack to get the information and wisdom that he seeks.
The talking points of this episode can be found at
ADAS and Tech Advances – Joe Register [RR 584]
ADAS and Tech Advances – Joe Register [RR 584]
This episode speaks to Advanced Driver Assistance Systems or ADAS. Joe Register the Vice-President of Emerging Technologies at the AutoCare Association is back. One week ago we talked about Secure Vehicle Interface and this is our follow-up with Joe. He has brought enormous amounts of helpful information on the advancement of technology to my listeners.
Joe Register has over 40 years of experience delivering progressive system solutions to companies in every channel of the Automotive Aftermarket. Joe is well connected through his work in helping to create tech and interface standards with ISO (International Organization for Standards) and SAE (Society of Automotive Engineers).
Find the show notes and the video of Joe’s slides at
Business Side of ADAS – Part 2 [THA 182]
THA 182 The Business Side of ADAS Part 2
This is the second part of a series on the ‘Business Side of ADAS’ as we need to have a continual discussion on ADAS calibration. Should we invest or just outsource the work? As you know vehicle systems are highly integrated and respecting these advanced driver systems to keep the vehicle in OE operating conditions is the moral side of the importance of performing ADAS calibrations.
Listen to another great aftermarket panel talking about the Business of ADAS. With me is David Friend, owner of Mobile Tech and Wilmington Hybrids, from Wilmington, NC
Matt Lachowitzer, from Matt’s Automotive Service Center, with six locations in North Dakota, he also has a new ADAS Calibration Center and, James Carpenter, Collision Manager at Eastlake Diagnostics.
Part one of this ADAS series is in Town Hall Academy episode 138: The key talking points for this episode can be found at
Knowing All About ADAS Will Make You a Smarter Technician [RR 519]
Ben Johnson, Director, Project Management, Mitchell 1 ADAS training class- training is maintenance, instructors need the training to give a training class Full class- many was their first time hearing about ADAS ADAS is not a “thing” it is industry generated category- each car company will use different terms for ADAS systems (ex: blind-spot monitoring),…
Aftermarket Acumen Part 5 – Succession [RR 512]
Donny Seyfer the executive officer of NASTF (National Automotive Service Task Force) and Partner in Seyfer Automotive in Wheatridge, CO. Listen to Donny’s previous episodes HERE. Jeremy O’Neal President and lead sales trainer for Advisorfix, began his career as a Service Adviser and moved into Service Management at the dealership level for VW, Audi, and Porsche. He consistently…
RR 487: Joe Register – Will You Be at the Forefront of Technology?
RR 487: Joe Register – Will You Be at the Forefront of Technology?
Joe Register, Vice-President Emerging Technologies at Auto Care. Joe has over 40 years of experience delivering progressive system solutions to companies in every channel of the Automotive Aftermarket. You owe it to yourself to listen to Joe’s previous two episodes 381 and 442.
This episode shows you that there is no hiding from technology. Adapt or Fade. Joe reiterates standardization, immersive perception tech, ADAS, Dedicated Short Range, Security, Safety, Communication, 5G, Re-Calibration, OE operating specs, and so many more.
Joe says that Technicians must continue to train because of the new tech coming. They will have great job security. Shops will need to charge enough to pay for access, systems, and their communication diagnostician specialist to get the vehicle back into OE operating specs.
THA 138: The Business Side of ADAS – Advanced Driver Assistance Systems
THA 138 The Business Side of ADAS – Advanced Driver Assistance Systems
If you’ve ever thought about getting into the ADAS calibration business, this episode will give you information to help in formulating your decision.
With me is David Friend owner of Mobile Tech and Wilmington Hybrids, from Wilmington, NC David has two Locations a ADAS Calibration shop and teaches ADAS calibration in his dedicated training center. Scott Brown, from Connie and Dicks Service, Claremont, CA and founder of and Mike Reynolds, owner of Mobile Automotive Service Solutions in Charleston, and an automotive instructor at Trident Technical College who has a big investment in the equipment, targets, OE scan tools and subscriptions to perform ADAS calibration.
This episode will help you determine if you and your market can support an ADAS calibration center, we talk about how long will we need ADAS calibration centers as the future will hold the smarts to do dynamic calibrations someday.
The panel will answer these questions: Should you consider putting up an ADAS calibration center? Do I need training, even if I will not do calibrations?
Does ADAS save lives? What about liability? Are there Standards? Is there any benefit if you get in early?
RR 453: Dutch Silverstein puts an ADAS Scholarship Worth $4,000 On the Line!
Dutch Silverstein puts ADAS Scholarship worth $4,000 on the line!
Free Training! Unheard of. Dutch Silvestein of A&M Auto Service is putting up a $4,000 scholarship for a shop owner and technician for ADAS training. This means TWO guys from the same shop (an owner and his lead tech) can attend this hands-on seminar. ADAS technology is not going away and everyone needs to move on training. You may even decide to become an ADAS calibration center as a result of your training.
In this episode find out why Dutch is providing this free scholarship from his own pocket to the industry. He believes the industry must step up and get involved with scholarships of all kinds. He also challenges shop owners to determine if they are spending enough time learning how to put money in their pocket through training.
RR 442: Joe Register – What are the Puts and Takes In Servicing Advanced Technologies
What Are The Puts And Takes In Servicing Vehicles Equipped With Advanced Technologies And Automated Driving Functions – ADAS
Vehicular data is important for various reasons ranging from collisions to communications and safety. With the advancement in technologies and improved automated driving functions, data and vehicle information is vital to the future of the aftermarket.
My guest is Joe Register who is the Vice-President Emerging Technologies at Auto Care. This is his second interview. His first episode was episode 381 which talks about SVI (Secure Vehicle Interface). In this episode, we discuss the technologies and features that keep consumers safe. With a focus on calibration and self-calibration, we speak to the vehicle data privacy and the investment in ADAS calibration training and equipment among others.
RR 428: Tech Talk – ADAS | Support Vendors That Support Training | Fundamental Training
Technical Talk – ADAS | Support Vendors That Support Training | Fundamental Training
Tech talk with Kevin Fitzpatrick, Vice President Autologic; Steven Zack, Automotive Technical Instructor for Bosch; and Matt Fanslow, Shop Manager/Diagnostician of Riverside Auto Repair. Our episode reiterates the importance of training, we get into ADAS Calibration, adapting to tech changes, and the amount of good training available among others.
Trainings and Big Events are available for technicians whether it is in the classroom or online. Our guests elaborate and advise on the challenges and the steps to advancement. They say there is no shortage of good training.
RR 393: ADAS is the Next Big Thing. Advice From an ADAS Calibration Shop.
ADAS is the Next Big Thing. Advice from an ADAS Calibration Shop.
Matthew Roayaee is franchise owner of Auto Check- Cypress Station in Katy, TX. Matthew brings his insights as an ADAS calibration shop. Matthew made the investment in ADAS calibration and he shares his strategy and challenges for being an early adopter.
Learn why Matthew Roayaee decided to invest in ADAS calibration. You’re going to get his perspectives on his challenges, what he recommends shop owners do to meet this head on and other wide open topics like barriers to entry, and training among other important issues.
THA 081: Niche. Should We Find Specialties and Create a New Business Model or Services?
Niche. Finding Specialties to Create New Business Services.
A very interesting summit, a lesson for the forever student of the aftermarket. We’re talking Niche or Finding Specialties to Create New Business Services. A vibrant discussion to challenge the use of your talent and facility and to listen to your customers and find out exactly what they want and need from you.
The panel warns you to keep your eyes open. The shift is coming. Toss out those unprofitable jobs. Clean out your closet. Review your current business model. We will not survive doing what we always have done.
The panel will help you understand How to consider a specialty, product based niche vs. service based niche; but an overlying theme is to be sure the basics are being done right. You cannot add a new service if you don’t aren’t fixing your customers’ problem right the first time. Get your house in order before adding.