Secure Vehicle Interface – Standards Evolve as the Vehicle is Part of a Larger Transportation System – Joe Register [RR 582]
Secure Vehicle Interface – Standards Evolve as the Vehicle is Part of a Larger Transportation System – Joe Register [RR 582]
We are talking about Secure Vehicle Interface or SVI. We can’t get enough information on the plethora of technology that is happening at an enormous rate. My guest is Joe Register the Vice-President Emerging Technologies at the AutoCare Association. I love talking to Joe and we’ve done episodes in the past with big uptakes on technology. Joe also brought slides with him so we have the video on our youtube channel and on the show page on the website.
Joe Register has over 40 years of experience delivering progressive system solutions to companies in every channel of the Automotive Aftermarket. This is our third interview and we are also doing an ADAS update look for that soon. I love listening to Joe as he is so well connected through his work in helping to create tech and interface standards with ISO (International Organization for Standards) and SAE (Society of Automotive Engineers).
Find the show notes at
Cybersecurity: Defend and Protect Your Business and Network [RR 581]
Cybersecurity: First Line of Defense for your Business – RR 581
Chris Cloutier has brought his wisdom and insights to the podcast over the years. // he and his brother own Golden Rule Auto Care and is CEO of Jay Mikulovich is the founder and CEO of Revival Technology LLC. We will be traversing the world of cybersecurity.
As we all know, cybersecurity is the defense and protection of your computers, mobile devices, or any electronic gadgets connected to the internet against any form of malicious software and hackers. You may be saying why me, Carm. I don’t need to care about this.
Many say differently. You’ve got to take a proactive position to minimize threats that loom to affect computer systems. Learn from this episode, the best practices needed to protect your business from threats that include ransomware, viruses, and malware.
Don’t ignore this. We tend to overlook securing our network and systems with the attitude that it will not happen to me. Find the key talking points at
The Evolution of SEO: Make Your Website the Best For Search – Brain Walker [RR 580]
The Evolution of SEO: Make Your Website the Best For Search – Brain Walker [RR 580]
In this episode, we have Brian Walker talking about the basic core principles of SEO. We will be diving into websites, quality content, search engine, Google’s algorithm of search intent, marketing and many more areas that helps you improve your website.
Brian was a Mercedes Benz Master dealer tech and was ASE certified with L1. He owned Peak Automotive in Apex, NC. He is also the co-owner of Shop Marketing Pros. He does “Done for you” marketing services for auto repair shops.
We talked about websites and optimizations. A few years back you can trick search engines to position your sites a little bit higher but now SEO or search engine optimization has evolved. AI’s are being used to make search engines think like a human. It can adapt well. This means we have to go back to the basic core principles of why your site ever existed.
Find the show notes at
Stress Busters to Deal with the Emotional Roller Coaster – Dr. Dave Weiman [RR 579]
Stress Busters to Deal with the Emotional Roller Coaster – Dr. Dave Weiman – RR 579
This year was like any I ever remember. I’m sure you have the same sentiment. COVID-19 hit us and the uncertainty of dealing with protection, safety, and serving our clients was and is a huge part of our daily lives. We are still figuring out our new normal and with it comes new struggles. With that comes mental stresses of all kinds and the roller-coaster swings that can cause emotional highs and lows.
I’m with Dr. David Weiman. He is the president of Weiman Consulting, a leadership consulting firm in Philadelphia PA. He is also an adjunct Assistant Professor at Widener University’s Institute for Graduate Clinical Psychology, and he is a Certified Performance Coach through Johnson & Johnson’s Human Performance Institute. He will talk about keeping clients, overcoming the stress that the pandemic has thrust upon us all and how we can show gratitude to the people we care about.
I so enjoyed this discussion with Dr. Dave and I’m sure you’ll take some great advice on dealing with stress and showing your gratitude. Find the key talking points at
Diagnostic Processes – Matt Fanslow and Scott Shotton – Part 2 [RR 578]
Diagnostic Processes – Matt Fanslow and Scott Shotton – Part 2 [RR 578]
There are different approaches to every situation and problem, especially in automotive repair problem-solving. My guests bring their different approaches in solving diag issues to the podcast. They did it before in episode 544, but this time they take it to the next level.
Matt Fanslow and Scott Shotton once again prove their own points in this second part episode. They may not agree on the processes but their approach to diagnose and solve problems are undeniable. They are relentless but their individual approach works. Matt and Scott are fine-tuned by years of experience diagnosing problems under the hood. In the end, we can pass the decision to you, the listener. Which pathway do you prefer? Possibly a hybrid of the discussion?
Both Matt and Scott agree that The customer supplies important data. The service consultant must write it all down so the tech has as much information available. Find the show notes at
Shop Talk 9: The Ladies Have a Lot To Say [RR 577]
Shop Talk 9 – The Ladies Have a Lot to Say – RR 577
Three lady shop owners that will speak to marketing to women, offer their perspective on margins and cost management, how the pandemic has made important changes and how it changed the hiring process. Will you agree, take exception from their ideas or gain a new insight.
The panel: Jamie Carlson from Ervine’s Auto Repair, who was honored as the Female Shop Owner of the Year 2019 from AutoCare’s Women In Auto Care, Emily Chung
AutoNiceh in Markham, Ontario, and Rachael Wacha from City Auto Repair, Gainesville, FL.
Find the key talking points at
Life After Succession – Randy Pickering [RR 576]
Life After Succession – Randy Pickering [RR 576]
Family businesses can survive the generations, needless to say, you’ve got to do a lot of things right. It’s the culture, discipline, and the brand that gives the necessary template for a successful transition.
Today we welcome Randy Pickering, legacy owner of Pickering’s in Lakewood, CO. Pickerings is an amazing company that is transitioning into the 5th generation, Randy’s two sons. That is a rare thing.
To help gain their independence Randy says his sons both wanted to join a 20 group of their own and opened their 2nd store to scale up for a solid exit plan. Randy shares his newfound life after leading Pickerings in Lakewood, CO.
Find the show notes at
Wealth Building: Become a Financial Adult [RR 575]
Wealth Building: Becoming a Financial Adult [RR 575]
Jerry Kezhaya and his wife Dr. Laura Shwaluk bring you a powerful discussion on wealth and money. Jerry and Dr. Laura own The Auto Shop in Plano, TX. They are also leading Business Builders Mentor and Mastermind USA, helping entrepreneurs accelerate their businesses and open doors of mental blocks that prevent them from succeeding.
We discuss Debt, Wealth Building, Entitlement, Consumerism and Determining a Need or a Want. Surprisingly, 85% of 65 years or older don’t have access to $25,000. That is a very sad percentage knowing that you have worked almost all of your life, but do not reap the benefits!
Let this episode be your springboard to bounce you back to financial stability. The episode talks about Fiat Currency, the distinction between spending and investing, spending habits, and other in-depth financial mechanisms wired deep within you. As you listen, there are a lot of variables on why we fail with money. But there are also a lot of things to help us with what to do about it.
Get Jerry and Laura’s bio and talking points and previous episodes at
Massachusetts Right to Repair Law: Vehicle Data Access [RR 574]
Massachusetts Right to Repair Law 2020: Vehicle Data Access [RR 574]
Welcome to an important and vital episode as it relates to how we will do business in the future. It’s about access to data that will be necessary to fix our clients’ vehicles. There is some astounding money being put up against this pro-consumer initiative in Massachusetts. The intention of this episode is to serve up awareness and the impact a NO vote from Massachusetts voters will mean to automotive repair going forward.
By 2022, 87% of new vehicles will be transmitting telematics data wirelessly. But who owns the data? The car manufacturer does. Without access to data, the independent service professional will not be able to get specific diagnostic data. They will hold all the cards and charge handsomely for it.
My guests are advocates of this ‘Right to Repair Law – Vehicle Data Access Requirement Initiative (2020)’. Bill Hanvey, President and CEO of Auto Care Association, and Aaron Lowe, Senior Vice President, Regulatory and Government Affairs.
Find the show notes at
Procedures and Systems Part 2 with Brian Gillis [RR 573]
Procedures and Systems Part 2 with Brian Gillis [RR 573]
Welcome to the second part of processes and systems with Brian Gillis. Brian is the Chief You Net-Results Strategist, with 25+ years experience in auto shop operations, hiring, recruiting, systems, processes, multi-store experience, and employee training.
A big part of building your Standard Operating Procedures is to start. Brian shares his formula and discipline for not only starting but for continual improvement.
Get Brian’s bio and talking points and his previous episodes at .
Assessments: Hire Engaged, and Productive Employees Who Find a Home [RR 572]
Assessments: Hire Engaged, and Productive Employees Who Find a Home [RR 572]
There is a need in supporting businesses in enhancing their organizational eco-system through it’s single most important asset… The PEOPLE! The lifeline of a healthy business culture can be done at the tip of your fingertips
My guests today are; Carlo Sabucco, Mark Simons, David & Bonnie Schedin. They will be enlightening us with the value and importance of assessments. Assessments can identify people who have the highest probability of being successful in a role and provide practical recommendations for maximizing their performance.
learn the importance of two different assessments and how hiring with this knowledge will help your businesses leverage and streamline your hiring process and find a great match to enhance your team
The key talking points and important links found at
Industry Terminology: It’s Time to Change it. Can You Get Behind This? [RR 571]
Industry Terminology: It’s Time to Change it. Can You Get Behind This? [RR 571]
The Panel: Chris Cloutier is co-owner of Golden Rule Auto Care in Dallas Texas and CEO of Auto Text Me. He spent many years in the software industry developing solutions for companies, and Bob Greenwood is President and C.E.O. of Automotive Aftermarket E-Learning Centre Ltd. (AAEC) a company focused on providing Business Management Resources and Development for the Independent Sector of the aftermarket industry.
Welcome to a fun and fast-paced show for you all about the language of our beloved aftermarket. Chris and Bob are providing provocative ideas for change in the language we use. They believe that many of the words we use don’t have the same meaning today that they did years ago.
Some of the language they feel we need to remove is training, customer, and business owner to name just a few. We’ve taken great notes for you so you can use as an agenda in your next team or networking meetings, Go to the show notes page at . Also, find Chris and Bob’s bios and links to their previous episodes.
Margaret Palango – 20 Questions in 30 Minutes [RR 570]
Margaret Palango – 20 Questions in 30 Minutes [RR 570]
Margaret is the Executive Vice President at Autoshop Solutions in Raleigh-Durham, North Carolina Area. She shares some great and applicable advice on grit and positive thinking while emphasizing on the importance of building trust and building better teamwork.
Margaret Palango also talks about how she relies on her intuition whenever there is a difficult decision to make. She never regrets listening to her intuition. She made her intuition stronger in her professional life.
Find the key talking points, Margaret Palango’s bio and links to his previous episodes at
Electrical Engineers Become Shop Owners Growing to Seven Stores – John and Karen Manelas [RR 569]
Electrical Engineers Become Shop Owners Growing to Seven Stores – John and Karen Manelas [RR 569]
John and Karen Manelas attended the same school, took the same degree and became successful at their careers for 15 years as electrical engineers. They decided to take a huge life change and pay cut to start their own shop. They took on the challenge and the uncertainties. With low capital, they grew their shop from one in 2004 to an amazing 7 shops in 2019.
Growth is an amazing thing when you do it the right way. Prepare yourself mentally to put a lot of work into each location, hiring, training, and preparing the right staff.
Find the key talking points, John and Karen Manelas’ bio and links to their previous episodes at
Leverage the Smart Phone to Maximize Technicians Learning Potential [RR 568]
Leverage the Smart Phone to Maximize Technicians Learning Potential – RR 568
An important take on training with David Boyes and Pat Pate from
If you are interested in a system that is designed to teach with Adaptive Learning interactions with wrong answers greeted with why it was wrong and why the correct answer is correct, You may just have discovered a powerful new tool to keep your learning curve high.
You’ll find this a very interesting episode that you may just start your research on this method of training. Show notes and bios at
The Women Stereotype: Creates Friction, Insecurity, and Gender Issues [RR 567]
The Women Stereotype: Creates Friction, Insecurity, and Gender Issues [RR 567]
My guest today is Emily Chung. She owns and operates AutoNiche, a family-friendly auto repair shop in Markham, Ontario, Canada. She is a licensed Automotive Service Technician, and Automotive Writer for various publications. She also teaches in the Automotive Business School of Canada at Georgian College.
We are going to talk about gender stereotyping. I want you to listen to this episode in its entirety and let me know what you took away. I believe it will help you understand some of the reasons we do what we do as it relates to hiring and leading our team.
When it comes to gender biases, Emily makes very strong points. No doubt you can put yourself in many of the situations Emily speaks about. So we get this on the table here in episode 567 and I welcome Emily back to keep the dialogue going. Please recall another episode recently where we had a female shop owner, technician and service adviser discuss the Female Impact in the aftermarket. It is episode RR 549
Find the key talking points, Emily Chung’s bio and links to her previous episodes at
Mike Tatich – 20 Questions in 30 Minutes [RR 566]
Mike Tatich – 20 Questions in 30 Minutes [RR 566]
Listen to shop owner Mike Tatich from TMT Complete Auto Service Center answer 20 questions on life and business. He shares some great advice he got from family and friends. He talks about how important people are in business and how important your networks are in case all else fails.
Mike Tatich also talks about reading more and networking to other shop owners. Mike has become a John Maxwell Leadership Certified business coach. He has a story of letting go, a perfectionist control freak, a helicopter dad, and he needs to get busier doing other stuff.
Find the key talking points, Mike Tatich’s bio and links to his previous episodes at
Giving Back: His Calling to Expose the Automotive to High School Students [RR 565]
Giving Back: His Calling to Expose the Automotive to High School Students [RR 563]
My guest today demonstrates paying it forward. Luke Walker from Columbus, OH shares his 10-year success path from a one-bay shop into a 16 bay, $4M business.
He credits great people, coaching and a strong culture. A fascinating part of Luke’s story is his giving back to the community. As you listen, think about how you can help impress the automotive industry on the young people in your community. He is leading and supporting an after school program that unwraps automotive systems to students that may show technical/mechanical gifting and encourage them to our industry.
Talk to me at Thanks!!!! for sharing your thoughts. Find the key talking points, Patrick’s bio and links to his previous episodes at
The Moment of Impact – Validate Your Leadership – Paul McCarthy and John Passante [RR 564]
RR 564: The Moment of Impact – Validate Your Leadership
I am with John Passante and Paul McCarthy as we discover ways to learn and understand the intricacies of leadership and being a shop owner. A big point John makes is validation and how it connects to leadership. We will learn the concept behind how to be understood properly when communicating with your employees and how to give the right prop ups to deserving employees!
Dr. John Passante is a legacy automotive aftermarket Human Resource professional and the President and CEO of The Organizational Development Group and Paul T. McCarthy is the President of Automotive Aftermarket Suppliers Association. AASA is the voice for the automotive aftermarket supplier industry.
Find the talking points, bios and key talking points of John Passante and Paul McCarthy at
Patrick McHugh – 20 Questions in 30 Minutes [RR 563]
Patrick McHugh – 20 Questions in 30 Minutes [RR 563]
Welcome to the second episode of the new format. You’ll hear from shop owner Patrick McHugh from Bimmer Rescue. He talks about the top three most important needs when opening a shop and his solution to time waste.
Patrick McHugh also shares his personal views on business and family. During the start of the interview, he talks about his Appreciation for Family because he was separated from them the moment COVID-19 hit.
Find the key talking points, Patrick McHugh’s bio and links to his previous episodes at
Why Coaching is a Business Life Saver – Rick White [RR 562]
RR 562: Rick White on Coaching
Rick White, President and Lead Coach for 180BIZ will help you understand and appreciate the shop owner and business coach dynamic. Coaching is about relationships and communication.
Rick and I talk about why a shop does not have a coach and how failure only happens when you refuse to learn from it. Find the talking points, Ricks bio and key talking points at
Ryan Clo – 20 Questions in 30 Minutes [RR 561]
Ryan Clo – 20 Questions in 30 Minutes [RR 561]
Welcome to this inaugural new format you’ll hear from shop owner and coach Ryan Clo from Dubwerx and Avid Autowerx in Cincinnati. Ryan answers 20 questions within about 30 minutes. This is up close and personal and I believe brings value to you as you continue to navigate and grow your business to boundless success.
Ryan Clo shares one new skill he would like to have, new technology he recently added, his dream car, and one of his biggest mistakes and a whole lot more.
Find the key talking points, Ryan Clo’s bio and links to his previous episodes at
Improve Your Leadership Influence: Join Toastmasters [RR 560]
Improve Your Leadership Influence: Join Toastmasters [RR 560]
Ever want to grow your self-confidence, your ability to speak to a small meeting or a larger group. Well, toastmasters is a forum to challenge yourself to not only be a better presenter but a better listener and even a stronger leader.
Two aftermarket pros who are in Toastmasters Chris Cloutier, co-owner of Golden Rule Auto Care in Dallas Texas and CEO of Auto and Craig O’Neill an integrator and trainer at are my guests. Learn their tale on how Toastmasters has really helped them in their careers.
We live and die by communication. Three out of four people have a fear of speaking and if you know it or not you are always selling, which requires good communication skills. Craig’s challenge to the industry is to get our trainers to embrace toastmasters to help them in their engagement and delivery. He and Chris believe we can all become better presenters and leaders.
Find the key talking points and my guest’s bio’s at
Make Customer Service your Single Biggest Competitive Advantage [RR 559]
Make Customer Service your Single Biggest Competitive Advantage [RR 559]
If you are a customer service advocate, one who believes in the Customer Experience you’ve come to a well of information that will confirm your strategies and help to create a new and powerful commitment to your customer.
Author John DeJulius and business coach Alan Beech talk about John’s book ‘Customer Service Revolution’. This is a highly recommended read from me and you can find it on the books page on the website.
John DeJulius says you can’t out market or outspend your competition … You need to out love them with an exceptional customer experience. He also says that exceptional experiences is one of the only sustainable differentiators among competitors.
Learn about secret service systems and soft skills training. You have to know your customer even at the tiniest level like learning what their coffee preferences are. You can out-service the competition this way. Exceeding their expectations ensures having a repeat customer.
Find the key talking points and bios for John DiJulius III and Alan Beech’s at
Unscripted – Mitch Schneider – The Broken Arm Episode [RR 558]
Unscripted – Mitch Schneider – The Broken Arm Episode [RR 558]
My fourth episode with industry icon Mitch Schneider. I’m calling it the “Broken Arm Episode.” Hear all about it in this episode. Mitch brought his unmistakable wit and charm to this interview as we turned on the recorder and just let it flow. No intended agenda so this is pure and raw podcasting at it’s best.
The video was also recorded. You can see it on my Youtube Channel or on the website on the show notes page at You get a chance to see a behind the scenes of a podcast recording session.
Every time I can have a chat with Mitch Scheider I feel honored and as you’ll hear, like two old shoes, worn-in, comfortable, and coveted. You never want to get rid of ‘em.
If you’ve read Mitch for decades in our aftermarket press, In fact, he is still writing, this is like a live article on many topics, We talk about his book Misfire, wisdom on learning, the power of reading and his perspective on the tech shortage and much more.