RR 091: Womens Board Winter 2016 Meeting – Compilation
You are about to experience a first for the podcast. I went on the road to Orlando to the Car Care Council’s Women’s Board Winter meeting. Going to a conference is not the earth shattering news. Bringing my recording equipment was. This episode is a compilation of short interviews done in Orlando in early February…
RR 084: Sheri Hamilton from ASA-Midwest
ASA Midwest Executive Director Sheri Hamilton does not only lead the shop owners in six Midwestern states, she is also the Conference Manager of VISION Hi-Tech Training and Expo. And who hasn’t heard of VISION. VISION Hi-Tech Training and Expo 2016 will be a sell out. Why Listen? Learn a little history of the event and…
RR 081: Jody DeVere from Ask Patty.com
Jody DeVere, CEO of Ask Patty.com works with automotive retail locations to become Certified Female Friendly, learning how to create a culture and experience that attracts and retains loyal women customers. Jody DeVere is a internationally recognized speaker, trainer, often quoted industry pundit and spokesperson for the automotive industry on the women’s market. She has…
RR 079: Shari Pheasant – Former COO Institute for Automotive Business Excellence
Shari Pheasant is owner with her husband of a professional repair shop in Sparks, NV and the COO of the Institute for Automotive Business Excellence, and also the founder of Horse Power Strategies. You may recall Shari Pheasant with us in an earlier episode, #68 where we talked about her unique equine leadership training program…
RR 074: Catering to the Female Customer
Why Listen? Did you always want to know what it takes to create a women friendly repair shop? What kind of amenities? Do women car care clinic bring value? Is the bar higher for women? Heavy talk that customer service to women needs the same respect that you give men. We discussed service reps, communication,…
RR 068: Shari Pheasant from Horse Power Strategies
Shari Pheasant is owner with her husband of a professional repair shop in Reno, NV and the COO of the Institute for Automotive Business Excellence, and also the founder of Horse Power Strategies. This episode brings a focus to Shari’s passion for and focus on personal growth and professional development through equine based strategies. Her…
RR 057: John Passante discussing the Women’s Board Book on Leadership
Dr. John Passante is an important contributor in an important, never been done before, industry project that will be introduced at AAPEX 2015. It’s a new book highlighting the success stories of some of today’s leading female aftermarket professionals and it will be unveiled at AAPEX 2015. The book, “A Woman’s Perspective on Leading” is…
RR 047: Trish Serratore SR Vice President of ASE
Trish Serratore is the Senior Vice President of ASE along with being President of the National Automotive Technicians Education foundation (NATEF) and the Automotive Youth Educational Systems (AYES). She works closely with all of the organizations within the ASE Industry/Education initiative, which also includes ASE and the Automotive Training Managers Council (ATMC), to help provide…
RR 045: Kim Walker from 5 Stones Media
RR 043: Trish Serratore President NATEF & AYES
Trish Serratore is the President of the National Automotive Technicians Education foundation (NATEF) and the Automotive Youth Educational Systems (AYES) as well as Senior Vice President at ASE. She works closely with all of the organizations within the ASE Industry/Education initiative, which also includes ASE and the Automotive Training Managers Council (ATMC), to help provide…
RR 038: Kathleen Schmatz from the Auto Care Association
Kathleen Schmatz, President and CEO of the Auto Care Association shares her views and thoughts on the industry and the association she has led for the last 11 years. Before becoming President and CEO Kathleen served as executive vice president. She joined the Auto Care Association after 30 years with Babcox, a leader in aftermarket…
RR 028: Leigh Anne Best from Brakes For Breasts
(NOTE: This episode was recorded and released in July 2015. The picture above is the presentation for the 2015 fundraising efforts. $141,868 was collected.) In 2011, Leigh Anne Best and fellow shop owner Laura Frank began the “Brakes for Breasts” fundraiser with 5 local auto shops in Ohio. In 2012, they expanded “Brakes for Breasts” to 27 shops across 17…
RR 027: Bogi Lateiner from 180º Automotive
Meet Bogi Lateiner from 180º Automotive in Phoenix, AZ. She graduated Phi Beta Kappa from Oberlin College in just three years with a double major in Womens’ Studies and Pre-Law. Listen to her story on how she got where she is today. Her nine year old shop has an all-female tech team, working eight bays…
RR 024: Jill Trotta from Repair Pal
Jill Trotta, Director Automotive Group at RepairPal provides an in-depth discussion on the benefits and value of this shop referral site. A few of our previous podcast guests are RepairPal members and that got me curious and prompted a call to Jill for an interview. According to Jill there are 1200 participant shops in their…
RR 023: Maryann Croce from Croce’s Transmissions
Maryann Croce of Croce Transmissions in Norwalk, CT and her husband Tony combined her banking career and his automotive technical skills and bought a transmission business 15 years ago. They have 4 bays, 4 techs and one service adviser As so many in the aftermarket know when husband and wife’s and families, for that matter,…
RR 022: Amy Mattinat from CCC Women’s Board
Amy Mattinat, the current president of the Car Care Council Women’s Board discusses the organization she leads. When you think about the number of woman who make up the majority of customers and decision maker at service counters, the role the Women’s Board is very important to the industry. Amy outlines the council’s value and…
RR 015: Judy Walter from Zimmerman’s Automotive
Besides growing up in the 57 years young family business, Judy Walter the CFO and co-owner of Zimmerman’s Automotive, Mechanicsburg, PA with her uncles works with a family staff of 12 out of 29 team members. This is a true blue family enterprise. At they have a 20,000 sq foot facility, sporting a 12-bay shop with seven…
RR 013: Amy Mattinat from Auto Craftsmen
Amy Mattinat of Auto Craftsmen in Montpelier, VT had the good fortune to combine her love of cars with a career in the automotive industry. Whether going on ride-and-drives, teaching car care clinics, running her independent repair shop or working with the Car Care Council Women’s Board, she is able to combine her two passions:…
RR 008: Diane Larson from Larson’s Service
Diane Larson owner of Larson’s Service, in Peabody, Massachusetts is an industry veteran of more than 25 years. Since losing her partner and husband in 2008 and taking on the responsibility of the shop full time. With a beautiful setting on the side of a pond, she developed a strong team that has allowed her…