EOS Part 7 – Traction with Barry Barrett [RR 666]
EOS Part 7 – Traction with Barry Barrett [RR 666]
Welcome to the final episode in our 7 part EOS (Entrepreneurial Operating System) series with Barry Barrett, a certified EOS implementer. It’s time to put everything together that we have learned in the previous episodes on EOS. No business is too big or too small to put this system in action.
Everyone has a lot to get done every day, especially business owners, but are you getting the right things done every day? How should your weekly meetings be structured? Take the questions out of the equation in your business by following Barry’s simple and direct processes. EOS can grow your profitability by 20-25%, what are you waiting for? remarkableresults.biz/e666
EOS Part 6 – Process with Barry Barrett [RR 657]
EOS Part 6 – Process with Barry Barrett [RR 657]
We are on part 6 of our 7 part series on the Entrepreneurial Operating System with Barry Barrett, a certified EOS implementer. In this episode, Barry discusses how to systemize your business by building processes. Too many owners think they don’t have time to document processes and then wonder why they can’t leave the shop and take a vacation.
Guess what? Processes can be a simple 1 page of bullet points. Keep listening to follow the steps to create consistency in your business. remarkableresults.biz/e657
Day End Processes with Bill Nalu and Joe Hanson [CC 093]
Do you have a set of tasks that need to be performed at the end of business every day? Does this discipline help your team keep focused on customer service, securing your money, and the facility for closing time?
My panel provides you with a few of their day-end disciplines that, as you’ll hear, provide the business and the customer with strong day-end measures.
Improve Your Capabilities and Processes – Get LEAN [CC 090]
Improve Your Capabilities and Processes – Get LEAN [CC 090]
I recommend you watch the video so you can see the incredible organizational strategies Craig Caudill has implemented at Fine Tuned Auto in Erie CO. Use it as a template for your shop. Head to the CarmCast Page or remarkableresults.biz/cc090 to watch the video and find the key talking points for this episode.
MSO: 18 Team Members Tested Positive for Covid. How We Survived [RR 609]
MSO: 18 Team Members Tested Positive for Covid. How We Survived [RR 609]
What can we learn from this unprecedented year? A lot!
Our story today is of a hard hit multi-store operation (MSO) and how it survived 18 team members who contracted Covid-19. The preparation years before Covid-19 was to become a pandemic is the anchor in this story. It is proof of concept. Build a strong culture, put your people first, love your customers, engage all the latest technology and systems, and have strong processes and procedures. With all that in place, you can navigate just about anything.
Dwayne Myers from Dynamic Automotive from Frederick, MD, and his partners, Jose Buesso and Lee Foreman put their company in the position to fight through their Covid-19 barrage and come out the other side in decent shape. Surviving the ordeal was gut-wrenching and thought reflecting. Yet they did. This is homework for you to Listen to Learn Just One Thing!
You can find Dwayne Myers’s other episodes, and the key talking points, they reside at remarkablersults.biz/e609
Ryan Clo – 20 Questions in 30 Minutes [RR 561]
Ryan Clo – 20 Questions in 30 Minutes [RR 561]
Welcome to this inaugural new format you’ll hear from shop owner and coach Ryan Clo from Dubwerx and Avid Autowerx in Cincinnati. Ryan answers 20 questions within about 30 minutes. This is up close and personal and I believe brings value to you as you continue to navigate and grow your business to boundless success.
Ryan Clo shares one new skill he would like to have, new technology he recently added, his dream car, and one of his biggest mistakes and a whole lot more.
Find the key talking points, Ryan Clo’s bio and links to his previous episodes at remarkableresults.biz/e561
Six Shops in Eleven Years: The Story Behind This Explosive Growth [RR 557]
Six Shops in Eleven Years: The Story Behind This Explosive Growth [RR 557]
I’m with Matt Lachowitzer, a 6 location shop owner. Matt had aspirations to become a lawyer, but a fork in the road led him to be a technician and now shop owner; 6 shop locations in under 11 years. That is an amazing feat but it required a lot of work, a strong culture, pure process disciplines, and a total focus on the customer experience. Matt also has a body shop and an ADAS calibration center.
On his way to owning 6 locations, Matt Lachowitzer dropped out of school and started working In a local GM dealership. Matt shares how he grew and transformed his business with a top culture, an incredibly strong community presence, the Teddy Bear treasure, and the Girl Scout Cookie campaign that supports local food pantries and our veterans.
Learn all about these programs and more along with how he has integrated a lottery system in training and engaged his technicians to own and teach their in house training program.
Matt’s full bio and the key talking points can be found on the website at remarkableresults.biz/e557
Business Processes and Better Staffing with Brian Gillis [RR 547]
Brian is the Chief You Net Results Strategist, with 25+ years experience in auto shop operations, hiring, recruiting, systems, processes, multi-store experience, and employee training. More about Brian Gillis… 25+ Years owning and operating auto repair shops in Texas, Georgia and Colorado, multi-unit stores Hired and Trained over 2000 staff members Budgeting and Profits Brian’s…
Exceeding Customer Expectations With Better Systems and Processes – Jeremy O’Neal and Chris Collins [RR 539]
Jeremy O’Neal President and lead sales trainer for Advisorfix, began his career as a Service Advisor and moved into Service Management at the dealership level for VW, Audi, and Porsche. He consistently placed in the top 3% of Service Advisors across the nation. With a passion for helping others, Jeremy started coaching Service Advisors in 2007. Jeremy…
Bright Light Shines from this Business Coaches Round-Table [RR 531]
Bob Greenwood, AMAM (Accredited Master Automotive Manager) is President and C.E.O. of Automotive Aftermarket E-Learning Centre Ltd. (AAEC). AAEC is a company focused on providing Business Management Resources and Development for the Independent Sector of the aftermarket industry. AAEC content and technology is recognized as part of the curriculum of the Fixed Operations Diploma and the…
Final Inspection – Quality Controls & Covid-19 [Bonus 07]
THA 164 Final Inspection – Quality Controls
We are tackling Quality Controls and the Final Inspection. This episode aired live during the Covid-19 Pandemic and will become an important listen not only for the power of a good Quality Control process but how the Coronavirus weaved into this conversation.
In this episode, I’m joined by Chris Cloutier, Golden Rule Auto Care and CEO of Autotext.me and Tom Ham, Auto Centric, Grand Rapids, MI and Automotive Management Network and
Frank Scandura, Frank’s European, Las Vegas.
This team does have strong Final Inspection QC – Quality Control practices. They share why they do it, what they’ve learned, that we are human and make mistakes which is the strongest reason for a good Final QC process and we also spice this conversation with their practices in light of the Covid-19 pandemic.
There is no need to take notes. If you want them go to remarkableresults.biz/a164 /// on my website! On the show notes page find my guests bio’s and links to their previous episodes. Also the lists Chris Cloutier offered are also linked there.
Final Inspection – Quality Controls & Covid-19 [THA 164]
THA 164 Final Inspection – Quality Controls
We are tackling Quality Controls and the Final Inspection. This episode aired live during the Covid-19 Pandemic and will become an important listen not only for the power of a good Quality Control process but how the Coronavirus weaved into this conversation.
In this episode I’m joined by Chris Cloutier, Golden Rule Auto Care and CEO of Autotext.me and Tom Ham, Auto Centric, Grand Rapids, MI and Automotive Management Network and
Frank Scandura, Frank’s European, Las Vegas.
This team does have strong Final Inspection QC – Quality Control practices. They share why they do it, what they’ve learned, that we are human and make mistakes which is the strongest reason for a good Final QC process and we also spice this conversation with their practices in light of the Covid-19 pandemic.
There is no need to take notes. If you want them go to remarkableresults.biz/a164 /// on my website! On the show notes page find my guests bio’s and links to their previous episodes. Also the lists Chris Cloutier offered are also linked there.
Brian Sump – Never Let Your Foot Off The Pedal [FTR 081]
FTR 081 Brian Sump – Never Let Your Foot Off The Pedal Multi-shop operator Brian Sump from Avalon Motorsports and Ubran AutoCare brings a whole lot of passion to this episode as he shares some self-reflection on a rocky time he experienced and what he learned. He says that you’ve got to review what works…
RR 489: Louis Altazan – Total Quality Management Comes From Great Processes-Systems
RR 489: Louis Altazan – Total Quality Management Comes From Great Processes-Systems
Louis Altazan, President of AGCO Automotive Repair Service – Baton Rouge, LA. Louis has also studied under Dr. W. Edwards Demming the father of Quality Management. He has a lot of expertise and experience to show us regarding the processes that we need to run a successful quality shop.
This episode shows you the importance of a quality system in place. It is also useful to use Demming’s quality revolution as pointed out by Louis who served as a student of Dr. W. Edwards Demming, a renowned father of Quality Management. Louis also shares with us the 14 principles of Total Quality Management.
RR 476: Chris Cloutier and Scott Brown – Productivity Hacks
Chris Cloutier and Scott Brown – What does it take to become more Productive and Efficient?
There are a lot of ways to become productive and efficient. There are a lot of strategies and systems that can be followed by just hearing this episode. Follow the process, improve communication, leverage to software technologies, learn to improve diagnostic methods and a whole lot more!
The experts: Chris Cloutier and Scott Brown. Chris is the co-owner of Golden Rule Auto Care in Dallas Texas and CEO of Auto Tex Me. He spent many years in the software industry developing solutions for companies. And Scott is an ASE Master Certified Automobile Technician with over three and a half decades of professional service industry experience. He and his wife own Connie & Dick’s Service Center Inc. Together they are the productivity and efficiency duo that bring results.
RR 475: Dirk Fuchs and Jeff Bly – Will System Training Impact a Technicians Ability to Diagnose and Improve Shops Profits
RR 475: Dirk Fuchs and Jeff Will System Training Impact a Technicians Ability to Diagnose and Improve Shops Profits
Why do we shun training? It is a huge industry problem. Our trainers know that the same people show up time after time. Not many new faces. What does that say about the state of our industry? Why do we ignore the power of training? Do you know that it supports your efficiency?
In this episode, Dirk Fuchs Technical Training Manager at ZF Group and Jeff Bly NAPA Autotech Curriculum Developer say that many young industry techs want and need training. But why aren’t they getting it? Why do Canadians show up for training at greater numbers than in the US? What are regarded as preferred training methods in the US versus European; knowledge-based or solutions based training? All of these questions will be answered in this podcast.
This episode will open your eyes to possibilities for you and your future in the industry.
RR 410: Tom Ham – Running Your Business Remotely
Tom Ham: Running your Business Remotely
Tom answers some big questions like: Does it take the right culture and people to make working remotely work? What kind of self-discipline to you need? And how does technology make it feel like you are there? We cover a full spectrum of how Tom makes it work.
Tom Ham gives us the blueprint on how to run a remote office and what are the expectations that come along with it.
RR 391: What Happens When a Technician Becomes a Customer for Automotive Repair.
What Happens When a Technician Becomes a Customer for Automotive Repair.
Pete Meir, Director of Training for the UBM Advanstar Automotive Group, which includes Motor Age magazine, wrote a story “When a Technician Becomes a Customer for Automotive Repair Service.” You can only imagine the implications and ramifications this implores.
When Pete needed tires for his truck he became a customer. He was not delighted with the service he was given and it drove him to write about it. He may have never written it if he had a satisfying and complete service experience. It’s tough to be in this industry and not judge your own personal experiences and standards against all others.
Training and Customer Service are the very processes that needed improvement and constant adjustment to meeting trends and everyday situations. Having this can equip a technician and service adviser in most decision making situations.
THA 095: Taking Good DVI Pictures
Taking Great DVI Pictures
Taking quality DVI pictures reflects on your brand and helps the customers builds trust. The power of demonstrating work needed and future maintenance concerns in the art of picture documentation is how we are going to do business in the future.
This wide-ranging conversation is brought to you by Scott Brown from Connie and Dicks and Diag.net, Greg Buckley from Buckley’s Auto Care, Jim Fleishman from Automotive Alley and JR Portmen from 5 Stones Media.
Videos must be included in the repertoire of good documentation and when you are in marketing mode.
RR 369: Patrick McHugh. Using a Scoreboard to Manage Shop Performance.
Patrick McHugh. Using a Scoreboard to Manage Shop Performance.
In this episode, Patrick shows us an interesting way of tracking progress and goals in his shop with his new scoreboard. It actually came from a discussion he had with his techs and his disciplines as a former pilot. The board is located in the bays of his shop and has sections for workflow and numbers.
The scoreboard is meant to be in technician speak. It has a grid that flows from top to bottom with customer name/car, incoming work, in diagnosis, ready for work and more. This entire system came from the drive to engage his technicians and ultimately provide stronger earnings for his team.
Patrick says there is a quick way to see hold-ups and to improve communication between the sales counter, office and the back of the shop. He also talks about a feedback loop using the logic of a PID Controller. (Like Cruise control for the shop)
RR 361: Scott and Michael Waddle. Owner and Prodigy. Father and Son.
Father and Son / Owner and Prodigy
Scott and Michael Waddle of Precision Auto Service, Langley, British Columbia. Shows us that a tandem of father and son can unlock different creative and innovative skill sets applicable to the modern shop of today.
Listen to how Scott is nurturing his son’s gifts and transforming them into assets their shop can use. Michael’s innovative work on automotive electrical and lighting systems is phenomenal considering that he is 15 years old this year. Even though Michael still can’t do the heavy lifting within the shop, this doesn’t stop him from his creative thinking. He is creating apps for the business. Learn about them.
Scott continues to provide training and enrollment plans for his son’s future providing an inspiration to every family owned shop and maybe a succession strategy too.
RR 356: Bruno Tabbi And The Power of a Vanity Phone Number
The Power Of A Vanity Phone Number
Bruno Tabbi is the President and Co-Founder at Ignition Toll-Free, where he focuses on premium vanity phone numbers including 1-800-MECHANIC.
Bruno says that organic marketing, through phones, is still alive and important in this day and age. We are so preoccupied with online marketing strategies that we forget that the phone call is still relevant and powerful. Managing your incoming phones is as powerful as having a solid SEO strategy for the web.
RR 343: Shop Talk: John Constantin, Mike Shultz, and Jim Fleischman
Shop Talk: Time Management and Digital Inspections
Shop talk with three shop owners; John Constantin, Jim Fleishman and Mike Schultz talk time management and digital inspections.
Systems for time management will either make our lives easier or without them, our stress level could be at Defcon 2. You may use post-it notes or digital software to stay on track and more organized.
This episode was recorded live and was an ‘open mic’ format. You enjoy the dialogue between these shop owners from the Western New York area near Buffalo.
THA 074: Can David Beat Goliath?
Can David Beat Goliath?
The Academy panel dives into the dichotomy of David and Goliath. David, quick nimble and did not perceive that he was an underdog. The panel considers that larger industry players can be Goliath-like … complacent, too structured, weighed down with rules and inflexible. It doesn’t mean that it is bad, but they say small and nimble is better than big and sluggish. They are quick to point out that we can learn a lot from Goliath’s as it pertains to systems and processes.
Ironically we did discuss that having a Goliath mentality may be good for a David. We talked about business models, being able to adapt to changes in the marketplace and consumers habits. A great example in the discussion was that Starbucks is a Goliath but they hire Davids. A very potent strategy for success. We also talk customer loyalty and what we can learn from the Goliaths of the aftermarket.
The Panel: Bambi Crozier, from Car Clinic in Lowel, AR, Jeremy O’Neal, Freedom Automotive, Freedom Automotive in Hesperia, CA and President and Lead Sales Trainer at AdvisorFix and Scott Pelava, Lonsdale Auto Works in Lonsdale, MN
THA 071: Underutilized Shop Management Systems (SMS)
Underutilized Shop Management Systems.
The panel is all about max utilization for your SMS. You are going to learn a lot and maybe walk away with an action plan to better utilize your SMS.
Listen to Tom Ham, Automotive Management Network and shop owner of Auto Centric in Grand Rapids, MI, Scott Brown, from Diagnostic Network and shop owner of Connie & Dicks Service Center, Claremont, CA and David Roman Shop owner of Done With Care Auto Repair in Merriam, KS and Facebook Group Founder, Ask-A-Mechanic.
Among the talking points: There is a training gap on features and actual uses, cloud-based SMS is where we are heading, and it is the shop owner’s responsibility to request and get the training from your SMS supplier.
From a marketing and customer perception, when you are all digital and you come across as ‘high tech’ from counter to bays, it also puts you ahead of the pack and provides a certain level of differentiation.