Addition by Subtraction: Letting Someone Go [THA 244]

Addition by Subtraction: Letting Somone Go [THA 244]

Are you the type of person that sees potential in others when they don’t see it in themselves? Do you work hard to get them to contribute to the business? Too often business owners hold onto employees longer than they should because they want the employee to succeed. Sometimes we give many chances, however, how many chances should you give? When is it time to make the tough decision to let someone go? Letting go of an employee doesn’t necessarily mean they are a bad person, they just might be in the wrong position, company or industry.

The Courage to Make Tough Decisions [THA 243]

The Courage to Make Tough Decisions [THA 243]

Making a difficult, tough decision can be one of the hardest things to face. Ever toil with, when is it the right time? Are you making the right choice? Can you push through it? Well in this episode my panel of courageous women shares their own examples of pulling the trigger on a tough decision. Their stories will inspire you and maybe even give you the push you were looking for.

The Power of Transformational Coaching [THA 242]

The Power of Transformational Coaching [THA 242]

Employee reviews: We’ve all been there. You get called into your boss’s office and get graded on your performance over the past year. It can be easy to forget your review once you leave the office. Out of sight, out of mind. Isn’t it time to change that mundane process? In this episode my panel discusses a transformational approach for owners to deepen their relationship with their employees. Let them be a part of your business and see how it can flourish. We are talking Transformational Coaching.

Q & A with Chris Chesney [THA 241]

Q & A with Chris Chesney [THA 241]

You’re going to love this question and answer format style episode with the newly retired Chris Chesney. My panel takes a deep dive into Chris’s long and successful career. What was his most rewarding experience? Does he have any regrets? What is his forecast on the technician shortage and electric vehicles? And most importantly, is retirement really in the cards for Chris Chesney?

I Want $1 Million For My Business [THA 240]

I Want $1 Million For My Business [THA 240]

In this episode, my panel will be dissecting a pertinent issue when it comes to selling any business, which is wanting more than it is worth. Many have worked for years and want to get 1 million for their business.

As a business owner, you’ve been painting a very specific picture in your mind about retirement. Where you’ll live, what you’ll be doing, and most importantly, what will your nest egg look like. Too often your ideal price tag does not line up with the bottom line financials of your business and its true market value and what the buyer is willing to pay. And, if you’re a buyer, how do you bridge that gap from want to real value? The panel rolls up their sleeves and discusses both sides of buying and selling a business.

Trends – Aftermarket Round Table [THA 239]

Trends – Aftermarket Round Table [THA 239]

The passion my panel has for this industry is hard to miss in this episode. They touch base on topics including labor rates, the professionalism of the industry and the importance of DVI’s to just name a few. We are only scratching the surface of these issues and concerns but it’s what is needed to spark a real change.

Addiction: How Can We Help? What Can We Do? [THA 238]

Addiction: How Can We Help? What Can We Do? [THA 238]

Everyone has faced addiction, whether it’s yourself, a loved one, a friend, or a colleague. How do we help someone who is struggling with addiction? What can you do and say to them? In this episode you’ll hear from 2 recovering addicts and their personal journeys to become sober. Please share this episode with your network, you never know who is struggling behind closed doors. Share this with your team. Get this discussion out in the open.

Supply Chain: Getting Parts to Market Post Pandemic [THA 237]

Supply Chain: Getting Parts to Market Post Pandemic [THA 237]

Shipping delays, raw material and labor shortages along with COVID-19 are just a few challenges suppliers are experiencing every single day. As the automotive repair industry has seen a boom in business, getting parts to market is one of the most important priorities and challenges we have. In this episode, my panel gives you an inside look at the supply chain, no sugar coating, just real facts.

Second in Command – A COO/GM Perspective [THA 236]

Second in Command – A COO Perspective [THA 236]

As an owner, the day-to-day routine seems like second nature to you. You’re the face of the business and enjoy interacting with customers and your team. How much time are you able to spend focusing on the future.

Having a second in command to manage the day-to-day tasks and employees is vital to a growing business. This episode will appeal to any owner out there and also future COO’s that have the desire to step up into that role. Find out what it takes for both sides to make it work seamlessly.

Creating a Training Culture [THA 235]

Creating a Training Culture [THA 235]

Training in this industry is always a hot topic to discuss. Unfortunately, there are too many shops that don’t realize training employees and business owners must be non-negotiable in order to have a profitable and sustainable business. If you’re listening to this podcast, you’re already taking action to level up. Take a moment to share this episode with just one person, it may change their life personally and professionally.

The panel discusses why training is important, how to incentivize training, and what to look for when hiring people.

Service Advisor Must-Have Qualities [THA 234]

Service Advisor Must-Have Qualities [THA 234]

The service advisor role for the automotive industry is crucial for your business and customers. Sometimes owners try to fill that seat with a warm body without realizing the qualities and communication skills required for that position. It goes beyond being friendly and in this episode, my panel takes a deep dive from different perspectives.

Succession Strategies – A Real World Example [THA 233]

Succession Strategies – A Real World Example [THA 233]

You can never start too early with succession planning. As an owner, you will either sell your business or leave your business by choice or due to unforeseen circumstances. Are you preparing for when that happens? Do you have conversations with your employees or family members about succession? Or are you coasting through the day-to-day with the mindset “I’ll get to it soon.” In this unique question and answer episode, we have a shop owner looking to retire and a CPA and a succession consultant to guide him through the process.

Electrificaton of our Industry – Service Impact and Trends [THA 232]

Electrification of our Industry – Service Impact and Trends [THA 232]

How do you prepare for the future? It starts by acknowledging it will be here before you know it. In this episode, my panel discusses electric and hybrid vehicles with statistics and real shop research that help outline the road ahead.

Don’t be left behind. Don’t be a naysayer. Embrace and understand the role of EV’s and Hybrids. Learn all you can so you can prepare your business for the future. A critical and important podcast so you benefit.

Playing the Long Game [THA 231]

Playing the Long Game [THA 231]

How do you “Play the Long Game?” Are you making an effort every single day or do you tend to coast when things are going well? Forecasting the future should always be on your mind with fresh ideas and plans in place to get there.

In this episode, my panel shares their ‘long game’ on finding technicians, reasons why hybrid and electric vehicle repair is a must and keeping customers for life.

Spoiler alert: they discuss things EVERY shop owner can implement. No excuses, it’s time to dive in.
Don’t forget you can find talking points to all episodes on my website

Second in Command: A CEO Perspective [THA 230]

Second in Command: A CEO Perspective [THA 230]

As your business continues to grow and perhaps you add a few more locations, or you want to work on your job as the visionary, it’s a natural progression to start brainstorming who you’re second in command will be.

Why is it important? What qualifications and qualities do they need to possess? How do you set up clear roles and guidelines between your position and theirs? All these questions and more are answered in this episode. Sit back and listen first hand to what works and what doesn’t.

Career Paths – Technician to Manager [THA 229]

Career Paths – Technician to Manager [THA 229]

It’s always interesting to hear the unique paths people have embarked on to be in this industry and to grow in it. Seniority doesn’t always trump leadership skills and a drive to become invested and committed in the business. In this episode, my panel discusses the different career paths that they have taken while working for Dynamic Automotive and their plans for future growth within the company.

Make Price Irrelevant [THA 228]

Make Price Irrelevant [THA 228]

Everyone strives to implement good customer service. But what about creating an exceptional customer experience?

Being friendly and helpful to customers while repairing their vehicles correctly is plain old expected. In a restaurant or hotel or anyplace for that matter, what is going to push you to remember the experience? Have you asked your customers if you are meeting their expectations? In this episode find out how to elevate your business and culture.

Shop New Build with Seth Thorson and Troy Vaninetti [THA 227]

Shop New Build with Seth Thorson and Troy Vaninetti [THA 227]

Whether you’re ready to expand to another location, remodeling an existing building or starting from scratch, construction and breaking ground can be very overwhelming with different challenges based on the location. How do you create and build the shop of your dreams?

Shop owners Seth Thorson and Troy Vaninetti share their experiences and offer advice with what they’ve learned during the process. Take this opportunity to get the wheels turning for a future project.

Our Industry Needs a Change [THA 226]

Our Industry Needs a Change [THA 226]

How do we change the mindset of others? Why do owners continue to have the same old thinking that leads to the same old results? Why are technicians leaving the industry? Why isn’t there a draw for an automotive career for young professionals?

If you are listening to this podcast you are making a conscious effort to learn and make a change in your life and your business. How do we get others to follow? In this episode, all these questions and more are discussed by my panel of business coaches. Prepare to be inspired by their passion for change in this industry.

You can find the talking points for this episode and every archived episode on my website

Building Customer Trust [THA 225]

Building Customer Trust [THA 225]

We all know building customer trust takes time and doesn’t happen overnight. So when does it happen? It starts with every single touchpoint you make with your customer.

From marketing to the way your storefront looks, and that first phone call, every interaction inches you further in developing trust. Find out how to polish your business in this must-listen episode.

Comebacks: Prevention, Reputation and Cost [THA 224]

Comebacks: Prevention, Reputation and Cost [THA 224]

How closely do you track comebacks in your shop? Do you look for trends? Is it human error or communication gaps between customer and service advisor, and service advisor and technician? Sometimes the most loyal customers arise from correcting a mistake, but often times we are unaware a mistake even happened. In this episode, my panel dives into the different scenarios that occur during vehicle comebacks and how to correct them.

You can listen and/or watch the video of this episode and find the key talking points at

My Biggest Mistakes [THA 223]

My Biggest Mistakes [THA 223]

In this episode, my panel discusses some of their biggest mistakes they’ve overcome as shop owners. We all wish we could go back in time and fix mistakes from ever happening, but unfortunately, there is no crystal ball for life. Instead, it’s important to reflect and turn it into a learning curve for ourselves and others. Take this opportunity to listen to this giving and transparent episode to perhaps avoid making the same mistakes in your business. Learn from these moments of truth.

The key talking points for this episode reside at

10 Things That Require Zero Talent [THA 222]

10 Things That Require Zero Talent [THA 222]

What makes a person successful? Is it luck? Is it because they are born to be leaders? Can success be taught or learned? Too often we get caught up in the day-to-day grind, we lose focus on the big picture called life. In this episode, we go back to basics and discuss 10 things that require zero talent that EVERYONE can accomplish. Practice each one and you’ll be amazed at the changes that follow.

You can listen and/or watch the video of this episode and find the key talking points at They make a great meeting agenda.

Are You Fixing Hybrids Cars? [THA 221]

Are You Fixing Hybrid Cars? [THA 221]

If you’re waiting for a sign to get into hybrid repairs then consider this your wake-up call! You can either sit back and let a specialization opportunity pass you by, or take action and embrace hybrid repairs whose cars have been around for 21 years. Our lineup includes Craig Van Battenburg, Automotive Career Development Center (ACDC), Cameron Lee, Ernie Lee’s Service Center, and Raleigh Hybrids and Eric Carlson.

They are here to help guide you through hybrid repairs, marketing, tooling, and training. The key talking points for this episode on Hybrids reside at

Specialization with Tom Palermo and John Anello [THA 220]

Specialization with Tom Palermo and John Anello [THA 220]

We are here to talk about specialization. Ever wonder what are the pros and cons to being a specialist in a certain field of repair? In this episode, we discuss fleet business with Tom Palermo, Preferred Auto Specialists, and the world of being a mobile diagnostician/programmer and ADAS calibrator from John Anello, Auto Tech on Wheels.

Listen to their approach to specializations and how they’ve adapted to the changes in our industry. This is Knowledge you need to have as you continue to learn what makes our aftermarket tic.

The key talking points for this episode reside at