Customer Perceptions Part 1 – Bob Cooper and Bill Greeno [RR 773]

In this episode, we are jumping into the mind of your customer. From their perspective, do they prefer to use the term mechanic or technician? Ask a customer … How much do they think a mechanic/technician earns? What is your customer’s opinion on a service advisor having visible tattoos or smelling like cigarettes? Bob Cooper asked these questions to a panel of consumers at the 2022 Elite Invitational in San Diego, and their answers will certainly surprise you. And more importantly, what should you do in your business having this knowledge?

Flat Rate VS Salary Debate [THA 289]

Are you doing flat rate, salary, or a hybrid model? What are the pros and cons of all three? My panel brings light to this hot topic from different perspectives. The consensus from the group is there is no cookie-cutter model on pay plans you must factor in your culture and your team.

The Women of NAPA AutoCare [RR 771]

Joining me is the powerhouse team of women behind NAPA AutoCare. Napa has almost 100 years of dependability and remains the brand you can trust. My panel of ladies discusses the future, what makes the NAPA Family so strong, Tesla parts availability, training, and the collective strength of their AutoCare Members.

2022 Napa Technician Of The Year: Meg Lewis [RR 769]

We are at the NAPA Expo joined by the 2022 Napa Technician of the Year, Meg Lewis. She is the first female winner and is a huge advocate for automotive training and reaching the youth in schools. I’m also joined by Matt Fanslow from the Diagnosing the Aftermarket A to Z Podcast. We discuss goals, passions, work-life balance and advice to women in the industry.

Ron Capps: Two Time World Champion NHRA Driver Turned Team Owner [RR 767]

We are at the 2022 Napa Expo with reigning two-time world champion Ron Capps, who has just recently started his own Motorsports company. Find out what it’s like being both the driver and team owner. Listen to Ron explain the initial rush when his race car goes from 0-100mph in 7/10 of a second. He says It’s all about his team and the processes and procedures.

Why Do a Repair Order Audit? [THA 286]

Are you chasing the KPI’s in your business without pausing and diving into what creates those Key Performance Metrics? Are you reviewing repair orders? The amount of data filtered properly from an RO Audit will astound you. Use the data from a Repair Order Audit to refine your business.

What Do Technicians Really Want? – Jimmy Alauria and Jason Stretch [RR 765]

We all know that there’s a shortage of workers for mostly all businesses in all industries because of the great resignation. As a shop owner, how are you attracting the best technicians? Are you promoting your culture and the opportunity to work in your business? Wouldn’t it be nice to know what is important to technicians? What are they looking for in a shop, and do you offer it? Jimmy Alauria and Jason Stretch discuss the results of a recent technician survey that might surprise you. And how the value of the survey shapes the ads that attract superstars.

The New ADAS L4 ASE Certification – Shepanek, Haugh, and Perkins [RR 761]

Have you heard about the new ASE L4 ADAS Certification? This test has been in development since January 2020 with the help of industry experts. My guests Matt Shepanek, Matt Haugh, and Keith Perkins say the certification is going to be a major differentiating factor when hiring technicians. We all know the best technicians are the ones constantly learning and training. Stick around for an inside look into the test development and tips on how to pass the test.

The Extreme Value of a ‘SWOT’ for your Business [THA 283]

How often are you checking on the overall health of your business with your team members involved? Are you identifying and working on the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats, known as SWOT? How do you start a SWOT analysis? What are the benefits? How do you find your blindspots? Does knowing your SWOT give you a competitive advantage? My panel takes a deep dive into the value of SWOT and shares their own experiences.

A Collective Think Tank – Marconi – Murphy – Morrill [RR 759]

Nothing beats live in-person industry events. There is power in the collaborative minds from around the country in one room. The podcast attended the 2022 Elite Invitational in San Diego and we recorded some incredible stories with essential aftermarket voices. At the end of the conference, I had the idea to grab Jim Murphy, Gene Morrill, and Joe Marconi for a recap of the event and their perspectives on our industry. Keep listening, you have the best seat in the house right next to these 3 aftermarket icons.

Do You Have a 40% Close Rate For Pre Scheduled Appointments? Brett Beachler [RR 758]

How do your service advisors close their sales with a customer? Are they pre-scheduling for future maintenance appointments? Brett Beachler’s business has a 40% close rate for pre-scheduled maintenance appointments. He discusses how to make your current customers, your future customers.  Grab a pen and paper or head to the shownotes on this episode. You don’t want to miss Brett’s closing presentation that can be implemented in your business.

Is Your Bathroom Like the Ritz Carlton? [THA 281]

Did you know your customer’s bathroom is one of the most important reflections of your business to your customer? It reflects the commitment to a clean environment, it will affect your customer’s perception of your business and it demonstrates how well you’ll care for their personal vehicle. My panel discusses simple bathroom amenities that can have a huge impact and lasting impression on customers. Strive to have a customer rest room that is like the Ritz Carlton.

Streamlining Processes with Brett Beachler [AW 104]

Guest host and a shop tour with Brett Beachler, Beachler’s Vehicle Care & Repair, Peoria, IL. Find out how Brett’s team seamlessly communicates between both buildings and their streamlined processes.

Ethics 101 [THA 272]

Did you know ethics, culture, and team go hand in hand in a successful business? Doing the right thing means having full transparency, trust, and integrity. Listen firsthand to my panel as they discuss ethics 101 and some standout scenarios they’ve experienced.

There Can Be Change Without Progress, But No Progress without Change – Chris Cloutier [RR 731]

Did you know you’re 27% smarter when you’re positive? It makes sense, doesn’t it? Having a positive attitude can change everything if you let it. I’m with Chris Cloutier at Vision 2022. We didn’t have an agenda or talking points. He came in, sat down, and in classic Chris fashion, I was on the edge of my seat listening to him. Find your positivity and get smarter.

6 Components to a Great Compensation Plan – Bob Cooper [RR 730]

How do you incent behavior and retain top talent? Is the tech shortage a blessing in disguise? Did you know money is not the best motivator for employees? Bob Cooper, President of Elite Worldwide, shares 6 key components you should have in your compensation and incentive package for your employees.

Know Your Strengths [THA 268]

How well do you truly understand yourself and the people you work with? Are you going beyond the surface-level interactions and diving into personal development? In this Town Hall Academy, my panel not only discusses the different strength finder assessments but also the ‘why’ that drives and motivates different personalities within your business. A very important episode.

Are You Comfortable With Your Problems? Business Coaches Lab [RR 729]

You’re going to love this transparent interview recorded live at vision 2022. 3 business coaches, and no agenda. Listen firsthand from these business coaches on why so many business owners are struggling and how they are able to lift them to success. We talk about marriages, ego, habits, mistakes, and bad reactive pricing.

Important Employee Benefits [THA 267]

Did you know money isn’t the main motivator for employees? How many people are willing to work 40+ hours a week in an unhappy environment while being undervalued? What benefits set your business apart from other shops in your area? And, are you reminding your team of their benefits package so they understand their value within your business?

Next Best Improvement: Lean [THA 266]

How do you calculate the common phrase “work smarter, not harder?” This episode is all about getting lean in your shop. Are you tracking the steps it takes to do something simple like an oil change? Are your parts and supplies not only organized but purposefully placed in areas for efficiency? My panel discusses simple ways to get started with Lean Six Sigma. 1 simple change can save you time and money.

Coaches Lab: Turn Around a Struggling Shop [THA 265]

Asking for help and admitting you need help is often the last thing struggling business owners want to do. They also might not know who or how to ask. My panel of coaches has experience in the shop business and has a huge tenure as successful aftermarket business coaches. They’ve seen a lot and have helped many find unrivaled business success and a path to financial freedom.

It’s Time to Revamp Our Industry Training [THA 264]

This episode continues the previous discussion about learning environments and breaking the mold for both teachers and students. My group wants to revamp training (the lectures and presentation style) with smaller focus groups, that will allow the attendees to understand theories and concepts and have them apply them within a study group. This episode will push your think on the transfer of knowledge and maybe it’s time to break the mold on training.

The Big Picture Program [RR 715]

I recently had the privilege to connect with Karen Monaco, a teacher for a local school district and advisor for the Big Picture Program during a local independent shop owner meeting. This national program puts students at the center of their own learning through “leave to learn” internships and shadowing at local businesses. If you’re not involved with education, this is your wake-up call to get started. All it takes is a phone call. My goal is that this episode shows you the way to engage our young people in our industry.

Do We Earn Enough Respect? Charlie Marcotte and Dustin Brown [THA 250]

Do We Earn Enough Respect? Charlie Marcotte and Dustin Brown [THA 250]

It’s easy to be involved in your community as a business owner. You can sign a check, donate to a raffle, or sponsor a local sporting league. While those are great gestures, are you truly connecting your brand and your heart to your community? In this episode, 2 shop owners explain their full commitment to their community and why it’s important to their brand and their longevity in their business. Be prepared to be inspired to start your own acts of service in your community.

Short Term Goals WILL Change Your Behavior – Bob Cooper [RR 693]

Short Term Goals WILL Change Your Behavior – Bob Cooper [RR 693]

Don’t just write down a few goals for 2022. Allow them to change your behavior. As we near the end of 2021, we all start to think about New Years Resolutions. But did you know only 3% of people have clearly defined goals? The other 97% that don’t how to set clearly defined goals — face fears of failure and rejection. This is a one-of-a-kind episode with Bob Cooper CEO at Elite Worldwide, that will set you on a path to change yourself and your business. It’s not about the 97 yards you’ve traveled down the field but the three ahead of you that will score a touchdown.