THA 088: Everything I Did Wrong and What I Learned

Everything I Did Wrong and What I Learned

If you are a person who thinks you can do everything yourself, then you need to listen to this trio explain their knock upside the head ‘V8’ moments when they realized it was the worse thing they could have ever done. Learn about this panels school of hard knocks so you don’t spend too much time in the places they were and accelerate your business because you now have the proof of what to do to prevent your business from being stuck in neutral.

It is not what you don’t know it is also about what your people don’t know. We talk micromanaging, training, business models, KPI’s and empowering your people and yes they will make mistakes just like you did.

With me for this Academy is Bambi Crozier, Car Clinic in Lowell, AR, // Frank Scandura, from Franks European in Las Vegas, NV and Tom Lambert, from Shadetree Automotive, Layton, UT

RR 367: Mike Tatich. John Maxwell Leadership Certified.

Mike Tatich. John Maxwell Certified Leadership Coach

Mike Tatich, President of Tatich’s TMT Automotive Inc., Bremen, Indiana made a major decision after reading many of John Maxwell’s Books on Leadership to become a Maxell Certified Leadership Coach.

Mike went through the certification program in Florida and discovered that not one person in the program was from the automotive industry. He says leadership training is one of the most valuable commitments you need to make.

He is very keen on stressing that Leadership makes a huge difference for the owner and service advisor alike. He wants to get rid of the self-limiting and fearful belief of shop owners who think that they can’t move their shop forward.

RR 363: David Justice – You Must Manage Your Labor Profit Before Anything Else

David Justice – You Must Manage Your Labor Profit Before Anything Else

When David Justice sold his $5M business he was already speaking and coaching in partnership with NAPA. To help run his business David created the Labor Profit Management tool to keep a tight and smart handle on his labor and he was traveling the country and speaking to service professionals on the power of managing your labor.

Post sale he started Repair Shops of Tomorrow which not only incorporates the Labor Profit Management tools along with a focus on marketing programs.

David decided he needed to give back and is working hard to help shop owners achieve exceptional success. We talk about his three-legged stool, rewards, networking, and so much more.

RR 359: Mike Maleski. PSK Performance – Underappreciated So He Opened His Own Shop.

Underappreciated So He Opened His Own Shop.

Mike Maleski is the Owner of PSK Performance in Pittsburgh, PA. He is a Highly Certified Factory Honda Technician that also holds multiple ASE, STANDARD, MECP, And Pennsylvania Certifications and Licenses.

He is a forever student who seeks to address some of the issues that have been plaguing the industry such as the technician shortage, sub-par labor rates and keeping the dreams of underappreciated technicians alive.
He shares his insight into the life of an automotive technician as they climb through the ranks.

THA 081: Niche. Should We Find Specialties and Create a New Business Model or Services?

Niche. Finding Specialties to Create New Business Services.

A very interesting summit, a lesson for the forever student of the aftermarket. We’re talking Niche or Finding Specialties to Create New Business Services. A vibrant discussion to challenge the use of your talent and facility and to listen to your customers and find out exactly what they want and need from you.

The panel warns you to keep your eyes open. The shift is coming. Toss out those unprofitable jobs. Clean out your closet. Review your current business model. We will not survive doing what we always have done.

The panel will help you understand How to consider a specialty, product based niche vs. service based niche; but an overlying theme is to be sure the basics are being done right. You cannot add a new service if you don’t aren’t fixing your customers’ problem right the first time. Get your house in order before adding.

THA 074: Can David Beat Goliath?

Can David Beat Goliath?

The Academy panel dives into the dichotomy of David and Goliath. David, quick nimble and did not perceive that he was an underdog. The panel considers that larger industry players can be Goliath-like … complacent, too structured, weighed down with rules and inflexible. It doesn’t mean that it is bad, but they say small and nimble is better than big and sluggish. They are quick to point out that we can learn a lot from Goliath’s as it pertains to systems and processes.

Ironically we did discuss that having a Goliath mentality may be good for a David. We talked about business models, being able to adapt to changes in the marketplace and consumers habits. A great example in the discussion was that Starbucks is a Goliath but they hire Davids. A very potent strategy for success. We also talk customer loyalty and what we can learn from the Goliaths of the aftermarket.

The Panel: Bambi Crozier, from Car Clinic in Lowel, AR, Jeremy O’Neal, Freedom Automotive, Freedom Automotive in Hesperia, CA and President and Lead Sales Trainer at AdvisorFix and Scott Pelava, Lonsdale Auto Works in Lonsdale, MN

RR 341: Mark Bergasse, Carlo Sabucco, Glenn Colling, Todd Sarson. Friends First-Competitors Second.

Friends To The Rescue.

Mark Bergasse from Marks Auto Service in Oakville, ON, had a life-changing medical condition. A heart attack that precipitated a quadruple bypass. His wife Sandy called their friends Glenn Colling of Eastside Auto Service, Todd Sarson of Stop N Go Automotive, and Carlo Sabucco of Sils Complete Auto Care Centre. They share their story of support to Mark and Sandy.

This story is about friendship, caring and the power of humanity. Are you prepared for a possible business or life-changing moment? Is your network in place? Are your friends or competitors ready to step up. Mark, Todd, Carlo and Glenn share the backstory on the value of friendship first, competitor second.

RR 331: Kelly Bennett – ‘Kelly The Coach’

It’s Different Here; An Overused Excuse.

Business coach and trainer Kelly Bennett known in the industry as Kelly the Coach brings light to the most common excuse he hears. ‘The universal excuse, that shop owners give when they are struggling to find success, You Don’t Understand; It’s Different Here.’

Kelly also shares a concept called ‘The American Dream’, the role of a business coach, the four points of contact in a service business and the five wins necessary to find your success.

Kelly says that the average independent repair shop is doing 50% of their potential and he says you must be prepared for customers that shop prices. You need to talk warranty and quality with them. It is important to educate and advise your customer what is in their best interest.

RR 322: The Future Shop – A Business Coach Perspective – Haas & Greenwood

Shop Of The Future. A Business Coaches Perspective.

Bill Haas from Haas Performance Consulting and Bob Greenwood President and CEO of Automotive Aftermarket E-Learning Centre bring their viewpoints on the future of the service professional.

Bill and Bob talk about training, culture, the dealership factor, pricing transparency, and the importance of daytime training. They also share their viewpoint on competing, hiring and retaining top talent, both technicians and service advisors.

THA 051: First Moves When Opening a New Shop

Find A Blue Print Outlined For Finding Success If You Are Going To Open An Automotive Aftermarket Service Repair Shop.

There is some secret Sause shared here including a few preferred methods on how to start, setting up your spending plan, how important location is and the need to know the demographics of that local community. Is the income level such that money can be spent on vehicle service and maintenance?

We talk financial, (knowing your numbers) debt, cash flow. All very important parts of a CEO’s responsibility. May great technicians, who are unemployable, strive to start their own business because they want to do things their way. Most find out it is not an easy task. There are responsibilities beyond financial and cash flow like, marketing, the tax man, HR laws and that is just the tip of the iceberg.

This panel does a great job of explaining the challenges you’ll need to deal with, so you can find your successes sooner rather than later. It is a slow process, but success shouldn’t take years to achieve.

RR 286: Robert ‘Dutch’ Silverstein from A & M Auto Service

A Formula for Improving Reputation and Customer Trust

Robert ‘Dutch’ Silverstein has owned A & M for 19 years and is passionate about building customers for life. This episode has a strong continuing message of trust and integrity. If you have customers for life, Dutch’s story will solidify your strategy, if you don’t have customers for life, Dutch’s passion will help you understand how you can build a consumer into a customer and then into a client.

This episode showcases many powerful strategies, like customer education, the elimination of technician commissions, the important need to lift our industries image and reputation and that integrity and honesty is the only rule, if not he says, ‘Don’t Operate At All’.

RR 285: Ryan Blair – Blair Automotive

Super Growth rate of 40% Has Its Challenges to Expense Control and Cash Flow.

Ryan Blair of Blair Automotive is a highly honored Audi technician and worked at an Audi dealership for eight years before deciding to start his own Audi/VW specialty shop.

As an independent, he has brought a high level of differentiation and a better than dealer experience to his customer. His new location was a perfect ground zero for his increased sales.

We find Ryan with big growing pains and a huge scale up when he moved into his new 12 bay facility. He has no regrets to get the shop where it is and admits he stretched and has personally guaranteed his expansion. Ryan has the perfect outlook and is building a strong business long into the future.

RR 278: Emerging Technology – How Will the Aftermarket Prepare – Service EDU @ AAPEX17

Trends, Current Issues and Outlooks On the Future of the Service Sector

Shop owner Ryan Clo, Trainer Dave Hobbs and Diagnostician Matt Fanslow share their perspectives on the opportunities and challenges that make up the dynamic and changing aftermarket.

Don’t miss the discussion on training, business models, technician pay, business culture, specialization, and the changing role of the shop owner.

THA 042: Impacting a Difference For Those Struggling For Success

The Power of Peer To Peer Help.

When you commit to helping a struggling service professional you help lift all ships. The tough part is starting the engagement. When a shop owner asks for guidance that is the first step to really make change. The teacher arrives only when the student does.

It is very altruistic in nature to help a colleague. These actions help the entire industry. Marginal operations contribute to a negative image problem. A stronger independent service industry brings strength to the industry and compounds success.

Together everyone blossoms and grows as servants to the motoring public. This episode shares a few examples and starts to write the action items you need to take to build a stronger aftermarket.

RR 275: Chris Chesney – Sr. Director Customer Training – Carquest Technical Institute

Are You Committed to Be A Lifetime Learner In The Automotive Aftermarket? Learn Why It Must Be Your Most Important Goal.

Chris Chesney is the Senior Director, Customer Training at the CARQUEST Technical Institute and explains that our great aftermarket has its best days ahead, however, the challenge is going to take many people, teams and organizations working together to formulate solutions as we prepare for the largest wave of technology and consolidation we’ve ever seen.

Chris explains that all successful technicians and shop owners know …. that you must be committed to being a lifelong learner. If not … you’re in the wrong profession.

THA 040: The Extreme Value in Doing a SWOT On Your Business

The Power of Performing a SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunity, Threats) Review of Your Business.

Join Maryann Croce, Greg Bunch and Murray Voth for a wide-open discussion on the power and value doing a SWOT on your business. These three aftermarket professionals know the worth and outcome of a well-done SWOT.

Involve your team, assign priorities to the outcome and create a timeline to do the things discovered in this exercise. You are creating a strategic plan to best prepare your company for doing business in today’s market and into the future.

Go to the show notes page for this Academy episode #40 to download support tools.

THA 033: The Competition You Don’t See Coming – ASA-CARS @ AAPEX 2017

Learn about ‘The Competition You Don’t See Coming: What Will It Take To Own Your Own Customers”. There are big changes happening … are you prepared?

What’s ahead in the ever-changing aftermarket will have a big impact on your business if you are not prepared. If you have a strong network, are well read and keep your finger on the pulse of the industry; you may have an inkling what your business will look like in the next 5 to 10 years. To affirm this or to hear from our industries leadership Listen hard to this discussion.

This Academy has a special impact as we talk about the ASA-CARS event at AAPEX2017 in November 2017.

RR 257: Tom Marx, MAAP – Marx Group & Hart Marx Advisors

Shops That Have Created a Brand Where People Trust You Find Their Business Booming.

Tom Marx, MAAP, Chairman and Chief Strategy Officer from The Marx Group, a full-service marketing communications agency, says the service segment of our industry is in the Golden Age. He is also very outspoken on industry consolidation as a partner in Hart Marx Advisors a mergers and acquisition consultancy.

Tom knows the aftermarket and the service professional. He’ll be speaking at AAPEX 2017 on ‘Amplifying Your Brand’. In the interview, Tom talks about industry consolidation from both the service and distribution side. He also shares his perspectives on training, marketing and the need for quality financial statements, if you are interested in selling your business.

THA 030: Nine Reasons Why Labor Rates Need To Increase

Is Your Labor Rate Keeping Up with Inflation and Your Cost Doing Business?

A tough subject to discuss, however many great ideas shared on the mechanics of setting a labor rate, but most importantly being valued and getting paid for all that you know and do for your customer.

The correct labor is a big factor in profitability among other critical measures in a service business. Learn from the discussion.

THA 012: What Keeps You Up at Night?

What Keeps You Up At Night? Is a metaphor on what we are concerned with as the world changes at unprecedented speeds.

You need to get out ahead of change and set the vision for your company. Paying attention to every business opportunity and challenge along with technology, business culture and finding and keeping good people helps you sleep well. The occasional 2 AM get up ‘thought’ just may signal an important strategy to pay attention to.

RR 179: Tristan Realubit from Real Autohaus Automotive

Tristan Realubit, AAM owns Real Autohaus Automotive in Westmont. IL. He has had his share of challenges that for many, would have thrown in the towel years ago. Armed with powerful advice from his mother he continued his quest to be a shop owner even though he didn’t understand the business side of the business.

As luck would have it he found AMI On-Line and then bought a Mitch Schneider book. Those two forces put Tristan on the right path. He has plans to add his second location now that he has retired the debt that mounted as he learned the business.