Technician Round Table: Mobile Technicians [THA 321]

Technician Round Table: Mobile Technicians with Matt Fanslow. Is the mobile business a symptom of the industry evolving? What is the future outlook of the mobile repair business? Are shops charging what they are worth instead of a race to the bottom? Is there a need to improve the culture and the atmosphere in shops?

Going Electric in California [THA 320]

California is mandating 100% of new cars and light trucks sold will be zero-emission vehicles by 2035. How will electric vehicles change the composition of our industry? What are the service opportunities? Should you start working on hybrids if you haven’t already? Hear from the perspectives of 3 California shop owners that are ready and prepared for the future.

Managing Comebacks and Quality Control [THA 319]

It’s time to shift your mindset on comebacks! Consider comebacks as a second opportunity to learn, make it right with the customer, have a training moment with your employees, and document and discover ways to improve your quality control.

Future Shop: Sooner Than You Think [THA 318]

Will diagnostic work overtake remove and replace work? How will you position and present your shop as a technologically advanced repair center? What training will our employees need? How will artificial intelligence impact our industry? Will we be prepared? Join Jake Sorensen, Chris Chesney and Derek Kaufman as they discuss the shop of the future.

Using My Dashboard to Find Trends [THA 317]

Dashboards are a valuable tool for businesses as they provide a quick and easy way to visualize and analyze key data and metrics in real time. Hear from two shop owners as they discuss how dashboards improve decision making, increase productivity, and enhance collaboration and accountability with your team.

Surviving a Health Scare [THA 316]

You never know when something can and will happen to your health. Do you have a written contingency plan in place for your family and business? Are you maintaining your body like you teach your customers to maintain their vehicle? Join 3 shop owners as they discuss personal health scares, outcomes, preventions, and planning for if and when something happens.

Prepare Your Business for Sale [THA 315]

Did you know 80% of small businesses do not survive the departure of the current owner? When is the right time to prepare your business for sale? The day you opened your business! How do you maximize your selling price? Is there a simple way to quickly valuate your business? Hear from 3 business coaches on the importance of properly planning your business for sale.

Core Values: Know Them, Live Them [THA 314]

How do you stop having a job and start having a business? It all begins with the foundation of core values. Don’t ‘thesaurus’ your way to writing them down once on a piece of paper. Your core values are the essence of who you are and what you stand for. And guess what? Your company’s core values involve your entire team too.

Aftermarket Radio Network 2023 Forecast [THA 313]

Recession is the main topic for everyone as we enter into 2023, almost 3 years post-pandemic. The Aftermarket Radio Network has collaborated together to offer their forecast for the year. Consider this your ‘one stop podcast player’ to hear insights from an accountant, technician, business coach and marketing perspective. Together, we continue to Advance the Aftermarket.

Service Advisor Overload: Part 2 [THA 312]

We are on Part 2 of our Service Advisor Overload discussion because we couldn’t fit it all into 1 episode! Did you know most shops are missing $300-500k in gross profit dollars because their service advisor doesn’t have the time to tap into those dollars? You must build a wall of support around your service advisor.

Advice For New Shop Owners [THA 311]

If you’re thinking about transitioning from employee to shop owner, this episode is for you. Instead of guessing your way through the transition, let the Aftermarket Radio Network be your free library of industry peers across the country help you get started the right way.

Forget the Past: Focus on the Future [THA 310]

“Forget the Past: Focus on the Future”…sometimes easier said than done. The past is familiar and comfortable. We can also get hung up on our past mistakes, which hinders us from moving forward. Listen to 3 shop owners share their perspectives on the past and the future of the automotive industry.

Strategies to Communicate Pay: The Good, Bad and Ugly [THA 309]

Join 3 shop owners as they share some great stories and wisdom about what works and what doesn’t when talking about pay. Can you show how to earn the pay they want? How can you bring the team together when there are earning discrepancies?

What Does the Shop of the Future Look Like? [THA 308]

What does the future look like for the automotive industry? Listen to the perspectives of Jennifer Maher, Executive Director of the TechForce Foundation, Derek Kaufman, Managing Partner at Schwartz Advisors, Matt Fanslow, Lead Diagnostician and Shop Manager at Riverside Automotive, and Dustin Brown, Shop Owner of Brown Auto Experts with 3 locations. We have an open discussion about future trends, aftermarket challenges, and electric vehicles.

Learn to Lead: Empower Your People [THA 307]

How do you truly empower your people? What does it take to be a strong leader of your business? How do you motivate and inspire your employees while avoiding burnout? We have an All-Star panel of industry peers willing to share their own experiences and learning curve as business owners.

Remote Ownership [THA 306]

Hear from 3 shop owners that run their businesses remotely. Yes, it is possible! If you feel like you can’t possibly relinquish control of the business, these owners are here to tell you why, how, and the benefits of being a remote owner. Spoiler alert: the secret sauce is the people, processes, and systems you have in place.

Seller Beware [THA 304]

Matt Fanslow shares a recent interaction with a salesperson that wanted to help in the sale of the business. There were some warning signs, and with a call to an industry peer, Hunt Demarest, Matt stopped what could have been a costly mistake.

Alignments! Rates, Numbers and ROI [THA 303]

Take a deeper dive into alignments, the numbers being it, and the ROI. Multi-shop owner Joe Hanson has invested in the Hunter Quick Check Touchless Alignment equipment for his one shop, Tom Sciortino brings statistics on the effect alignments have on ADAS, and Jim Fleischman discusses the importance of asking your customers about their driving habits.

We Are Paperless and Loving It! [THA 302]

What are the advantages, challenges, and needs for a shop to go paperless? Why is it critical to get buy in from your employees ahead of time? How do you create buy in?

Service Advisor Pay Plans [THA 301]

How many jobs do your service advisors have? Who covers when you are short-handed? How many technicians per advisor do you have? Are you using technology and systems to a service advisor’s advantage? How clear are your objectives to everyone in the shop? What are some different pay plan options?

Dave Ramsey Financial Program [THA 300]

Hear from 3 shop owners that provide financial education for their employees. Setting our employees up for success in life goes beyond signing paychecks.

Differentiate with Video [THA 299]

They say a picture is worth a thousand words, but what about video? Video content has taken our world by storm, and if you’re not doing videos for your shop, you are behind. Keep listening to find out how to differentiate yourself from other shops using authentic stories from your customers and employees.

Technician Tools and Jocko [THA 298]

Do wages today support the tools technicians need? What are they spending? Are owners using tool purchase programs for their employees? Andy Bizub from Midwest Performance Car, Chicago, shares his perspective on tool programs in his shop. Andy also discusses his experience at Jocko Willink’s ‘Echelon Front’ Muster conference that he is sending his people to and why it is ‘next level’ training.

Onboarding New Team Members [THA 297]

Have you ever experienced the butterflies in your stomach when you start a new job? You arrive on the first day and feel lost as surrounding employees are busy at work.  What is your onboarding process for new employees? How do you make their first day efficient, comfortable and welcoming? Listen to learn just one thing and commit to finetuning your onboarding process

Climbing Out Of Despair [THA 296]

In today’s episode, my panel discusses hitting rock bottom and being able to climb out. How do you financially recover from being in debt? How do you get through divorce when your business is failing? Why aren’t more owners looking at themselves in the mirror and realizing they are the problem and the solution? Keep listening to find out.