RR 318: Ryan Kooiman, Jeff Masterman & Jerry Bishop from Standard Motor Products Training

A Perspective on the Value and Future of Technician Training.

Listen and learn from Ryan Kooiman, Director of Training at Standard Motor Products, Jeff Masterman, the Manager of Technician Training Development and Wayne ‘Jerry’ Bishop, well known instructor at Standard Motor Products.

Listen to a discussion on daytime training, augmented reality, the future of training, hands-on, case studies, course development and the importance of the fundamentals among others.

If you are a shop owner or technician and you on the fence about making a 100% commitment to obtaining 40 hours of training per year, this industry will pass you by. Maybe you already feel it. Ryan, Jeff and Jerry are going to serve up a very solid position on why you must be a lifelong learner and attend every training class you can get to.

THA 062: Come Backs – Prevention, Reputation and the Cost

The Dreaded Come Back: The Keys To Prevention.

Comeback prevention starts at the front door. It is all about communication. Writing enough information to the technician the better he/she can handle the diagnosis.

To improve the end product and to reduce comebacks, you must build quality into the repair process. Quality control checklists at the end of the repair can only do so much. Quality, not quota, is the strategy you need to adopt to reduce comebacks. You should always be looking to improve. Your processes will drive a well-managed quality program.

The quality of parts today is in question and you need to pay attention to comebacks so your costs and reputation are managed. Tracking every comeback is a necessity if you are going to reduce your comebacks.

RR 316: Scott Brown with Diagnostic Network

Is The Industry Ready For A Diagnostician Learning Platform That Is Deeply Connected To The Industry?

Diagnostic Network, Scott Brown’s new venture, will be a learning platform and open a deep channel of communication for diagnosticians and aspiring diagnosticians while connecting the industry that provides the products, services, information and training to the marketplace.

If you earn your living in the aftermarket, and for that matter serving the motoring public, you’ll want to give this episode a serious listen as Scott unveils his plans for Diag.net that will focus on the diagnostician.

Scott shares his vision along with the industry collaboration he is building to create a very powerful repository of aftermarket intellect. Peer discussions and peer reviews will be part of this program to help refine the rich content.

There isn’t a clearly defined guideline as to the skill set you need to be competent in this industry. Scott sees the creation of the right building blocks for training and says it is time to break the mold and to improve engagement and transparency.

RR 314: Educator Think Tank – Vision 2018

You Cannot Ignore Your Role in The Automotive Technology Education System.

Go inside the Vision 2018 Studio with the Educators Think Tank. Join Rick Escalambre, Retired Instructor Skyline College, and educator of the year 2017, Scott Brown from Diagnostic Network, Matthew Shanahan Assistant Professor, Automotive Technology, College of DuPage and Tim Dwyer, from Consul Labs.

This is a great slice of what automotive education is today. A very open and transparent discussion that will help you understand the education process and gain knowledge of how to get involved. Also, learn about the challenges that post-secondary automotive technology programs have and how you can and must get involved.

A few key talking points: Automotive technology programs at all levels is expensive, independents must attend career fairs and speak to classes at all levels including middle school and Industry and education needs to come together stronger than ever. The industry has a depth of talent that can help the education system.

RR 312: NASTF – The Road To Great Technicians

The Road to Great Technicians

We talk so much about solutions to the technician shortage. Here is an episode that will get you to realize that there is so much more than filling the seats in trade schools. It is about what happens when we hire a new tech. The trend is to grow our own technician, but can we outline a career path for our new recruit? You need to be involved in creating a ‘Road to Great Technicians.
Joining me in studio at Vision 2018 is Donny Seyfer Executive Officer of NASTF, Chris Chesney, Sr. Director of Customer Training at Car Quest Technical Institute and Jill Saunders, Curriculum Developer at Toyota Motor Sales, North America.
This straight up discussion on creating a career path for all entry-level technicians through an apprentice and mentoring program outlines WHY this is so important. Do we want the government someday to create a program of standards and competence or should we as an industry start today to build those standards?
Just putting an entry-level tech in the lube bay without a career path is part of the big challenges we have as an industry. Without a defined career path it becomes a brain drain of young talent.

RR 309: The Shop of the Future – Are You Prepared? Vision 2018 Town Hall

The Shop of the Future: Are You Prepared?

Have you thought about how you will do business in the future? Well the mission of this panel was to stretch the boundaries and serve up plenty of thoughts, concepts and changes coming that you need to be fundamentally be prepared for.

So happy to be able to present this audio recording from Vision 2018. With me are shop owners, Summer Gurerro from Affinity Automotive Services, Inc in Wichita, KS, Keith Williamson owner of Williamson’s Repair and Tire in Bondurant, IA, Trainer and Mobile Technician Eric Ziegler form EZ Diagnostics, Chris Chesney the Senior Director, Customer Training at the Carquest Technical Institute and Donny Seyfer the Executive Officer of NASTF, the National Automotive Service Task Force and co-owner of Seyfer Automotive in Wheatridge, CO.

Many great thoughts that will help shape your future. There are many important action steps discussed that need your support and engagement. Listen carefully for those cues.

THA 053: Improve Communication Between the Service Advisor & Technician

Many Problems Are Found in A Lack Of Communications; Therefore Good Communications Can Prevent Come Backs.

Improving Communications Between the Service Adviser and Technician with Jude Larson from Valley Repair in Tenino, WA and also with JML Real Solutions, also Darrin Barney, Owner of Barney Brothers Off Road in Grand Junction, CO and Donnie Carter, Service Manager at Little Wolf Automotive in Waupaca, WI.

Communication is an important tenant in any service business. It is up to the service advisor to bring the ‘novel’ to the technician. Listen hard to the customer and write down the details of their issue or concern.

Technicians results are dependent on getting a good path to follow. Give them a great opportunity to succeed with clear in-depth information. Techs need to do their part and provide clear information back to the service advisor to support the recommendations they are going to provide as a value to the customer.

RR 297: Jay Goninen from Find A Wrench & Find A Mechanic.com

Finding and Recruiting Technician Talent for Your Shop

Jay Goninen from Find a Wrench and Find a Mechanic.com brings his experience as an industry veteran and recruiter to the Remarkable Results tribe. We have a wide-open discussion on recruiting, job descriptions, why people leave and the value of a good work environment.

Among other discussion points that help you keep your people or help your recruiting effort is offering a path for growth, more responsibility, more money, and benefits. Jay feels that your shop needs to have a unique differentiator to attract top talent.

From a technician’s perspective, they usually don’t promote themselves so creating a good resume and posting it on a job board is something he helps techs with.

He says you should always be recruiting. It is like a 5-star football recruit for your college sports program. You will look at every resume and do every interview.

RR 293: Brin Kline, AAM form Assured Auto Works

Shop Owner Stays on the Cutting Edge of Automotive Technology

Brin Kline owns Assured Auto Works in Melbourne, FL but never misses a technical training class presented by a top industry trainer. He can’t take the technician out of his business owners mindset.

Brin has set his goals to be a technical instructor at Vision KC some day. He works very hard on learning the technical side of the automotive. A proponent of day-time training and a member of many industry advisory councils like iATN and CTI.

Brin believes that every technician should take a business course to understand how business operates.

RR 292: Technician Round Table – Part 4 – Heipp – Landry – Fanslow – Meyers

Wide Open Discussion from Three Aftermarket Technicians and One Who Left the Industry.

As usual, these guys brought their opinionated selves to the interview, yet spoke from the heart about topics they are passionate about. Some no holds barred discussion points. There are times where there is no sugar coating and that is good to embrace all sides of an issue.

Matt Fanslow, Bob Heipp, Peter Landry and Tom Myers openly discuss some very hot and touchy subjects that affect all aftermarketer’s.

Just a few of the topics we discussed, shops charging for diagnostic time, opinions on social media, a discussion on augmented reality. They discuss that techs need to help the business owner make money, and therefore owners should share in the wealth. We talk about shop owners training their top and best-vested technicians and talk pay and benefits.

RR 282: Jennifer Maher from TechForce – Technician Shortage – Solution Update

Moving Forward With a Solution to the Technician Shortage

Jennifer Maher, CEO and Executive Director of Techforce Foundation in her second interview on the podcast brings you the important updates to the Future Tech Success Campaign.

She outlines how you can help and explains the value of the iHUB repository of information, data and resources you will need to help at the grassroots level.

Discover the outcome of the case study done in the Phoenix school system. Learn how due diligence on our education system will make waves for the future technicians that are in the education system now.

All of us who earn our living in the aftermarket must get involved. Find important links to ‘raise your hand’ to help on the show notes page.

RR 280: Eric Svedberg and Rex Cate from Automotive Specialists

Shop Owner Shares His ‘Grow Your Own’ Technician Training Program

Eric Svedberg from Automotive Specialists in Virginia Beach, VA is in the AAPEX 17 studio with his millennial technician Rex Cate. The conversation gets deep into the recruitment of Rex (he worked at Panara), his training program, his annual review, and how Eric is integrating Rex into his business.

Now four years into the training program there are no regrets on either side. Rex says that there are many millennials like him out there looking for a chance.

RR 278: Emerging Technology – How Will the Aftermarket Prepare – Service EDU @ AAPEX17

Trends, Current Issues and Outlooks On the Future of the Service Sector

Shop owner Ryan Clo, Trainer Dave Hobbs and Diagnostician Matt Fanslow share their perspectives on the opportunities and challenges that make up the dynamic and changing aftermarket.

Don’t miss the discussion on training, business models, technician pay, business culture, specialization, and the changing role of the shop owner.

RR 273: Technician Round Table Part 3 -Heipp – Landry -Fanslow

Wide Open Discussion from Three Aftermarket Technicians on Technician Pay, Benefits, Training and MORE!

Matt Fanslow, Bob Heipp and Peter Landry openly discuss some very hot and touchy subjects that effects all aftermarketer’s.

Besides technician pay and benefits, other talking points cover the commitment to forever training, getting paid for diagnostic time, ADAS, mandatory technician certification, their view of the technician shortage, and is there enough GOOD training available.

This discussion is not without its very strong perspectives that will challenge thinking and maybe convert an outlier.

THA 036: Ten Reasons For Buying Technician Tools

Is Tradition Preventing Shop Owners From Buying Technician Tools? FACT: Shop Owners Are Already Paying For Their Employee Tools, And At A Super Inflated Premium With A Ton Of Interest To Boot.

This Academy panel feels that making employees supply tools is an outdated tradition, based on poor understanding of economics and is commonplace for all the wrong reasons.

We cover a lot of ground including the debt load carried by technicians, tool truck time, improved retention and loyalty. We talk side work, and how to approach starting this new strategy. The panel agrees it takes more than just money to retain top talent.

When the shop provides all the specialty tools you need to have them cataloged so everyone knows where they are located to prevent wasted time finding them. In the end, what is in the best interest for your shop will guide how you tackle this.

RR 255: David Milne from ATMC and ASE

Important Study Shows the Graying of Our Technicians Poses a Big Challenge in the Very Near Future.

Dave Milne serves as the President of the Automotive Training Managers Council (ATMC), a division of the ASE Industry Education Alliance. Dave is also the Executive Director of Special Test Programs for ASE.

Dave shares the mission and value of ATMC, their most recent survey data that he says will have a big impact on the industry. We talk about education and recruiting our future technicians. You’ll also hear Dave speak to our industry training needs and trends, pay structure and how ATMC and ASE is working with the industry to bring awareness to our trade.

RR 253: Scott Buckley & Steve Bullins

The Future of Our Industry Speaks Out on Tech, Technology, Millennials, DVI and Customer Service. 

Scott Buckley and Steve Bullins from Buckley’s Personalized Driver Care bring a refreshing look at our industry. You’ll be happy to hear this duo speak on so many topics.

All the while you are listening, consider these guys are the shop owners of the future and will help guide and steer our industry for many years to come. We’re in good hands.

RR 246: Scott Brown from iATN

Is iATN A Staple In Your Shop? Listen to Scott Brown Tell the Story of the Humble beginnings and Future Plans Of iATN.

Scott Brown president of iATN and co-owner, with his wife, of Connie & Dick’s Service Center, keeps his finger on the pulse of the industry by staying engaged at the shop. The interview takes you back to the day before the internet when bulletin boards were a way to communicate with your peers.

iATN is keeping pace and is working on exciting plans to continue to bring value to shop owners, technicians and educators of the auto care industry.

Scott gives an insider look at the iATN mobile APP, the new ‘Review’ space and the new iATN 2.0 and much more.

THA 016: Lean Processes – Relentlessly Work On Eliminating Waste

A commitment to Lean Process Improvement will yield a better customer experience.

Lean processes minimize technician activity outside of their work bay, creates uniformity in all communication pieces between service writers and technicians, can benefit the shop by hiring alternative staff for cleaning needs throughout the shop.

Lean also help you realize the value in the placement of equipment throughout the shop space and why it makes for a more efficient operation. Be sure to match the correct technician to every job when possible, play to their strengths … and so much more.

RR 230: Technician Round Table Part 2 -Heipp – Landry -Fanslow

What do Three Diagnosticians think about Silver Bullets, Critical Thinking and the Future of Diagnostics.

Bob Heipp, Peter Landry and Matt Fanslow, bring a big dose of their passion to the second technician round-table. This discussion generated talk on important and trending topics, that for these working techs, are important.

In this episode Bob, Peter and Matt expressed their feeling on technician pay, computer skills, augmented reality, and flat rate among others. There are over 20 key talking points. Invest in understanding how these three professional technicians and trainers look at the industry, especially the commitment to perpetual training and for creating a better and sustaining aftermarket.

RR 206: Technician Round Table Part 1 -Heipp – Landry -Fanslow

Illuminating Discussion with Technician Round-Table

Join this recorded session from Vision 2017 with Bob Heipp, Peter Landry and Matt Fanslow, (above) as we tackle the value of training and why networking is so critical at these events. These guys were straight up and expressed their feeling on engaging with your peers and instructors, developing relationships from around the country, and the sheer admiration that they have for technicians that continue to learn and grow within the industry.

Invest in understanding how these three professional technicians look at the industry, especially the commitment to perpetual training and for creating a better and sustaining aftermarket.

RR 199: Brett Beachler from Beachlers Vehicle Care & Repair

Third Generation Service Professional is Known, since 1951, as a Super Ethical shop that Never Compromises.

Brett Beachler is Vice President of Beachlers Vehicle Care & Repair. Brett’s grandfather Bob started the business and his Dad Terry is active every day. Beachlers believes that customers need to be taught the concepts of automotive and become friends. They are known throughout their community as the shop of second options.

Helping their customers get 250K miles from their vehicle helps drive the high maintenance numbers the shop performs. Giving tours of the new facility is a smart tactic and strives to educate their customers of the behind the scenes of automotive repair.

To add to their new customer growth Brett has instituted a traveling lunch and learn program in his community and has a strong charitable program for new customers first oil change.

RR 196: Gary Sharits – Repair Pal/ASE Master Automobile Technician of the Year 2016

Gary Sharits, Service Manager of Christian Brothers in Land O Lakes, FL is the winner of the 2016 Repair Pal / ASE Master Automobile Technician of the Year.

Gary has kept up his ASE credentials as Service Manager and credits his technician experience as a sound reason he can lead relationships with his technicians and customers. He shares his humble beginning from a mechanics helper at a Chevrolet dealer’s used car department, to where he is today as a service manager.

Sharits brings great insight to technicians and service managers and has a great message to youth wanting to join the industry.

RR 194: Bob Olson – Chrysler/ASE Technician of the Year 2016

ASE Chrysler/ASE Master Automobile Technician of the Year 2016

Thirty six year Chrysler technician, Bob Olson from Milbank, SD is honored with the ASE recognition. Bob tells the story when he started right up to how he sees technology at work in the industry.

Bob has been working at Chrysler Dealer, GESSWEIN MOTORS, for 36 years and is very committed to ASE. He’s been certified since 1980-33 years total. He has been a Jeep-Renault-Grand Master Technician -1984 to 1988 a GMC Master Technician-1988 to 2012 and a Chrysler Master Technician since 1989.

RR 184: Tim Dwyer Automotive Education Specialist at Consulab

Tim Dwyer was a shop owner for 25 years and was an instructor at Oklahoma State University Institute of Technology, for 12 years, where he helped start and instructed the Pro-Tech Automotive Internship program. He has found a perfect evolution of his storied carrer as an automotive education specialist at ConsuLab Educatech.

Tim is pays it forward with a very in-depth interview that covers many bases from his own shop, to being an educator and discovering a powerful way to educate his students with a Team Based Learning approach to his work in helping instructors utilize the power of their teaching aids.