Financial Help For Your Team [THA 262]

Where did you learn about finances? Did you learn it from your parents? Finances are one of the most important elements in our lives, yet most of us never really understand it or discuss it with our spouses or employees. Listen to 3 shop owners that make finances a part of the conversation in their business and for their people.

The Joy of Hiring [RR 716]

How did you develop your hiring process? Did you learn from other colleagues? Did you look online? Do you make decisions based on your intuition? Do you cross your fingers and hope for the best because you are desperate to fill a position? It’s time to take proven methods and guidance with Maylan Newton’s book “The Joy of Hiring”. You’ll also hear from a shop owner that implemented the concepts from this book into her hiring routine. She says it has completely changed her process and improved her hiring skills.

The Big Picture Program [RR 715]

I recently had the privilege to connect with Karen Monaco, a teacher for a local school district and advisor for the Big Picture Program during a local independent shop owner meeting. This national program puts students at the center of their own learning through “leave to learn” internships and shadowing at local businesses. If you’re not involved with education, this is your wake-up call to get started. All it takes is a phone call. My goal is that this episode shows you the way to engage our young people in our industry.

Workplace Motivation [THA 260]

It’s easy to discuss culture and workplace motivation, everyone understands people want to work in a positive environment. But did you ever stop to think about what truly motivates people? Guess what, it is unique to each person. Do you understand the tangible goals for each individual in your business based on what motivates them personally? Spoiler alert, money isn’t the main motivator for people.

Handling A Toxic Employee with Dr. Dave Weiman [RR 713]

How do we handle a toxic employee? How long have we noticed their behavior and never addressed it? Is it hard for owners to let someone go that they hired and thought would be a great fit for the team? Dr. Dave Weiman, psychologist, and owner of Weiman Consulting explain the behavioral background of a toxic employee. Every business owner needs to listen to this episode!

Women of the Year Awards 2021 [RR 709]

Women of the Year Awards 2021 [RR 709]

I had the honor last year to sit down with the Women in AutoCare Women of the Year recipients at AAPEX 2021. The electric energy between these women is hard to miss. The push for more women in our industry is never over. We need to continue to support women in leadership roles, encourage the younger generation to join and get involved in mentorship.

What Is Your Word Of The Year? [AW 087]

What Is Your Word Of The Year? [AW 087]

Guest host and shop tour with Travis Troy, Honest Wrenches, Des Moines, IA. Travis Troy’s word of the year is “execute.” Goals are just ideas if you don’t have an execution plan with deadlines.

ASE ADAS Certification and Other Important News [RR 707]

ASE ADAS Certification and Other Important News [RR 707]

If you’re not actively involved in ASE certifications or the ASE education foundation, you are missing a huge opportunity. There are so many resources at your fingertips to improve your business, get involved in education, become certified, or stay certified with ASE. Stop making excuses in this new year, become proactive and start taking action.

Creating Powerful Moments [AW 086]

Creating Powerful Moments [AW 086]

Guest hosts and shop tour with John Long and Edgar Reyes, Schertz Auto Service, Schertz TX. Are you creating powerful moments with your employees? How has it changed your culture?

What Type of Training Works for You? [RR 706]

What Type of Training Works for You? [RR 706]

Training, training, training. We can’t talk enough about the importance of training and how it’s changed due to COVID-19 along with smarter trends on virtual. How has free virtual training impacted the industry? What are the pros and cons to live training and virtual training? What can we do to encourage more people to get training? And another thought …. What is your commitment to training in the new year?

Recovering From a Wrong Service Advisor Hire [THA 256]

Recovering From a Wrong Service Advisor Hire [THA 256]

As an owner, it can be easy to want something to work out so much, you become blind to certain red flags. You also worry about the production of your business if you let someone go. What should you do? My panel shares their experience with a wrong service advisor hire and how they recovered.

Training Workshops: Develop Your Culture and Leadership [RR 705]

Training Workshops: Develop Your Culture and Leadership [RR 705]

How do you elevate your business to the next level? It can seem like an uphill battle. Why does improving yourself and your business seem overwhelming to most people? Where do you even start? It all starts with one step at a time. Here is a great interview about UpShift Powered by Ask Patty and provides training on culture, leadership skills, and diversity inclusion (including women) among so much more. Consider it your own personal board of directors for your business. With Jody Devere and Donna Wagner.

How to Pass a Wage and Hour Audit from DOL [RR 704]

How to Pass a Wage and Hour Audit from DOL [RR 704]

When was the last time you thought about your business being audited? The proverbial ‘Hi I’m from the government and I’m here to help!’ type of audit. Well, they are very real and we hear of stories and fines that get levied because we are not paying attention to specifically wage and hour laws. If you thought about it more often, you would be taking all the precautions to avoid penalties and fines. This episode is all about an audit and how to play by the rules. Don’t wait until the department of labor calls, take action to ensure your business is conforming to the law.

The Four Pillars of Marketing – Tony Mercury [RR 703]

The Four Pillars of Marketing [RR 703]

This episode focuses on simplified marketing that will offer new ideas to try out and to bring focus to “thinking like the customer.” Make sure your business is making a splash and being noticed.

Three Managers You Need In Your Business- George Zeeks [RR 702]

Three Managers You Need In Your Business [RR 702]

Can owners buy freedom? The short answer is no, they have to grow it with their people. Are you grooming specific employees in managerial roles? Or do you give them a title and assume they can go on autopilot? George Zeeks discusses the three different managers you need in your business as it grows. Find out if you have these roles filled or you need to start.

Managing Holiday Stress Amid the Pandemic – Dr. Dave Weiman [RR 593]

Managing Holiday Stress Amid the Pandemic – With Dr Dave Weiman [RR 593]

This holiday might not be the same as it was before but learn from Dr. Dave Weiman some great advice on dealing with the holidays.
I’m with Dave Weiman, the president of Weiman Consulting, a leadership consulting firm in Philadelphia PA. He is also an adjunct Assistant Professor at Widener University’s Institute for Graduate Clinical Psychology, and he is a Certified Performance Coach through Johnson & Johnson’s Human Performance Institute.

Dr. Dave gives you some great tips to help you get through the season. As an example, he says to maintain your routines, especially during the holidays. It gives our lives a sense of structure and stability and helps provide continuity over time. This is just one coping tactic he provides. This is an episode that all in your circle should listen to. Send the link to the members of your team, your peer group, your spouse, and your family.

The talking points of this episode can be found at

700th Episode Milestone- 7 Trends [RR 700]

700th Episode Milestone- 7 Trends [RR 700]

While past milestone episodes have focused on reflection, this episode focuses on the present and future in a rapid-fire format with 7 guests. Can your shop hold up as the industry and technology change? Do you have any plans to improve or change your business based on recent trends? My panel discusses some key strategies and how they face these opportunities and challenges.

Maybe You Need a Boss [THA 252]

Maybe You Need a Boss [THA 252]

As an owner of your business, who holds you accountable? Why is it that many, of us, need someone to hold us accountable? Do you ever feel like you’re stuck in your own day-to-day world and not moving forward? Is your business really growing or just trying to do better than last year’s numbers? My panel has a lot of answers, if you’re willing to listen and be open-minded, this episode can be a life-changer.

Are You Grateful 365 Days a Year? – If Not, Why? [RR 696]

Are You Grateful 365 Days a Year? – If Not, Why? [RR 696]

Every year the month of November sparks the feeling of gratitude. Some of you might even share what you’re grateful for at the dinner table on Thanksgiving. But are you truly grateful for the rest of the year? Or do you start to tune out and return to the white noise around you? In this episode Bill Nalu challenges the way you think about yourself and others. I guarantee you will feel differently when the audio ends and the work begins.

Automotive Service Councils Educational Foundation [RR 695]

Automotive Service Councils Educational Foundation [RR 695]

Did you know ASCCA (Automotive Service Councils of California) the great California association also has an educational foundation? The purpose is to raise funds to support and encourage technical training and education for the automotive industry. Did you also know you can be involved outside of California? Ask yourself if you and your network are doing enough to support educational scholarships for our industry.

Supply Chain: Getting Parts to Market Post Pandemic Part 2 [RR 694]

Supply Chain: Getting Parts to Market Post Pandemic Part 2 [RR 694]

After the overwhelming response to our first Supply Chain episode, I decided to follow up with Part 2 while at AAPEX 2021. Every day seems like there is a new challenge or problem to overcome. The squeeze of supply issues and parts availability are felt throughout our entire industry. Did you ever stop to consider this crisis isn’t a supply chain problem, but rather an increase in demand? Which is actually a good problem to have. This has forced every manufacturer to improve their efficiency and focus on a better connection with shops in order to service them properly. Let’s bring both sides together and continue to keep the dialogue open and transparent.

Do We Earn Enough Respect? Charlie Marcotte and Dustin Brown [THA 250]

Do We Earn Enough Respect? Charlie Marcotte and Dustin Brown [THA 250]

It’s easy to be involved in your community as a business owner. You can sign a check, donate to a raffle, or sponsor a local sporting league. While those are great gestures, are you truly connecting your brand and your heart to your community? In this episode, 2 shop owners explain their full commitment to their community and why it’s important to their brand and their longevity in their business. Be prepared to be inspired to start your own acts of service in your community.

Short Term Goals WILL Change Your Behavior – Bob Cooper [RR 693]

Short Term Goals WILL Change Your Behavior – Bob Cooper [RR 693]

Don’t just write down a few goals for 2022. Allow them to change your behavior. As we near the end of 2021, we all start to think about New Years Resolutions. But did you know only 3% of people have clearly defined goals? The other 97% that don’t how to set clearly defined goals — face fears of failure and rejection. This is a one-of-a-kind episode with Bob Cooper CEO at Elite Worldwide, that will set you on a path to change yourself and your business. It’s not about the 97 yards you’ve traveled down the field but the three ahead of you that will score a touchdown.

CEO Margaret Palango Takes the Lead [RR 692]

CEO Margaret Palango Takes the Lead [RR 692]

I’m so honored to be speaking with the new CEO of Auto Shop Solutions, Margaret Palango. In this episode, Margaret shares how she went from a stay-at-home mom to her newly appointed position as CEO. You have to create opportunities for yourself and go for what you want. Her new role will encourage more women to join our industry. Listen and be inspired and strive to grow your confidence so you can reach your goals, take big leaps and make a difference.

Coaching CEO’s to Their Next Level [THA 249]

Coaching CEO’s to Their Next Level [THA 249]

Have you ever considered yourself the CEO of your business? If you own it, you should. If your role is the CEO then you’ve taken the important step to remove yourself from the bays and lead your business.

You should have joined a networking group, hired a business coach, attend training and continue to oversee your business from a birdseye view while your people lead it. In this episode, my panel discusses their experience in a CEO-only leadership group. Find out how it’s different from other networking and coaching groups and the secrets to elevate the functionality of your business. It’s time to learn about yourself and your role on a deeper level.