Our Team Sold Jobs While Stuck at the Kansas City Airport [AW 096]
Next Best Improvement: Lean [THA 266]
How do you calculate the common phrase “work smarter, not harder?” This episode is all about getting lean in your shop. Are you tracking the steps it takes to do something simple like an oil change? Are your parts and supplies not only organized but purposefully placed in areas for efficiency? My panel discusses simple ways to get started with Lean Six Sigma. 1 simple change can save you time and money.
1 Shop, 3 Apprentices [RR 723]
For anyone who doesn’t have a working apprentice in your shop, this is your wake-up call. Roy Foster from Foster’s Automotive currently has three apprentices and you’ll get a chance to hear from all three. Two are his sons and Yes they are going through an apprentice program. What about your son or daughter. Their excitement and motivation for this industry is hard to miss.
Are You Dreaming Big Enough? [RR 721]
Are you dreaming big enough for yourself and your business? Imagine what next year could look like if you take action today. Don’t let past failures cloud your vision and passion. My guest Bryan Gossel shares his humble beginnings going through bankruptcy with his first business, to his successful 3 store operation today. Listen closely to his journey and story.
Independents Meet Monthly: Bonus- Meet Tom’s Intern [AW 093]
The Power of EOS: 2 Day Leadership Meeting [RR 719]
My panel, back to discuss the Entrepreneurial Operating System and their annual 2-day meeting. If you are longing to create leaders throughout your company, please follow every episode we’ve done on EOS so you can appreciate the strategy, system, and process of EOS. My shop owner panel has never been so excited and rewarded for having implemented the EOS model. They discuss their 2-day annual meeting with their leadership teams and the powerful team and leadership building that was a result of their annual 2-day. This gives you a glimpse of what is to come if you get on board with EOS.
Business Coach: Finding the Right One at the Right Time [AW 092]
Financial Help For Your Team [THA 262]
Where did you learn about finances? Did you learn it from your parents? Finances are one of the most important elements in our lives, yet most of us never really understand it or discuss it with our spouses or employees. Listen to 3 shop owners that make finances a part of the conversation in their business and for their people.
Don’t Let COVID Be an Excuse – Rachel Spencer [AW 091]
The Joy of Hiring [RR 716]
How did you develop your hiring process? Did you learn from other colleagues? Did you look online? Do you make decisions based on your intuition? Do you cross your fingers and hope for the best because you are desperate to fill a position? It’s time to take proven methods and guidance with Maylan Newton’s book “The Joy of Hiring”. You’ll also hear from a shop owner that implemented the concepts from this book into her hiring routine. She says it has completely changed her process and improved her hiring skills.
Start Monday Positive and Celebrate Friday [RR 711]
Start Monday Positive and Celebrate Friday [RR 711]
Get an inside look at Andy Bizub’s team culture in his Chicago business, including an emotional story about an accident his top technician suffered and how everyone rallied around him. Andy is passionate about pricing and what it takes to run a successful business and paying his employees accordingly. We also had a refreshing talk about Zero Gravity.
CarmCast Power Panel [CC 102]
CarmCast Power Panel [CC 102]
This CarmCast featured an anything goes format, a ‘Power Panel.’ No question Bryan Kelley and Greg Buckley would make for a great power panel. What better way to start off 2022 than some comprehensive discussions marking trends like Multi Shop Ownership. We hit some great wisdom on developing Trust, Delegation, EVs, Work-Life Balance, and more. No doubt you’ll pick up a gem or two to help make your 2022 a banner year for you. Let me ask you … how do you recharge? Well, I asked my panel. Compare your rechargeability to theirs. Thanks for listening to the podcast where ‘Your Learning Curve Never Sounded So good!’
What Type of Training Works for You? [RR 706]
What Type of Training Works for You? [RR 706]
Training, training, training. We can’t talk enough about the importance of training and how it’s changed due to COVID-19 along with smarter trends on virtual. How has free virtual training impacted the industry? What are the pros and cons to live training and virtual training? What can we do to encourage more people to get training? And another thought …. What is your commitment to training in the new year?
Why We Remodeled [AW 085]
How to Pass a Wage and Hour Audit from DOL [RR 704]
How to Pass a Wage and Hour Audit from DOL [RR 704]
When was the last time you thought about your business being audited? The proverbial ‘Hi I’m from the government and I’m here to help!’ type of audit. Well, they are very real and we hear of stories and fines that get levied because we are not paying attention to specifically wage and hour laws. If you thought about it more often, you would be taking all the precautions to avoid penalties and fines. This episode is all about an audit and how to play by the rules. Don’t wait until the department of labor calls, take action to ensure your business is conforming to the law.
Three Managers You Need In Your Business- George Zeeks [RR 702]
Three Managers You Need In Your Business [RR 702]
Can owners buy freedom? The short answer is no, they have to grow it with their people. Are you grooming specific employees in managerial roles? Or do you give them a title and assume they can go on autopilot? George Zeeks discusses the three different managers you need in your business as it grows. Find out if you have these roles filled or you need to start.
“I Stopped Micromanaging” Becki McGinnis [AW 082]
“I Stopped Micromanaging” Becki McGinnis [AW 082]
Guest host and shop tour with Becki McGinnis as she discusses why “letting go” is essential if you want your business to grow. Your employees take care of your customers and as an owner, you take care of your employees. It’s time to allow your employees to do the job they were hired to do.
Embracing Students into our Skilled Trade & Used Car Update – Justin Fricke [AW 081]
Embracing Students into our Skilled Trade & Used Car Update – Justin Fricke [AW 081]
Guest Host and Shop Tour with Justin Fricke, CarTime Auto Center, Dundas, MN. How do you get students involved in the automotive industry? What piques their interests? What are your first steps as a shop owner to start engaging with students and schools? Justin also discusses his tandem business with used cars.
Life Happens, How Do You Handle It? – Maryann Croce [AW 080]
Life Happens, How Do You Handle It? – Maryann Croce [AW 080]
Guest Host and Shop Tour with Maryann Croce from Croce Transmissions in Norwich, CN also coach and consultant at Small Biz Vantage.com Not only will we have a virtual tour of Croce Transmissions but speak to the challenges when ‘Life Happens’ and doesn’t go as planned. The question: ‘How Do You Handle it?”
Short Term Goals WILL Change Your Behavior – Bob Cooper [RR 693]
Short Term Goals WILL Change Your Behavior – Bob Cooper [RR 693]
Don’t just write down a few goals for 2022. Allow them to change your behavior. As we near the end of 2021, we all start to think about New Years Resolutions. But did you know only 3% of people have clearly defined goals? The other 97% that don’t how to set clearly defined goals — face fears of failure and rejection. This is a one-of-a-kind episode with Bob Cooper CEO at Elite Worldwide, that will set you on a path to change yourself and your business. It’s not about the 97 yards you’ve traveled down the field but the three ahead of you that will score a touchdown.
Private Training Huge Benefit – Bill Hill and Leigh Anne Best [AW 079]
Private Training Huge Benefit – Bill Hill and Leigh Anne Best [AW 079] 079]
Guest Host and Shop Tour with Leigh Anne Best and Bill Hill from Mighty Auto Pro in Medina, OH speak to the power and value of private training for their technicians. Pick up some very smart ideas during the shop tour of this 17 bay legacy facility.
Rethink Your Compensation Plans – Darrin Barney [RR 691]
Rethink Your Compensation Plans [RR 691]
In this episode, Darrin Barney discusses an overview of a class he presented at ASTE 2021 titled “Pay Plans Used by the Top Shops in America.” Some excellent ideas and insights that every shop owner can use in their business. As your business and employees change, so should your compensation plan. Darrin also explains the importance of guiding principals, goals, and employee retention.
Keith Perkins Mobile Diagnostician and Tour of his Vans [AW 078]
Keith Perkins Mobile Diagnostician and Tour of his Vans [AW 078]
Guest host Keith Perkins, L1 Automotive Diagnostics and Programming, Tulsa, OK
Keith also operates the L1 Automotive Training company that offers advanced level automotive training on-site and online at www.L1Training.com. See or hear a tour of his three Mobile Diag Vans.
Do You Have Financial Peace of Mind? – Bill Haas [RR 690]
Do You Have Financial Peace of Mind? [RR 690]
This episode highlights Bill Haas’s ASTE training class titled “Advanced Financial Strategies for Peace of Mind.” Do you go to bed at night with your head spinning, thinking about numbers, finances, profit and stability? Bill discusses simple financial tactics to ease that worry and stress. Stop hiding behind the phrase “I’m not a numbers person” and start taking control of your numbers.
Scheduling Work Flow [THA 248]
Scheduling Work Flow [THA 248]
We are living in the “new normal.” For anyone who wants things to go back the way they were pre-pandemic, you’ll be waiting a long time. Professionals everywhere are feeling the impact of shipping delays, short staff, and pricing. Our industry is no exception and efficient workflow has never been more critical. Clear communication and expectations between employees and customers is step one. In this episode, my panel shares their own experiences with scheduling workflow. Listen for some smart ideas start implementing small changes in your business that will have a lasting impact.