RR 419: Bringing Technician Proficiency to the Next Level Through Mentoring Programs
Bringing Technical Proficiency to the Next Level Through Tech Mentoring Programs
What is technician mentoring? It is a training program focused on technical proficiency. Helping our techs not just technical but also on effective communication, effective teamwork, positive shop culture and a higher bottom line for everyone. Encouraging a team aspect that benefits everyone involved and getting techs better at their jobs.
Ensuring our industry’s growth is our Vision 2019 power panel are veteran educators and trainers with years of expertise within the industry; Scott Shotton owner of the Driveability Guys, Eric Ziegler owner of E-Z Diagnostic Solutions and Trainer, Dave Denmon of Dave’s Car Care and Gerson Carcache Master Tech at Dave’s Car Care.
The episode is driving the discussion of technician mentoring and the need for assisting shops in developing their technicians. Not only keeping a seasoned technician current but in developing bench talent.
RR 418: AIST – The Future of Automotive Education
AIST – The Future of Automotive Education
This episode recorded at Vision 2019 in KC brings you into the loop on Automotive Institute of Science and Technology (AIST) in Colorado Springs, CO. This new ‘non-traditional’ public charter school that will use the P-TECH model (Pathways in Technology Early College High School), designed to provide students the foundation they need to be successful in the automotive aftermarket industry when they graduate.
Students will be able to enroll in a 4- or 6-year program, starting their freshman year of high school through their second year of college and all publicly funded. AIST will offer students three pathways: Automotive Technology, Business, or Engineering (mechanical and electrical) and will be project based.
With me is Anthony Williams, Special Projects Manager with Advance Auto Parts who had the seed of the idea for AIST and speaks to his dream becoming a reality. And Chris Chesney Sr. Director, Customer Training Carquest Technical Institute.
RR 417: Rob Rowsell – Achieving Success on a Curved Road
Rob Rowsell – Achieving Success on Life’s Curved Road
Rob Rowsell is a shop owner and author who is an inspiration to the automotive aftermarket. His story of the transition from a homeless individual to a recognized success is a story fit for the ages. He owns Family Auto Service in La Mesa, CA. His 4 shops employed 50 plus employees and 2 of those shops have revenues of $2 Million annually. His success is an inspiration to the automotive industry and built on resilience.
Rob authored the book “Addicted to Life: How I Went from Homeless to Extraordinary Success and Happiness in a Short Period of Time”. It is an easy read with chapters mean to relate to the ordinary person. It is a guideline of building blocks on how to improve your leadership along the way. Addiction effect at least ⅓ of our population. If you don’t know a thing about addiction or you need to learn how to deal with a peer, loved one or yourself, this interview is for you.
A very candid and authentic story of challenges and overcoming obstacles, this episode will not disappoint.
RR 416: Preparing Your Shop For Tomorrows Technicians – How To Attract and Retain Your Team
Preparing Your Shop For Tomorrow’s Technician: How To Attract And Retain Your Team
We know as a united industry that retaining and attracting talent into our bays is our number one concern. Sure keeping pace with technology advancements is up there, but if you don’t have the talent inside your shop to repair our high tech cars, tech becomes less a challenge.
This power panel from Vision KC 2019 and brought to you by the Midwest Auto Care Alliance, tackles this tough subject that we need to face head-on. With me is Tyler Hubbard from I-70 Auto Service, Aaron Stokes – from Eurofix and Shop Fix Academy, Chris Chesney – Sr. Director Customer Training at CARQUEST Technical Institute, Brian Bates – Eagle Automotive Service and Greg Buckley – Buckley Personalized Auto Care.
You’ll hear discussion on why our industry needs to stop eating our young, setting career paths for your technicians, why orientation and not onboarding is the way to integrate new technicians into your business, buying tools for our technicians, and building the right culture and operating principles and so much more. We even had time at the end for Q & A from the audience.
RR 415: Mitch Schneider – Legacy Aftermarket Influencer
Mitch Schneider – Legacy Industry Influencer.
You know Mitch Schneider. He is truly a legacy icon of our industry. He has dedicated his life to run a great shop for decades and at the same time write and speak to help our industry grow. There isn’t an issue that he hasn’t tackled where his reader could take his wisdom and improve themselves and their business.
One thing I wanted to know is how did it all start. If you are a Mitch Schneider fan or follower you may not know this story. You’ll hear how Mitch found his stride and passion for helping the industry by writing and speaking on industry challenges and solutions.
Coming up is a very transparent and personal discussion with Mitch in a way that you may have never heard before. He is also sharing with you his biggest challenge of his life and his extreme confidence in his total recovery. It is in nature to win.
RR 414: Elevating Our Industry’s Definition of Mechanic/Technician
Elevating our Industries’ Definition of a Mechanic/Technician
The mechanic/technician is more than just the person who repairs and maintains machinery. He is an automotive professional.
As we discuss bringing a new definition to the automotive mechanic, we are not trying to build a pecking order but to define the outcome of the investment in training and knowledge of technology necessary to work on today’s vehicles. Is today’s mechanic an ‘expert’, a ‘diagnostician’, or an Automotive Scientific Investigator? Does it matter?
I am joined with AES President, and Trainer Jorge Menchu, Scott Brown from Diag.net, Shop Manager and Diagnostician Matt Fanslow and LMV Bavarian Support Specialist Support and Tech Ambassador, Justin Morgan.
RR 413: Jill Trotta on Pricing Transparency
Understanding Consumer Behaviour through Price Transparency
Jill Trotta Vice President, Industry Advocacy and Sales RepairPal, discusses pricing transparency and reiterates the fact that it is not going away. Every shop owner should understand this and never let this disable them in any way. If you happen to have a friend who is struggling with pricing, let them listen to this episode and it may be worthwhile for them to best understand how it works and what it means to your operation.
Jill says that millions of people visit the RepairPal site each month and the data they collect helps them understand how to make pricing transparency work for you. She also offers some survey results that, are frankly, disturbing as it relates to satisfied customers.
RR 412: Dave Fischer – OSHA and Labor Law Expert Helps You Minimize Fines and Get Compliant
OSHA and Labor Law Expert Helps You Minimize Fines and Get Compliant
Now let’s get some costly roadblocks out of the way as I talk One On One with Dave Fischer, a labor law expert, with California Employer’s Services. Don’t let the fact that Dave is from California stop you from listening. So many of the issues he talks about will help you review your business. Yes, all states have different laws, but many of Dave’s examples can help you.
There is a lot of misclassifications, questions, and confusion with regards to OSHA and Labor Laws. There are a lot of important points we will be discussing for you. Learn about common sense structure needed to comply with the rules and regulations. Compliance must not be ignored. You have to be proactive if you are a business owner.
Since compliance is a must, we also prepared for you a guideline of what to do when the enforcement officer arrives and also prepare you for OSHA. Lots of important information brewed for the satisfaction of the perpetual student.
RR 411: Changing of the Guard at ASCCA with Incoming President John Eppstein
Changing of the Guard at ASCCA with Incoming President John Eppstein
Incoming President; John Eppstein of John’s Automotive Care in San Diego, CA, and Incoming Vice-President; Rory Balmer of Twin Peaks Auto Service in Twin Peaks, CA and outgoing President: Rocky Khamenian from Bimmer & Benz Specialists, Costa Mesa, discusses the past and the future of ASCCA.
John, Rory, and Rocky discuss recurring issues and challenges of shop owners. We also discuss the importance of education and contributing to your industry through association membership.
You’ll also get a chance to hear about another region of the country that is highly regulated. Hey, you never know some of the laws and regs in California may make it to your state some day.
RR 410: Tom Ham – Running Your Business Remotely
Tom Ham: Running your Business Remotely
Tom answers some big questions like: Does it take the right culture and people to make working remotely work? What kind of self-discipline to you need? And how does technology make it feel like you are there? We cover a full spectrum of how Tom makes it work.
Tom Ham gives us the blueprint on how to run a remote office and what are the expectations that come along with it.
RR 409: AJ Nealey: Living the Dream. Turned His Vision Into His Reality. No, is Hard To Say for AJ!
AJ Nealey: Living the Dream. Turned His Vision Into His Reality. No, is Hard To Say for AJ!
AJ Nealey from Nealey’s Auto Service in Edgewater, MD shares a bit of his legacy as a racer but concentrated on the transformation he made from a one bay shop at home to a 9 bay facility. This is a story for a movie of the week. It comes with guts, risk, and reward. All the right ingredients. It shows that the proper attitude, business plan, and the right advisors can contribute to uncompromising success.
It started with an entrepreneurial passion. AJ is from a family of legacy entrepreneurs. His passion filled with the eagerness to learn and the sustained understanding of how things work.
So many great take-a-ways here to help in your own personal success strategy. Remember there are so many ways to run a great business. Our goal with the podcast is to cast these ideas to you in hopes that you will pick one up and run with it.
RR 408: Scott Shotton – Straight Talk on Entry Level Technicians, Tips on Becoming an Aftermarket Trainer and Post-Secondary Automotive Education
Scott Shotton: Straight Talk on Entry Level Technicians, Tips on Becoming an Aftermarket Trainer and Post-Secondary Automotive Education
Scott and I dig into automotive education at the college level. We talk about the knowledge level and experience that our automotive graduates have and what their expected career path can be. Any seasoned technician knows where he started and what it took to get where he/she is today. That hasn’t changed, however, we may have higher expectations of our new grads and that is why each needs to have a career path set for them that includes an ongoing training program
Scott gives accolades to our top aftermarket trainers and gives advice to aspiring trainers.
We also get into the grow your own technician issue, the A,B,C technician designation, and mobile as a career path.
RR 407: Dennis Montalbano: He Survived a Heart Attack and Stroke and so Did His Business!
Dennis Montalbano: He Survived a Heart Attack and Stroke and so Did His Business!
This isn’t the first episode I’ve done on having a health scare. Think about it. The interviews I’ve done lived through their health challenge and are now advocates on what you need to do to help survive your business and also to lead a healthier life. Yes, easier said than done, but if I continue to tell these stories maybe we’ll save one or two business out there and even get you to live a long and happy life.
No doubt eating, exercise, and stress play a big part. I know there is no stress working in or building your business.. As I say that with my tongue firmly planted in my cheek. We are in a high-stress industry and that, of course, is a leading contributor to heart and stroke.
RR 406: Geek Talk 2.0 Part 3: The Independents Biggest Competitor
Geek Talk 2.0 Part Three – The Independents Biggest Competitor
This episode will enlighten and open your eyes to who are the biggest competitors of the independent shops; how to deal with them and how to market against them. Some important stats presented shows how market share is changing.
The panel includes Greg Buckley, CEO of Buckley Personalized Auto Care in Wilmington, DE, Chris Cloutier, co-owner of Golden Rule Auto Care in Dallas Texas and CEO of AutoText Me and Karim Morsli owner of Winkler Automomotive in Gaithersburg, MD.
RR 405: Barry Barrett – Book Review – Never Split The Difference by Chris Voss
Barry Barrett – Book Review – Never Split The Difference by Chris Voss
Barry reviews and shows the principles of the book by Chris Voss and Tahl Raz called “Never split the difference – Negotiating As If Your Life Depended On It”.
Barry covers the premise of the book that builds a foundation for negotiation on the basis of understanding the other party through empathy and active listening skills.
Barry does a good job summarizing the book and bringing its principles to an aftermarket perspective.
RR 404. Rodney Pierini. A Grant That Supports Automotive Education – First Of Its Kind
A Grant that Ensures The Future of the Aftermarket.
CAWA receives a $25K grant from the University of the Aftermarket. The program would consider financial assistance, accreditation support, access to automotive products for classroom use and access to industry training for the teachers. This grant will allow CAWA the resources to establish the program and serve as a model for others to implement because we believe it’s a first in the country to provide this type of support for our high school automotive teachers.
Our guest Rodney Pierini is the President and CEO of CAWA – California Automotive Wholesaler’s Association. Mr. Pierini has served on many auto care industry committees and groups including serving as the Chair of the Alliance of State Automotive Aftermarket Associations, the Auto Care Association Board of Directors and Chair of the Auto Care Association Government Affairs Committee, to name a few. He is also a recipient of Northwood University’s Automotive Aftermarket Management Education Award.
RR 403: Lucas Underwood – Take Ownership and Learn from your Mistakes. Find Humility.
Lucas Underwood – Take Ownership and Learn from your Mistakes. Find Humility.
There are a lot of responsibilities being a business owner. You have to re-think or get advice if your policies or strategies are not working. This episode does open the discussion on self-improvement and learning from your mistakes.
Lucas Underwood is an Automotive diagnostic specialist and shop owner. He owns L & N Performance Auto Repair, Blowing Rock, NC.
We talk about supporting post-secondary education, technician training, the importance of communicating with your team, staying current with customer needs such as texting and what are his success secrets at this time in his life. Lucas is a millennial shop ower for the last 10 years. The road was not paved in gold.
RR 402: Generation Z – Understanding Our Newest Employees and Customers
Generation Z – Understanding Our Newest Employees and Customers
Generation Z our newest generation born from 1990 until 1995 that are ready for the workforce and will become your customer. They are on their way to make a difference in our society and taking up leadership roles and making a difference. But how big a difference would they bring to the aftermarket industry?
Our guest Sara Fraser from Haas Performance Consulting LLC. Sara will give us the skinny on our Generation Z. One of the most interesting characteristics is they have tendencies like Baby Boomers. Here is a generation that literally grew up with technology as a given in their lives. Sara says they are independent and want a work-life-blend. She will tell you how they like to be marketed to and that you’ll need to be authentic if you want them to work for you or become a customer.
RR 401: Family Succession Part 1 – Our Future Female Shop Owners
Family Succession Part 1 – Our Future Female Shop Owners
We are talking to three millennial ladies who are geared for the succession of the family business. Many of our aftermarkets family businesses want to retire knowing that the business they have built is in safe hands, is moving forward and continues to succeed. Grooming a family member to become the CEO is a big decision and challenging journey.
Our guests are young and energetic female successors; Carly Paiva from Elite Auto Repair, in Warwick, RI, Jacquie Hower from Zimmerman’s Automotive in Mechanicsburg, PA, and Lauren Anderson from Victory Auto Service and Glass in Minneapolis. They understood very well the stakes and the responsibilities. They are not shying away and have shown maturity above their young age.
Carly Paiva has been actively participating in service advisory classes to better herself, Jacqui Hower recently graduated from Northwood and Lauren Anderson is finding ways and solutions to better equip her staff for success. The energy and passion of these three must make their parents proud.
RR 400: 400th Episode Milestone. What does it mean to “Listen To Learn Just One Thing.”
400th Episode Milestone. What does it mean to “Listen To Learn Just One Thing.
Welcome to the 400th episode. I started back in March 2015 with the seed of an idea to help all ships rise in the industry. Hats off to those first 20 guests who help get this juggernaut started.
Here is the panel, Kevin Eckler, Foreign Car Specialists, Poughkeepsie, NY Pete Rudloff from Pete’s Garage in Newark, DE, Ryan Clo from Dubwerx in Cincinnati, OH, Rich Falco Instructor for CTI, Tom Lambert from Shadetree Automotive in Layton, UT, Maryann Croce, Croce’s Transmission in Norwalk, CT and from Small Biz Vantage.com, Dwayne Myers, Dynamic Automotive in Frederick, Md and Christopher Petersen from Northwest Automotive in Kalispell, MT.
Stories from all segments of the industry with discussions that will help invigorate, enliven and inspire you to take action or affirm your path and strategy. Podcasts are a viable resource for your continual learning game plan.
RR 399: Service Talk 1 – The Service Adviser | Center of the Hub – Customer – Technician – Owner
Service Talk Part 1 – The Center of the Hub: Customer – Technician – Owner
Service advisors are the liaisons between the customer, technicians and the owners. Their job is one of the most important in the aftermarket service industry.
Trust and Communications are the keys to building a relationship with your customer. Trusting your tech is also critical to building a strong relationship.
We talk female service advisors, curb appeal, the disadvantage of being a former technician and how to get the owner to make the SA the point person, among other topics.
I’m so glad to welcome Racheal Barraclough, Service Manager at Amton Auto & Truck, Chris Johnson, Service Manager at Total Automotive, and Nick Herberger, Service Manager at Scruggs Automotive.
RR 398: Shop Talk 9 – Hitting The Brick Wall – Business and Leadership Transformation
Shop Talk 9 – Business and Leadership Transformation
I’m so glad to welcome Chris Machado from JCircle M Truck Repair, Inc. in Bakersfield, Ca and Corey Evaldi from Olmstead Auto Care, North Ridgeville, Ohio. Two leaders with contrasting style but unified in their quest for shop success.
Chris leads his life with no excuses while using his energy to help people. He values generosity, kindness and willingness to listen as part of his strong leadership traits. Corey loves perfection and is addicted to winning. He holds meetings with his people where their input is critical to the running of the business. There are a lot of things covered to help you grow your leadership and business acumen only here.
A bright vision of success and a hope for more businesses. Don’t miss this.
RR 397: Acquisition Integration – A Look Inside a New Location Transition
Acquisition Integration: A Look Inside a New Location Transition
Mike Allen, a General Manager Telle Tires and Auto Centers tells of his first-hand experience integrating a recent acquisition. This episode will show you the processes of transition and the sensitivities in customers, people, and brand when acquiring new shops.
Mike was recently involved in integration of one of Telle Tires most recent acquisition. This 10 stores 77-year-old legacy company has been on an acquisition path. Mike Allen talks about how he has lead one particular integration for the Telle family.
Aftermarket Professionals and Shop Owners will find this episode useful if they plan to expand and acquire shops. We can never say that there will be no risks with integrations but Mike’s wisdom will help you understand the excitement, opportunities, and challenges that come with growth.
RR 396: Education – Inside the Automotive Business School of Canada
Education – Inside the Automotive Business School of Canada
Listen to the story of how one Automotive Business College prepares students for an Automotive Career.
Bob Greenwood, CEO of Automotive Aftermarket E-Learning Centre Ltd and Professor John Jackson from Automotive Business School of Canada.
This episode will motivate you to continue your strong message to the educators who are working hard to prepare students for a career in the aftermarket. There are great ideas in this episode to drive your inspiration to keep you or get you involved in aftermarket education.
We cover a lot of ground and I believe you’ll be impressed with what the Automotive Business School of Canada is doing to educate, intern and place students into the aftermarket.
RR 395: Shop Talk 8 – Second Shop Challenge | The Power of Blacktop | Industry Image
Shop Talk 8 – Second Shop Challenge – The Power of Blacktop – Industry Image
I’m so glad to welcome John Eppstein from John’s Automotive Care in San Diego, CA, Scott Pelava from Lonsdale Auto Works in Lonsdale, MN, and former shop owner Scott ‘Gonzo’ Weaver, Scott has added trainer to his resume and continues to be a recognized writer in our industry, I’m sure you know of Gonzo’s Tool Box.
John tells us about his recent new location and a few challenges he didn’t anticipate, Scott Pelava has an idea to add a service to his shop that many would not agree with and Gonzo shares his wisdom of the ages. We also get into our industry image. A lot to chew on.
A bright and interesting moment is the talk about blacktop. Don’t miss this.