RR 417: Rob Rowsell – Achieving Success on a Curved Road
Rob Rowsell – Achieving Success on Life’s Curved Road
Rob Rowsell is a shop owner and author who is an inspiration to the automotive aftermarket. His story of the transition from a homeless individual to a recognized success is a story fit for the ages. He owns Family Auto Service in La Mesa, CA. His 4 shops employed 50 plus employees and 2 of those shops have revenues of $2 Million annually. His success is an inspiration to the automotive industry and built on resilience.
Rob authored the book “Addicted to Life: How I Went from Homeless to Extraordinary Success and Happiness in a Short Period of Time”. It is an easy read with chapters mean to relate to the ordinary person. It is a guideline of building blocks on how to improve your leadership along the way. Addiction effect at least ⅓ of our population. If you don’t know a thing about addiction or you need to learn how to deal with a peer, loved one or yourself, this interview is for you.
A very candid and authentic story of challenges and overcoming obstacles, this episode will not disappoint.
RR 415: Mitch Schneider – Legacy Aftermarket Influencer
Mitch Schneider – Legacy Industry Influencer.
You know Mitch Schneider. He is truly a legacy icon of our industry. He has dedicated his life to run a great shop for decades and at the same time write and speak to help our industry grow. There isn’t an issue that he hasn’t tackled where his reader could take his wisdom and improve themselves and their business.
One thing I wanted to know is how did it all start. If you are a Mitch Schneider fan or follower you may not know this story. You’ll hear how Mitch found his stride and passion for helping the industry by writing and speaking on industry challenges and solutions.
Coming up is a very transparent and personal discussion with Mitch in a way that you may have never heard before. He is also sharing with you his biggest challenge of his life and his extreme confidence in his total recovery. It is in nature to win.
THA 109: How to Handle the Overload of Information, Workload and All That You Have to Learn.
How to Handle the Overload of Information, Workload and All That You Have to Learn
We are in deep talking about how they deal with getting things done, keeping up on their learning curve, dealing with an overstuffed ‘In-Box’, prioritizing, delegating, learning, neural pathways, and exercise, just to name a few.
With me in studio talking ‘Information Overload’ is Donny Seyfer, Executive officer of NASTF and co-owner of Seyfer Automotive, Wheat Ridge, CO, Rob Rowsell, Family Auto Service La Mesa, CA (4 shop group) author of ‘Addicted to Life; How I Went From Homeless to Extraordinary Success and Happiness in a Short Period of Time.” and serial entrepreneur Mark Roberts, managing partner at Schertz Auto Service, Schertz TX
Guaranteed you’ll pick up at least one thing on helping you become a more organized and effective person.
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RR 409: AJ Nealey: Living the Dream. Turned His Vision Into His Reality. No, is Hard To Say for AJ!
AJ Nealey: Living the Dream. Turned His Vision Into His Reality. No, is Hard To Say for AJ!
AJ Nealey from Nealey’s Auto Service in Edgewater, MD shares a bit of his legacy as a racer but concentrated on the transformation he made from a one bay shop at home to a 9 bay facility. This is a story for a movie of the week. It comes with guts, risk, and reward. All the right ingredients. It shows that the proper attitude, business plan, and the right advisors can contribute to uncompromising success.
It started with an entrepreneurial passion. AJ is from a family of legacy entrepreneurs. His passion filled with the eagerness to learn and the sustained understanding of how things work.
So many great take-a-ways here to help in your own personal success strategy. Remember there are so many ways to run a great business. Our goal with the podcast is to cast these ideas to you in hopes that you will pick one up and run with it.
FTR 034: Greg Bunch – Take Your Toolbox Home
RR 405: Barry Barrett – Book Review – Never Split The Difference by Chris Voss
Barry Barrett – Book Review – Never Split The Difference by Chris Voss
Barry reviews and shows the principles of the book by Chris Voss and Tahl Raz called “Never split the difference – Negotiating As If Your Life Depended On It”.
Barry covers the premise of the book that builds a foundation for negotiation on the basis of understanding the other party through empathy and active listening skills.
Barry does a good job summarizing the book and bringing its principles to an aftermarket perspective.
FTR 031: Brett Bohlmann – Fixing Our Leadership Deficit
THA 104: Business Coaches Lab: The Art of Implementation – How to Get Things Done
The Business Coaches LAB: The Art of Implementation: How To Get Things Done.
In our continuing series of the Business Coaches Lab, we work to help you get into gear. The coaches mostly agree that there a few key problems for inaction.
The discussion includes finding your momentum, your one thing, planning, reflecting and the fact that you are trying to do too much, you wear too many hats. If you want to be a better leader, CEO and all-around good person you need to give these coaches a listen. A ton of free advice for you.
I’m joined by Rick White from 180 Biz, Cecil Bullard, with the Institute for Automotive Business Excellence, Jude Larson from the ACT Group, and Murray Voth, from RPM Training. Key Talking points, already written for you that will give you a bulleted plan for improvement. Also, find my guest’s bio’s links to their coaching companies and links to their previous episodes at remarkaberesults.biz/a104
RR 398: Shop Talk 9 – Hitting The Brick Wall – Business and Leadership Transformation
Shop Talk 9 – Business and Leadership Transformation
I’m so glad to welcome Chris Machado from JCircle M Truck Repair, Inc. in Bakersfield, Ca and Corey Evaldi from Olmstead Auto Care, North Ridgeville, Ohio. Two leaders with contrasting style but unified in their quest for shop success.
Chris leads his life with no excuses while using his energy to help people. He values generosity, kindness and willingness to listen as part of his strong leadership traits. Corey loves perfection and is addicted to winning. He holds meetings with his people where their input is critical to the running of the business. There are a lot of things covered to help you grow your leadership and business acumen only here.
A bright vision of success and a hope for more businesses. Don’t miss this.
THA 100: Up Your Game: Become a Level Five Leader and Improve, You, Your Business and the Aftermarket
Up Your Game: Become a Level Five Leader and Improve You and the Aftermarket
Think of this podcast like 9 five minute Ted Talks. Here are the topics covered, Listening, Resilience, Learn to be a CEO, Perseverance, Invest in your Staff, Delegate and Get Out of the Way, Be Your Word, Have High Expectations of your Team and Train Within.
My guests each chose their topic and were given five minutes to present a succinct narrative for you.
Vic Tarasik, Major Accounts Director with RLO Training, Maryann Croce of Croce Transmissions in Norwalk, CT and smallbizvantage.com, Bob Greenwood, AMAM, is President and CEO of Automotive Aftermarket E-Learning Centre, Greg Buckley is the CEO Buckley’s Personalized Auto Care in Wilmington, DE, Shari Pheasant and her husband Jeff own A Master Mechanic, and she is known as the Queen of Horsepower, Chris Cloutier is co-owner of Golden Rule Auto Care and CEO of AutoText ME, Brian Walker is the founder and CEO of 5 Stones Media, a marketing agency and former shop owner, Bill Hill owner of Mighty Auto Pro from Medina, OH and Brett Bohlmann of HWY 7 Service Center, Newel, IA
FTR 025: Bill Nalu on Abundance
FTR 024: Rick White – Overcoming the Blame Game
RR 386: Shop Talk 6 – Making it Work – Husband and Wife Partners
Making it Work: Husband and Wife Partners
Our married partners are Judi and Dana Haglin of Haglin Automotive Boulder, CO, along with Kim and Rob Auernheimer of CS Automotive in Brentwood, Tennessee. They share their experiences in running a shop, together with their life partners.
They make it sound simple, however as you’ll hear there was and continues to be a learning curve in their path to ‘harmony’. We’ll learn how they brought out the best in each other while improving their business’s and continuously making each other better.
They persisted with the patience, hardships, struggles, fulfillment and the joy of owning and managing a business as a husband and wife tandem.
They are like any couple but have the additional dynamic as business co-owners and partners. Learn from their tribulations as they share how each overcame their challenges to make their partnership amazing and strengthen their relationship over time.
THA 093: How Not To Be a Micro Manager
Stop Being a Micro Manager
Have you ever said I need to give my people the freedom to spread their wings and make more decisions? Ever wondered why they won’t. It could be because you are a micro manager.
If you are a micro manager discover why you need to stop. Sharing their first-hand experience is Maryann Croce of Croce Transmissions in Norwalk, CT, and smalllbizvantage.com, Dennis McCarron, Executive Director of Dealer Strategic Planning and Tom Lambert, President of Shadetree Automotive. These three have the experience to share with you how and why you need to stop being a micro manager and become a strategic leader and get your team totally engaged in your mission, vision, and purpose.
Warning this academy episode just may change your life.
RR 378: John Passante – You Can’t Handle The Truth – The Power of Performance Reviews
Dr. John Passante – You Can’t Handle The Truth – The Power of Performance Reviews.
John Passante is a legacy automotive aftermarket Human Resource professional and the President and CEO of The Organizational Development Group. He’s worked with and for some of the biggest names in our industry including Monroe/Tenneco, Delphi, Moog and Car Quest.
In this episode, he illuminates how performance reviews can become part of the culture of all businesses. He covers high grounds on the importance of leadership, understanding personal goals, culture, strategy, and values in the performance review process.
John also shows us tips within the episode on the right way to write your own review.
RR 374: Shop Talk 6 – Change or Be Changed – Dean Bailey and Doug Rogers.
Shop Talk 6: Change or Be Changed – Doug Rogers and Dean Bailey
The Roundtable has Dean Bailey, from King’s Auto Service and Hybrid Kings and Doug Rogers, Owner of Autohaus Import both from Raleigh, NC. Recorded at ASTE 2018.
They share their expert take on micromanaging, becoming a stronger leader, building a business culture, autonomous cars, setting the pace in the shop, and finding that niche that will propel you to the future!
THA 090: Business Coaches Lab: Five Dysfunctions of a CEO
The Business Coaches LAB: The Five Dysfunctions of a CEO. Becoming a Better Leader.
Learn about these Dysfunctions: the Absence of Trust, the Fear of Conflict, the Lack of Commitment, the Avoidance of Accountability and the Inattention to Results.
In the LAB is Bob Greenwood from the Automotive Aftermarket E-Learning Center, Cecil Bullard, with the Institute for Automotive Business Excellence, Jude Larson from the ACT Group, Rick White from 180 Biz and Murray Voth, from RPM Training.
There is a large amount of bonus material and links to their firms and their previous episodes on the show notes page at remarkableresults.biz/a090.
THA 088: Everything I Did Wrong and What I Learned
Everything I Did Wrong and What I Learned
If you are a person who thinks you can do everything yourself, then you need to listen to this trio explain their knock upside the head ‘V8’ moments when they realized it was the worse thing they could have ever done. Learn about this panels school of hard knocks so you don’t spend too much time in the places they were and accelerate your business because you now have the proof of what to do to prevent your business from being stuck in neutral.
It is not what you don’t know it is also about what your people don’t know. We talk micromanaging, training, business models, KPI’s and empowering your people and yes they will make mistakes just like you did.
With me for this Academy is Bambi Crozier, Car Clinic in Lowell, AR, // Frank Scandura, from Franks European in Las Vegas, NV and Tom Lambert, from Shadetree Automotive, Layton, UT
RR 367: Mike Tatich. John Maxwell Leadership Certified.
Mike Tatich. John Maxwell Certified Leadership Coach
Mike Tatich, President of Tatich’s TMT Automotive Inc., Bremen, Indiana made a major decision after reading many of John Maxwell’s Books on Leadership to become a Maxell Certified Leadership Coach.
Mike went through the certification program in Florida and discovered that not one person in the program was from the automotive industry. He says leadership training is one of the most valuable commitments you need to make.
He is very keen on stressing that Leadership makes a huge difference for the owner and service advisor alike. He wants to get rid of the self-limiting and fearful belief of shop owners who think that they can’t move their shop forward.
THA 086: Stop Being Busy and Improve Your Productivity!
Stop Being Busy and Improve Your Productivity
The panel includes Dennis McCarran, Executive Director of Dealer Strategic Planning, Justin Galsgow, Performance Tire & Wheel, Topeka, KS and Darren McClea from McClea’s Tire and Automotive, Santa Rosa, CA.
We talk your to-do-list, delegating, emails, time wasters, texts, finishing, priorities, and making time to get things done. A suggestion to get into work early and review your day and prioritize the critical task.
Consider batching your projects. Seeing reps; consider Tuesdays are the day for reps. This tightens up your planning efforts.
FTR 012: Cecil Bullard on Undervalued Labor Rates
FTR 011: Darrin Barney – Nurturing of Superstar Employees
FTR 010: John Burkhauser – Change in your Business is Inevitable. Don’t Fight It.
RR 360: Shop Talk 3 – Millennial Shop Owners.
Shop Talk: Volume 3 – Millennial Shop Owners.
Young, energetic and committed to becoming great leaders. The panel consists of Justin Barrett of Barrett Automotive, Cornelia GA, Brett Bohlmann of HWY 7 Service Center, Newel, IA, and Tony Tatich from TMT Complete Auto Service Center in Bremen, IN.
Listen to these great young professionals discuss their current challenges and the advantages and disadvantages of being a young leader. This episode also addresses how maintaining a shop culture, hiring people that complements that culture, building relationships with customers and offering a unique experience.
RR 357: Shop Talk Volume 2- Women Shop Owners
Shop Talk Volume 2- Women Shop Owners
Kim Auernheimer of Cool Springs Automotive Brentwood Tennessee, Mary Ann Croce of Croce’s Transmission Specialists, Norwalk, Connecticut, and Kathleen Jarosik of Xpertech Auto Repair, Englewood, Florida comprised the roundtable of the second edition of Shop Talk the Series.
Kim went to her first WorldPac training expo when she was in a tough financial situation. A light bulb came on. She is naturally competitive so she and her husband Rob decided they were going to be one of the best shops in the United States.
Maryann wanted her business to be sustainable. In the beginning just being able to take a paycheck home was a challenge, but keeping an eye on the goal will help you make important decisions to grow and sustain the business.
Kathleen hired a business coach who gave her the courage to step forward. She did a women’s car care clinic that ultimately led to her first Women In Auto Care meeting. That is when she realized she was not a unicorn and there were other female shop owners that inspired her.