From Luscious Garage to Earthling Automotive: A Rebranding Journey [RR 837]

Recorded Live at Vision 2023, Carolyn Coquillette, founder of Luscious Garage and CEO of Shop-Ware, discusses rebranding her business from Luscious Garage to Earthling Automotive. She talks about the challenges of choosing a new name and logo and moving to a new location. Earthling Automotive will also be a training center for EVs and hybrids.

Going Electric in California [THA 320]

California is mandating 100% of new cars and light trucks sold will be zero-emission vehicles by 2035. How will electric vehicles change the composition of our industry? What are the service opportunities? Should you start working on hybrids if you haven’t already? Hear from the perspectives of 3 California shop owners that are ready and prepared for the future.

Job of a Trainer Isn’t a Job, It’s a Lifestyle [RR 833]

Recorded Live at Vision 2023, we are with 3 trainers that describe training as a lifestyle, not a job. Today’s technicians must have an engineering mindset in order to repair vehicles and that requires a continuous commitment to learning, improving, and teaching for both the trainers and attendees.

Future Shop: Sooner Than You Think [THA 318]

Will diagnostic work overtake remove and replace work? How will you position and present your shop as a technologically advanced repair center? What training will our employees need? How will artificial intelligence impact our industry? Will we be prepared? Join Jake Sorensen, Chris Chesney and Derek Kaufman as they discuss the shop of the future.

Uncovering the Unconscious Incompetent – Chris Chesney [RR 814]

Recorded Live at the 2022 Transformers Summit with Chris Chesney, Training and Organizational Development at Repairify. Chris takes the common phrase, “I don’t know what I don’t know,” and flips it to “I don’t know THAT I don’t know.” With today’s technology expanding the way it is, there is too much information to memorize and know every piece of knowledge when it comes to car repair. How can we change the way technicians learn? How can we prove their understanding besides a certificate or course completion?

What Does the Shop of the Future Look Like? [THA 308]

What does the future look like for the automotive industry? Listen to the perspectives of Jennifer Maher, Executive Director of the TechForce Foundation, Derek Kaufman, Managing Partner at Schwartz Advisors, Matt Fanslow, Lead Diagnostician and Shop Manager at Riverside Automotive, and Dustin Brown, Shop Owner of Brown Auto Experts with 3 locations. We have an open discussion about future trends, aftermarket challenges, and electric vehicles.

Transferring Technical Knowledge – Isaac Rodell and Keith Perkins [RR 802]

There is a struggle to improve the transfer of technical knowledge in our automotive service industry. The same people show up to training every seminar. Yet there are a few new faces, but more is needed to make a larger impact on the need and value of training. We all need to do our part and connect with people who do not seek out training on their own and encourage them by paying for their training thereby helping to support your business and their career.

Isaac Rodell and Keith Perkins are industry trainers and Mobile Diag and Programing technicians. You can reach Issac on Facebook: Isaac Rodiesel. This is Isaac’s first appearance on Remarkable Results Radio.

Practice What You Learn – G Truglia and Pete Meier [RR 784]

The proverb ‘A little knowledge is a dangerous thing’ expresses the idea that a small amount of knowledge can mislead people into thinking that they are more expert than they are, which can lead to mistakes being made. When it comes to repairing EV/Hybrids, the era of being a parts changer, I’m told, is nonexistent. We recorded live at Dorman with G Truglia and Pete Meier, 2 out of 4 trainers for a weekend of hands-on training.  Listen to their perspectives on EV/Hybrid repair and training and why critical thinking is more important than ever.

NAPA Focused on EV Tech, Tools and Parts – Susan Starnes [RR 779]

Another informative episode with NAPA’s VP of Emerging Technology, Susan Starnes. We talk about NAPA’s support for all their customers as they focus on providing tools, parts and training to meet all the future technology needs so we can seize every opportunity to repair the newest high-tech vehicles.

Customer Perceptions: Part 2 – Bob Cooper and Darrin Barney [RR 777]

We are on Part 2 of our 3 Part series about customer perspectives with Bob Cooper. In this episode, Bob asks a panel of consumers at the 2022 Elite Invitational in San Diego about pricing competitiveness and how to recover when something goes wrong with a customer experience.

Electric Vehicle Outlook with Derek Kaufman [RR 776]

Derek Kaufman is constantly scanning future trends in vehicle design and aftermarket challenges, including how recent events in electric vehicles are affecting our near-term and longer-term futures. This is your podcast resource, committed to bringing the future and forward-looking information you can use to inform and map your road ahead.

Car Coach Reports with Lauren Fix [RR 775]

Carm here from the Aftermarket Radio Network and my guest is Lauren Fix. Lauren is a nationally recognized and trusted automotive expert, media guest, journalist, author, keynote speaker and radio and television host. Lauren is also from my hometown, Buffalo, NY. I caught up with Lauren, and we discussed her take on electric and autonomous vehicles, supply chain issues, and her passion for cars that are propelled by an Internal Combustion Engine.

Update: Training/Future of Hybrids and Ev’s with Craig Van Batenburg [RR 762]

I’m sitting with Craig Van Batenburg, CEO of Automotive Career Development Center [ACDC] and a former repair shop owner, with an update on the pulse of the industry and his business. Is it possible ACDC is the last existing brick and mortar building that operates strictly for training technicians Monday-Friday? Take a seat next to me and tune into our lively discussion as it relates to everything Hybrid and EV.

Prepare for the Future [THA 277]

How do we prepare for the future? In this episode listen to the insights from the perspective of a shop owner, technician, instructor, COO, and trainer. Times have changed, so how do we get the younger generation passionate about our industry and our high-tech vehicles? What does the future of ADAS and electric vehicles mean to the aftermarket?

EV Charging Station: What You Need to Know [THA 261]

Going against a tide is never easy, but if you don’t start, you will be left behind.  Ever thought of an EV charging station at your shop? There are a bunch of things to consider. Listen firsthand from shop owners that have an EV charging station at their locations. Find out why they did it, especially knowing it wouldn’t be a revenue builder today. Gain insight and knowledge to keep you current on EV charging station considerations.

CarmCast Power Panel [CC 102]

CarmCast Power Panel [CC 102]

This CarmCast featured an anything goes format, a ‘Power Panel.’ No question Bryan Kelley and Greg Buckley would make for a great power panel. What better way to start off 2022 than some comprehensive discussions marking trends like Multi Shop Ownership. We hit some great wisdom on developing Trust, Delegation, EVs, Work-Life Balance, and more. No doubt you’ll pick up a gem or two to help make your 2022 a banner year for you. Let me ask you … how do you recharge? Well, I asked my panel. Compare your rechargeability to theirs. Thanks for listening to the podcast where ‘Your Learning Curve Never Sounded So good!’

Talking Tech: SVI, ADAS, Perception Systems, and Ethernet with Joe Register [RR 708]

Talking Tech: SVI, ADAS, Perception Systems, and Ethernet with Joe Register [RR 708]

Consider this episode a blitz round table with Joe Register, Vice-President Emerging Technologies at the AutoCare Association, we are discussing, emerging technology, ADAS, electrification, the Right to Repair Act and more. Vehicles have never been more connected and complicated than now and it’s critical to pause and learn about the intricacies involved.

700th Episode Milestone- 7 Trends [RR 700]

700th Episode Milestone- 7 Trends [RR 700]

While past milestone episodes have focused on reflection, this episode focuses on the present and future in a rapid-fire format with 7 guests. Can your shop hold up as the industry and technology change? Do you have any plans to improve or change your business based on recent trends? My panel discusses some key strategies and how they face these opportunities and challenges.

Q & A with Chris Chesney [THA 241]

Q & A with Chris Chesney [THA 241]

You’re going to love this question and answer format style episode with the newly retired Chris Chesney. My panel takes a deep dive into Chris’s long and successful career. What was his most rewarding experience? Does he have any regrets? What is his forecast on the technician shortage and electric vehicles? And most importantly, is retirement really in the cards for Chris Chesney?

All Electric Vehicle Business Model – Dave Giles [RR 672]

All Electric Vehicle Business Model – Dave Giles[RR 672]

This is a fascinating business model and one that Makes EV’s a specialty, no different than Euro Shops. With OE commitments and government mandates to roll out EV’s and reduce the production of the internal combustion engine, we all need to be schooled in the ‘What’s Next’ indoctrination. It is time to look ahead before you get left behind. David Giles discusses how his electric and hybrid-only business has become a huge success. Keep in mind progress is impossible without change.

Cut through the Fog on the Future of Electric Vehicles – Derek Kaufman [RR 661]

Cut through the fog on the Future of Electric Vehicles – Derek Kaufman [RR 661]

If you’re tired of hearing the buzz about electric vehicles, don’t sneer at it, embrace the information. Knowledge is power… that helps you react. Are you going to face the inevitable change in the industry as an opportunity or will you continue to tune out and let your business fall one piece at a time?

Is it too early to keep you informed on the evolution of EV? Not at all. Derek Kaufman brings to the table some very interesting facts and figures to keep you engaged in the evolving Electrification of the Vehicle. This is stuff you need to know.

Electrificaton of our Industry – Service Impact and Trends [THA 232]

Electrification of our Industry – Service Impact and Trends [THA 232]

How do you prepare for the future? It starts by acknowledging it will be here before you know it. In this episode, my panel discusses electric and hybrid vehicles with statistics and real shop research that help outline the road ahead.

Don’t be left behind. Don’t be a naysayer. Embrace and understand the role of EV’s and Hybrids. Learn all you can so you can prepare your business for the future. A critical and important podcast so you benefit.

Playing the Long Game [THA 231]

Playing the Long Game [THA 231]

How do you “Play the Long Game?” Are you making an effort every single day or do you tend to coast when things are going well? Forecasting the future should always be on your mind with fresh ideas and plans in place to get there.

In this episode, my panel shares their ‘long game’ on finding technicians, reasons why hybrid and electric vehicle repair is a must and keeping customers for life.

Spoiler alert: they discuss things EVERY shop owner can implement. No excuses, it’s time to dive in.
Don’t forget you can find talking points to all episodes on my website