Preserving Your Reputation [THA 295]

Honesty is always the best policy, but sometimes is it better to omit certain information to a customer? What if you make a mistake but make it right and eat the cost? Are there situations where you don’t divulge all that information to a customer? Let’s have an open discussion on ethics and your shop’s reputation.

Right to Repair Update and a Trip to Washington [THA 294]

As one of the top 10 industries in America, we need to advocate consumer choice in a competitive market, and if we don’t do what is pro-consumer and pro-aftermarket, the dealers will get all the business. I’m with Bill Hanvey, CEO of the AutoCare Association, Paul McCarthy, CEO of the Automotive Aftermarket Suppliers Association (AASA), and Ryan and Andrea Goff, shop owners that went to Washington to speak to their representative and to show support for the Right To Repair initiative.  Have you signed the petition? Go to so easy to tell your congressperson you support the Right to Repair.  Stay tuned for an important episode that affects ALL OF US.

What Should We Call DVI’s? [THA 293]

In the world of the customer, do they know what DVI stands for or what an inspection really is? Have you thought about calling it a “Vehicle Health Check?” My panel discusses the importance of transparency with your customer and why you might want to change the term ‘DVI.’

Why Speak to Fifth Graders? [THA 292]

No one can do everything, but everyone can do something. Raising the image and perception of our industry starts with getting involved with schools. If you’re involved in your local community college or high school, I would like to put out a challenge that you also visit the elementary and middle schools. The students are buzzing with energy, questions, and already have a leg up on technology. If you’re not involved with any schools, what’s stopping you?  You can’t afford to not put your time into students, teachers, and school counselors. The impressions you leave on the youth are critical to creating opportunities for our industry’s future.

Customer Amenities [THA 291]

Customer amenities aren’t just a snack bar and some coffee k-cups. It takes more to deepen a relationship.  My panel of shop owners goes beyond the free wifi and beverages to really wow their customers and make that lasting impression. Amenities are your ultimate marketing tool for your business. Take Note!

Numbers Don’t Lie, They Also Don’t Tell the Truth [THA 290]

The gang’s all here; we have the entire Aftermarket Radio Network together for an important episode inspired by the movie Moneyball. We all have experience with people who are not our top performers, but are we better to have them on the team than not? You know them; they are consistent, reliable, steady, and contributors. Are they worth replacing? Will they become the best or top performers, or do they help strengthen our overall performance? A great discussion among your peers.

Flat Rate VS Salary Debate [THA 289]

Are you doing flat rate, salary, or a hybrid model? What are the pros and cons of all three? My panel brings light to this hot topic from different perspectives. The consensus from the group is there is no cookie-cutter model on pay plans you must factor in your culture and your team.

Writing Ads That Attract Rock Stars [THA 288]

What’s the first step to hiring Rock Stars? It starts with the ad. A cookie-cutter ad with buzzwords will only get you so far. Instead of writing the ad from your perspective, step into the shoes of the position you are looking to fill … you may have done that job yourself. Did you ever think that you should be writing the ad for the spouse of the job position? It costs thousands of dollars to hire the wrong person.  Get ready to get a handful of ideas in this episode, to help in your hiring goals.

Maintenance Intervals: Industry Standards [THA 287]

Maintenance services are the new frontier for the automotive industry. How do you shift your customer’s perspective from reactive repairs to proactive repairs? Is your parking lot full of problem vehicles? Can we do a better job of helping the customer get long life from their Cars? My panel examines the importance of maintenance intervals and the value of informing and educating your customers.

Why Do a Repair Order Audit? [THA 286]

Are you chasing the KPI’s in your business without pausing and diving into what creates those Key Performance Metrics? Are you reviewing repair orders? The amount of data filtered properly from an RO Audit will astound you. Use the data from a Repair Order Audit to refine your business.

Identify Your Ideal Customer [THA 285]

Why is understanding the psychographics of your ideal customer so important to your business? Why it is important to understand who your ideal customer is?  My panel discusses the importance of building relationships with customers that see the value in your business. 

Are You Selling Customer Experience or Price? [THA 284]

Price, price, price…our lives seem tied to it. And when it comes to customers, sometimes the price is the only question they feel they can ask. Instead of chalking them up as ‘price shoppers,’ are you using it as an opportunity to build a relationship and educate them on the value of your services? Many struggle with this. My panel discusses ways to make price irrelevant. Stay tuned and shift your perspective on price.

The Extreme Value of a ‘SWOT’ for your Business [THA 283]

How often are you checking on the overall health of your business with your team members involved? Are you identifying and working on the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats, known as SWOT? How do you start a SWOT analysis? What are the benefits? How do you find your blindspots? Does knowing your SWOT give you a competitive advantage? My panel takes a deep dive into the value of SWOT and shares their own experiences.

Incentive Pay Ideas for Technicians [THA 282]

Did you know incentive pay plans are both monetary and nonmonetary? Your business must be profitable and have a clear vision with the right culture set in place for incentive plans to work. How are benefits, bonuses, and incentives different? Keep listening to find out how to incentify your employees to achieve their dreams.

Is Your Bathroom Like the Ritz Carlton? [THA 281]

Did you know your customer’s bathroom is one of the most important reflections of your business to your customer? It reflects the commitment to a clean environment, it will affect your customer’s perception of your business and it demonstrates how well you’ll care for their personal vehicle. My panel discusses simple bathroom amenities that can have a huge impact and lasting impression on customers. Strive to have a customer rest room that is like the Ritz Carlton.

ABC Technician: What Does It Mean? [THA 280]

Are A,B, and C technician levels outdated? Or do we need to take into account specialized skills that can be required in certain areas? Is there room for A, B and C levels within categories? As our industry continues to change, maybe our perspectives on technician labels change too.

Technician Mentoring [THA 279]

There are business coaches for shop owners, service advisors, COO’s and managers. But what about technicians? Training events are critical for everyone in your shop, but one on one technician mentoring at your facility is unrivaled. Find out the benefits of bringing a trainer in specifically to teach your team.

Prepare for the Future [THA 277]

How do we prepare for the future? In this episode listen to the insights from the perspective of a shop owner, technician, instructor, COO, and trainer. Times have changed, so how do we get the younger generation passionate about our industry and our high-tech vehicles? What does the future of ADAS and electric vehicles mean to the aftermarket?

Build Your Labor Rate From The Ground Up [THA 276]

How much do you value your time? Your employee’s time? Are you making your decision on your labor rate based on data? My expert panel breaks down a mathematical and strategic way to understand the labor rate that delivers your profit goal. To view the charts and presentations my guests have prepared, make sure you head to my carm capriotto youtube channel or find the link on the show notes. Once you see the math your decision to set a profitable labor rate will be smarter and easier.

Plan For Slow Times [THA 275]

The aftermarket is blazing busy. We may think that boomtown will continue without an end in sight. But what are your ‘slow day action plans?’ Some who have not been doing things ‘right’ are feeling the ebb and flow of typical cycle times, holidays, back to school, vacations, weather, and travel. Let this episode help you re-think how you prop up your business. Stop stopping.

Details Matter [THA 274]

The complete customer experience package starts with having paid attention to details. When was the last time your shop was painted? Is the parking lot striped? What kind of coffee and amenities do you serve? Does your bathroom have extra hooks on the door? I’m with a panel of shop owners that put that extra in extraordinary. You should get a bare minimum of 5 great ideas to implement.

20 Group Peer Review [THA 273]

How often do you have an outside perspective on your business to offer improvement ideas? What about 35 outside perspectives? Last month Brian Weeks hosted a team of shop owners from his peer group, from around the country, to dig deep into his business. Keep listening to find out what helpful tips and insights they offered and what they learned from each other.

Ethics 101 [THA 272]

Did you know ethics, culture, and team go hand in hand in a successful business? Doing the right thing means having full transparency, trust, and integrity. Listen firsthand to my panel as they discuss ethics 101 and some standout scenarios they’ve experienced.

Do You Need an Estimator? [THA 271]

Is your service advisor stressed? Do you have a full lot of vehicles to repair but have technicians standing around? I’ve been asking shop owners if an estimator role in the business is an important hire. I got an ear full in this Academy Webinar on how the metrics work and the role and responsibilities to consider hiring an estimator or parts specialist in your growing busy shop. All three shop owners on my panel have this role in their shops. Stick around and learn.

Are You Offering ‘Only’ Synthetic Oil Services? [THA 270]

Questions, what is your customer oil change service like?  Have you transitioned to ‘synthetic only’ oil for your customers? How do you stock all grades and weights? The days of $20 oil changes every 3 months is gone. My panel of shop owners discuss why they have synthetic only oil service and how it’s improved their efficiency in the bays and for their customers. If you have not implemented this business strategy learn in this episode why you need to do it.