Climbing Out Of Despair [THA 296]
In today’s episode, my panel discusses hitting rock bottom and being able to climb out. How do you financially recover from being in debt? How do you get through divorce when your business is failing? Why aren’t more owners looking at themselves in the mirror and realizing they are the problem and the solution? Keep listening to find out.
Electric Vehicle Outlook with Derek Kaufman [RR 776]
Derek Kaufman is constantly scanning future trends in vehicle design and aftermarket challenges, including how recent events in electric vehicles are affecting our near-term and longer-term futures. This is your podcast resource, committed to bringing the future and forward-looking information you can use to inform and map your road ahead.
There Can Be Change Without Progress, But No Progress without Change – Chris Cloutier [RR 731]
Did you know you’re 27% smarter when you’re positive? It makes sense, doesn’t it? Having a positive attitude can change everything if you let it. I’m with Chris Cloutier at Vision 2022. We didn’t have an agenda or talking points. He came in, sat down, and in classic Chris fashion, I was on the edge of my seat listening to him. Find your positivity and get smarter.
Out with the Old, in with the New [AW 095]
Guest hosts and shop tour with Rich and Linda Brauer, 59 Auto Repair, Plainfield, IL. They’ve been in business 28 years and was the 2021 NAPA Shop of the Year. Rich and Linda discuss the importance of being open to new ideas and change, rather than saying “that is the way we’ve always done it.”
The Power of EOS: 2 Day Leadership Meeting [RR 719]
My panel, back to discuss the Entrepreneurial Operating System and their annual 2-day meeting. If you are longing to create leaders throughout your company, please follow every episode we’ve done on EOS so you can appreciate the strategy, system, and process of EOS. My shop owner panel has never been so excited and rewarded for having implemented the EOS model. They discuss their 2-day annual meeting with their leadership teams and the powerful team and leadership building that was a result of their annual 2-day. This gives you a glimpse of what is to come if you get on board with EOS.
Ego Is The Enemy [RR 717]
Everyone needs an ego to start something new. Ego and self-confidence work hand in hand. But if you’re not careful, ego can run rampant and stifle both your personal and professional growth. As a business owner, what are you trying to build? Are you hiring the right people and letting them grow? Or has your ego become a roadblock to your success?
Life Happens, How Do You Handle It? – Maryann Croce [AW 080]
Life Happens, How Do You Handle It? – Maryann Croce [AW 080]
Guest Host and Shop Tour with Maryann Croce from Croce Transmissions in Norwich, CN also coach and consultant at Small Biz Not only will we have a virtual tour of Croce Transmissions but speak to the challenges when ‘Life Happens’ and doesn’t go as planned. The question: ‘How Do You Handle it?”
Implementing EOS with Barry Barrett: Four Shop Owners Share Their Success [RR 686]
Implementing EOS with Barry Barrett: 4 Shop Owners Share Their Success [RR 686]
The Entrepreneurial Operating System has been highlighted on the podcast with a 7 part series featuring Barry Barrett, a certified EOS Implementor. The EOS system enables owners to get the most out of their business using six key components: Vision, People, Data, Issues, Process, and Traction. It’s easy to discuss and learn, but how does it work with real people in different levels of business? In this episode, you’ll hear from 4 shop owners that have implemented EOS in their business and their success stories from it.
Anxiety Disorders at Work [THA 246]
Anxiety Disorders at Work [THA 246]
Anxiety: we all know it and we all experience it. If you’re tuning into this episode you’re probably hoping to find a quick fix to handle anxiety. My panel does cover best practices when you’re in an anxious state, but they also dive deeper into what causes anxiety in the first place. The majority of the time it is self-induced. It’s time to open your mind and view anxiety from a different perspective.
The Courage to Make Tough Decisions [THA 243]
The Courage to Make Tough Decisions [THA 243]
Making a difficult, tough decision can be one of the hardest things to face. Ever toil with, when is it the right time? Are you making the right choice? Can you push through it? Well in this episode my panel of courageous women shares their own examples of pulling the trigger on a tough decision. Their stories will inspire you and maybe even give you the push you were looking for.
Electrificaton of our Industry – Service Impact and Trends [THA 232]
Electrification of our Industry – Service Impact and Trends [THA 232]
How do you prepare for the future? It starts by acknowledging it will be here before you know it. In this episode, my panel discusses electric and hybrid vehicles with statistics and real shop research that help outline the road ahead.
Don’t be left behind. Don’t be a naysayer. Embrace and understand the role of EV’s and Hybrids. Learn all you can so you can prepare your business for the future. A critical and important podcast so you benefit.
Hitting Rock Bottom and Climbing out [RR 650]
Hitting Rock Bottom and Climbing out [RR 650]
The hardest part about moving forward is sometimes going backward. Moving out of your comfort zone and embracing change can be a struggle for all of us to do. In this episode, Jeff and Donna Hazeltine share an emotional story that happened just 8 months ago. They had hit rock bottom with their business after losing long-term employees and felt like things couldn’t get any worse.
They had help from their fellow shop owner Troy Vaninetti. Discover how they climbed out and now have a completely different business culture.
Our Industry Needs a Change [THA 226]
Our Industry Needs a Change [THA 226]
How do we change the mindset of others? Why do owners continue to have the same old thinking that leads to the same old results? Why are technicians leaving the industry? Why isn’t there a draw for an automotive career for young professionals?
If you are listening to this podcast you are making a conscious effort to learn and make a change in your life and your business. How do we get others to follow? In this episode, all these questions and more are discussed by my panel of business coaches. Prepare to be inspired by their passion for change in this industry.
You can find the talking points for this episode and every archived episode on my website
Interesting New Technology with Chris Cloutier [RR 638]
Interesting New Technology with Chris Cloutier [RR 638]
If you love new technology you’re in for a treat! Chris Cloutier discusses the rapid changes in technology and what that means for our industry. If you’re not a fan of new technology, then consider this your opportunity to learn a slice of the future and get on board before it steamrolls you.
New technology is going to happen no matter what, it’s just a question of accepting it and adapting it to your world. The key talking points for this episode reside at
Auto Repair in the Decade of the Nineties [THA 217]
Auto Repair in the Decade of the Nineties [THA 217]
It’s quite fitting this episode is being released on a Thursday…because it is the quintessential #throwbackthursday. My panel is taking a trip down memory lane in the 1990’s…the era of OBD2 and the huge shift in technology. Change is never easy but it is always a necessity, hear how my guests handled the changes and adapted in order to move forward. You can watch the video of this episode and find the key talking points at
Discover the Hard Truths. Fix Your Attitude. [RR 613]
Discover the Hard Truths. Fix Your Attitude. [RR 613]
Another deep storyline. A story of attitude change and personal growth. Carl Hutchinson from Complete Automotive in Springfield, MO helps you by sharing how he overcame negative emotions and negative energy to forge a new and positive attitude. He says that he was not always the nice guy that he is today. Carl explains his re-invention and being grateful to the people in his life as a turning point in his career.
Carl Hutchinson is a founding member of the Midwest Autocare Alliance. His story of attitude adjustment will help many who listen to his story. If you know someone who can benefit from Carl’s story so please share this episode. This is why I podcast. It is stories like this that keeps you in the front row of life in the auto service business.
You can find Carl Hutchinson’s other episodes, and this episode’s key talking points, they reside at This is why I podcast.
How To Make Your Business Better and More Productive Than What it is Today? – Bob Greenwood [RR 612]
How To Make Your Business Better and More Productive Than What it is Today? – Bob Greenwood [RR 612]
I’m with aftermarket business coach Bob Greenwood, AMAM, of the Automotive Aftermarket E-Learning Centre Ltd. Bob, sees too many shop owners working in their business instead of on it. He created 22 questions for his clients to help them make them better at working on their business. It is the answers to the questions that help determine what they need to work on. As Bob has told me, some shop owners get in their office and say. ‘Now what do I do’. Most don’t know the first step on how to work on their business. The answers to these questions will help them focus.
Bob and I picked 5 questions from his list of 22 that we will discuss in this episode. So as you listen to learn just one thing … keep in mind this question.“How do I make my business better and more productive than what it is today?”
The key talking points reside at
Proof of Concept [THA 206]
THA 206 Proof of Concept
The pandemic was the test of preparedness, fortitude, leadership, nerves, among others. Our topic “Proof of Concept” is the story behind the strong getting stronger.
The leaders who listened and implemented the strategies being served up by the industry pundits especially coaches over the last 3 to 4 years found themselves in a good place. You’ve heard them enforce on the podcast, … essential tactics like strong business culture, a commitment to training your team, firing non-productive or toxic employees, DVI, Cloud-based software, text to pay and the list goes on like strong leadership. Smart Marketing. Managing KPIs, Good financial statements, building processes, and systems, Etc, etc. In essence, the strong found their pandemic recovery easier than others. That is what we are talking about today: ‘Proof of Concept’
Joining me is Chris Cotton, AJ Nealey, and Michael Gallini. They all agree that they are in a better spot because they implemented and worked the strategies and tactics that the industry is known to create success and sustainable profits. Glad you are here, Let’s Talk About It.
The key talking points from this episode are already done for you on the show notes page at
How My Business Changed as a Result of Covid-19 – A Look Back [THA 203]
THA 203 How My Business Changed as a Result of Covid-19 – A Look Back
A lot has happened as we drew to a close a year considered to be one of the most challenging years in our history.
Today, our topic talks about the changes and the challenges that Covid-19 swept on the aftermarket industry, along with every shop owner and team member. Did you push through? How did you cope? What changed and what changed permanently? These are some questions to reflect on as 2021 is on our doorstep. Reflect on your preparedness to face this unprecedented call to action.
Joining me are for this frank discussion is Jim Hayes, General Manager of Pacific Motor Service — and Dave Martin from Martin’s Auto Repair, Phoenix, AZ
The key talking points from this episode are already done for you on the show notes page at
Industry Terminology: It’s Time to Change it. Can You Get Behind This? [RR 571]
Industry Terminology: It’s Time to Change it. Can You Get Behind This? [RR 571]
The Panel: Chris Cloutier is co-owner of Golden Rule Auto Care in Dallas Texas and CEO of Auto Text Me. He spent many years in the software industry developing solutions for companies, and Bob Greenwood is President and C.E.O. of Automotive Aftermarket E-Learning Centre Ltd. (AAEC) a company focused on providing Business Management Resources and Development for the Independent Sector of the aftermarket industry.
Welcome to a fun and fast-paced show for you all about the language of our beloved aftermarket. Chris and Bob are providing provocative ideas for change in the language we use. They believe that many of the words we use don’t have the same meaning today that they did years ago.
Some of the language they feel we need to remove is training, customer, and business owner to name just a few. We’ve taken great notes for you so you can use as an agenda in your next team or networking meetings, Go to the show notes page at . Also, find Chris and Bob’s bios and links to their previous episodes.
Improve Your Leadership Influence: Join Toastmasters [RR 560]
Improve Your Leadership Influence: Join Toastmasters [RR 560]
Ever want to grow your self-confidence, your ability to speak to a small meeting or a larger group. Well, toastmasters is a forum to challenge yourself to not only be a better presenter but a better listener and even a stronger leader.
Two aftermarket pros who are in Toastmasters Chris Cloutier, co-owner of Golden Rule Auto Care in Dallas Texas and CEO of Auto and Craig O’Neill an integrator and trainer at are my guests. Learn their tale on how Toastmasters has really helped them in their careers.
We live and die by communication. Three out of four people have a fear of speaking and if you know it or not you are always selling, which requires good communication skills. Craig’s challenge to the industry is to get our trainers to embrace toastmasters to help them in their engagement and delivery. He and Chris believe we can all become better presenters and leaders.
Find the key talking points and my guest’s bio’s at
If How To’s Were Enough We’d All Be Rich and Skinny- Dave Schedin [RR 555]
If How To’s Were Enough We’d All Be Rich and Skinny- Dave Schedin [RR 555]
The episode will teach you how to face your fears and understand the depth of your ego. Managing your ego and self-confidence in balance will get you the result you really need. Find out the truth behind the overconfidence and arrogance that we all try to avoid. We are all victims of whatever circumstance we chose to put ourselves into. The sooner we understand that the better off we are at handling difficult situations.
My guest is a coach and a former shop owner, Dave Schedin from Computrek Group a
Coaching and Training Company. Dave has 40+ years of experience in the automotive field.
David has a powerful message for you. We are talking about the fear-based scarcity mindset that can plague the best of us. If it remains unchecked it will derail most business owners by undervaluing themselves. The opposite of this has the same effect too. You can be too arrogant when you are overconfident. You have to balance things out. You’re gonna love this episode.
Unscripted with Andy Bizub and Lucas Underwood [RR 553]
Unscripted with Andy Bizub and Lucas Underwood [RR 553]
This episode speaks for itself. Raw and Unscripted. And intended to push a button or two maybe one of yours. It’s a collection of ideas and thoughts from my guest’s world which resulted in nothing more than some extraordinary talk.
My guests are shop owners, Andy Bizub and Lucas Underwood. They are veterans of the show and have multiple episodes between them. Andy Bizub owns Midwest Performance Cars in Chicago, two locations and Lucas Underwood from L & N Performance Auto Repair, Blowing Rock, NC
They share the challenges of attracting and retaining customers. Lucas had guidance from his coach that told him that some shop owners often fall in love with their problems and not the solutions. While Andy remains choosy in all of the customers that come through his shop. He programs his business to attract his right customers. This and much more.
Find the key talking points for this interview with Andy Bizub and Lucas Underwood at
Embracing Change with David Martin [RR 543]
Dave Martin is the Owner and President of Martin’s Auto Repair in Phoenix, AZ. His automotive career began pulling weeds on the shop property then as he got older Dave moved into a station helper and gas attendant. Dave then became the shop manager before taking over the family business from his father in 2006.…
Adapt or Die – A Look Ahead [THA 174]
Carolyn Coquillette of Luscious Garage, San Francisco, CA chairs the ASCCA Connected Cars Committee, serves on the ASCCA Board of Directors and is active in her local San Francisco chapter. She’s also the Founder and CEO of Shop-Ware. Look for Carolyn’s other episodes HERE. Scott Brown is an ASE Master Certified Automobile Technician with over three and a half…