EOS Part 3: People with Barry Barrett [RR 631]
EOS Part 3: People with Barry Barrett [RR 631]
In this Part 3 of our 7 part series on the Entrepreneurial Operating System with Barry Barrett, a certified EOS implementer we discuss the vital essence of any business, its people. Are you surrounding yourself with the right people? Are they doing the right job in your business? Do they share the same core values as yourself? Barry challenges the way you think about yourself and your people.
The key talking points for this episode with Barry Barrett reside at remarkableresults.biz/e631
From Hobby to Drift Racing Career with Matthew Haugen [RR 628]
From Hobby to Drift Racing Career with Matthew Haugen [RR 628]
Has your love of cars turned from hobby to career? Was it on the backburner as you pursue other ventures but somehow you always circled back to it? In this episode with 28 year old Matthew Haugen we learn his journey from being a baby in diapers trying to take off the wheels of his dad’s corvette, to becoming a professional drifter and successful YouTube influencer, with a special trip to Japan in between. Find out how he did it!
Find the key talking points for this episode at remarkableresults.biz/e628
A Very Personal Story with Kevin Eckler [RR626]
A Very Personal Story with Kevin Eckler [RR 626]
Do you see good in people when they don’t? Do you have a heart for people that struggle? Do you try to pull out qualities from good people?” If you answered yes to these questions then you know what it’s like to invest emotionally into friends, family and employees.
In this transparent episode, Kevin Eckler, from Foreign Car Specialists in Poughkeepsie, NY explains a situation in his business that pulled at his heartstrings but also hurt his business culture. Kevin takes you on a journey that changed him and his business. A very personal story.
Find the key talking points for this episode at remarkableresults.biz/e626
EOS Part 2: Vision with Barry Barrett [RR624]
We are on part 2 of our 7 part series on the Entrepreneurial Operating System with Barry Barrett a certified EOS implementer. The EOS system includes simple concepts and practical tools that help entrepreneurs get the most out of their business. There’s finally a system to build your leadership team through vision, traction and healthy disciplines
In this part we are covering “Vision,” the foundation of your business. As a business owner, it is critical to get everyone on board with where you are going and how you will get there. And that starts with establishing your core values and focus within the business and mapping out short-term and long-range goals. It’s time to put your ideas and brainstorming thoughts on paper.
Chris Cloutier – 20 Questions in 30 Minutes [RR 622]
Chris Cloutier – 20 Questions in 30 Minutes [RR 622]
Here is another 20 Questions in 30-minute episode with Chris Cloutier of AutoText.me and Golden Rule Auto Care.
This unique format puts Chris in the driver’s seat as he answers some tough questions about his passions, business, and life in general. This is one of those interviews that I enjoy doing, and you’ll hear that Chris and get lost in his answers.
The key talking points for this episode with Chris Cloutier resides at remarkablersults.biz/e622.
EOS Part 1: How EOS helps Owners Get More Out of Their Business – Barry Barrett [RR 616]
EOS Part 1: How EOS helps Owners Get More Out of Their Business – Barry Barrett [RR 616]
Here is a first in a series with Barry Barrett, a Certified EOS Implementer. Barry talks about how the Entrepreneur Operating System helps entrepreneurs get what they want from their business and to Understand how to make your leaders get on the same page with you and have Traction by helping them become more disciplined and accountable.
This episode is an overview of EOS. Barry and I will bring you seven episodes, released over time to help you better understand the disciplines and power of the Entrepreneurial Operating System or EOS. There are shop owners engaged in EOS and it is having a huge impact on their business.
The key talking points for this episode with Barry reside at remarkablersults.biz/e616.
Thanks for being here in the front row of life in the automotive service business.
Discover the Hard Truths. Fix Your Attitude. [RR 613]
Discover the Hard Truths. Fix Your Attitude. [RR 613]
Another deep storyline. A story of attitude change and personal growth. Carl Hutchinson from Complete Automotive in Springfield, MO helps you by sharing how he overcame negative emotions and negative energy to forge a new and positive attitude. He says that he was not always the nice guy that he is today. Carl explains his re-invention and being grateful to the people in his life as a turning point in his career.
Carl Hutchinson is a founding member of the Midwest Autocare Alliance. His story of attitude adjustment will help many who listen to his story. If you know someone who can benefit from Carl’s story so please share this episode. This is why I podcast. It is stories like this that keeps you in the front row of life in the auto service business.
You can find Carl Hutchinson’s other episodes, and this episode’s key talking points, they reside at remarkablersults.biz/e613. This is why I podcast.
Owner, Technician, Service Advisor – Working Together – AAPEX 2020 Honors [RR 606]
Owner, Technician, Service Advisor – Working Together – AAPEX 2020 Honors [RR 606]
This 606th episode honors the recipients of the AAPEX 2020 Awards. The first annual honors include Shop Owner of the Year, Technician of the Year, and Service Advisor of the Year.
Sure we bestowed a bunch of high-fives upon these three outstanding aftermarket professionals, but you’ll love the episode as we discussed their roles in a shop environment and why working together through trust and respect make a huge difference for the business and work environment.
Help me welcome Brian Sump of Avalon MotorSports and Urbana Auto Care as the AAPEX 2020 Shop Owner of the Year. Norm Schultz of Interstate Auto Care, Madison Heights, MI as AAPEX 2020 Technician of the Year, and Jason Sexton of Dynamic Automotive, Frederick, MD as the AAPEX 2020 Service Advisor of the Year.
The key talking points for this episode reside at remarkableresults.biz/e606
What Will 2021 Be Like? [THA 204]
THA 204 What will 2021 Bring?
Welcome to the 204th episode of the Town Hall Academy as 2020 is ending and 2021 takes over. Covid-19 continues its wrath and still a huge part in our daily lives. Most important is to move forward with the anticipation and excitement of a new year.
So let’s talk about it. I’m with Gene Morrill owner of Certified Automotive in Glendora, CA, Greg Buckley CEO of Buckley Personalized Auto Care in Wilmington, DE and Joe Marconi from Osceola Garage, Baldwin Place, NY.
2021 will continue to be a year of transition. It won’t be easy. The panel talks about moving the couch, reviewing your fundamentals and believes it’s not over yet. If ever a time to be proactive not is it. We still have a lot of unknowns so pay attention to everything because there are many unknowns. The panel did an excellent job assessing their approach to the new year.
The key talking points from this episode are already done for you on the show notes page at remarkableresults.biz/a204.
An Unprecedented Year and Strategies for 2021 – Bonus Episode 8
Thoughts from an Unprecedented Year and Looking forward to Strategies for 2021 – Bonus Episode 008
As an industry we are essential.
The strong got stronger
. Virtual online training became the norm and will become a permanent part of our training needs
. Milestones reached this year:
600th episode of Remarkable Results Radio
. 200th episode of the Town Hall Academy
. The launch of Aftermarket Weekly.com
. Launched all LIVE show broadcast on the website’s LIVE page
. Training must become part of your culture
. The value of coaching.
Networking is a must to grow and learn
. Succession planning and growth
. Embrace our youth
. Set up an apprentice program
. Reach out to a local shop and have coffee and talk.
Reflections of My First Episode and Prudent Advice for the Ages [RR 600]
Reflections of My First Episode and Prudent Advice for the Ages [RR 600]
Welcome to the 600th Episode of Remarkable Results Radio. Enjoy some very candid talk and behind the scenes revelations from some of the very first episodes from my panel.
Along with the fun discussion, the panel dished out some great advice as the podcast continues to set the standard and the tone for aftermarket industry podcasts.
Our longevity is a testament to the leaders from every segment of the industry who have shared so that others have gained. We will continue to bring thought piercing issues and commentaries so that you grow your business acumen. As I said and I mean it from the bottom of my heart, this podcast is dedicated to you for “listening and learning” and for letting me know how much our content means to you. And a big shout out to the sponsors who make the podcast a reality. Please support them.
My guests bring and give color to this milestone event. Not many can reach the lengths we have reached but we have aced it through the support and respect from peers, students, coaches, service advisors, and shop owners. Welcome Greg Buckley from Buckleys, Dwayne Myers from Dynamic, G Jerry Truglia from TST, Bob Greenwood; CEO of AAEC, Kim Auernheimerfrom CS Automotive, and Matt Fanslow from Riverside Automotive.
We’ve reached these milestones, besides the 600th RRR, the 200th Town Hall Academy and the start of Aftermarket Weekly this year only because you are there and use this resource.
You can find our guest’s previous episodes, their bios, and the key talking points for this episode at remarkablersults.biz/e600
How My Business Changed as a Result of Covid-19 – A Look Back [THA 203]
THA 203 How My Business Changed as a Result of Covid-19 – A Look Back
A lot has happened as we drew to a close a year considered to be one of the most challenging years in our history.
Today, our topic talks about the changes and the challenges that Covid-19 swept on the aftermarket industry, along with every shop owner and team member. Did you push through? How did you cope? What changed and what changed permanently? These are some questions to reflect on as 2021 is on our doorstep. Reflect on your preparedness to face this unprecedented call to action.
Joining me are for this frank discussion is Jim Hayes, General Manager of Pacific Motor Service — and Dave Martin from Martin’s Auto Repair, Phoenix, AZ
The key talking points from this episode are already done for you on the show notes page at remarkableresults.biz/a203.
Thinking Way Outside the Box with Greg Buckley [RR 597]
Thinking Way Outside the Box with Greg Buckley [RR 597]
My friend Greg Buckley brought one of his way out of the box think to play here; that has an octopus analogy sliced in for good measure. Greg does make some excellent points that will help you and your business grow. Seen a copy of National Geographic lately? Have I teased you enough?
The talking points of this episode can be found at remarkablersults.biz/e597.
A Blessing in Disguise From My Biggest Mistake [THA 200]
A Blessing in Disguise From My Biggest Mistake [THA 200]
Welcome to the 200th milestone episode of the Town Hall Academy. The industry’s premiere and original single subject forum. Thank you for your support in listening and watching the forum and making it a staple of information and insights for our automotive service industry.
Wisdom comes from many sources. If you think about the many mistakes you’ve made there are hundreds. But the blessing that can come from failure is to think of the challenge you faced and the outcome. Your panel today digs deep in their heart and shares with you the triumphs that came from some tough and low spots in their careers. I thank Emily Chung, Kelli Weatherby, Matthew Lachowitzer and Kevin Eckler for their transparent and emotional rendering on how they overcame a huge mistake and found blessings in their decision to act.
Matt Lachowitzer owns and founded Matt’s Automotive Service Center, Emily Chung owns and operates AutoNiche auto repair shop in Markham, Kelli Weatherby co-owner, with husband Lee, co-owns Accurate Automotive in Mesa, AZ., and Kevin Eckler, along with wife Lisa, owns Foreign Car Specialists.
The key talking points from this episode are already done for you on the show notes page at remarkableresults.biz/a200.
Stress Busters to Deal with the Emotional Roller Coaster – Dr. Dave Weiman [RR 579]
Stress Busters to Deal with the Emotional Roller Coaster – Dr. Dave Weiman – RR 579
This year was like any I ever remember. I’m sure you have the same sentiment. COVID-19 hit us and the uncertainty of dealing with protection, safety, and serving our clients was and is a huge part of our daily lives. We are still figuring out our new normal and with it comes new struggles. With that comes mental stresses of all kinds and the roller-coaster swings that can cause emotional highs and lows.
I’m with Dr. David Weiman. He is the president of Weiman Consulting, a leadership consulting firm in Philadelphia PA. He is also an adjunct Assistant Professor at Widener University’s Institute for Graduate Clinical Psychology, and he is a Certified Performance Coach through Johnson & Johnson’s Human Performance Institute. He will talk about keeping clients, overcoming the stress that the pandemic has thrust upon us all and how we can show gratitude to the people we care about.
I so enjoyed this discussion with Dr. Dave and I’m sure you’ll take some great advice on dealing with stress and showing your gratitude. Find the key talking points at remarkableresults.biz/e579
Succession Planning: With an Internal Candidate [THA 190]
THA 190 Succession with an Internal Candidate
In keeping with my goal to keep the succession theme burning as we face the reality that many of you need to retire and sell your business and many of you would like to become business owners.
This episode reveals a transaction with two internal non-family successors. Bob Ward anchors this episode as he helped orchestrate this transaction.
I’m with business owner Steve LaFleur from Prescott Import Car Service and one of the internal co-buyers, Dave Mendez. Dave has worked for Steve for 10 years.
This very candid conversation will help move your succession plans forward and you can get all the key talking points from this episode at remarkableresults.biz/a190. These key talking points will make for a great planning agenda.
Assessments: Hire Engaged, and Productive Employees Who Find a Home [RR 572]
Assessments: Hire Engaged, and Productive Employees Who Find a Home [RR 572]
There is a need in supporting businesses in enhancing their organizational eco-system through it’s single most important asset… The PEOPLE! The lifeline of a healthy business culture can be done at the tip of your fingertips
My guests today are; Carlo Sabucco, Mark Simons, David & Bonnie Schedin. They will be enlightening us with the value and importance of assessments. Assessments can identify people who have the highest probability of being successful in a role and provide practical recommendations for maximizing their performance.
learn the importance of two different assessments and how hiring with this knowledge will help your businesses leverage and streamline your hiring process and find a great match to enhance your team
The key talking points and important links found at remarkableresults.biz/e572/
Industry Terminology: It’s Time to Change it. Can You Get Behind This? [RR 571]
Industry Terminology: It’s Time to Change it. Can You Get Behind This? [RR 571]
The Panel: Chris Cloutier is co-owner of Golden Rule Auto Care in Dallas Texas and CEO of Auto Text Me. He spent many years in the software industry developing solutions for companies, and Bob Greenwood is President and C.E.O. of Automotive Aftermarket E-Learning Centre Ltd. (AAEC) a company focused on providing Business Management Resources and Development for the Independent Sector of the aftermarket industry.
Welcome to a fun and fast-paced show for you all about the language of our beloved aftermarket. Chris and Bob are providing provocative ideas for change in the language we use. They believe that many of the words we use don’t have the same meaning today that they did years ago.
Some of the language they feel we need to remove is training, customer, and business owner to name just a few. We’ve taken great notes for you so you can use as an agenda in your next team or networking meetings, Go to the show notes page at remarkableresults.biz/e571 . Also, find Chris and Bob’s bios and links to their previous episodes.
Margaret Palango – 20 Questions in 30 Minutes [RR 570]
Margaret Palango – 20 Questions in 30 Minutes [RR 570]
Margaret is the Executive Vice President at Autoshop Solutions in Raleigh-Durham, North Carolina Area. She shares some great and applicable advice on grit and positive thinking while emphasizing on the importance of building trust and building better teamwork.
Margaret Palango also talks about how she relies on her intuition whenever there is a difficult decision to make. She never regrets listening to her intuition. She made her intuition stronger in her professional life.
Find the key talking points, Margaret Palango’s bio and links to his previous episodes at remarkableresults.biz/e570
The Women Stereotype: Creates Friction, Insecurity, and Gender Issues [RR 567]
The Women Stereotype: Creates Friction, Insecurity, and Gender Issues [RR 567]
My guest today is Emily Chung. She owns and operates AutoNiche, a family-friendly auto repair shop in Markham, Ontario, Canada. She is a licensed Automotive Service Technician, and Automotive Writer for various publications. She also teaches in the Automotive Business School of Canada at Georgian College.
We are going to talk about gender stereotyping. I want you to listen to this episode in its entirety and let me know what you took away. I believe it will help you understand some of the reasons we do what we do as it relates to hiring and leading our team.
When it comes to gender biases, Emily makes very strong points. No doubt you can put yourself in many of the situations Emily speaks about. So we get this on the table here in episode 567 and I welcome Emily back to keep the dialogue going. Please recall another episode recently where we had a female shop owner, technician and service adviser discuss the Female Impact in the aftermarket. It is episode RR 549
Find the key talking points, Emily Chung’s bio and links to her previous episodes at remarkableresults.biz/e567
The Moment of Impact – Validate Your Leadership – Paul McCarthy and John Passante [RR 564]
RR 564: The Moment of Impact – Validate Your Leadership
I am with John Passante and Paul McCarthy as we discover ways to learn and understand the intricacies of leadership and being a shop owner. A big point John makes is validation and how it connects to leadership. We will learn the concept behind how to be understood properly when communicating with your employees and how to give the right prop ups to deserving employees!
Dr. John Passante is a legacy automotive aftermarket Human Resource professional and the President and CEO of The Organizational Development Group and Paul T. McCarthy is the President of Automotive Aftermarket Suppliers Association. AASA is the voice for the automotive aftermarket supplier industry.
Find the talking points, bios and key talking points of John Passante and Paul McCarthy at remakableresults.biz/e564
Why Coaching is a Business Life Saver – Rick White [RR 562]
RR 562: Rick White on Coaching
Rick White, President and Lead Coach for 180BIZ will help you understand and appreciate the shop owner and business coach dynamic. Coaching is about relationships and communication.
Rick and I talk about why a shop does not have a coach and how failure only happens when you refuse to learn from it. Find the talking points, Ricks bio and key talking points at remakableresults.biz/e162
Improve Your Leadership Influence: Join Toastmasters [RR 560]
Improve Your Leadership Influence: Join Toastmasters [RR 560]
Ever want to grow your self-confidence, your ability to speak to a small meeting or a larger group. Well, toastmasters is a forum to challenge yourself to not only be a better presenter but a better listener and even a stronger leader.
Two aftermarket pros who are in Toastmasters Chris Cloutier, co-owner of Golden Rule Auto Care in Dallas Texas and CEO of Auto Texg.me and Craig O’Neill an integrator and trainer at Autotex.me are my guests. Learn their tale on how Toastmasters has really helped them in their careers.
We live and die by communication. Three out of four people have a fear of speaking and if you know it or not you are always selling, which requires good communication skills. Craig’s challenge to the industry is to get our trainers to embrace toastmasters to help them in their engagement and delivery. He and Chris believe we can all become better presenters and leaders.
Find the key talking points and my guest’s bio’s at remarkableresults.biz/e560
Unscripted – Mitch Schneider – The Broken Arm Episode [RR 558]
Unscripted – Mitch Schneider – The Broken Arm Episode [RR 558]
My fourth episode with industry icon Mitch Schneider. I’m calling it the “Broken Arm Episode.” Hear all about it in this episode. Mitch brought his unmistakable wit and charm to this interview as we turned on the recorder and just let it flow. No intended agenda so this is pure and raw podcasting at it’s best.
The video was also recorded. You can see it on my Youtube Channel or on the website on the show notes page at remarkableresults.biz/e558. You get a chance to see a behind the scenes of a podcast recording session.
Every time I can have a chat with Mitch Scheider I feel honored and as you’ll hear, like two old shoes, worn-in, comfortable, and coveted. You never want to get rid of ‘em.
If you’ve read Mitch for decades in our aftermarket press, In fact, he is still writing, this is like a live article on many topics, We talk about his book Misfire, wisdom on learning, the power of reading and his perspective on the tech shortage and much more.
If How To’s Were Enough We’d All Be Rich and Skinny- Dave Schedin [RR 555]
If How To’s Were Enough We’d All Be Rich and Skinny- Dave Schedin [RR 555]
The episode will teach you how to face your fears and understand the depth of your ego. Managing your ego and self-confidence in balance will get you the result you really need. Find out the truth behind the overconfidence and arrogance that we all try to avoid. We are all victims of whatever circumstance we chose to put ourselves into. The sooner we understand that the better off we are at handling difficult situations.
My guest is a coach and a former shop owner, Dave Schedin from Computrek Group a
Coaching and Training Company. Dave has 40+ years of experience in the automotive field.
David has a powerful message for you. We are talking about the fear-based scarcity mindset that can plague the best of us. If it remains unchecked it will derail most business owners by undervaluing themselves. The opposite of this has the same effect too. You can be too arrogant when you are overconfident. You have to balance things out. You’re gonna love this episode.