Growing Pains When Scaling Your Business [RR 683]

Growing Pains When Scaling Your Business [RR 683]

We all know growing pains happen when expanding your business to more locations. It’s tough, necessary, and normal. But wouldn’t it be nice to skip some of the known challenges? Consider this episode your “How to Scale” road map if you’ve been considering opening more locations. Listen and learn from a shop owner and one of his Directors, as they share some tactics to controlled chaos.

Why Can’t Every Shop Owner Be Profitable? [RR 682]

Why Can’t Every Shop Owner Be Profitable? [RR 682]

Too many business owners are silently struggling and think they are the only ones. Or maybe they do want to elevate their business to the next level but have been stuck in the day to day…that leads to month to month and then year over year struggle. Before you know it, the only thing progressing forward is time. And the only constant is change. In this episode Scott Wheeler highlights the key foundations needed for a successful automotive business. He also references his book “How to Make Money (& Stay Sane) in the Automotive Service Industry” which reads like a blueprint for your business, full of charts, graphs and formulas.

The Courage to Make Tough Decisions [THA 243]

The Courage to Make Tough Decisions [THA 243]

Making a difficult, tough decision can be one of the hardest things to face. Ever toil with, when is it the right time? Are you making the right choice? Can you push through it? Well in this episode my panel of courageous women shares their own examples of pulling the trigger on a tough decision. Their stories will inspire you and maybe even give you the push you were looking for.

The Power of Transformational Coaching [THA 242]

The Power of Transformational Coaching [THA 242]

Employee reviews: We’ve all been there. You get called into your boss’s office and get graded on your performance over the past year. It can be easy to forget your review once you leave the office. Out of sight, out of mind. Isn’t it time to change that mundane process? In this episode my panel discusses a transformational approach for owners to deepen their relationship with their employees. Let them be a part of your business and see how it can flourish. We are talking Transformational Coaching.

Job Expectations: Boomers vs Millennials [RR 676]

Job Expectations: Boomers vs Millennials [RR 676]

Boomers and millennials could not be more different if they tried. We’ve all heard the stereotype for both generations and miscommunication and frustration often bubble to the surface in any work environment. Instead of criticizing different generations than our own, isn’t it time we pause and start understanding each other? In this episode, Bill Haas is the boomer and Sara Fraser is the millennial. They are also a father-daughter team that works together. Listen to both perspectives and find out how both generations can actually work together harmoniously.

Sam Craven and Lee Forman [AW 070]

Sam Craven and Lee Forman [AW 070]

Guest host, Sam Craven, The Garagisti, Houston, TX shares his thoughts on culture, measures and customers. We get a virtual shop tour with Lee Forman of Dynamic Automotive, New Market, MD. And important weekly episode updates.

Leadership Series Part 5 with Mike Davidson – Rewards of Growing as a Leader [RR 673]

Leadership Series Part 5 with Mike Davidson – Rewards of Growing as a Leader [RR 673]

In this final installment of our Leadership Series with Mike Davidson, Mike discusses the reward of growing in leadership. It goes beyond profit and cash flow. The real success comes from business owners realizing they need to develop their people instead of managing them. Too often the owner is the biggest obstacle in allowing the business to grow. Find out what happens when you implement this how-to leadership series.

Creating a Culture of Productivity – Scott Brown [RR 671]

Creating a Culture of Productivity [RR 671]

Goodhart’s law named after British economist Charles Goodhart states “When a measure becomes a target, it ceases to be a good measure.” Sometimes when business owners become focused on a specific measure in their business, like productivity, it can actually hold everyone back. In this episode Scott Brown, from Cardinal Shell, discusses how his 5 bay shop produces 4.2 million per year by focusing on the culture of the business. Keep listening for a different perspective that might change the way you do business if you let it.

Brittany Schindler and Bruce Howes [AW 066]

Brittany Schindler and Bruce Howes [AW 066]

Guest host, Brittany Schindler, Rod’s Japanese Auto Care, Bellingham, WA and the virtual shop tour with Bruce Howes, Atlantic MotorCar Center, Wiscasset, ME. Trivia Challenge: What was the first car fitted with an alternator rather than a direct current dynamo?

EOS Part 7 – Traction with Barry Barrett [RR 666]

EOS Part 7 – Traction with Barry Barrett [RR 666]

Welcome to the final episode in our 7 part EOS (Entrepreneurial Operating System) series with Barry Barrett, a certified EOS implementer. It’s time to put everything together that we have learned in the previous episodes on EOS. No business is too big or too small to put this system in action.

Everyone has a lot to get done every day, especially business owners, but are you getting the right things done every day? How should your weekly meetings be structured? Take the questions out of the equation in your business by following Barry’s simple and direct processes. EOS can grow your profitability by 20-25%, what are you waiting for?

Second in Command – A COO/GM Perspective [THA 236]

Second in Command – A COO Perspective [THA 236]

As an owner, the day-to-day routine seems like second nature to you. You’re the face of the business and enjoy interacting with customers and your team. How much time are you able to spend focusing on the future.

Having a second in command to manage the day-to-day tasks and employees is vital to a growing business. This episode will appeal to any owner out there and also future COO’s that have the desire to step up into that role. Find out what it takes for both sides to make it work seamlessly.

Aaron Woods and Shop Tour with Emily Chung [AW 065]

Aaron Woods and Shop Tour with Emily Chung[AW 065]

Guest host, Aaron Woods, Extra Mile Auto Care, Stillwater, OK and the virtual shop tour with Emily Chung at AutoNiche in Markham, ON. Trivia Challenge: The Peanuts Characters Were First Animated in 1960 for What Automotive Brand?

Leadership Series Part 4 with Mike Davidson – Growth Environment (Continued) [RR 664]

Leadership Series Part 4 with Mike Davidson – Growth Environment (Continued) [RR 664]

This 5 part series breaks down what it means to be a true leader and how to implement a growth environment and culture within your business. It’s no secret visible growth opportunities attract high performers to your business. In this episode, Mike simplifies 5 key components: assigning responsibility, identifying the people in your organization that are willing to invest in themselves, how to develop meetings without you, letting go, and what does your day look like now. Learn some important lessons that are easy to implement.

Kevin Eckler and Shop Tour with Angelo Giglio [AW 064]

Kevin Eckler and Shop Tour with Angelo Giglio [AW 064]

Guest host, Kevin Eckler from Foreign Car Specialists, Poughkeepsie, NY about work environment and the impact on culture and the virtual shop tour with Angelo Giglio from Warren Auto and Tire in Roseville, MI. The Trivia Challenge: Name of Lincoln’s Concept Car that was Modified Into TV’s ‘Batmobile’?

Dynamic Automotive: 6 Years Later [RR 662]

Dynamic Automotive: 6 Years Later [RR 662]

This episode was recorded live at Dynamic Automotive’s 25th year anniversary with owners Jose Bueso, Lee Foreman, and Dwayne Myers. Like so many other businesses, it all started in a garage with some tools. With 5 locations, it has grown in every way possible, including creating a strong leadership team. Listen carefully as Jose, Lee, and Dwanye give valuable insight on how they expanded logistically and internally.

This partner team was on the second episode released in March 2015. This is a long-awaited update. Thanks to Jose, Lee, and Dwayne for believing in the concept of aftermarket podcasts so long ago.

Russ Crosby and Shop Tour with Tom Palermo [AW 063]

Russ Crosby and Shop Tour with Tom Palermo [AW 063]

Guest Russ Crosby from Russ’s Wrench Auto Repair located in Clinton, NJ. speaks to shop culture and the Virtual shop tour with Tom Palermo from Preferred Automotive Specialists in Philadelphia, PA. The trivia question: What car was featured in the movie ‘Smokey and the Bandit?

Technician Outlook with Jake Sorensen-Part 2 [RR 659]

Technician Outlook with Jake Sorensen-Part 2 [RR 659]

We hear the perspectives of business owners all the time, but sometimes it’s important to gain the perspective of technicians as well. See things through their eyes instead and find out what retains them as employees, and how to continue to challenge them in productive ways. Listen and pick up a few ideas to implement in your team culture.

How Strong Are Your Community Heart Strings? [RR 658]

How Strong Are Your Community Heart Strings? [RR 658]

Helping your local community is always on your “to-do” list as a business owner but how many of us are really taking action? How do you get started? How do you budget donations? In this episode, Dena Ganje explains the importance of community support and why you sometimes can’t put a dollar amount on helping others better their lives.

If your shop isn’t involved in the community, then there’s no better time than now to make a difference. So many top shops make community one of their passions. If you are not, it is time to start. Use this podcast episode to catapult you to be a strong philanthropist.

EOS Part 6 – Process with Barry Barrett [RR 657]

EOS Part 6 – Process with Barry Barrett [RR 657]

We are on part 6 of our 7 part series on the Entrepreneurial Operating System with Barry Barrett, a certified EOS implementer. In this episode, Barry discusses how to systemize your business by building processes. Too many owners think they don’t have time to document processes and then wonder why they can’t leave the shop and take a vacation.

Guess what? Processes can be a simple 1 page of bullet points. Keep listening to follow the steps to create consistency in your business.

Ask: What Are Your Car Pains? ™ [RR 656]

Ask: What Are Your Car Pains? ™ [RR 656]

How do you maintain your health? Do you eat properly, exercise and see professionals with routine appointments such as doctors, dentists, ophthalmologists, and the list goes on. We also see those specialists when we don’t feel well. Now think about your customer’s vehicle. They rely on it for transportation, and it carries precious cargo such as kids, spouses, and pets. Shouldn’t maintaining their vehicle be the same as maintaining your health? This episode with Rob Choisser should get you to re-think what you do for your customer.

Playing the Long Game [THA 231]

Playing the Long Game [THA 231]

How do you “Play the Long Game?” Are you making an effort every single day or do you tend to coast when things are going well? Forecasting the future should always be on your mind with fresh ideas and plans in place to get there.

In this episode, my panel shares their ‘long game’ on finding technicians, reasons why hybrid and electric vehicle repair is a must and keeping customers for life.

Spoiler alert: they discuss things EVERY shop owner can implement. No excuses, it’s time to dive in.
Don’t forget you can find talking points to all episodes on my website

Second in Command: A CEO Perspective [THA 230]

Second in Command: A CEO Perspective [THA 230]

As your business continues to grow and perhaps you add a few more locations, or you want to work on your job as the visionary, it’s a natural progression to start brainstorming who you’re second in command will be.

Why is it important? What qualifications and qualities do they need to possess? How do you set up clear roles and guidelines between your position and theirs? All these questions and more are answered in this episode. Sit back and listen first hand to what works and what doesn’t.

Facing Our Challenges Head-On with Craig Noel [RR 653]

Facing Challenges Head-On with Craig Noel [RR 653]

We are a vibrant, growing and essential industry. And like many dynamic industries, we have obstacles to overcome that make what we do fun yet challenging. How do we grow and meet said challenges? Well, Craig Noel’s passion for changing the perception of the automotive world is hard to miss in this episode. Keep listening and become the change agent that we need.

Career Paths – Technician to Manager [THA 229]

Career Paths – Technician to Manager [THA 229]

It’s always interesting to hear the unique paths people have embarked on to be in this industry and to grow in it. Seniority doesn’t always trump leadership skills and a drive to become invested and committed in the business. In this episode, my panel discusses the different career paths that they have taken while working for Dynamic Automotive and their plans for future growth within the company.

Total Management Commitment to Training – BE BOLD with Karim Morsli [RR 651]

Total Management Commitment to Training – BE BOLD with Karim Morsli [RR 651]

Everyone knows training is one of the most important parts of your business. What kind of training do you do? Are you 100% committed to training? Does your culture reflect continual learning? In this episode, Karim Morsli from Winkler Automotive breaks down the essence of training in a very different way that will get you thinking large. If you are ready to take your training commitment to the next level – this is a required listen.