RR 477: Danny Sanchez – It is Not Rocket Science to Run a Successful Shop

RR 477: Danny Sanchez – It is Not Rocket Science to Run a Successful Shop

Danny Sanchez, CEO of Autoshop Solutions, likes to keep it simple and direct. Having been a successful shop owner Danny is able to share his past experience as it relates to the challenges of the day. He sees your success as the totality of the shop from the ground up! He shares some key insights that will apply to any shop or organization. We continue to build on the trending talking points that my guests say are the fundamental building blocks of a successful shop today.

Some of the things we talk about are Building a culture, investing in people, using time efficiently and having better customer service. These are the key ingredients of becoming a successful owner!

Danny warns that every time you start something new there is a heavy investment of time, time is a commodity in shorter demand than money. Spend it wisely

RR 474: Dan Taylor – Emotional Intelligence (EQ) Leads to High Performing Leaders – Part 2

Dan Taylor – Emotional Intelligence leads to High Performing Leaders – Part 2

Leadership has its different styles and strategies. How well you lead depends on how you treat followers and how you treat yourself as a shepherd towards its own flock.

Throughout time, we learned that there are different types of leaders, leaders who have different mindsets, discipline, strategies and even outlook. As you have studied lessons of leadership you may have discovered a formula that works, grows your influence and builds a team. So much of your leadership skills are about your Emotional Intelligence or EQ. We are talking EQ in Part 2 with Dan Taylor, a Senior Business Advisor at Transformers Institute

We will be expanding on our discussion of Emotional Intelligence and its relevant effects on leadership as a whole and how it can impact the aftermarket industry.

THA 140: Interview Tactics for a Cultural Fit

THA 140 Interview Tactics for a Cultural Fit

How many interviews have you done? How many have sparked a great hire? We are here to talk about that.
Welcome Kirk Richardson, South Street Auto Care, Rochester, MI, Jim Hayes, Shop General Manager at Pacific Motor Service in Monterey, CA 2 Shops and Dan Taylor, Coach at Transformers Institute.

This episode is packed with Human Resource wisdom and we get into interviewing tactics, form and format that will help you build your bench and make quality cultural hires that fit into your business like a glove.

THA 135: Implementing Profit First – Shop Owners Thrilled With Results

Implementing Profit First – Shop Owners Thrilled With Results

This episode will change your thinking as it relates to a new profit discipline and cash management. I know you know that cash is king in any business, so start being a better manager of it.

Listen in on Danielle Bohlmann, owner with husband Brett in Highway 7 Service Center, Newell, IA, Kenny Wedow from Fine Tuned Auto, Broomfield, CO and Chris Cotton, Certified Profit First Professional from AutoFix SOS coaching company and a former shop owner.

They nailed the benefits of a strong and disciplined cash management system. Both these shop owners say they are in a better place because of implementing Profit First. Danielle and her husband Brett always plowed all their money back in their business. Now hear what they are doing and are better for it.

RR 461: Dan Taylor – Emotional Intelligence (EQ) Leads to High Performance Shops – Part 1

Dan Taylor – Emotional Intelligence Leads To High Performance

In the business of the aftermarket, we are always in search of leadership qualities to take our business and team to the next level. It is not necessarily how smart you are but how you manage your and your team’s emotions.

Let me set the stage; here is a quote from noted author Daniel Goleman: In a study of skills that distinguish star performers in every field from entry-level jobs to executive positions, the single most important factor was not IQ, advanced degrees, or technical experience, it was EQ: Emotional Intelligence.

This episode has the right ingredients to make you emotionally aware of the properties of your own emotions and how to incorporate them into problem-solving and to the overall emotional health of a shop. My guest today is Dan Taylor. He is the Senior Business Advisor of Transformers institute. Dan will help you understand the importance of Emotional Intelligence in leadership as a huge factor in team and customer retention.

RR 460: Erick Bock – How to Quit Your Job and Face your FEARS – Go Where Your Passion Resides!

Erick Bock – How to Quit Your Job and Face your FEARS – Go Where Your Passion Resides!

I’m with Erick Bock of Bock Auto, Amagansett, NY, Long Island. Erick is very passionate about cars and he dreamed he was going to own a shop one day. His dreams came true when he overcame his fears and started to face them head-on.

We all know that fear is a huge wall to overcome. Listen to how Eric did it. Learn from it and maybe share this episode with a colleague who is also weighed down with the fear of making decisions and achieving your goals

His shop boasts a full-service preventive maintenance and automotive repair center. The shop performs high quality, guaranteed service you can trust at a fair price.

THA 133: Why Soft or Life Skills Training Matters for Business Success

THA 133 The Value of Soft Skills Training

The panel says that soft skills training helps build a stronger, flexible and harmonious organization. Leadership training is not just for the leader today. Everyone can benefit from being a better listener, which is the #1 soft skills or life skills training we all need to have.

Join Judi Haglin owner with her husband Dana in Haglin Automotive, Boulder, CO, Kyle Holt, President of SP/2 andJeff Peevy, AMAM, President | Automotive Management Institute.

Change your attitude Soft (Life) Skills Training. It must include everyone in your business. Training in communication, critical thinking, finding and keeping a positive attitude, teamwork and work ethic, to name a few. Everyone benefits including family life.

In support of your work to build an enduring business culture one of the best tactics you can implement is soft skills or life skills training. Consider the message in this episode as an important component to building your enduring business culture.

RR 459: Standards And Values Foster a United Purpose for Your Team

Standards And Values Foster a United Purpose For Your Team

My friend Kevin Donahoe from Pacific Motor Service with two shops in Monterey, CA
And Pacific Grove, CA along with his general manager Jim Hayes go deep into their culture. They have a set of standards and values that drive their organization’s behavior.

You’ll learn about the creation of these standards and values, we’ll discuss the origins of a few and how these standards and values are the anchors in their enduring business culture.

You are about to listen in on a conversation that could be the impulsion to get you started. I believe once you’ve listened you’ll want to start your work on building your enduring business culture.

You are going to learn a lot, I believe you’ll have a clearer picture of the power of an enduring business culture and you just may walk away with enough motivation to get started and to find some juice to improve what you currently have.

THA 132: Business Coaches Lab: Building an Enduring Business Culture

THA 132 Business Coaches Lab – Building an Enduring Business Culture

Culture is one of the most important business strategies you need to work on. Building a strong and vibrant business culture is required today. Learn how to get started and start to build your business culture.

The panel Murray Voth, RPM Training, Rick White 180 Biz, Cecil Bullard, The Institute for Automotive Business Excellence and Bob Greenwood, Automotive Aftermarket E-Learning Center.

Top aftermarket shops have a strong culture in place and are always tweaking and improving it. It is the foundation and ground zero for hiring and keeping the right people. And also in attracting and providing a great customer experience.

FTR 058: Tomi Oliva – Would You Work For You?

FTR 058 Tomi Oliva- Would You Work For You?

Tomi Oliva from San Jose Automotive Center in Chicago reminds us how important morale and work environment is. He reminds you that it is the little things that matter.

RR 452: Danielle and Brett Bohlmann – Creating Work/Life Harmony

Danielle and Brett Bohlmann Finding the Right Balance Between Work and Life

Brett and Danielle Bohlmann are Shop Owners at Hwy 7 Service Center. They agree that they are everything the other is not and they know it and use it to their advantage instead of it being their demise.

OK, Brett and Danielle Bohlman agree that they are everything the other is not and they know it and use it to their advantage instead of it being their demise. Brett and Danielle own Hwy 7 Service Center in Newell, IA. Danielle wasnt in on the business at start because she is a mother of 4 and for her, family is first! Find out how Danielle changed her comittment and how they make family and business work so they have a life.

RR 451: Dan Gilley – Attracting the Right Talent with the Right Stuff

Dan Gilley – Attracting the Right Talent with the Right Stuff

Every new and young technician today have a lot more shops to choose from. Let’s face it, there is a lingering issue of the technician shortage. If you are a business owner, what do you need to do to attract and/or retain talented individuals that possess the ‘right stuff’.

If you are a business owner, how would you attract an employee? What are the things you would do to improve your shop and make it as attractive and organized as it could be? Dan Gilley will bring light to decisions addressing the best interests of the would be future candidates/employee of a shop. Dan Gilley is the President and CEO of RLO Training.

In this episode, you will understand the utmost priorities needed by shop owners to address the how to attract the right kind of employees and what are the necessary tactics in order to keep them. As Dan would say, it’s either you attract them or repel them. Is it just for the paycheck or the team?

THA 126: Firing Customers – When is it Right or Wrong?

Bottom line is firing customers is rare, however, it happens and should be for the right reasons.

With me is Joe Hanson, Gordie’s Garage, Roseville, Michigan, Jerry Kezhyaya, The Auto Shop, Plano, TX, and Doug Callaghan, Vic’s Service, Wainright, Alberta, CA

OK, you may not have ever fired a customer or you may have done it just last week. It isn’t a task you do often, however, the job of firing a customer comes with some caveats. Joe, Jerry, and Doug share with you why they would do it and suggest that you do a deep dive inside your business to see if YOU aren’t the problem.

THA 119: Improving Employee Loyalty

Improving Employee Loyalty

Fuel your engine today with our discussion on Improving Employee Loyalty with my shop owner panel Donnie Hudson from Troy Auto Care in Troy, MI, Roy Foster from Roy Foster’s Automotive in Reno, NV and Steve Finzel from Finzel’s Master Tech in Terre Haute, IN They’ve built a family culture in their shops and you can too.

You’ll hear how they did it and understand why they created the programs that build loyalty and retention from their people. I know you’ve heard this adage before: “Take care of your people and they will take care of your customer.” This episode will give you a great idea on how to do that.

Prepare for many strong ideas coming at you so. Pick a few and start to implement them in your business. The panel admits, it did not happen overnight but was nurtured for years. So you need to start. Keep in mind that it is imperative you seize onto a new idea, own it, implement it and watch it transform your business.

THA 117: Creative Brainstorming: How To Build an Idea Factory

Creative Brainstorming: How To Build an Idea Factory

Some people just bubble with ideas; they are visionaries. You’ve got team members who are great at seeing new and better ways to improve systems and processes, serve customers and create great marketing. What are you doing to create an idea factory in your business? Are you actively listening? Are you creating a culture to create ideas and change? Lately, have you implemented a new idea lately in your business or are you just talking about them?

With me is Shari Pheasant co-owner of A Master Mechanic, in Reno, NV and business coach and consultant known as the Queen of Horsepower, Barry Barrett is here from Business with a Purpose and a Professional EOS Implementer and David Eschbach from the Clutch Performance Group

In this episode, ideas are flying around abundantly for you as we help you grab on to the value of Creative Brainstorming and getting your idea factory churning to help improve your business. Once you listen you’ll be ready to jump into using the power of ideas to improve your business.

THA 115: Who Says You Need an Automotive Background to Run a Successful Shop

THA 115 Who Says You Need an Automotive Background to Run a Successful Shop

Now visit with Brian Sump from Avalon Motorsports and Andy Bizub from Midwest Performance Cars as they share their strategy for growing their business. This is an interview like no other you’ve heard here on Remarkable Results or the Town Hall Academy for that matter. This interview should open your eyes because Brian and Andy did not grow up in the business. They were not technicians with a dream of owning their own shop. Brian was a professional football player and Andy was a commodity trader.

They grew their business without the knowledge of the industry. They share their strategies and tactics that have shaped their continuing success. Brian and Andy basically became the CEO of their business. We talk about that a lot on the podcast. They used their people, network and training to learn, lead and grow their business.

So there’s the rub. Why are there so many legacy aftermarket professionals in the industry struggling when these ‘outsiders’ who acquired going shops are at the top of their game? Find out.

THA 109: How to Handle the Overload of Information, Workload and All That You Have to Learn.

How to Handle the Overload of Information, Workload and All That You Have to Learn

We are in deep talking about how they deal with getting things done, keeping up on their learning curve, dealing with an overstuffed ‘In-Box’, prioritizing, delegating, learning, neural pathways, and exercise, just to name a few.

With me in studio talking ‘Information Overload’ is Donny Seyfer, Executive officer of NASTF and co-owner of Seyfer Automotive, Wheat Ridge, CO, Rob Rowsell, Family Auto Service La Mesa, CA (4 shop group) author of ‘Addicted to Life; How I Went From Homeless to Extraordinary Success and Happiness in a Short Period of Time.” and serial entrepreneur Mark Roberts, managing partner at Schertz Auto Service, Schertz TX

Guaranteed you’ll pick up at least one thing on helping you become a more organized and effective person.

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RR 403: Lucas Underwood – Take Ownership and Learn from your Mistakes. Find Humility.

Lucas Underwood – Take Ownership and Learn from your Mistakes. Find Humility.

There are a lot of responsibilities being a business owner. You have to re-think or get advice if your policies or strategies are not working. This episode does open the discussion on self-improvement and learning from your mistakes.

Lucas Underwood is an Automotive diagnostic specialist and shop owner. He owns L & N Performance Auto Repair, Blowing Rock, NC.

We talk about supporting post-secondary education, technician training, the importance of communicating with your team, staying current with customer needs such as texting and what are his success secrets at this time in his life. Lucas is a millennial shop ower for the last 10 years. The road was not paved in gold.

THA 100: Up Your Game: Become a Level Five Leader and Improve, You, Your Business and the Aftermarket

Up Your Game: Become a Level Five Leader and Improve You and the Aftermarket

Think of this podcast like 9 five minute Ted Talks. Here are the topics covered, Listening, Resilience, Learn to be a CEO, Perseverance, Invest in your Staff, Delegate and Get Out of the Way, Be Your Word, Have High Expectations of your Team and Train Within.

My guests each chose their topic and were given five minutes to present a succinct narrative for you.

Vic Tarasik, Major Accounts Director with RLO Training, Maryann Croce of Croce Transmissions in Norwalk, CT and smallbizvantage.com, Bob Greenwood, AMAM, is President and CEO of Automotive Aftermarket E-Learning Centre, Greg Buckley is the CEO Buckley’s Personalized Auto Care in Wilmington, DE, Shari Pheasant and her husband Jeff own A Master Mechanic, and she is known as the Queen of Horsepower, Chris Cloutier is co-owner of Golden Rule Auto Care and CEO of AutoText ME, Brian Walker is the founder and CEO of 5 Stones Media, a marketing agency and former shop owner, Bill Hill owner of Mighty Auto Pro from Medina, OH and Brett Bohlmann of HWY 7 Service Center, Newel, IA

RR 392: Shop Talk 7 – The Leading Ladies

Shop Talk 7 -Leading Ladies

Judi Haglin, from Haglin Automotive, Boulder CO, Shelle Bennett, from Mike’s Kars in Gettysburg, PA and Kelli Weatherby from Accurate Automotive in Mesa, AZ.

These three ladies are members of an ATI twenty group that is called Leading Ladies. They are proud of their numbers. They are the top twenty group in performance within the ATI program. How is that for ‘strength in numbers’.

We had a really relaxed and wide open chat in the AAPEX18 Studio where we touched on the disciplines they have in their 20 group, what they believe is the secret to a successful business, finding your humility will change your world, and why the fear of sharing hold businesses back. There is plenty more especially the talk on the secret sauce.

RR 388: Re-Inventing You! A Personal Story Of Prolific Change.

Re-Inventing You! A Personal Story Of Prolific Change.

Carlo Sabucco from Sils Complete Auto Care Centre, a successful 8 bay shop on the east side of Oakville, Ontario.

This is episode offers some in your face and blunt stores about failure, adversity and managing your ego to get to the next level. You cannot be successful in the changing aftermarket if you do not have the CEO mindset. Your thought process should match the level that you want to be at. There is no downshifting gears when you are climbing a mountain.

Carlo offers one of the most transparent interviews I’ve ever done on the podcast. He shares his romance of selling his business and then he said no. That experience rejuvenated him and allowed him to re-invent his mission and vision about his business and the industry.

One of Carlo’s personal disrupters in his business in 2019 is to take his entire staff to Vision KC. He knows that the future will be shaped by what we do today. Too many shop owners ask for help but never implement. He says they’ll be left behind.

THA 093: How Not To Be a Micro Manager

Stop Being a Micro Manager

Have you ever said I need to give my people the freedom to spread their wings and make more decisions? Ever wondered why they won’t. It could be because you are a micro manager.

If you are a micro manager discover why you need to stop. Sharing their first-hand experience is Maryann Croce of Croce Transmissions in Norwalk, CT, and smalllbizvantage.com, Dennis McCarron, Executive Director of Dealer Strategic Planning and Tom Lambert, President of Shadetree Automotive. These three have the experience to share with you how and why you need to stop being a micro manager and become a strategic leader and get your team totally engaged in your mission, vision, and purpose.

Warning this academy episode just may change your life.

RR 378: John Passante – You Can’t Handle The Truth – The Power of Performance Reviews

Dr. John Passante – You Can’t Handle The Truth – The Power of Performance Reviews.

John Passante is a legacy automotive aftermarket Human Resource professional and the President and CEO of The Organizational Development Group. He’s worked with and for some of the biggest names in our industry including Monroe/Tenneco, Delphi, Moog and Car Quest.

In this episode, he illuminates how performance reviews can become part of the culture of all businesses. He covers high grounds on the importance of leadership, understanding personal goals, culture, strategy, and values in the performance review process.

John also shows us tips within the episode on the right way to write your own review.

RR 374: Shop Talk 6 – Change or Be Changed – Dean Bailey and Doug Rogers.

Shop Talk 6: Change or Be Changed – Doug Rogers and Dean Bailey

The Roundtable has Dean Bailey, from King’s Auto Service and Hybrid Kings and Doug Rogers, Owner of Autohaus Import both from Raleigh, NC. Recorded at ASTE 2018.

They share their expert take on micromanaging, becoming a stronger leader, building a business culture, autonomous cars, setting the pace in the shop, and finding that niche that will propel you to the future!