Paying Attention to Inflation [THA 269]
We’ve all heard inflation is up 8%, as of this broadcast, but when you walk through the grocery stores and sit at a restaurant, it sure seems like it’s a lot higher … don’t you agree? As prices continue to jump, what are we doing as an industry to adjust? And why are so many shop owners worried to raise their labor rates? My panel includes 2 shop owners and an auto shop bookkeeper with a wide-open discussion about labor rates, parts pricing, and even employee retention in the age of rampant inflation.
Know Your Strengths [THA 268]
How well do you truly understand yourself and the people you work with? Are you going beyond the surface-level interactions and diving into personal development? In this Town Hall Academy, my panel not only discusses the different strength finder assessments but also the ‘why’ that drives and motivates different personalities within your business. A very important episode.
Important Employee Benefits [THA 267]
Did you know money isn’t the main motivator for employees? How many people are willing to work 40+ hours a week in an unhappy environment while being undervalued? What benefits set your business apart from other shops in your area? And, are you reminding your team of their benefits package so they understand their value within your business?
Next Best Improvement: Lean [THA 266]
How do you calculate the common phrase “work smarter, not harder?” This episode is all about getting lean in your shop. Are you tracking the steps it takes to do something simple like an oil change? Are your parts and supplies not only organized but purposefully placed in areas for efficiency? My panel discusses simple ways to get started with Lean Six Sigma. 1 simple change can save you time and money.
Coaches Lab: Turn Around a Struggling Shop [THA 265]
Asking for help and admitting you need help is often the last thing struggling business owners want to do. They also might not know who or how to ask. My panel of coaches has experience in the shop business and has a huge tenure as successful aftermarket business coaches. They’ve seen a lot and have helped many find unrivaled business success and a path to financial freedom.
It’s Time to Revamp Our Industry Training [THA 264]
This episode continues the previous discussion about learning environments and breaking the mold for both teachers and students. My group wants to revamp training (the lectures and presentation style) with smaller focus groups, that will allow the attendees to understand theories and concepts and have them apply them within a study group. This episode will push your think on the transfer of knowledge and maybe it’s time to break the mold on training.
The Leap From Employment to Ownership [THA 263]
100% of business owners leave their business, either by design or due to unfortunate circumstances. The dialogue between the owner and potential successor needs to happen as soon as possible. But how do you start that conversation as an employee? In this episode, we role-play that discussion with Bob Ward, financial advisor and consultant from Wardden LLC. We also hear from James Maurer, a former service advisor and now an owner in transition, and Craig Tice, a 20-year technician looking to become a business owner. Let this episode be your blueprint to get the ball rolling.
Financial Help For Your Team [THA 262]
Where did you learn about finances? Did you learn it from your parents? Finances are one of the most important elements in our lives, yet most of us never really understand it or discuss it with our spouses or employees. Listen to 3 shop owners that make finances a part of the conversation in their business and for their people.
EV Charging Station: What You Need to Know [THA 261]
Going against a tide is never easy, but if you don’t start, you will be left behind. Ever thought of an EV charging station at your shop? There are a bunch of things to consider. Listen firsthand from shop owners that have an EV charging station at their locations. Find out why they did it, especially knowing it wouldn’t be a revenue builder today. Gain insight and knowledge to keep you current on EV charging station considerations.
Workplace Motivation [THA 260]
It’s easy to discuss culture and workplace motivation, everyone understands people want to work in a positive environment. But did you ever stop to think about what truly motivates people? Guess what, it is unique to each person. Do you understand the tangible goals for each individual in your business based on what motivates them personally? Spoiler alert, money isn’t the main motivator for people.
Father Daughter Teams [THA 259]
If you’re lucky enough to work with family, you know how special it is to have their support and passion. But inserting a family member into a business takes work to maintain a healthy culture. In this episode, you’ll hear from the perspective of two father-daughter teams and how they successfully made the transition.
Preventing Employee Apathy [THA 258]
Preventing Employee Apathy [THA 258]
How do you prevent apathy in your business? We know hiring is a crucial component in setting your culture the right way, but culture isn’t a set it and forget it concept. In this episode, learn some important tactics my panel uses in their businesses to keep a pulse on their people.
Why We Are Better Than The Car Dealerships [THA 257]
Why We Are Better Than The Car Dealerships [THA 257]
It’s time to shift your perspective from “we are the alternative to the dealerships” to “the dealerships are the alternative to us.” Are we making enough buzz about the benefits of independent repair shops? My panel shares their perspective and offers real testimonials from customers on their experience at the dealerships.
Recovering From a Wrong Service Advisor Hire [THA 256]
Recovering From a Wrong Service Advisor Hire [THA 256]
As an owner, it can be easy to want something to work out so much, you become blind to certain red flags. You also worry about the production of your business if you let someone go. What should you do? My panel shares their experience with a wrong service advisor hire and how they recovered.
Culture Makes Great Customers, Keeps Great People, and Attracts Superstars [THA 255]
Culture Makes Great Customers, Keeps Great People, and Attracts Superstars [THA 255]
Culture is a common buzzword in our world. But did you know every organization has organic culture no matter what? If you’re not consistently developing and working on your culture, it will churn on its own and slip from your fingertips. What’s the cultural vibe in your business?
Are You Getting Value From Your Training Dollars? [THA 254]
Are You Getting Value From Your Training Dollars? [THA 254]
We preach on this podcast that the investment in training is everything to you and your business. However, are you receiving the training in the proper way? We are taking a deeper dive into what training should be, and how to learn effectively. You might think those are simple concepts you can skip over, but trust me, this episode will change your perspective.
Under 30: Our Future is Bright [THA 253]
Under 30: Our Future is Bright [THA 253]
Recently I’ve had the chance to meet some inspiring young people in our industry and I wanted to be sure you had a chance to experience what I did. I brought three of them together and I think you’ll agree, if we are grooming our young talent the proper way and they have the fortitude like these three do, then our future is in strong hands.
Maybe You Need a Boss [THA 252]
Maybe You Need a Boss [THA 252]
As an owner of your business, who holds you accountable? Why is it that many, of us, need someone to hold us accountable? Do you ever feel like you’re stuck in your own day-to-day world and not moving forward? Is your business really growing or just trying to do better than last year’s numbers? My panel has a lot of answers, if you’re willing to listen and be open-minded, this episode can be a life-changer.
Growing Sales For A New Location [THA 251]
Growing Sales For A New Location [THA 251]
Opening an additional location is hard work and can be challenging with twists and turns before the grand opening even happens. Learn from three shop owners who have multiple locations and their strategy to drive business to their new locations. They offer their ups and downs, what worked, and what didn’t. Many of you know that the real work starts way before the doors even open.
Do We Earn Enough Respect? Charlie Marcotte and Dustin Brown [THA 250]
Do We Earn Enough Respect? Charlie Marcotte and Dustin Brown [THA 250]
It’s easy to be involved in your community as a business owner. You can sign a check, donate to a raffle, or sponsor a local sporting league. While those are great gestures, are you truly connecting your brand and your heart to your community? In this episode, 2 shop owners explain their full commitment to their community and why it’s important to their brand and their longevity in their business. Be prepared to be inspired to start your own acts of service in your community.
Coaching CEO’s to Their Next Level [THA 249]
Coaching CEO’s to Their Next Level [THA 249]
Have you ever considered yourself the CEO of your business? If you own it, you should. If your role is the CEO then you’ve taken the important step to remove yourself from the bays and lead your business.
You should have joined a networking group, hired a business coach, attend training and continue to oversee your business from a birdseye view while your people lead it. In this episode, my panel discusses their experience in a CEO-only leadership group. Find out how it’s different from other networking and coaching groups and the secrets to elevate the functionality of your business. It’s time to learn about yourself and your role on a deeper level.
Scheduling Work Flow [THA 248]
Scheduling Work Flow [THA 248]
We are living in the “new normal.” For anyone who wants things to go back the way they were pre-pandemic, you’ll be waiting a long time. Professionals everywhere are feeling the impact of shipping delays, short staff, and pricing. Our industry is no exception and efficient workflow has never been more critical. Clear communication and expectations between employees and customers is step one. In this episode, my panel shares their own experiences with scheduling workflow. Listen for some smart ideas start implementing small changes in your business that will have a lasting impact.
Hiring Dealership Technicians [THA 247]
Hiring Dealership Technicians [THA 247]
Hiring technicians from dealerships is an untapped talent pool for our industry. Shop owners that interview dealership techs with a job hopper resume will usually get tossed to the side. But maybe those technicians haven’t found their right place to work yet. The challenging environment and culture at dealerships give the independent repair shops the opportunity to show them they will be respected, appreciated, and be included in a family atmosphere with a strong culture. Listen closely to my panel as they discuss their own experiences with hiring technicians from dealerships.
Anxiety Disorders at Work [THA 246]
Anxiety Disorders at Work [THA 246]
Anxiety: we all know it and we all experience it. If you’re tuning into this episode you’re probably hoping to find a quick fix to handle anxiety. My panel does cover best practices when you’re in an anxious state, but they also dive deeper into what causes anxiety in the first place. The majority of the time it is self-induced. It’s time to open your mind and view anxiety from a different perspective.
Service Advisor Role Play #6 [THA 245]
Service Advisor Role Play #6 [THA 245]
You’re going to love this episode. My panel dives into a role play like we’ve never done before. Chad Jacks and Ethan Smith swap their roles interacting as a service advisor answering a phone call from a customer. They play an average service advisor and then redo the scenario as an exceptional service advisor. Rena Rennebohm offers coaching in between. Answering the phone is often the first interaction you have with a client opportunity. Are you listening to recorded calls? Do your service advisors need an occasional tune-up? This episode will help in all cases.