What is OSHA Looking For? Ignorance is Not an Excuse. [RR 824]

Regarding workplace safety and HR compliance, 85 – 90% are not compliant across America. To be non-compliant could cost your business. OSHA will interview your employees. Are you inspecting your lifts yearly? Does your team have access to SDS sheets (Safety Data Sheets). Are you giving all your employees access to your safety program? OSHA is ramping up stricter enforcement procedures. Invest in an annual walk of your shop from an OSHA consultant and get the accountability you need to prevent huge fines.

Prepare Your Business for Sale [THA 315]

Did you know 80% of small businesses do not survive the departure of the current owner? When is the right time to prepare your business for sale? The day you opened your business! How do you maximize your selling price? Is there a simple way to quickly valuate your business? Hear from 3 business coaches on the importance of properly planning your business for sale. 

 Important Benefits You Get by Hiring a Business Coach

I previously wrote about five excuses we hear about why not hire a business coach or consultant. Read that Blog HERE. In my continuing efforts to Advance the Aftermarket, I want to provide some of the benefits of a coaching relationship.   Expertise and outside perspective. A business coach or consultant can bring a wealth…

Will You Give 10 Hours to an Auto Tech Student? [RR 823]

How can 10 hours bridge the gap between the classroom and the workplace? Sue Dickson created an internship program called ‘Give Me 10’ that provides 10 hours at a local shop spread out over 5 days. It allows both the shop owner and student to see if the automotive industry is the right career path. This program currently serves 75 students and has collected over 458K in grants. It starts with an idea and passion for connecting students to the automotive industry. 

Don’t Base Your Success On Probability – Ken Zanders [RR 822]

“There are many roads you can follow, but there may only be one road that leads to the right way.” Industry trainer Ken Zanders opens this episode with a story about ‘When Harry Met Ken,” a spoof on the movie “When Harry Met Sally.” Ken describes his technician friend, Harry, who is always looking for a quick fix without gathering the full information. Too often when facing a diagnostic problem or challenge in the shop, we jump to the quick fix to speed through the day. How do we apply ‘slow down to speed up’ in our daily lives?

Core Values: Know Them, Live Them [THA 314]

How do you stop having a job and start having a business? It all begins with the foundation of core values. Don’t ‘thesaurus’ your way to writing them down once on a piece of paper. Your core values are the essence of who you are and what you stand for. And guess what? Your company’s core values involve your entire team too. 

Four Signs your Shop is Flatlining

If this blog post does not pertain to you, I bet you know someone who can benefit from this message. Use this post to help crank the wheel of success for our beloved industry. If I were you, I’d forward this to a friend in the business and ask this friend to call you or…

Building Better Team Members by Building Better People – Matt Lachowitzer [RR 821]

How has Matt Lachowitzer been able to expand his multi store business while maintaining the culture within it? How did his team support each other through the sudden passing of a key manager? It all starts with building better people. So how do you do that? How do you find those unicorns that want to grow with your company and lead better lives themselves?

How to Give Critical Feedback – Dr. David Weiman [RR 820]

There’s an art to giving and receiving critical feedback properly. Join Dr. David Weiman as he dives into the psychological background of what happens when people feel criticized. He also explains common mistakes and practical tools to apply for an effective and efficient conversation. 

Aftermarket Radio Network 2023 Forecast [THA 313]

Recession is the main topic for everyone as we enter into 2023, almost 3 years post-pandemic. The Aftermarket Radio Network has collaborated together to offer their forecast for the year. Consider this your ‘one stop podcast player’ to hear insights from an accountant, technician, business coach and marketing perspective. Together, we continue to Advance the Aftermarket. 

Benefits of Toastmasters – Craig O’Neill [AW 142]

On Record with Craig O’Neill. Craig discusses the benefits of joining Toastmasters. Toastmasters is a nonprofit educational organization that teaches public speaking and leadership skills through a worldwide network of clubs. Through Toastmasters you’ll listen better, communicate more effectively, and lead teams and conduct meetings with confidence. 

Being Married to a Shop Owner: Spouse Perspective [RR 818]

What is it like being married to a shop owner and having your own career outside of the automotive industry? Recorded Live at the Transformers Summit, we are with Joe Bennecoff, husband of shop owner Nichole Bennecoffe, and Jennifer McHugh, wife of shop owner Patrick McHugh. It’s time to hear from the spouse’s perspective. 

Service Advisor Overload: Part 2 [THA 312]

We are on Part 2 of our Service Advisor Overload discussion because we couldn’t fit it all into 1 episode! Did you know most shops are missing $300-500k in gross profit dollars because their service advisor doesn’t have the time to tap into those dollars? You must build a wall of support around your service advisor.

Profit Does Not Equal Cash in the Bank – Hunt Demarest [RR 817]

Recorded Live at the Transformers Summit with Aftermarket Radio Network host, Hunt Demarest, CPA at Paar Mellis and Associates and host of the Business by the Numbers Podcast. Hunt’s firm specializes in automotive repair clients and he gives us an inside scoop on common new client questions and concerns as well as some behind the scenes about his podcast!

Are You Stuck in a Business Strategy?

“We fix cars and trucks … all makes and models” is a strategy. Are you a Euro Specialist?  Are you known for high-level diagnostics? Have you ever considered mobile diagnostics? Will you ever create a business plan to become an ADAS calibration center? Ever thought about becoming a fleet specialist? Are you heavily invested in…

Finding Technicians Part 2 – Chris Lawson [RR 816]

Chris Lawson is back for Part 2 of our discussion about finding technicians in our industry. This episode focuses on the advanced strategies for finding technicians on Indeed and Facebook. Do you require a resume on Indeed? Find out why you shouldn’t!

Advice For New Shop Owners [THA 311]

If you’re thinking about transitioning from employee to shop owner, this episode is for you. Instead of guessing your way through the transition, let the Aftermarket Radio Network be your free library of industry peers across the country help you get started the right way.

Ask Ortho – Eric Turkington and Kim Conti [RR 815]

Let’s talk about voice assistants for employee efficiency. Technicians need quick and reliable access to accurate data for servicing vehicles. What if they could stay in their bay and ask ‘Hey Ortho’ to check fluid types and receive a response within seconds? Join Eric Turkington, Vice President of Growth, and Kim Conti, Vice President of Product, as they discuss Ortho, the next high tech tool for the automotive industry. 

The Napkin

I admired a man who made deals on a napkin. The napkin has been an iconic representation of ideas and deals for a long time. From simple doodles to business deals, it has been used as a tool to write down agreements, develop ideas, and to store information. There is a lot of consolidation going…

Uncovering the Unconscious Incompetent – Chris Chesney [RR 814]

Recorded Live at the 2022 Transformers Summit with Chris Chesney, Training and Organizational Development at Repairify. Chris takes the common phrase, “I don’t know what I don’t know,” and flips it to “I don’t know THAT I don’t know.” With today’s technology expanding the way it is, there is too much information to memorize and know every piece of knowledge when it comes to car repair. How can we change the way technicians learn? How can we prove their understanding besides a certificate or course completion?