Millennials in High Gear with Sara Fraser – Part 1 [RR 603]
Millennials in High Gear with Sara Fraser Part 1 [RR 603]
Our topic today centers around millennial customers and employees. With me is Sara Fraser. Sara has been a favorite on the show and lives what she teaches as she is a millennial. Each generation has its traits and you must adjust your business to accommodate the millennial customer and employee.
Sara is with Haas Performance Consulting and teaches the millennial story. We look at the millennial customer needs/wants and the same for the millennial employee. This is part one of a two-part millennial series with Sara
You can find Sara’s other episodes and the key talking points for this episode at
The Benefits of Brainstorming Dr. John Passante and Phil Moore [RR 602]
The Benefits of Brainstorming [RR 602]
Let’s create ideas and let’s talk about solving problems. That’s what this episode is all about. I’m with my friend Dr. John Passante, CEO of the Organizational Development Group and a Legacy Aftermarket Human Resource Professional, and Phil Moore, Vice President Sales and Marketing at Federated Auto Parts.
Both have important insight on the power of brainstorming and the discussion will prove to be relevant with tips for your own brainstorming sessions. Also learn how to apply SWOT analysis and make it your own competitive advantage.
You can find my panel’s previous episodes, their bios, and the key talking points for this episode at
How to Become a Thermostat Instead of a Thermometer- Dave Hobbs [RR 601]
Become a Thermostat Instead of a Thermometer – Dave Hobbs [RR 601]
Dave Hobbs, the lead technical trainer and course developer for Delphi Product and Service Solutions, Dave Hobbs is back. Dave has graced us recently with his episode 592 talking about how to avoid comebacks with tech talks. He is now offering you his insights on ADAS training virtual classes on how to become a thermostat not a thermometer.
You can find Dave’s other episodes and the key talking points for this episode at
An Unprecedented Year and Strategies for 2021 – Bonus Episode 8
Thoughts from an Unprecedented Year and Looking forward to Strategies for 2021 – Bonus Episode 008
As an industry we are essential.
The strong got stronger
. Virtual online training became the norm and will become a permanent part of our training needs
. Milestones reached this year:
600th episode of Remarkable Results Radio
. 200th episode of the Town Hall Academy
. The launch of Aftermarket
. Launched all LIVE show broadcast on the website’s LIVE page
. Training must become part of your culture
. The value of coaching.
Networking is a must to grow and learn
. Succession planning and growth
. Embrace our youth
. Set up an apprentice program
. Reach out to a local shop and have coffee and talk.
Reflections of My First Episode and Prudent Advice for the Ages [RR 600]
Reflections of My First Episode and Prudent Advice for the Ages [RR 600]
Welcome to the 600th Episode of Remarkable Results Radio. Enjoy some very candid talk and behind the scenes revelations from some of the very first episodes from my panel.
Along with the fun discussion, the panel dished out some great advice as the podcast continues to set the standard and the tone for aftermarket industry podcasts.
Our longevity is a testament to the leaders from every segment of the industry who have shared so that others have gained. We will continue to bring thought piercing issues and commentaries so that you grow your business acumen. As I said and I mean it from the bottom of my heart, this podcast is dedicated to you for “listening and learning” and for letting me know how much our content means to you. And a big shout out to the sponsors who make the podcast a reality. Please support them.
My guests bring and give color to this milestone event. Not many can reach the lengths we have reached but we have aced it through the support and respect from peers, students, coaches, service advisors, and shop owners. Welcome Greg Buckley from Buckleys, Dwayne Myers from Dynamic, G Jerry Truglia from TST, Bob Greenwood; CEO of AAEC, Kim Auernheimerfrom CS Automotive, and Matt Fanslow from Riverside Automotive.
We’ve reached these milestones, besides the 600th RRR, the 200th Town Hall Academy and the start of Aftermarket Weekly this year only because you are there and use this resource.
You can find our guest’s previous episodes, their bios, and the key talking points for this episode at
Hiring a Business Coach [RR 596]
Hiring a Business Coach [RR 596]
Learn how a coach can keep you focused, motivated, and accountable. It’s very easy to get lost in the day-to-day. It’s great to have someone to keep your feet on the ground.
I get a lot of requests to recommend things, especially business coaches. You know how much I believe in having a business coach. Well, I do not recommend business coaches, as I must be neutral, like the country Sweden. So many coaches bring their wisdom to you on the show and for that I am grateful. What I do do is give a link to all the episodes I’ve done with our industry’s business coaches.
In this case shop owner Rick Williams asked and I gave him the link. I went on to ask him if he would pick three and allow an interview with him and the three coaches as a sort of opportunity for shop owners without a coach to hear what goes on in the coach hiring process. Shop owner Rick Williams of Rix Automotive was kind enough to agree to do this and he chose Bill Haas of Haas Performance Consulting, Bob Greenwood of Automotive aftermarket E-Learning Center, and David Justice from Repair Shop of tomorrow.
You can find Rick, Bob, Bill, and David’s other episodes and the key talking points for this episode at
Creating the Right Environment for Shop Efficiency [THA 201]
Creating The Right Environment for Shop Efficiency [THA 201]
There are a lot of variables when we talk about shop efficiency. There is culture, environment, leadership, and more. There is no single formula that can solve shop efficiency. But if there are the right guidelines, our panel today, certainly has the answers. A big fat thank you to Chris Monroe, Joe Marconi, and Kevin Vaught for sharing their expertise with you. So many small things done right makes for improved efficiency.
Chris Monroe is a coach who owns Monroe Tire & Service at Shelby, NC., Joe Marconi is a coach who also owns Osceola Garage at Baldwin Place, NY., and Kevin Vaught is a former multi-shop owner and is an Elite Worldwide Business Development Coach.
The key talking points from this episode are already done for you on the show notes page at
Hiring Superstars with Jerry Kezhaya and Dr. Laura Shwaluk [RR 594]
Hiring Superstars with Jerry Kezhaya and Dr Laura Shwaluk [RR 594]
Once again I welcome Jerry Kezhaya and Dr. Laura Schwaluk owners of The Auto Shop in Plano, TX, they are also leading Business Builders Mentor and Mastermind USA.
Hiring superstar employees is the goal of every business person I’ve known. Our intention is to find the best of the best in order to seed the company with outstanding and culture driven people. As you and I know, that is not always the case.
How can we get better at recruiting and filtering out just the cream of the crop. Jerry and Dr. Laura will take us through a process and great stories to make their case.
Find Jerry and Laura’s other episodes and the key talking points for this episode at
Customer Service vs. Customer Experience with Murray Voth [RR 591]
Customer Service vs. Customer Experience with Murray Voth [RR 591]
Murray Voth the owner and principal trainer of RPM Training and one of Canada’s most knowledgeable experts on the automotive industry. Murray specializes in the fields of business development of the independent automotive service and repair sector.
Murray is focused on the customer experience. In this episode, Murray differentiates customer service vs customer experience and their specific advantages and disadvantages.
The talking points of this episode can be found at
Science Based Hypnotherapy with Maureen Pisani [RR 590]
Science-Based Hypnotherapy with Maureen Pisani [RR 590]
I’m with Maureen Pisani a Certified Master Hypnotherapist and the founder of ProThrive Science-Based Hypnotherapy, where she works with individuals and groups (both in-person and online) to help empower, streamline success, and truly thrive.
Why this interview? I found the discussion with Maureen refreshingly different. I can see where some never reach their potential, yet we know they have it in them. Maureen offers solutions.
Imagine this as a tool for the automotive aftermarket. You do the math. Unlimited potential and untapped ideas.
We discuss how the brain works in hypnotherapy and the science behind it that proved useful in uplifting and giving us an edge in life! The talking points can be found at
Four Ways to Generate Income Using ESBI with Gerry Frank [RR 587]
Four Ways to Generate Income Using ESBI with Gerry Frank [RR 587]
Gerry Frank, a business coach, and shop owner share Robert Kiyosaki’s famous CashFlow Quadrant in an easy to swallow and digestible way.
It has 4 quadrants and abbreviated as ESBI. He is correlating the ESBI approach to stages in the aftermarket. The stages are Employee, Self-employed, Business Owner, and Investor which relates to an individual starting himself as a technician becomes a shop owner and eventually, becomes an investor.
Find the key talking points, Gerry Frank’s bio, and links to his previous episodes at
Service Advisor Advice from Steve Shaw [RR 586]
Service Advisor Advice from Steve Shaw [RR 586]
Service advisor consultant trainer Steve Shaw of Steve Shaw Training brings his unique brand of training. Steve has some great ideas and concepts that can help you grow sales therefore dropping that margin gain directly to the bottom line. Steve Shaw teaches service advisors to get customers’ permission.
Steve shares 5 key reasons customers buy And he wants you to change the wording when you sell maintenance. There is also a simple approach to selling tires.
Steve also adds techniques in this episode. He advises, if you follow the tools and training you will sell more. He extends his understanding of customer behavior to your advantage. This episode can answer why customers buy and offer some great ideas on selling maintenance and tires.
Find the show notes at
Cares Act & Payroll Protection Program Update with Hunt Demarest, CPA[THA 196]
CARES ACT and PPP Update with Hunt Demarest [THA 196]
I’m with Hunt Demarest CPA in this Payroll Protection Program or PPP update.
Hunt says that there is a document that says the deadline for PPP forgiveness is October 31, 2020. That is not true and Hunt explains. If you did get PPP funds there is a deadline to apply for forgiveness and he shares the timing on that. If you got an EIDL loan that must be paid back. Check with your banker or accountant. Don’t ignore it.
Hunt provides some tax consequence talk, but more importantly, you need to work with your banker, accountant or tax preparer to be sure you are compliant with the law i
Hunt is from Paar Mellis an accounting firm that exclusively works with aftermarket shop owners. Hunt has contributed in past episodes and he always offers great advice. Nothing in this episode is to be construed as gospel. You must do your own research and consult with your own professionals.
If you want the key talking points from this episode, they are already done for you. Go to the show page at
Coaches Lab: Why Employees Leave [THA 195]
Coaches Lab: Why Employees Leave [THA 195]
You are about to embark on a brainstorming session with three of our aftermarket’s excellent business coaches that have a strong leaning toward people and culture. As you’ve learned throughout the last 194 episodes picking a panel and getting them to mesh seems to be a strength of mine and this one nailed our topic. And you benefit from this listen.
Employees leave for many reasons. This episode will give you more than five reasons and if you work on only three of them, you are on your way to creating a solid ‘sticky’ team. I say sticky because you want your people to stay, yet you need to create the right environment, culture, and engagement for it to work.
The panel: Dan Taylor, Senior Business Advisor at Transformers Institute, Dave Schedin, from Computrek Automotive Management Systems, and Murray Voth, owner and principal trainer at RPM training.
If you want the key talking points from this episode, they are already done for you. Go to the show page at Use them for an agenda to help you implement the insights from this Academy.
The Evolution of SEO: Make Your Website the Best For Search – Brain Walker [RR 580]
The Evolution of SEO: Make Your Website the Best For Search – Brain Walker [RR 580]
In this episode, we have Brian Walker talking about the basic core principles of SEO. We will be diving into websites, quality content, search engine, Google’s algorithm of search intent, marketing and many more areas that helps you improve your website.
Brian was a Mercedes Benz Master dealer tech and was ASE certified with L1. He owned Peak Automotive in Apex, NC. He is also the co-owner of Shop Marketing Pros. He does “Done for you” marketing services for auto repair shops.
We talked about websites and optimizations. A few years back you can trick search engines to position your sites a little bit higher but now SEO or search engine optimization has evolved. AI’s are being used to make search engines think like a human. It can adapt well. This means we have to go back to the basic core principles of why your site ever existed.
Find the show notes at
Stress Busters to Deal with the Emotional Roller Coaster – Dr. Dave Weiman [RR 579]
Stress Busters to Deal with the Emotional Roller Coaster – Dr. Dave Weiman – RR 579
This year was like any I ever remember. I’m sure you have the same sentiment. COVID-19 hit us and the uncertainty of dealing with protection, safety, and serving our clients was and is a huge part of our daily lives. We are still figuring out our new normal and with it comes new struggles. With that comes mental stresses of all kinds and the roller-coaster swings that can cause emotional highs and lows.
I’m with Dr. David Weiman. He is the president of Weiman Consulting, a leadership consulting firm in Philadelphia PA. He is also an adjunct Assistant Professor at Widener University’s Institute for Graduate Clinical Psychology, and he is a Certified Performance Coach through Johnson & Johnson’s Human Performance Institute. He will talk about keeping clients, overcoming the stress that the pandemic has thrust upon us all and how we can show gratitude to the people we care about.
I so enjoyed this discussion with Dr. Dave and I’m sure you’ll take some great advice on dealing with stress and showing your gratitude. Find the key talking points at
Incentive Plans [THA 191]
Incentive Pay – THA 191
We are talking about Incentive Pay. You will conclude from this episode that there is no silver bullet to this answer. There are a lot of moving parts to create compensation plans unique to your business culture for the results you, your employee, and team need to have to best serve your customer and to create financial rewards.
I invited a great panel to discuss incentive pay: // Seth Thorson, from EuroTech Auto Service, based in New Brighton, MN and also the owner of LMV Bavarian a BMW tech support company. Bryan Kelley is here from Valley Auto Electric, Covington, WA, Active and chairman of ASA Northwest and Bill Haas, Haas Performance Consulting, and Business Manager of NACAT, the North American Automotive Teachers
The detailed key talking points can be found at along with Bryan’s chart on 23 motivators of people. Remember you can use them to help create your own plan or meeting agenda.
Wealth Building: Become a Financial Adult [RR 575]
Wealth Building: Becoming a Financial Adult [RR 575]
Jerry Kezhaya and his wife Dr. Laura Shwaluk bring you a powerful discussion on wealth and money. Jerry and Dr. Laura own The Auto Shop in Plano, TX. They are also leading Business Builders Mentor and Mastermind USA, helping entrepreneurs accelerate their businesses and open doors of mental blocks that prevent them from succeeding.
We discuss Debt, Wealth Building, Entitlement, Consumerism and Determining a Need or a Want. Surprisingly, 85% of 65 years or older don’t have access to $25,000. That is a very sad percentage knowing that you have worked almost all of your life, but do not reap the benefits!
Let this episode be your springboard to bounce you back to financial stability. The episode talks about Fiat Currency, the distinction between spending and investing, spending habits, and other in-depth financial mechanisms wired deep within you. As you listen, there are a lot of variables on why we fail with money. But there are also a lot of things to help us with what to do about it.
Get Jerry and Laura’s bio and talking points and previous episodes at
Succession Planning: With an Internal Candidate [THA 190]
THA 190 Succession with an Internal Candidate
In keeping with my goal to keep the succession theme burning as we face the reality that many of you need to retire and sell your business and many of you would like to become business owners.
This episode reveals a transaction with two internal non-family successors. Bob Ward anchors this episode as he helped orchestrate this transaction.
I’m with business owner Steve LaFleur from Prescott Import Car Service and one of the internal co-buyers, Dave Mendez. Dave has worked for Steve for 10 years.
This very candid conversation will help move your succession plans forward and you can get all the key talking points from this episode at These key talking points will make for a great planning agenda.
Procedures and Systems Part 2 with Brian Gillis [RR 573]
Procedures and Systems Part 2 with Brian Gillis [RR 573]
Welcome to the second part of processes and systems with Brian Gillis. Brian is the Chief You Net-Results Strategist, with 25+ years experience in auto shop operations, hiring, recruiting, systems, processes, multi-store experience, and employee training.
A big part of building your Standard Operating Procedures is to start. Brian shares his formula and discipline for not only starting but for continual improvement.
Get Brian’s bio and talking points and his previous episodes at .
Assessments: Hire Engaged, and Productive Employees Who Find a Home [RR 572]
Assessments: Hire Engaged, and Productive Employees Who Find a Home [RR 572]
There is a need in supporting businesses in enhancing their organizational eco-system through it’s single most important asset… The PEOPLE! The lifeline of a healthy business culture can be done at the tip of your fingertips
My guests today are; Carlo Sabucco, Mark Simons, David & Bonnie Schedin. They will be enlightening us with the value and importance of assessments. Assessments can identify people who have the highest probability of being successful in a role and provide practical recommendations for maximizing their performance.
learn the importance of two different assessments and how hiring with this knowledge will help your businesses leverage and streamline your hiring process and find a great match to enhance your team
The key talking points and important links found at
Industry Terminology: It’s Time to Change it. Can You Get Behind This? [RR 571]
Industry Terminology: It’s Time to Change it. Can You Get Behind This? [RR 571]
The Panel: Chris Cloutier is co-owner of Golden Rule Auto Care in Dallas Texas and CEO of Auto Text Me. He spent many years in the software industry developing solutions for companies, and Bob Greenwood is President and C.E.O. of Automotive Aftermarket E-Learning Centre Ltd. (AAEC) a company focused on providing Business Management Resources and Development for the Independent Sector of the aftermarket industry.
Welcome to a fun and fast-paced show for you all about the language of our beloved aftermarket. Chris and Bob are providing provocative ideas for change in the language we use. They believe that many of the words we use don’t have the same meaning today that they did years ago.
Some of the language they feel we need to remove is training, customer, and business owner to name just a few. We’ve taken great notes for you so you can use as an agenda in your next team or networking meetings, Go to the show notes page at . Also, find Chris and Bob’s bios and links to their previous episodes.
Succession With a Family Member [THA 188]
THA 188 – Succession with a Family Member
Family succession can be different than selling to a non-family member, yet many components of a transaction are similar. Jessica and Ron were very forthcoming and business coach Dave Justice helped shape the plan.
The panel: Ron Tinner, owner of Sparks Tire and Auto, along with his daughter Jessica Carrino. Jessica will become the owner, and they share their story about making a family transaction work. David Justice from Repair shop of Tomorrow is their business coach.
Succession is one of the hottest trends in our industry. So many want to retire, pass the business on to family or sell to a team member. Selling to another shop owner or group is also in the cars. We can’t talk about this enough.
For the key talking points, audio and video go to
Labor Rates: A Function of the Business Not the Market [THA 187]
THA 187 Labor Rates: A Function of the Business Not the Market
Labor Rates is a very touchy subject for some shop owners. It is the sacred measure that customers rate you on. If you believe that this episode is for you.
We are covering multiple labor rates, an approach to calculating your rates, and what the future holds as far as the importance that labor rates ill be to your business if not most critical already today.
If you are struggling to make money there are many areas you need to pay attention to, and most importantly your labor rate. Is your rate based on the market or on the function of your business.
The panel: Bob Greenwood, AMAM, President and of the Automotive Aftermarket E-Learning Center, Business coach, and as I like to say one of the best numbers guys in the industry. Also Business coach Brian Gillis the Cheif Strategist at You Net-Results and joining us halfway through is shop owner Bill Nalu from Interstate Auto Care in Madison Heights, MI
The Moment of Impact – Validate Your Leadership – Paul McCarthy and John Passante [RR 564]
RR 564: The Moment of Impact – Validate Your Leadership
I am with John Passante and Paul McCarthy as we discover ways to learn and understand the intricacies of leadership and being a shop owner. A big point John makes is validation and how it connects to leadership. We will learn the concept behind how to be understood properly when communicating with your employees and how to give the right prop ups to deserving employees!
Dr. John Passante is a legacy automotive aftermarket Human Resource professional and the President and CEO of The Organizational Development Group and Paul T. McCarthy is the President of Automotive Aftermarket Suppliers Association. AASA is the voice for the automotive aftermarket supplier industry.
Find the talking points, bios and key talking points of John Passante and Paul McCarthy at