FTR 060: Jeff Rudnick – Are Cooperatives in Our Future
FTR 059: Greg Buckley on LYFT
FTR 058: Tomi Oliva – Would You Work For You?
FTR 057: Carm Capriotto – Get Involved In This National Cancer Research Program – Brakes For Breasts
FTR 057: Carm Capriotto – Get Involved In This National Cancer Research Program
I’ve got a big ask for you. In the next few minutes, I’m going to set up a compelling reason to get involved with the Brakes for Breasts national program. This is a strong program that is nearing the $1M donation milestone. I feel it may happen soon. This year could be the year B4B hits this huge goal.
My respect and admiration for Laura Frank and Leigh Anne Best, who started brakes for breasts with a hand full of shops in the state of Ohio. Two lady service professionals have created a jewel of a program that continues to grow in support and influence in the industry. The program is Brakes For Breasts and it happens every October. Laura and Leigh Anne are independent service professionals and therefore know your business and can relate to the value Brakes For Breasts can bring to your business and for cancer research.
Total donated to Dr. Vincent Touhy at the Cleveland Clinic for his research on a Breast Cancer Vaccine is $747,771, since 2011. The $1M milestone is not too far away and to get there, your help is needed. is where you can sign up.
FTR 056: Justin Barrett – Hard Talk on Areas of Improvement for Independents
Justin Barrett – Hard Talk on Areas of Improvement for Independents
Justin Barrett, owner and operator of Barrett Automotive, Cornelia, GA sees areas that need improvement for independent service operators.
Justin Barrett will hit a few nerves as he asks you to take a look at your facility through the lens of the customer. And if you are not requiring 80 hours of training for your people, according to Justin, you are not keeping pace. He’ll also tell you why and how he closes and takes his team to train at venues like Vision in Kansas City.
FTR 055: Matt Fanslow – We Should Take The Same Skill Set For Automotive Diagnostics And Apply It To KPI Management
FTR 055 Matt Fanslow – We Should Take The Same Skill Set For Automotive Diagnostics And Apply It To KPI Management
Matt Fanslow has an interesting view of analyzing KPIs. He says if your a shop owner that started as a tech, you have the foundation to take what you know about diagnostics and apply it to improve your business.
FTR 054: Roy Schnepper – ASA Behind the Scenes
FTR 053: Judi Haglin – Do You Know The Exact Source of Your Marketing Efforts?
Do You Know The Exact Source of Your Marketing Efforts?
Judi Haglin from Haglin Automotive has a passion for numbers and marketing. She has a chance to set up why you need to track your marketing efforts and determine which give you the greatest return. She has a few great ideas on how to do it and why tracking and the numbers has helped her marketing investment pay dividends for her.
FTR 052: Build Your Bench – Kyle Holt and Jay Goninen
Build Your Bench – and Be a Proactive Recruiter.
Kyle Holt President of SP/2 and Jay Goninen from ‘Find a Wrench’ speak to their expertise as supporters and recruiters of technician talent. They have the depth of experience and are speaking to you from their heart about your need to recruit talent when you don’t need the help. They will tell you why.
FTR 051: Jerry Holcom – Where is Your Personal Commitment & Professionalism
FTR 051: Jerry Holcom – Where is Your Personal Commitment & Professionalism
Jerry Holcom from S & S Service Center in Kansas City, MO is a co-founder of Vision and current President of the Midwest Auto Care Alliance wrote in his latest presidents message about his concern for commitment and professionalism
FTR 050: What the Aftermarket Can Learn from Professional Wrestling – Matt Fanslow
FTR 050: What the Aftermarket Can Learn from Professional Wrestling
Matt Fanslow threads a concept that we can learn from the way professional wrestling promotes themselves. Matt makes a strong point comparing the promotion of professional wrestlers to aftermarket shops. Matt likes to look outside the industry to learn and see new things. A stretch in thinking, I don’t think so. I know one thing, this rant will make you think.
FTR 049: Tom Lambert – Discount Model Marketing
FTR 048: Amy Mattinat – Our Technicians Are Car Doctors
Our Technicians Are Car Doctors
Amy Mattinat delivers her impassioned perspective on the value and benefits of ASE. It may be time for you to understand why you support ASE and if you don’t, to understand why you must. If there was ever a time to embrace ASE it is now. The high tech world of the automotive creates the need for highly trained technicians and through ASE certification allows us to differentiate ourselves and improve our image.
FTR 047: Jim Silverman – Stop Being Ordinary – Here is What it Takes to Become Extraordinary
FTR 046: Alan Symmes: When Your Community Needs Help to Afford Safe and Reliable Transportation
FTR 045: Brian Walker – Foundational Marketing Techniques – There Are No Silver Bullets
FTR 045 Brian Walker – Foundational Marketing Techniques – There Are No Silver Bullets
Brian Walker co-owner of Shop Marketing Pros explains that there is no silver bullet to marketing. He shares thirteen Foundational Marketing Tactics and is determined that your marketing is consistent and when business is good, keep marketing and when it is bad, keep marketing. Marketing requires patience. It takes times to build momentum
FTR 044: Murray Voth – Your Opportunity is Huge; Find the River Where the Money Is
FTR 043: Dave Hobbs – Find The Time and Make the Sacrifice to Attend Training. Trainers Do!
Dave Hobbs – Find The Time and Make the Sacrifice to Attend Training. Trainers Do!
Dave Hobbs travels the country training technicians for Delphi Technologies. His participation in the industry is without rival. He has a strong message for you about training venues, hands-on and the sacrifice that all aftermarket trainers make in their lives to bring you training. All he wants is to have you come to class when the trainers come to your town.
Find Dave’s talking points and links to his previous episodes on the show notes page at
FTR 042: Vinnie Lucido – Find a Balance to Your Ego
Find a Balance For Your Ego
Vinnie Lucido from Co-Auto in Reno Nevada says we need to find a balance in our Ego’s. His rant brings in the value of Yoga to your well being. He is a Yoga teacher so he should know about the value of Yoga in one’s life. His message has a three-pronged approach; put your ego in check, let’s stop judging each other and check out the power of Yoga.
FTR 041: Keith Williamson – Change or Be Changed and Commit to be a Forever Student
FTR 040: Bob Greenwood – Our Suppliers Need to Better Understand the Service Professional
Our Suppliers Need to Better Understand the Service Professional. Bob Greenwood, President of Automotive Aftermarket E-Learning Center points out that the supply side of our industry must find a higher level of understanding of the opportunities and challenges of the service professional. He says it’s not all about selling parts, but about how the suppliers can help the pro become more efficient, productive and profitable.