Succession Strategies – A Real World Example [THA 233]

Succession Strategies – A Real World Example [THA 233]

You can never start too early with succession planning. As an owner, you will either sell your business or leave your business by choice or due to unforeseen circumstances. Are you preparing for when that happens? Do you have conversations with your employees or family members about succession? Or are you coasting through the day-to-day with the mindset “I’ll get to it soon.” In this unique question and answer episode, we have a shop owner looking to retire and a CPA and a succession consultant to guide him through the process.

Career Upgrade: Service Manager to Shop Owner at 29 Years Old [RR 608]

Career Upgrade: Service Manager to Shop Owner at 29 Years Old [RR 608]

In keeping with my goal to interview new shop owners and the upcoming youth of our industry. Here is an incredible story.

Our episode today a succession story from a non-family internal candidate. A trusted service manager who hasn’t even purchased her first home.

Welcome, Colleen Yarger. She trained in the hotel industry for more than 10 years and has risen through the ranks as a service manager. Amazing that this 29-year-old has taken steps to become a shop owner. Despite her young age, she doesn’t lack the talent and has been guided by former owner Mark Goldsmith who has been a great supporter of the RR podcast.

This episode shows what is possible and how Colleen seized many opportunities she had presented to her starting with my friend Maylon Newton, then with Ryan Tunison. Lots of great inspiration to see what can be possible when you capitalize on every situation presented.

The key talking points reside at

Brainstorming on Shop Ownership – A Business Not a Hobby [RR 607]

Brainstorming on Shop Ownership – A Business Not a Hobby [RR 607]

Chris Cotton once again shares his experience on shop ownership. Chris warns that buying your first shop and or getting into business as a new auto repair shop is not a cakewalk. Just because you know stuff about cars and love working on them doesn’t make it easy. You don’t treat it like a hobby, you treat it like a business.

Strong words of wisdom from Chris warning those who venture into shop ownership must have strong financial goals to reach. You need to have a lot of brainstorming or planning sessions to come out successfully. You will not be an overnight success. A fun and fast-paced episode. Make listening to it your homework.

You can find Chris Cotton’s other episodes and the key talking points at

Requirement for Growing a Branch Store [THA 205]

THA 205 Requirements for Adding a Branch Store

Welcome to the 205th episode of the Town Hall Academy. New Year, New Challenges. Many in the industry are contemplating growth and many are thinking of selling or succession. Keep close to the insights and wisdom from your aftermarket peers, right here, who share their growth story with you.

I’m with Greg Bunch, Austin Miller, and John Manelas. Greg is the owner of Aspen Auto Clinic, Colorado. Austin Miller opened Tire Star in2011, and John owns Auto Care Plus and Euro Care Plus. Together this team has 15 branches and growing.

How many shops are enough? Is there a sweet spot? What qualities must a shop owner possess in order to successfully add a shop? What are the challenges? No doubt this group tells their tale of their initial branch store and the huge learning curve that happened with it and subsequent stores.

The key talking points from this episode are already done for you on the show notes page at

An Unprecedented Year and Strategies for 2021 – Bonus Episode 8

Thoughts from an Unprecedented Year and Looking forward to Strategies for 2021 – Bonus Episode 008

As an industry we are essential.
The strong got stronger
. Virtual online training became the norm and will become a permanent part of our training needs
. Milestones reached this year:
600th episode of Remarkable Results Radio
. 200th episode of the Town Hall Academy
. The launch of Aftermarket
. Launched all LIVE show broadcast on the website’s LIVE page
. Training must become part of your culture
. The value of coaching.
Networking is a must to grow and learn
. Succession planning and growth
. Embrace our youth
. Set up an apprentice program
. Reach out to a local shop and have coffee and talk.

Buying & Selling: A Tale of Two Deals [THA 199]

Buying and Selling – A Tale of Two Deals [THA 199]

An episode that showcases a sale and an acquisition and the story behind these aftermarket transactions from two couples who each had a great opportunity.

Kevin and Sarah Bickford bought the Fox River Tire & Auto, Richie and Leslie Zimmerman owned and sold 3 Shops to a big box brand. The reasons and method of these two transactions will help you realize how these opportunities take an immense amount of work and maybe some luck.

The key talking points from this episode, they are already done for you. Go to the show page at

Life After Succession – Randy Pickering [RR 576]

Life After Succession – Randy Pickering [RR 576]

Family businesses can survive the generations, needless to say, you’ve got to do a lot of things right. It’s the culture, discipline, and the brand that gives the necessary template for a successful transition.

Today we welcome Randy Pickering, legacy owner of Pickering’s in Lakewood, CO. Pickerings is an amazing company that is transitioning into the 5th generation, Randy’s two sons. That is a rare thing.

To help gain their independence Randy says his sons both wanted to join a 20 group of their own and opened their 2nd store to scale up for a solid exit plan. Randy shares his newfound life after leading Pickerings in Lakewood, CO.

Find the show notes at

Succession Planning: With an Internal Candidate [THA 190]

THA 190 Succession with an Internal Candidate

In keeping with my goal to keep the succession theme burning as we face the reality that many of you need to retire and sell your business and many of you would like to become business owners.

This episode reveals a transaction with two internal non-family successors. Bob Ward anchors this episode as he helped orchestrate this transaction.

I’m with business owner Steve LaFleur from Prescott Import Car Service and one of the internal co-buyers, Dave Mendez. Dave has worked for Steve for 10 years.

This very candid conversation will help move your succession plans forward and you can get all the key talking points from this episode at These key talking points will make for a great planning agenda.

Succession With a Family Member [THA 188]

THA 188 – Succession with a Family Member

Family succession can be different than selling to a non-family member, yet many components of a transaction are similar. Jessica and Ron were very forthcoming and business coach Dave Justice helped shape the plan.

The panel: Ron Tinner, owner of Sparks Tire and Auto, along with his daughter Jessica Carrino. Jessica will become the owner, and they share their story about making a family transaction work. David Justice from Repair shop of Tomorrow is their business coach.

Succession is one of the hottest trends in our industry. So many want to retire, pass the business on to family or sell to a team member. Selling to another shop owner or group is also in the cars. We can’t talk about this enough.

For the key talking points, audio and video go to

Selling Your Business – The First Steps [THA 183]

THA 183 Selling Your Business – The First Steps

I’m with coach and consultant Bob Ward from Warden LLC and, and David Justice, Coach with Repair Shop of Tomorrow. David sold His three shops and now supports shop owners to build their legacy.

You are going to find out about an exciting concept of building a perpetual business, which means it outlasts you. In essence, you prepare to sell your business the day you open, taking the stress of preparing your business for sale

The key talking points for this episode are already done for you, find them, and my guest’s bios at These key talking points will make for a great planning agenda.

A Simple Letter of Intent Transformed an Employee Into a Shop Owner [RR 551]

A Simple Letter of Intent Transformed an Employee Into the Shop Owner [RR 551]

Let’s welcome Terica Buckner. She worked for 21 years at Hawthorne Auto Clinic, Portland, OR. She was offered the chance to purchase the shop and took over ownership 2 years later in January 2020. A really good example of good succession planning. The previous owner wanted to retire and Terica wrote a letter of intent wanting to purchase the shop. She had the experience in many different roles in the business along with established relationships with the employees and customers.

Terica continues working with passion in the automotive industry and is excited to now be in the position to set new standards in an ever-changing field, especially with the current challenges COVID-19 presents.

Find the key talking points for this interview with Terica Buckner at

Multi Shop Operations – Acquisition – Selling [THA 171]

Greg Bunch is the owner of Aspen Auto Clinic, a five-location automotive and service business in Colorado. Greg started his passion for cars at 15 when he began rebuilding a 1966 Volkswagen Bug. Greg has moved from a Volkswagen mechanic to ASE Master Technician, to Management, to starting his shop 18 years ago in his…

Bright Light Shines from this Business Coaches Round-Table [RR 531]

Bob Greenwood, AMAM (Accredited Master Automotive Manager) is President and C.E.O. of Automotive Aftermarket E-Learning Centre Ltd. (AAEC). AAEC is a company focused on providing Business Management Resources and Development for the Independent Sector of the aftermarket industry. AAEC content and technology is recognized as part of the curriculum of the Fixed Operations Diploma and the…

Success Stories from the Coaching Front Lines PART 2 [THA 168]

  Mike McGroarty has been an auto care professional for over 35 years. He grew up in the family business working for his father. After graduating from trade school in 1982, Mike leased his own Shell auto care center.  In 2002 Mike sold his auto care center and purchased land and built his own 6,000…

Aftermarket 2030 Consolidation – Opportunities – Challenges – Succession Planning [RR 514]

Rick Schwartz is co-founder and CEO of Schwartz Advisors LLC, a mergers and acquisition advisor and management consulting firm to the automotive and heavy-duty transportation industry. Prior to forming Schwartz Advisors, Rick’s career included senior executive leadership positions in sales, marketing, and finance. At Schwartz Advisors, Rick has advised private equity firms, aftermarket management teams and…

Aftermarket Acumen Part 5 – Succession [RR 512]

Donny Seyfer the executive officer of NASTF (National Automotive Service Task Force) and Partner in Seyfer Automotive in Wheatridge, CO. Listen to Donny’s previous episodes HERE. Jeremy O’Neal President and lead sales trainer for Advisorfix, began his career as a Service Adviser and moved into Service Management at the dealership level for VW, Audi, and Porsche. He consistently…

Shop Owner Open Forum [THA 158]

Panel: Rachael Wacha, City Auto Repair, Gainsville, FL Kate Jonasee, K-Tech, Sebastopol, CA (MSO) Donnie Hudson, Troy Auto Care, Troy, MI (MSO) Jeremy Winters, Service Manager at Weavers Auto Center, Shawnee, KS Talking Points:   Kate’s big thing was the improvement in her company culture and the psychology of herself as a leader was impactful. Rachael, getting…

Partnerships [RR 503]

Mark Roberts is the owner of Roberts Properties, Inc, Managing Partner of Total True Automotive dba Schertz Auto Service, Craftsman Building and Renovation LLC. He is also partnered with a Local Custom Home builder. Mark is also the former owner of Auto Collision Works. He grew up in Schertz and has been a resident since…

Survey Says! [RR 501]

John Burkhauser is currently employed at BOLT ON TECHNOLOGY as the Director of Education, a job that allows him to use a lifetime of learning experience day in and day out. John dreamed of being a meteorologist but found out college wasn’t for him. When his car failed the state inspection, that was the day his…

THA 141: Selling Your Business – Valuation Strategies

THA 141 Town Hall Academy on Selling your Business – Valuation Strategies

This episode on ‘Selling your Business – Valuation Strategies’ will provide a great lesson on tactics to obtain a great value for your business. The caveat is that you need to have a successful business and we do discuss some strategies on how to make that happen.

I’m delighted to have Greg Bunch, owner of Aspen Auto Clinic a five-store operation in Colorado Spring, CO and the President of Transformers Institute that provides proven strategies to transform your business, Bob Ward from Wardden, LLC believes that a Perpetual Business is profitable and sustainable without you as you prepare for sale or succession and Joel Zaleski a partner at Cardinal Brokers.

This panel will inform you as we continue an important industry discussion on succession and business valuation. There are many misnomers about what can I sell my business for. If you’ve never done the research you’ll find out it is much different than what you may want for your business. You’ve got to have something to sell to a potential buyer. If your only real asset if location, you could do well, however you need much more than that if you want to sell and retire after years of hard work.

RR 467: Servando Orozco on Franchising

Servando Orozco – A Franchising Business Template for the Aftermarket

Servando Orozco, CEO and founder of Orozco’s Auto Service owns a four-store operation based out of Long Beach, CA. Franchising is nothing new to business or even in the aftermarket. Listen to Servando explain his passion for his franchise model and the value he is offering.

Servando shares his goals on his franchise model, how it can help a struggling shop owner and also create a pathway for succession for just about to retire shop owners.

Have you ever thought about doing what you love and have your franchisor guide you with systems, training, and marketing? Then listen intently. This concept may be a big part of our future.

THA 131: Preparing Your Shop For the Next Five and Ten Years

THA 131 The Future – Preparing Your Shop For the Next Five to Ten Years

What is your future? Have you planned it? What are you doing to ensure your success in the next 5, 10 or 15 years? If you do nothing you get what you currently have and that may not sustain you to far into the future.

Your panel: Kelli Weatherby, co-owner, with husband Lee, in Accurate Automotive, Inc. in Mesa, AZ., Bill Nalu, owner of Interstate Auto Care, Madison Heights, MI and AJ Nealey, Nealey Auto Service, Edgewater MD. This diverse group has some similar yet some different strategies for their future. It is so refreshing to hear the dialogue and then compare their tactics to your current or long term plans.
We are in a dynamic industry that is in a heightened change curve. Keeping up at all levels will bring you spoils. And keeping your eye on your business with the future in sight is an important responsibility you have to your employees and your family.

We talk BHAG’s, Debt, Branches, Succession, Training, refinancing, and SWOT among others.

RR 454: Danny Durbin – Integrating the Third Generation

Danny Durbin – Integrating the Third Generation

Danny Durbin is the second generation owner of Durbin Auto Parts, in Prattville, AL. He is now integrating the third generation into the business. You’ve heard the stats about the third generation? Only about 12% survive.

You decide, but I believe Danny has the right strategy to defy the survival statistics. He knows the procedure and the adaptations it takes for the survival of the generations (having been there done that). Danny is planning to pass the torch to his son, however, he decided that Andrew first needed to work outside the business.

You will benefit from this story as many service professionals are family businesses. Find out the core values needed and the mindset of what it takes to keep the family business afloat for many years to come.

Danny is an active member of the Automotive Aftermarket Association (AAAS) and holds a seat on the Board of Directors.

THA 128: Valuing and Positioning Your Business For Sale

Are you ready to sell your business? Do you know how to prepare? Is it a buyers market or a seller’s market? Do you understand some of the financial principles that drive a transaction? About 50% of you will be impacted by this discussion in the near future.

We cover a large swatch of ground as we talk about the incredible opportunity for sellers as the industry consolidates, getting your financials right, processes, leases, and the all-important EBITDA number.

The panel includes three members of Cardinal Brokers: Norm Gaither, Dennis McCarron, Joel Zaleski and a shop owner who recently sold his business Jeff Pohlman Retired from Jeff Pohlman Tire a 5 Locations operation.