Here are the two most recent episodes
The Refrigerant Revolution: From 134A to YF and Beyond [THA 424]
Recorded at the 45th annual Mobile Air Climate Systems Conference (MACS 2025) in Orlando, Florida, Honeywell experts explore the advantages of retrofitting older 134A systems with 1234YF refrigerant, highlighting its significantly lower global warming potential. They also discuss the growing complexity of thermal management in EVs, where efficient cooling for batteries and electronics is essential, and the ongoing search for standardized, high-performance refrigerants. Gain insights into the environmental benefits of transitioning to 1234YF, the challenges of EV thermal management, and the critical need for education and training in the automotive aftermarket.
From Employee to Business Owner: Structuring a Win-Win Succession Plan[RR 1029]
This episode focuses on the importance of planning ahead for selling a business in the auto repair industry. Bob Ward stresses that business owners should start identifying and training potential successors early—often from their current team. He walks through a clear four-step process to help with the transition, covering key areas like finding the right fit, determining the business’s value, securing financing, and handling legal requirements.
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“I Did Not Know!” – In the Bays with Tracy Capriotto [AW 129]
We are back at Tom Sciortino’s Total Automotive for a special Field Trip! Tracy learns how to change the oil on her car for the first time, from the guidance of automotive intern, Jay Mack. Join Tracy Capriotto as she accelerates her learning curve within the automotive industry.
Is Your Business Drowning? – John Burkhauser [RR 792]
Do you spend your work day putting out fires left and right, but you still make it through the day? Are you treading with your head just above the water, metaphorically gasping for air? Have you been there for so long that you don’t even realize your business is slowly drowning you? Together with my guest John Burkhauser, Director of Education at Bolton Technology, we tackle the gasping for air issue.
Differentiate with Video [THA 299]
They say a picture is worth a thousand words, but what about video? Video content has taken our world by storm, and if you’re not doing videos for your shop, you are behind. Keep listening to find out how to differentiate yourself from other shops using authentic stories from your customers and employees.
Paul Scanner Danner: His Life, His Brand, His Impact [RR 791]
For my 5th episode with Paul ‘Scanner’ Danner, we sat in the ASTE studio and caught up on his life, his world. There are some great pictures if you watch the video version of the episode of him in 1994 and now. He reminisces about his Dodge Power Wagon, his family, and the Scanner Danner Brand. Paul was at ASTE to learn and continue to hone his craft. Paul has his son working with him in the creative process to keep ‘Scanner Danner’ relevant and up to date.
Inside Chapel Hill Tire: Empowering Employees and Branding [AW 128]
Guest Host and Shop Tour with Marc Pons, Chapel Hill Tire, 10 locations, Chapel Hill, NC. Carm joins Marc and visits 2 of his shops while we were in North Carolina for the ASTE 2022 Show. Learn about leadership, branding and empowering your team.
Transmissions and Training: Female Perspectives – Lorraine Klein and Tiffany Scherado [RR 790]
We are live at ASTE 2022, sponsored by Shop-Ware, and I’m sitting with Tiffany Scherado and Lorraine Klein, two female shop owners, and we discuss transmissions, training, and the female perspective. They are also members of Amazing Women in Automotive.
Technician Tools and Jocko [THA 298]
Do wages today support the tools technicians need? What are they spending? Are owners using tool purchase programs for their employees? Andy Bizub from Midwest Performance Car, Chicago, shares his perspective on tool programs in his shop. Andy also discusses his experience at Jocko Willink’s ‘Echelon Front’ Muster conference that he is sending his people to and why it is ‘next level’ training.
What We Can Learn From Our Dentist [RR 789]
Why is adapting to technology important? Keeping up with the latest technology is key to any successful enterprise. It is a requirement today. It increases flexibility, streamlines operations, and helps you adjust your forward progress. I’m with Chris Cloutier and Craig ONeill at ASTE 2022, and we discuss the four ‘Ts’ … technology, touch, trust, and transparency. The inspiration for this episode stemmed from Tracy receiving a video from an orthodontist’s office and how it can be easily implemented in our industry.
We Built the Building, But the Building Built Us – Tara and Dan Topel [AW 127]
Guest Host and Shop Tour with Tara and Dan Topel, Topel’s Service Center, Lake Mills, WI. Tara and Dan had a dream 15 years ago to completely rebuild their 2nd generation family shop.
Reach for Help – Stay In Business – Chris Cotton [RR 788]
Why is reaching out for help so hard for so many people? Let’s break down the barriers and formalities and dive into what the first call to a business coach can be like. I’m with Aftermarket Radio Network host Coach Chris Cotton at ASTE 2022. Look, you don’t have a hobby you have a business that needs your attention to profitability. Never stop improving yourself and your business. Embrace accountability partners, peer groups, and coaching, and watch what you can do.
Onboarding New Team Members [THA 297]
Have you ever experienced the butterflies in your stomach when you start a new job? You arrive on the first day and feel lost as surrounding employees are busy at work. What is your onboarding process for new employees? How do you make their first day efficient, comfortable and welcoming? Listen to learn just one thing and commit to finetuning your onboarding process
A 12 Pack of Conference Rules – John Firm [RR 787]
We’re live at ASTE 2022 with John Firm, and together we have brainstormed 12 “Conference Rules” for when you attend in-person events. Preparation happens before you even step foot into the event and goes on long after it is over.
Only 1st Class – Harry Whyte [AW 126]
Guest Host and Shop Tour with Harry Whyte, 1st Class Automotive, Raleigh, NC. Join Harry and Carm as we toured his shop and learned the benefits of Shop-Ware while we were in Raleigh, NC for the ASTE Show.
A Plan To Solve The Technician Shortage [RR 786]
Unless you’ve been living under a rock, the technician shortage is the hottest topic and challenge in our industry. My guest Cecil Bullard from The Institute, has a plan to solve the technician shortage. It involves a $20 increase in your labor rate and how that money gets distributed. Sounds too good to be true? Good!
Climbing Out Of Despair [THA 296]
In today’s episode, my panel discusses hitting rock bottom and being able to climb out. How do you financially recover from being in debt? How do you get through divorce when your business is failing? Why aren’t more owners looking at themselves in the mirror and realizing they are the problem and the solution? Keep listening to find out.
The Perfect Second Location – Greg Buckley [RR 785]
Sometimes the best opportunities happen when you’re not even looking for it. Greg Buckley wasn’t searching for a second location, but a gold mine fell on his lap for the taking. The business he purchased was run as a hobby without any records. Find out how and why Greg took on this second location, 85 miles away from his 1st location.
3 Shops In 1 – Travis Comfort [AW 125]
Guest Host and Shop Tour with Travis Comfort, Rick’s Automotive, Springfield, MO. Take a tour of this 28,000-square-foot campus.
Practice What You Learn – G Truglia and Pete Meier [RR 784]
The proverb ‘A little knowledge is a dangerous thing’ expresses the idea that a small amount of knowledge can mislead people into thinking that they are more expert than they are, which can lead to mistakes being made. When it comes to repairing EV/Hybrids, the era of being a parts changer, I’m told, is nonexistent. We recorded live at Dorman with G Truglia and Pete Meier, 2 out of 4 trainers for a weekend of hands-on training. Listen to their perspectives on EV/Hybrid repair and training and why critical thinking is more important than ever.
Preserving Your Reputation [THA 295]
Honesty is always the best policy, but sometimes is it better to omit certain information to a customer? What if you make a mistake but make it right and eat the cost? Are there situations where you don’t divulge all that information to a customer? Let’s have an open discussion on ethics and your shop’s reputation.
Creating a Sticky Organization – Dr. Dave Weiman [RR 783]
Do you have a sticky organization? Or is it more like Teflon? Do your employees feel a sense of belonging and ownership? Do they take pride in their work? Dr. Dave Weiman simplifies what it means to have a sticky culture and some warning signs to avoid in your business. Stick around!
Avocados and Automotive – Rena Rennebohm [AW 124]
Guest Host and Avocado Farm Tour with Rena Rennebohm, Owner of Casa Cielo Farms and CEO of Empowered Advisor. Find out how avocados relate to our industry.
Localized Training Trend [RR 782]
Imagine a group of shop owners that get together to have local training for their area. They aren’t concerned with the competition between each other or the poaching of their technicians. Believe it or not, it is happening in Florida with FASTT (Florida Automotive Service Technician Training). Jason Stretch has a passion for training and created this group for technicians to acquire real-world information that can be applied immediately. Find out how FASTT is elevating our industry’s training and gain insight on how you could apply it to your area.
Right to Repair Update and a Trip to Washington [THA 294]
As one of the top 10 industries in America, we need to advocate consumer choice in a competitive market, and if we don’t do what is pro-consumer and pro-aftermarket, the dealers will get all the business. I’m with Bill Hanvey, CEO of the AutoCare Association, Paul McCarthy, CEO of the Automotive Aftermarket Suppliers Association (AASA), and Ryan and Andrea Goff, shop owners that went to Washington to speak to their representative and to show support for the Right To Repair initiative. Have you signed the petition? Go to so easy to tell your congressperson you support the Right to Repair. Stay tuned for an important episode that affects ALL OF US.
Customer Perceptions Part 3 – Bob Cooper and Chris Monroe [RR 781]
We are wrapping up our 3 part series with Bob Cooper and the Q&A discussion with a customer panel at the 2022 Elite Invitational. Chris Monroe joins us as we discuss websites, google ads and cause marketing. Don’t forget to download your complimentary Customer Care Guide and an Owners Job Description Guide by going to or find the link in the show notes.
Customer Buys Legacy Shop, Grew 400% – Todd Cole [AW 123]
Guest Host and Shop Tour with Todd Cole, TC Auto Service, Corpus Christi, TX. Four years ago Todd left his medical sales job and became the new owner of TC Auto Service.
Building a Reliable Mentor/Mentee Program – Marc Brune [RR 780]
Did you know that 70% of change initiatives with new programs/systems will fail due to a lack of leadership commitment? I want to focus on mentor/mentee and apprenticeship programs, which are most critical to our industry’s survival. You can lose your way without processes, procedures, and accountability to mold your apprentice into your shop. Too much talk and not enough action is the breakdown. Luckily for you, my guest, Marc Brune, has a program focused on helping businesses develop entry-level technician mentoring programs with the tech shortage in mind.
What Should We Call DVI’s? [THA 293]
In the world of the customer, do they know what DVI stands for or what an inspection really is? Have you thought about calling it a “Vehicle Health Check?” My panel discusses the importance of transparency with your customer and why you might want to change the term ‘DVI.’
NAPA Focused on EV Tech, Tools and Parts – Susan Starnes [RR 779]
Another informative episode with NAPA’s VP of Emerging Technology, Susan Starnes. We talk about NAPA’s support for all their customers as they focus on providing tools, parts and training to meet all the future technology needs so we can seize every opportunity to repair the newest high-tech vehicles.
Satellite Location: Diamond in the Rough – Jorge Gilligan [AW 122]
Guest Host and Shop Tour with Jorge Gilligan, Revolution Motor Works, Finksburg, MD.
Preparing For The Next Five Years [RR 778]
If only we had a crystal ball to peak at the next 5 years. As a shop owner, you might still be booked out 2-3 weeks, but with gas prices, inflation, the great resignation, interest rates, and new and used car costs, what do you need to pay attention to in the short term to continue to be profitable and relevant?