S.O.B: Son of Boss [THA 344]

Carm Capriotto hosts a panel discussion on family businesses, specifically focusing on the challenges faced by sons of bosses (SOBs). Andrew Marcotte and Anthony Campanella share their experiences of working in their family businesses and the unique dynamics that come with it. They discuss the perception of nepotism and the importance of earning respect and value in their own right. They also discuss leadership development, work-life balance, communication, and succession planning in family businesses.

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Acquiring and Transforming a 72 Year Old Business [AW 171]

Jon Kloosterman, the Director of Operations at West Side Service in Zeeland, discusses their recent acquisition of a business and their approach to training and retention of technicians. The acquired business had been a pillar in the community for 72 years and was ready for a change in ownership. Jon also highlights the importance of maintaining professionalism and focusing on the right KPIs in your business. 

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Redefining Business Bravery: Stories of Courage [THA 341]

Join our panel as they share insights on the importance of courage, different leadership styles, the need for tough conversations, and the role of coaching and mentoring in developing courage in teams. The panelists emphasize the importance of effective communication, training, and providing individuals with the tools and confidence to make courageous decisions. They also discuss the need for leaders to make tough decisions even when uncomfortable.

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Real Estate Strategies [AW 170]

Rick Levitan shares his experience and insights on real estate in the automotive industry. He discusses the importance of developing a strategy when expanding and finding new locations, as well as various methods for finding potential sites. Rick advises against falling in love with a specific location and highlights the option of leasing with an option to buy. He also discusses the role of real estate investment trusts (REITs) and the importance of demographics when considering a new location. Rick emphasizes the need for careful planning, good advisors, and transparency when acquiring a business or property.

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Why is Mission Strategy Crucial in the Automotive Industry? [RR 872]

“Do our technicians, when they close the hood, take the rag, you know, they rub the hood, make sure there’s no fingerprints? Do they really think about the role that they had in that customer’s life? Most of them don’t.”

Dan Taylor shares a personal experience where his technician played a crucial role in getting his wife to the hospital in a life-threatening situation. This incident made Dan realize the importance of our mission in ensuring the safety and reliability of vehicles. What is the ‘why’ behind someone’s work and why is that important? 


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From Mom and Pop to Multi Shop Owners [RR 671]

Recorded Live at the 2023 Institute Summit in St Petersburg, Florida, Jeannie and David Light, the dynamic duo behind Lighthouse Auto Repair in Manteo, North Carolina, discuss their business, challenges they face, and their recent expansion to a second shop. They also share their experience with joining a coaching program. The coaching program had a significant impact on their sales, with their revenue nearly doubling in the year after joining. Find out how they transitioned from a ‘mom and pop’ shop to successful multi shop owners. 

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EV Fire Safety: Exploring Risks and Solutions [RR 869]

What are the hidden risks associated with Electric Vehicles (EVs)? Multi-shop owner and District Chief of the Troy Fire Department Donnie Hudson and mechanical engineer and Captain of the Troy Fire Department, Pat Durham, discuss the importance of awareness and proper training for EVs. EV fires can be complex and involve risks of corrosion, and short circuits. Education and training are crucial for firefighters, first responders, and automotive professionals to ensure EV safety. Working on EVs can also have insurance implications, with potential surcharges. Despite the risks, being prepared and knowledgeable about EVs is critical when handling damaged vehicles.

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From Training to Triumph: Breathe Leadership Into Your People [RR 868]

COO’S Max Orsborn and Dave Askwith discuss the importance of training and defined leadership in automotive businesses. They highlight the need for effective training that goes beyond just checking boxes, emphasizing accountability and pressure on individuals who attend training sessions. The conversation also touches on the significance of transparency and communication within organizations, focusing on clear communication during promotions and changes. Max and Dave share their experiences as leaders, with insights on admitting mistakes and making adjustments in hiring, as well as the importance of staying true to one’s beliefs and vision.

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The Noble Mechanic: Before and After Transformation and Rebranding [AW 166]

In this episode, Reggie Stewart covers a range of topics from dispatching and business operations to shop renovations. Reggie recently undertook renovations at his shop in Kokomo, Indiana, he modernized the colors and feel of the shop to give it an upscale vibe, with the help of an interior designer. He also discusses the importance of building a positive culture and is currently working on creating job descriptions and manifestos for each position to better define expectations and attract the right people. 

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Is Your Shop Butcher Clean? [RR 866]

COO’S Andrew Marcotte and Melissa Parker discuss growth and succession in the industry, emphasizing the importance of having a sellable business. They share their experiences with acquiring and managing new shops, highlighting the value of cultural fit over work experience. Andrew and Melissa also encourage others to build relationships within the industry, learn from other operations and have a ‘butcher clean’ shop!

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Hiring Process Explained [RR 865]

Phil Carpenter discusses the challenges of finding good technicians and the constant need for recruitment. Phil maps out the hiring process at Urban Auto Care and Avalon Motor Sports, which includes video interviews and in-person interviews. It’s critical to a good fit for the long term and filtering out candidates who are not willing to go through their hiring process. He also explains the importance of maintaining a sense of urgency in hiring, employee turnover, and recognizing when it’s time to let someone go. 

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New Build in 4 Months: A Look Inside [AW 164]

A new build in 4 months? How did Bill DeBoer do it?! When his father suggested knocking down an office building and building a shop in its place, Bill didn’t hesitate. He took charge of the project, handled the financing, and oversaw the construction. This podcast episode is filled with insights on fleet management, business strategies, and the importance of having a reliable network of professionals.

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One Location $2.5M: How We Do It [THA 334]

Shop owners Jimmy Alauria, Joe Hanson, and John Gustafson share their strategies and tactics for achieving exceptional success. The most valuable lesson? The importance of having a strong team, setting goals, and monitoring key performance indicators to achieve success. They emphasize the need for attention to detail, accountability, and hiring the right people, empowering them to lead and demonstrating commitment to the purpose and core values of the business. Tune in to learn more about how to achieve success in this industry!

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Don’t Be a Boss, Be a Leader: Tips for Building Strong Relationships with Your Employees [RR 858]

David Askwith, Managing Director of Auto Stream Car Care, discusses the importance of evolving and changing as a leader in the automotive industry. He shares personal experiences and offers advice to shop owners on how to improve their leadership skills and build better relationships with their employees. David stresses the importance of seeking guidance and advice from peers and mentors, holding employees accountable while also being part of their career development, and building trust within the team and the organization. He also emphasize the need for leaders to constantly evaluate their culture and reputation.David Askwith, Managing Director of Auto Stream Car Care, discusses the importance of evolving and changing as a leader in the automotive industry. He shares personal experiences and offers advice to shop owners on how to improve their leadership skills and build better relationships with their employees. David stresses the importance of seeking guidance and advice from peers and mentors, holding employees accountable while also being part of their career development, and building trust within the team and the organization. He also emphasizes the need for leaders to constantly evaluate their culture and reputation.

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Using Slack as a Communication Tool [THA 332]

Chris Lum and Tom Ham discuss the benefits of using Slack as a productivity tool and how they use it in their businesses, including the ability to create different channels for different purposes, send attachments and documents, and customize notifications. Overall, Slack is seen as a valuable tool for improving communication and efficiency in the automotive industry.

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Creating Consistent Routines that Drive Success [THA 331]

Do you find it hard to create consistent routines that drive success? This episode discusses the importance of standard operating procedures (SOPs) and how they can help businesses achieve their goals. Our guests, Jaron Kleber, Chris Machado, and Nick Hively, discuss the positive impact of SOPs on creating a positive culture and improving the consistency of the customer experience. They also discuss the importance of engaging team members and getting their input when creating SOPs. 

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Making Dispatch Work [THA 330]

What are the challenges of making dispatch work in the automotive aftermarket industry? Our guests share their experiences with dispatch in their companies, emphasizing communication, flexibility, and teamwork. They also discuss the qualities of a good dispatcher and the need for policies and procedures in unexpected events. They stress the importance of simplifying technical information and building trust with customers. The episode concludes with a discussion of the interaction between dispatchers, customers, and technicians and the immense responsibility that comes with the job. 

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Cheers to Success: Building a Thriving Business and a Craft Brewery [RR 851]

Are you a fan of craft beer? Then you won’t want to miss this interview with Kimberly and Andrew Taylor, owners of Titan Auto and the upcoming Hidden Wit Brewing Company in Mosley, Virginia. In this episode, they share their passion for brewing and their exciting plans for their 10,000 square foot facility. With a brewmaster who is an award-winning home brewer, they plan to offer 12 beers on tap and eventually expand to 18, including flagship beers and special releases.

But their success doesn’t stop at brewing. They also discuss their entrepreneurialism and the expansion of their auto shop business, which includes maintaining a consistent culture across all their locations and finding creative solutions to adapt to changes in the industry and world.

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Navigating Family Dynamics in Business Ownership [AW 157]

Tatsu Tsuchida discusses his experience transitioning from a Japanese-only shop to an all-makes and all-models shop, his marketing strategy, and his experience taking over an existing business. He also discusses the challenges of owning a family business and the importance of having an exit strategy. The episode also includes a tour of Tsuchida’s second location.

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Turbo Tim’s Garage: From Core Values to Cats, How to Build a Unique Brand [RR 848]

Are you looking for inspiration on how to have fun in your business while building a unique brand? In this episode, co-owners Tim Suggs and Rachel Grewell share their approach to core values and how they recently held a leadership retreat to refine those values. They also discuss the role of cats in their branding and marketing efforts, employee management and training, and community involvement. Tim says, “Being true to yourself and your team is the key to success.” So, let’s all take a page out of their book and strive to be different and true to ourselves in our businesses and lives.

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Retention: Keeping Top Employees [THA 327]

Are you struggling to retain top employees in the automotive aftermarket industry? Look no further than this episode featuring Dan Taylor, David Askwith, and Bryan Kauffeld, who share their experiences and strategies for hiring and keeping good teammates. They agree that employee retention is crucial for businesses of all sizes and starts with hiring. They discuss the importance of communication, accountability, surveys, referrals, training, and career pathing. They also stress the importance of creating a positive culture to retain top talent.

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Streamlining Workflow: Shop-Ware’s New TechApp for Technicians [RR 843]

Recorded Live at Vision 2023, this episode features Carolyn Coquillette, CEO of Shop-Ware, discussing the release of their new mobile application, TechApp, designed to help technicians manage their work more efficiently. The app allows technicians to view a list of current jobs, track their time on individual services, and easily document findings and results, including inspections. The episode also touches on the challenges of building software for the automotive industry and the importance of customer feedback in the development process.

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Consistency and Common Sense Trumps Trendiness [AW 154]

Andy Bizub emphasizes the importance of common sense and listening in the automotive industry. It’s essential to be open to new ideas and ways of doing things while maintaining consistent business practices and providing real value to employees. By listening to employees and encouraging them to share their thoughts and insights, businesses can thrive and succeed in the ever-evolving industry.

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Closed All 10 Locations for Company Summit [AW 153]

Matt Lachowitzer shares his strategy for keeping his team engaged and communicative, including shutting down his business for three days to hold a company meeting. The meeting focused on differentiation, engagement, and culture and included a keynote speaker and team-building activities. The episode highlights Matt’s commitment to creating a fun, engaging workplace culture that fosters collaboration and growth.

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