Posts by Carm Capriotto, AAP
Shop Owner is a Coach and Her Clients’ Biggest Cheerleader [RR 835]
Recorded Live at the 2023 Institute Summit, shop owner turned coach Jennifer Hulbert discusses the value of joining a coaching group. Find out what it’s like to be in a coaching group with the Institute, and why she is passionate about celebrating other people’s accomplishments.
Seven Strategies to Retain Great Employees
Employee retention is challenging for many organizations. Organizations want to keep the best employees, but it can be difficult for them to do so. There are many strategies a shop owner can employ to retain their best employees and keep them happy and engaged. The adage says, ‘Take Care of your People, and They Will…
Newly Purchased ADAS Calibration Equipment [AW 150]
Get a behind-the-scenes look at shop owner Tom Sciortino’s new ADAS unit. Find out why he waited until now to purchase it, the learning curve with service information, why it is important to educate both the customers and local shops, and a step-by-step guide to how it works.
The Ebb and Flow of Being a Wife and Business Partner [RR 834]
Going Electric in California [THA 320]
California is mandating 100% of new cars and light trucks sold will be zero-emission vehicles by 2035. How will electric vehicles change the composition of our industry? What are the service opportunities? Should you start working on hybrids if you haven’t already? Hear from the perspectives of 3 California shop owners that are ready and prepared for the future.
Job of a Trainer Isn’t a Job, It’s a Lifestyle [RR 833]
Recorded Live at Vision 2023, we are with 3 trainers that describe training as a lifestyle, not a job. Today’s technicians must have an engineering mindset in order to repair vehicles and that requires a continuous commitment to learning, improving, and teaching for both the trainers and attendees.
Delivering Amazing Customer Experience is Taught, Not Assumed [AW 149]
First Ever General Service Technician Academy at Vision KC [RR 832]
Recorded Live at Vision 2023, Al Wright and Travis Troy discuss the benefits of joining MWACA’s S.O.S. (Shop Owner’s Support) Group. When we can support and learn from other shop owners, we continue Advancing the Aftermarket and raising the bar for the industry. Travis also gives us an overview of Vision’s newest class for general service technicians.
Managing Comebacks and Quality Control [THA 319]
“Profitable Fleet Management for Small and Medium Businesses” Bill Deboer [RR 831]
“Keep a cool quarter of a million? Or give it away…. You’d think that was self-evident, but usually, companies are unintentionally giving it away. If you’re like most of our clients, you’ve got enough worries on your plate when it comes to making sure everything in the business is running smoothly. You don’t have the…
Shaping Careers, You Must!
Internal Company App Gets the Word Out [AW 148]
Technology, Network, Systems and Software: Understand the Why and How [RR 830]
Future Shop: Sooner Than You Think [THA 318]
Will diagnostic work overtake remove and replace work? How will you position and present your shop as a technologically advanced repair center? What training will our employees need? How will artificial intelligence impact our industry? Will we be prepared? Join Jake Sorensen, Chris Chesney and Derek Kaufman as they discuss the shop of the future.
Resilience in Your Commitment to Succeed [RR 829]
Are We Ready to Become the Master Communicator?
We Must Communicate That We Are a High-Tech Industry. We must get up on our soap box and communicate to young people and clients that the automotive industry is high-tech. I think they know it, but the term ‘high-tech’ gives us a different perception than the one we have of low pay, dirty work, and…
Survey Says: Stress Level, Why Reject a Technician Application, Health Insurance and More! [AW 147]
Why Elminating Waiting Appointments and Closing Saturday Changed My Business [RR 828]
Using My Dashboard to Find Trends [THA 317]
Dashboards are a valuable tool for businesses as they provide a quick and easy way to visualize and analyze key data and metrics in real time. Hear from two shop owners as they discuss how dashboards improve decision making, increase productivity, and enhance collaboration and accountability with your team.
Stop Stopping Progress [RR 827]
4 Day Work Week and Our Own App [AW 146]
Forecasting Your Future [RR 826]
The future is here, consolidation is already happening. The middle-level shops will now be at the bottom end of the bell curve. What are the trends at the OEM level? Is Uber/Lyft the fleet of the future? What is the outlook of the changing service aftermarket? Recorded Live at the 2022 Institute Summit, Michael Smith, Brian Bates, and AJ Nealey discuss the future; it is happening sooner than we think.
Surviving a Health Scare [THA 316]
You never know when something can and will happen to your health. Do you have a written contingency plan in place for your family and business? Are you maintaining your body like you teach your customers to maintain their vehicle? Join 3 shop owners as they discuss personal health scares, outcomes, preventions, and planning for if and when something happens.
A Crisis is Rarely a Motivator for Change: Why Wait? – Chip Eichelberger [RR 825]
Did you know most people will die from a preventable disease? 42% of the first symptom of heart disease is sudden death. How much time are you spending on your most valuable asset, yourself? Are you investing in the health of your employees? Everyone thinks they have an infinite amount of time until something happens. Recorded Live at the Institute Summit, Chip Eichelberger discusses actionable solutions to create a healthier lifestyle. It’s never too late to make a small difference in your life.
Well Oiled Machine, Makes for a Happy Patient
I had an unplanned outpatient procedure recently, and as welcoming as the thought of relieving my pain, I also became a client of the hospital and health care system. If you know me, I’m an observer. Everything that happened to me from check-in to check-out was recorded in my brain’s sensory perception areas. I was…