RR 387: In Praise of Our Trainers
In Praise of Our Trainers
Our Guests: Bob Greenwood, AMAM, is the President and CEO of Automotive Aftermarket E-Learning Centre Ltd and has over 40 years’ experience working with Independent shops developing their business to maximize business net income.
Eric Ziegler owns and operates EZ Diagnostic Solutions Inc and is an accomplished automotive trainer working for Automotive Seminars and the Driveability Guys training technicians in the latest diagnostic techniques and technologies throughout the Midwest and US.
This is some straight up podcasting with hard-hitting talk about our industry trainers. Do we appreciate them the way we should? Are they paid enough? Do we look at training as an expense or an investment?
Bob and Eric seem like an odd couple to talk about this, but you’ll positively love the honest, transparent and frank talk that we had. Bob wrote an article titled. ‘In Praise of Trainers in the magazine Auto Service World and, I believe you’ll appreciate the way he and Eric bridge this topic.
RR 380: UNCOPYABLE. How To Create an Unfair Advantage Over Your Competition.
Uncopyable. How To Create an Unfair Advantage Over Your Competition
Steve Miller is best known as Kelly’s Dad and The Marketing Gunslinger. He is the best selling author, speaker, and a renowned marketing strategist. He has helped numerous organization stand out and become uncopyable against the stiffest competition available.
In this episode, we will be sharing with you all the main ingredients on how to become uncopyable. We will bring you the strategy you need to gain that advantage that your customer would be coming back to you and to you alone. Discover that unique quality that will help you stand out!
THA 093: How Not To Be a Micro Manager
Stop Being a Micro Manager
Have you ever said I need to give my people the freedom to spread their wings and make more decisions? Ever wondered why they won’t. It could be because you are a micro manager.
If you are a micro manager discover why you need to stop. Sharing their first-hand experience is Maryann Croce of Croce Transmissions in Norwalk, CT, and smalllbizvantage.com, Dennis McCarron, Executive Director of Dealer Strategic Planning and Tom Lambert, President of Shadetree Automotive. These three have the experience to share with you how and why you need to stop being a micro manager and become a strategic leader and get your team totally engaged in your mission, vision, and purpose.
Warning this academy episode just may change your life.
RR 378: John Passante – You Can’t Handle The Truth – The Power of Performance Reviews
Dr. John Passante – You Can’t Handle The Truth – The Power of Performance Reviews.
John Passante is a legacy automotive aftermarket Human Resource professional and the President and CEO of The Organizational Development Group. He’s worked with and for some of the biggest names in our industry including Monroe/Tenneco, Delphi, Moog and Car Quest.
In this episode, he illuminates how performance reviews can become part of the culture of all businesses. He covers high grounds on the importance of leadership, understanding personal goals, culture, strategy, and values in the performance review process.
John also shows us tips within the episode on the right way to write your own review.
THA 091: Workshop – Service Adviser Roleplay – Part 2
Service Adviser Role Play Part 2
Again this team digs deep to help aftermarket professionals learn more about the service advisor position. This is one of the most important and challenging jobs in the industry. The service adviser is the face of the business and is faced with building trust and strong relationships while generating profitable revenue.
Enjoy four different role plays and the ensuing discussion. Critique each role play yourself and enjoy the comments from this team. With me is Barry Barrett, Director of Training at RLO, Clint White, shop manager at Coopers Auto Repair Specialists in Tacoma, WA and John Vasquez, Service Adviser at Los Gators Auto Service Campbell, CA.
THA 090: Business Coaches Lab: Five Dysfunctions of a CEO
The Business Coaches LAB: The Five Dysfunctions of a CEO. Becoming a Better Leader.
Learn about these Dysfunctions: the Absence of Trust, the Fear of Conflict, the Lack of Commitment, the Avoidance of Accountability and the Inattention to Results.
In the LAB is Bob Greenwood from the Automotive Aftermarket E-Learning Center, Cecil Bullard, with the Institute for Automotive Business Excellence, Jude Larson from the ACT Group, Rick White from 180 Biz and Murray Voth, from RPM Training.
There is a large amount of bonus material and links to their firms and their previous episodes on the show notes page at remarkableresults.biz/a090.
RR 367: Mike Tatich. John Maxwell Leadership Certified.
Mike Tatich. John Maxwell Certified Leadership Coach
Mike Tatich, President of Tatich’s TMT Automotive Inc., Bremen, Indiana made a major decision after reading many of John Maxwell’s Books on Leadership to become a Maxell Certified Leadership Coach.
Mike went through the certification program in Florida and discovered that not one person in the program was from the automotive industry. He says leadership training is one of the most valuable commitments you need to make.
He is very keen on stressing that Leadership makes a huge difference for the owner and service advisor alike. He wants to get rid of the self-limiting and fearful belief of shop owners who think that they can’t move their shop forward.
FTR 013: Jeremy O’Neal on How to Train a Service Adviser
FTR 012: Cecil Bullard on Undervalued Labor Rates
RR 365: Reto Filli. Shop Owner Sold His Business and Became an E-Myth Business Coach
Shop Owner Sold His Business and Became an E-Myth Business Coach
Reto Filli came from Switzerland and is a trained mechanic. He and his wife ran a successful Auto Repair business for over 26 years that he sold and retired from.
His business took off when he read the E-Myth Revisited from Michael Gerber. He never looked back and he is now enjoying his next career as a E-Myth Business Coach.
We cover concepts of the E-Myth, preparing your business to sell, stop being a know it all, and apprentice programs that are needed to move our industry forward to recruit your youth into our trade.
RR 363: David Justice – You Must Manage Your Labor Profit Before Anything Else
David Justice – You Must Manage Your Labor Profit Before Anything Else
When David Justice sold his $5M business he was already speaking and coaching in partnership with NAPA. To help run his business David created the Labor Profit Management tool to keep a tight and smart handle on his labor and he was traveling the country and speaking to service professionals on the power of managing your labor.
Post sale he started Repair Shops of Tomorrow which not only incorporates the Labor Profit Management tools along with a focus on marketing programs.
David decided he needed to give back and is working hard to help shop owners achieve exceptional success. We talk about his three-legged stool, rewards, networking, and so much more.
FTR 008: Rick White – I’m Tired of You Giving Up!
FTR 004: Maylan Newton. Pay attention to your numbers.
THA 077: Business Coaches LAB – Standards
Business Coaches LAB on Standards
Standards, in a business is the bar, the rules that set the level of quality, service, experience, caring, and engagement. The problem is so many times the owner is so busy doing whatever he’s doing in his business mistakenly believing his job is to make sure cars are fixed.
Owners forget about the standards that set the tone and pulse of the business when it comes to customers, processes, training, conduct, dress code, ethics, financial, execution and performance among others.
You do not want your ‘standards’ to be set by others so you must create them if not chaos is ensured and as panel member Cecil Bullard says, “In business, there is no floating. You either going up or down.”
THA 070: Business Coaches LAB – Leadership
Business Coach LAB on Leadership
“Leadership is the capacity to translate vision into reality”. –Warren Bennis
The passion behind the vision is what makes people leaders. This is a first in an episodic series called the Business Coaches LAB. With me for the ‘Leadership LAB’ is Cecil Bullard, Bob Greenwood, Jude Larson, Rick White and Murray Voth. Find the coaches bio, previous podcast episodes and their companies website on the show notes page: remarkableresults.biz/a070. Also, find the cliff note ‘talking points’ there that can act as a great action to do list for you.
We get into some very deep discussion on the value of leadership, but also on how you can start to be a better leader. Yes, leadership can be learned and practiced. The value of this lesson will bring you rewards for years to come.
RR 333: Keith Benline & Jeremy O’Neal – 10 Steps to a $1M Shop
10 Steps to Build a Profitable Million Dollar Shop
In the 2018 Vision KC Studio longtime friend of the podcast Jeremy O’Neal from Freedom Automotive and Advisor Fix and shop owner and business trainer/coach, Keith Benline.
The goal of these 10 steps is to give you the Freedom to have a stronger work-life balance and to lead your people to run your business.
Benline says working smarter not harder as business owner, being a strong leader and don’t be afraid to let go and empower your employees. He also says you need to allow mistakes to happen and use them as a coaching moment.
Find your strengths and implement while surrounding yourself with people whose strengths are your weaknesses and don’t forget it’s the people that make the business run, always treat them and respect them as people.
RR 331: Kelly Bennett – ‘Kelly The Coach’
It’s Different Here; An Overused Excuse.
Business coach and trainer Kelly Bennett known in the industry as Kelly the Coach brings light to the most common excuse he hears. ‘The universal excuse, that shop owners give when they are struggling to find success, You Don’t Understand; It’s Different Here.’
Kelly also shares a concept called ‘The American Dream’, the role of a business coach, the four points of contact in a service business and the five wins necessary to find your success.
Kelly says that the average independent repair shop is doing 50% of their potential and he says you must be prepared for customers that shop prices. You need to talk warranty and quality with them. It is important to educate and advise your customer what is in their best interest.
RR 327: Prepare to Change – O’Neal – Barrett – Cloutier
Are You Prepared To Change?
Jeremy O’Neal from Freedom Automotive and AdvisorFix, Barry Barrett from RLO Training and Chris Cloutier from Golden Care Auto Care and Autotext.me bring a lively discussion and debate on the need and necessity of change.
President John Kennedy said: “Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past or the present are certain to miss the future.” We all realize that our industry is in constant change, however many do not embrace the vision necessary to keep pace and improve.
Listen to how these aftermarket professionals look at and embrace change. It is part of the vision. We cover two ways leaders lead. First is the fear of change, and second is that we are willing to change as long as there isn’t any pain.
We get into communications, connecting, and that winners and losers have one thing in common. Listen to find out what it is.
RR 325: Cecil Bullard on Succession Planning
Looking To Get Out? Candid Talk on Succession Planning.
Cecil Bullard joins Carm Capriotto for this interview at ATE in Seattle. A very special interview with a deep conversation on succeeding your business. Statistics reveal that the average shop owner is in their late fifties. A quality succession plan can take 5 to 8 years.
There are many great pieces of advice and wisdom discussed including family issues, what happens after I sell, what place does your ego have in the transaction, and when do you become a coach and not dad.
For non-family transactions, there is some wise advice on structuring a deal. Cecil gives a blueprint on the steps to building a succession plan.
RR 322: The Future Shop – A Business Coach Perspective – Haas & Greenwood
Shop Of The Future. A Business Coaches Perspective.
Bill Haas from Haas Performance Consulting and Bob Greenwood President and CEO of Automotive Aftermarket E-Learning Centre bring their viewpoints on the future of the service professional.
Bill and Bob talk about training, culture, the dealership factor, pricing transparency, and the importance of daytime training. They also share their viewpoint on competing, hiring and retaining top talent, both technicians and service advisors.
RR 310: Ron Ipach from Repair Shop Coach
Without Customers You Have No Business.
One of the most important jobs of a service professional CEO is to be a marketer; to make the phone ring. In this episode Ron Ipach, co-founder and President of Repair Shop Coach will share with you a very simple tactic that he says could double the number of visits from your customer. Ron is known as ‘Captain Car Count’ and he received that moniker from one of his customers many years ago and it stuck.
Ron has some very simple strategies on how to create business from the customers you’ve already served. You’ll hear some very profound stats on the number of messages we are bombarded by each day and how you can get through the clutter of emails, texts, ads, social media and ‘market’ to your customer.
Ron’s got a simple message to share. “Pay more attention to the people you’ve done business with in the last year.” Get them to move to a more experience relationship with you than a transactional. Invite them back in the shop.
RR 295: David Eschbach from Spirit One Group on the Service Advisor
The Four Cornerstone Approach to Service Counter Success
David Eschbach shares his method for improving the relationship and experience with the service advisor and customer.
Here is an in-depth discussion on improving your service counter. It is no secret, we have great people on our service counters and a regiment of training brings fresh ideas and helps tighten your customer relationship.
David shares his Four Cornerstone approach to service counter success. It is a simple process as we look to your customer and discover: What is Broke, Why is it Broke, and then give them a Statement of Benefit and Recommendation and finally Explain How are we Going to do the Repair. Of course, money is a byproduct of a great service experience.
THA 050: Finding The Right Business Coach
Finding The Right Business Coach.
A strong group of successful service professionals credits a business coach or consultant for their success. This Academy panel is in agreement on the steps you must weigh when considering hiring a business coach or consultant.
Be prepared to put your pride on the shelf and learn how to grow your business to new heights. Let the coach Identify your problems with profit, productivity, training, marketing, pricing labor and parts among others.
Your coach will teach you how to identify your problems and show you ways to fix it yourself. Business coaches/consultants help business owners develop skills to become reliant on their own. You will also be held accountable for your goals and production.
RR 287: Bill Haas – Millennials – How to Lead and Engage This Generation
Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About Hiring and Leading Millennials
Every twenty years or so a new generation of workers arrives. For many of us, we raised today’s Millennials or Generation Y. They are made up of the 22-40-year-old’s who number 79 million in the workforce; the largest segment.
If we are to seed our industry with youth and grow our own, we must look at the Millennial Generation. We must understand how to integrate them and nurture them into our workforce.
Each generation has its quirks. Gen Y is no different. Once you learn what moves and motivates them you’ll find it so much easier to accept and keep millennials motivated in your business culture. The lessons here works for all team members, but you’ll learn what really makes the Millennial tick and why they behave like they do.
RR 268: Scott Wheeler from Automotive Consultants Group
Let’s Do Some Math on the Foundations of a Million Dollar a Year Shop.
As a 36 years industry veteran and he’s been a business coach for the last 17 Scott Wheeler holds numerous ASE credentials and we jump into some extremely important topics of discussion that will have you engaged and shaking your head slowly up and down as you will relate to many of our key talking points.
Don’t shy away from the financial discussion. These are some of the most critical topics for a successful business. Life is a big math problem and we do some of it here.
From the tech shortage to learning leadership qualities and the extreme importance of good financial statements Scott Wheeler covers a broad range of important aftermarket subjects.