Practicing Automotive with Heipp, Fanslow and Manna [RR 720]
There’s nothing like hitting the record button and letting Bob Heipp, Matt Fanslow and Scot Mana have a wide open discussion about the automotive industry. What does it take to really fix cars? Are we doing a good job explaining it to our customers? How do other industries compare to ours? Should we really be using the term ‘diagnosing’ when what we are doing is performing tests and analyzing? My panel continues to advance the aftermarket, with great talk that will make you think.
Cybersecurity: Defend and Protect Your Business and Network [RR 581]
Cybersecurity: First Line of Defense for your Business – RR 581
Chris Cloutier has brought his wisdom and insights to the podcast over the years. // he and his brother own Golden Rule Auto Care and is CEO of Jay Mikulovich is the founder and CEO of Revival Technology LLC. We will be traversing the world of cybersecurity.
As we all know, cybersecurity is the defense and protection of your computers, mobile devices, or any electronic gadgets connected to the internet against any form of malicious software and hackers. You may be saying why me, Carm. I don’t need to care about this.
Many say differently. You’ve got to take a proactive position to minimize threats that loom to affect computer systems. Learn from this episode, the best practices needed to protect your business from threats that include ransomware, viruses, and malware.
Don’t ignore this. We tend to overlook securing our network and systems with the attitude that it will not happen to me. Find the key talking points at
Tech Update: AI and The Autonomous Vehicle [RR 526]
Scott Brown is an ASE Master Certified Automobile Technician with over three and a half decades of professional service industry experience. He and his wife own Connie & Dick’s Service Center Inc., a 57-year-old independent shop in Southern California. With a strong focus on engine performance and electronics, Scott began collaborating with other industry professionals, online,…
RR 487: Joe Register – Will You Be at the Forefront of Technology?
RR 487: Joe Register – Will You Be at the Forefront of Technology?
Joe Register, Vice-President Emerging Technologies at Auto Care. Joe has over 40 years of experience delivering progressive system solutions to companies in every channel of the Automotive Aftermarket. You owe it to yourself to listen to Joe’s previous two episodes 381 and 442.
This episode shows you that there is no hiding from technology. Adapt or Fade. Joe reiterates standardization, immersive perception tech, ADAS, Dedicated Short Range, Security, Safety, Communication, 5G, Re-Calibration, OE operating specs, and so many more.
Joe says that Technicians must continue to train because of the new tech coming. They will have great job security. Shops will need to charge enough to pay for access, systems, and their communication diagnostician specialist to get the vehicle back into OE operating specs.
RR 480: Geek Talk 2.0 Part 5 The Future of Websites. Will They Evolve?
Geek Talk 2.0 Part 5 The Future of Websites. Will They Evolve?
The Geeks are back talking websites, wait until you hear this discussion. This super-smart group creates a pile of ideas, insights, and trends to think about. I must say they were at the top of their game in this episode.
With me for part 5 of Geek Talk is Bill Nalu, Interstate Auto Care, Madison Heights, MI, Chris Cloutier, Golden Rule Auto Care, Dallas TX also CEO of, Greg Buckley, Buckley’s Personalized Auto Care, Wilmington, DE and Karim Morsli, Winkler Automotive, Gaithersburg, MD.
They talk organic content, the impact of social media vs the value of your website, using YouTube, and they wonder if video and chat will become mainstays on websites?
RR 476: Chris Cloutier and Scott Brown – Productivity Hacks
Chris Cloutier and Scott Brown – What does it take to become more Productive and Efficient?
There are a lot of ways to become productive and efficient. There are a lot of strategies and systems that can be followed by just hearing this episode. Follow the process, improve communication, leverage to software technologies, learn to improve diagnostic methods and a whole lot more!
The experts: Chris Cloutier and Scott Brown. Chris is the co-owner of Golden Rule Auto Care in Dallas Texas and CEO of Auto Tex Me. He spent many years in the software industry developing solutions for companies. And Scott is an ASE Master Certified Automobile Technician with over three and a half decades of professional service industry experience. He and his wife own Connie & Dick’s Service Center Inc. Together they are the productivity and efficiency duo that bring results.
RR 473: Derek Kaufman on Augmented Reality – Closer Than You Think
RR 473: Derek Kaufman on Augmented Reality – A Future Game Changer
Derek Kaufman, a managing partner of Schwarts Advisors digs deep into the world of Augmented Reality. If AR lives up to its promise of faster diagnosis and faster part removal and replacement, the increase in bay turns will be the return on investment shops need to justify this technology.
Derek says Augmented reality will be an important tool in our not too distant future. The Army and Airforce mechanics have been using augmented reality for a few years to repair really sophisticated electromechanical systems.
RR 469: ASA Technology and Telematics Forum 2019
RR 469: Technology and Telematics Forum 2019
This episode contains transformational information that you’ll need to know and want to know. The more you know the better decisions you’ll make in steering the strategy of your business. Better yet the knowledge will keep you on your tech edge.
We heard topics ranging from the psychological effect of autonomous vehicles, simulated augmented reality testing, and specific strategies from Ford and GM. We learned about the work of Debra Bezzina the Managing Director of the Center for Connected and Automated Transportation, University of Michigan Transportation Research Institute. Trust me you’ll want to hear about what Debra is working on.
This ‘brain drain’ panel includes Bill Nalu of Interstate Auto Care in Madison Heights, Michigan and Frank Leutz from Desert Car Care in Chandler, AZ.
Find the talking points and the Bios at My big take-a-way is the discussion of balancing cybersecurity and access to data. As I said earlier, get your geek on!
RR 446: Privacy, Data Ownership and Cyber-security Threatens the Automotive Aftermarket
Privacy, Data Ownership and Cybersecurity – Threats to the Automotive Aftermarket
Carm Capriotto with Bob Redding ASA’s Legislative representative, Frank Leutz who is the COO of Desert car care in Chandler, Arizona, and Brin Kleine who is the owner of Assured Auto Works in Melbourne, Florida. Today we discussed Privacy, Vehicle Data and Cybersecurity.
ASA has one powerful representative in Washington in Bob Redding and anytime you can get to listen and get guidance from Bob you need to invest your time. Privacy, Vehicle Data and Cybersecurity are huge topics and we covered them a lot recently and for you, knowing as much as you can will help get laws passed that will not only benefit your clients but the aftermarket.
You may be skeptical, hesitant and maybe you just don’t the magnitude of this issue. Privacy laws could potentially derail the current aftermarket shop owner’s business model due to bad legislation and confusion. As you school yourself with this episode step up and get behind the effort for privacy, data and cybersecurity.
RR 442: Joe Register – What are the Puts and Takes In Servicing Advanced Technologies
What Are The Puts And Takes In Servicing Vehicles Equipped With Advanced Technologies And Automated Driving Functions – ADAS
Vehicular data is important for various reasons ranging from collisions to communications and safety. With the advancement in technologies and improved automated driving functions, data and vehicle information is vital to the future of the aftermarket.
My guest is Joe Register who is the Vice-President Emerging Technologies at Auto Care. This is his second interview. His first episode was episode 381 which talks about SVI (Secure Vehicle Interface). In this episode, we discuss the technologies and features that keep consumers safe. With a focus on calibration and self-calibration, we speak to the vehicle data privacy and the investment in ADAS calibration training and equipment among others.
RR 441: Geek Talk 2.0 Part 4 – Can Our Data Be Used As a Benefit to Others and Us?
In their fourth installment of Geek Talk 2.0. This episode took an interesting path as Greg brought his perspective on AAA. Chris talked about AI, Bill has his thought on his suppliers and Karim talked about the importance of data ownership.
Your panel- Greg Buckley from Buckley’s Personalized Auto Care Willimgton, DE Chris Cloutier from Golden Rule Auto Care, Dallas, and CEO of, Bill Nalu Interstate Auto Care, Madison Height, MI and Karim Morsli, Winkler Automomotive in Gaithersburg, MD.
RR 440: Bill Hanvey – Ownership of Vehicle Telematic Data Must Flow to the Vehicle Owner
Amending Legislation for Telematic Data Ownership – RR 440
My guest is Bill Hanvey, President and CEO of the Auto Care Association. Bill is engaging the automotive aftermarket to get involved in letting your legislators know the issue about data. Your help is needed to help in amending the right to repair legislation. Learn everything you can about this fight to amend the right to repair legislation. Ownership of Vehicle Telematic Data Must Flow to the Vehicle Owner.
Do you know that a car collects data as you drive? By 2022, 87% of new vehicles will be transmitting telematic data wirelessly. But who owns the data? The car manufacturer does. Without access to data, the independent service professional will not be able to get specific diagnostic data from the vehicle.
THA 121: APPS That Improve Productivity and Make for a More Efficient You
APPs That Improve Productivity and Make for a More Efficient You
Our desktops and smart devices give us tools to make us more efficient at what we do, they are not for everyone and some are just not right for how you operate. There are thousands of apps that do just about anything. In this episode, you’ll discover what apps work for others and learn about some that may be just the right discipline for a more efficient you.
The panel includes Ryan Clo owner of Dubwerx, in Cincinnati, OH, Edwin Hazzard, mobile diagnostic tech, automotive instructor and currently, a contributing writer for Motor Age magazine and Craig O’Neill with an integrator and trainer for
RR 406: Geek Talk 2.0 Part 3: The Independents Biggest Competitor
Geek Talk 2.0 Part Three – The Independents Biggest Competitor
This episode will enlighten and open your eyes to who are the biggest competitors of the independent shops; how to deal with them and how to market against them. Some important stats presented shows how market share is changing.
The panel includes Greg Buckley, CEO of Buckley Personalized Auto Care in Wilmington, DE, Chris Cloutier, co-owner of Golden Rule Auto Care in Dallas Texas and CEO of AutoText Me and Karim Morsli owner of Winkler Automomotive in Gaithersburg, MD.
RR 390: DATA – How Understanding Search Habits Will Help Grow New Customers
DATA – How Understanding Search Habits Will Help Grow New Customers
Al Haberstroh, a partner and Chief Strategy Officer at MontAd Media has developed numerous innovative, revenue-driving solutions for marketers of all sizes. He was an early adopter of content and database marketing and was instrumental in the development of two new proprietary marketing tools for the aftermarket; Shop Reach 360 and Audience ID.
Al knows that data will help drive traffic to the aftermarket. They key will be to interpret the data and use it to engage with customers who are searching for problem solutions.
This is episode is the answer to most questions regarding tracking data and its content and relevance. Monitoring the trends and movement with months and months of data can offer you a confident approach in assessing the products and services you offer. It is like reading the future and being a psychic using data analysis.
RR 381: SVI – Secure Vehicle Interface: The Future In Secured, Standardized, And Direct Access to Vehicle Networks
Repairing and Diagnosing Tomorrows Tech With Access and Authority Using Secure Vehicle Interface
Joe Register is Vice-President of Merging Technologies at the Auto Care Association.
Joe is on the cutting edge of technology as it affects our industry and to be at the table as it relates to who owns the data and who can have access to it. In this episode, we will be discussing how SVI: Secure Vehicle Interface can have an impact on our future by authorizing and authenticating who can have access to vehicle data.
Although the standards and implementation strategies continue to be developed, you will understand the significance that SVI will have on the aftermarket.
Authorized access to vehicle data will not only help in the vehicle repair, but help users understand the automotive/driver behavior, surroundings, status of the vehicle, entertainment, lifestyle, and everything you can muster in a connected car that brings safety and security for its owners.
RR 354: Geek Talk 2.0 Part Two – Tech Talk From Aftermarket Professionals
Geek Talk 2.0 Part 2 – Who owns your data.
Join Greg Buckley CEO, Buckley’s Personalized Auto Care, Wilmington, DE, Chris Cloutier, Golden Rule Auto Care, Dallas TX and CEO of, Bill Nalu, President of Interstate Auto Care, Madison Heights, MI, Karim Morsil, Winkler Automotive, Gaithersburg, MD, and author and trainer Tracy Martin.
This is the second part of this episodic series covering important ‘tech’ topics that the automotive aftermarket, especially the service professional needs to pay attention to.
We discussed ownership of car generated data, the influence of the dealer network, the explosive growth of cellular networks in cars and trucks. The fact that new generations have no brand loyalty and what are we doing as shop owners to prepare ourselves to survive and thrive if we are not embracing IT.
RR 349: Tracy Martin – Our Vehicles are Becoming Smartphones on Wheels
Smartphone on Wheels.
Tracy Martin has authored six Motorbooks Workshop Series and writes articles for industry and trade magazines. His articles of late are focused on the connected car.
Our cars today are becoming if not already became smartphone on wheels. If this is the case, then all threats that are threatening our computers at home and our mobile device could potentially harm our cars as well. There are instances of factory system hacking and car software hacking that heightens our concern.
We talk cybersecurity concerns, the evolution of techs needed to fix the vehicles of the not too distant future and a better encryption protocol. Tracy says that you must be aware of the risks that can and will be present as the future unfolds.
RR 339: Geek Talk 2.0 Part One – Tech Talk From Aftermarket Professionals
Geek Talk 2.0 Part 1 – Cloud-Based Systems, RansomWare and More
Join Greg Buckley CEO, Buckley’s Personalized Auto Care, Wilmington, DE, Chris Cloutier, Golden Rule Auto Care, Dallas TX and CEO of, Bill Nalu, President of Interstate Auto Care, Madison Heights, MI, Karim Morsil, Winkler Automotive, Gaithersburg, MD, Ollie Branche, Network Specialist and author and trainer Tracy Martin.
This episodic series will cover important ‘tech’ topics that the automotive aftermarket, especially the service professional needs to pay attention to.
We also speak to ADAS and why your involvement in your state’s laws regarding autonomy and who controls the data.
RR 337: Mandy Pennington from Net Driven – Influence Your Customer in Their Digital Hangouts
Influence your Customers In Their Digital Hangout.
Mandy Pennington is the Director of Internet Marketing at Net Driven and she brings an array of ideas to improve the influence you have on your customer where they interact with you in their digital world.
The more listening and empathizing you are engaged with your customers the more effective you can make your marketing and experiences. Be your customer’s ‘Day Maker’. Take ownership of your website and your social media channels so you can influence your customer in those micro-moments. Meet them where they are.
We talk SEO, your customer purchase journey, and digital marketing trends for 2018 & beyond. We discuss protecting your online Image and the very big push for having a mobile-friendly website. It will make a difference in your digital marketing.
THA 065: Your SMS Data – Who Controls It?
Do You Have Control of Your Business Intelligence Data?
Data is king. It is ok to share your data if you know who you are sharing it with? If and when you share your customer database with vendors; what do you want them to do with it and how should you expect them to treat it thereafter?
These topics and many more are covered in the lively and wide-ranging discussion and debate over data and what happens to your data once you sign an End Users License Agreement (EULA).
Guests include Karim Morsli, Winkler Automotive Service Center, Bill Nalu, Interstate Auto Care in Madison Heights, MI, Chris Cloutier, owner of Golden Rule Auto Care in Dallas, TX and president of and Greg Buckley, Buckley’s Personalized Auto Care in Wilmington, DE.