Here are the two most recent episodes

“I’m Just One of the Guys!” Being Seen Beyond Gender and Ethnicity [FTR 108]

Oct 19, 2024

Emily Chung shares her experiences as a female minority shop owner in the automotive industry. She reflects on societal tendencies to highlight differences rather than commonalities. She encourages her peers to engage with her on business-related topics rather than focusing on her gender and ethnicity.

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The Invisible Paycheck: Retention Strategies Beyond Pay [THA 403]

Oct 18, 2024

Recorded at the 2024 ASTA Expo, explore key strategies for hiring, compensating, and retaining skilled technicians in the automotive industry. This episode highlights the significance of comprehensive benefits beyond pay.

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RR 454: Danny Durbin – Integrating the Third Generation

Aug 2, 2019

Danny Durbin – Integrating the Third Generation

Danny Durbin is the second generation owner of Durbin Auto Parts, in Prattville, AL. He is now integrating the third generation into the business. You’ve heard the stats about the third generation? Only about 12% survive.

You decide, but I believe Danny has the right strategy to defy the survival statistics. He knows the procedure and the adaptations it takes for the survival of the generations (having been there done that). Danny is planning to pass the torch to his son, however, he decided that Andrew first needed to work outside the business.

You will benefit from this story as many service professionals are family businesses. Find out the core values needed and the mindset of what it takes to keep the family business afloat for many years to come.

Danny is an active member of the Automotive Aftermarket Association (AAAS) and holds a seat on the Board of Directors.

THA 130: Service Advisor Role Play #3

Aug 1, 2019

THA 130 Service Advisor Role Play

My guests are role-playing these three situations: #1: Brakes- the client knows what is wrong and the car has been inspected somewhere else, $2: Oil change- just looking for a price and #3: The Check Engine Light is on – how much to replace the catalytic converter?

My panel includes Rena Rennebohm CEO of Empowered Advisor, Dave Nelson From Antero’s Automotive, Greenwood Village, Colorado and RJ Milnes from DK Automotive Repair, Antioch, CA
Let features and benefits be the service advisors strong tools and during a call, you are interviewing the customer and they are interviewing you, both looking for a good fit. If cheep is what they want and you can’t deliver you’ve learned.

RR 453: Dutch Silverstein puts an ADAS Scholarship Worth $4,000 On the Line!

Jul 30, 2019

Dutch Silverstein puts ADAS Scholarship worth $4,000 on the line!

Free Training! Unheard of. Dutch Silvestein of A&M Auto Service is putting up a $4,000 scholarship for a shop owner and technician for ADAS training. This means TWO guys from the same shop (an owner and his lead tech) can attend this hands-on seminar. ADAS technology is not going away and everyone needs to move on training. You may even decide to become an ADAS calibration center as a result of your training.

In this episode find out why Dutch is providing this free scholarship from his own pocket to the industry. He believes the industry must step up and get involved with scholarships of all kinds. He also challenges shop owners to determine if they are spending enough time learning how to put money in their pocket through training.

FTR 056: Justin Barrett – Hard Talk on Areas of Improvement for Independents

Jul 29, 2019

Justin Barrett – Hard Talk on Areas of Improvement for Independents

Justin Barrett, owner and operator of Barrett Automotive, Cornelia, GA sees areas that need improvement for independent service operators.

Justin Barrett will hit a few nerves as he asks you to take a look at your facility through the lens of the customer. And if you are not requiring 80 hours of training for your people, according to Justin, you are not keeping pace. He’ll also tell you why and how he closes and takes his team to train at venues like Vision in Kansas City.

RR 452: Danielle and Brett Bohlmann – Creating Work/Life Harmony

Jul 26, 2019

Danielle and Brett Bohlmann Finding the Right Balance Between Work and Life

Brett and Danielle Bohlmann are Shop Owners at Hwy 7 Service Center. They agree that they are everything the other is not and they know it and use it to their advantage instead of it being their demise.

OK, Brett and Danielle Bohlman agree that they are everything the other is not and they know it and use it to their advantage instead of it being their demise. Brett and Danielle own Hwy 7 Service Center in Newell, IA. Danielle wasnt in on the business at start because she is a mother of 4 and for her, family is first! Find out how Danielle changed her comittment and how they make family and business work so they have a life.

THA 129: Customer Financing Options

Jul 25, 2019

THA 129 Customer Financing Options

What options do you have to help your customers with credit choices. There are many vendor credit options to choose from and they are great. Maybe you don’t use them, maybe you should. No one wants a customer to walk out on a major purchase especially safety related. This session is here to help you capture more of the big-ticket jobs.
You just may hear a financing option idea or two that you’ve never considered. And that is exactly what we do here, push the envelope on strategies and ideas to help you grow as a leader and build your business.

Hear about the acceptance rate of vendor finance programs and a few creative ideas on how to lock in customers with a pre-payment plan. Ever do a comparison of buying new or used vs fixing the vehicle that needs all the work? Have you ever heard of the M & D loan? You are about to.

RR 451: Dan Gilley – Attracting the Right Talent with the Right Stuff

Jul 23, 2019

Dan Gilley – Attracting the Right Talent with the Right Stuff

Every new and young technician today have a lot more shops to choose from. Let’s face it, there is a lingering issue of the technician shortage. If you are a business owner, what do you need to do to attract and/or retain talented individuals that possess the ‘right stuff’.

If you are a business owner, how would you attract an employee? What are the things you would do to improve your shop and make it as attractive and organized as it could be? Dan Gilley will bring light to decisions addressing the best interests of the would be future candidates/employee of a shop. Dan Gilley is the President and CEO of RLO Training.

In this episode, you will understand the utmost priorities needed by shop owners to address the how to attract the right kind of employees and what are the necessary tactics in order to keep them. As Dan would say, it’s either you attract them or repel them. Is it just for the paycheck or the team?

FTR 055: Matt Fanslow – We Should Take The Same Skill Set For Automotive Diagnostics And Apply It To KPI Management

Jul 22, 2019

FTR 055 Matt Fanslow – We Should Take The Same Skill Set For Automotive Diagnostics And Apply It To KPI Management

Matt Fanslow has an interesting view of analyzing KPIs. He says if your a shop owner that started as a tech, you have the foundation to take what you know about diagnostics and apply it to improve your business.

Trailer – Why Would You Want To Listen and Who the Heck Am I?

Jul 19, 2019

Why Would You Want To Listen and Who the Heck Am I?

Can you afford to miss out on being a fly on the wall of shop owners, coaches, technicians, executives and every other contributor that has been involved in the aftermarkets premiere podcast?

Through interviews with the best in the business, our goal is to help solve your pain points and teach you stuff along the way? You know the drill change is a guaranteed constant in life. We must stay abreast of the speed of technology, succession planning, the lack of skilled tradespeople, specifically technicians, leadership, business culture, the need to be better marketers, the role of the CEO, consolidation, and most importantly your profitability.

Engage with the podcast because with all the noise in your life, RRR grounds you in the context of the aftermarket. You are almost guaranteed to learn just one thing from every episode and help bring wisdom and influence to the people you lead as we work together to elevate all ships.

RR 450: Michael Eilbracht – Becoming an Industry Trainer

Jul 19, 2019

Michael Eilbracht – Becoming a Trainer

Many in the industry have the yearning to give and teach. Think about how many professional teachers found their calling.

Michael knows he has found his calling to be an industry trainer. He has presented at Vision and will parlay his career as a Full-Time Transit Bus Technician, and owner of MJE Diagnostics into a professional Heavy Duty Electrical and Driveability Training Business.

This is a ‘real story’ on finding your groove and sticking to it. Listen to the depth of his experience and for his passion to help people.

THA 128: Valuing and Positioning Your Business For Sale

Jul 18, 2019

Are you ready to sell your business? Do you know how to prepare? Is it a buyers market or a seller’s market? Do you understand some of the financial principles that drive a transaction? About 50% of you will be impacted by this discussion in the near future.

We cover a large swatch of ground as we talk about the incredible opportunity for sellers as the industry consolidates, getting your financials right, processes, leases, and the all-important EBITDA number.

The panel includes three members of Cardinal Brokers: Norm Gaither, Dennis McCarron, Joel Zaleski and a shop owner who recently sold his business Jeff Pohlman Retired from Jeff Pohlman Tire a 5 Locations operation.

RR 449: Maryann Croce – What Advice Would You Give a New Business Owner? Will this advice benefit the established business person?

Jul 16, 2019

Maryann Croce – What advice would you give a new business owner? Will this advice benefit the established business person?

Would you like some advice on starting a business. What if you could apply this advice to your established business. With me is Maryann Croce from She and her husband Tony also own Croce Transmission in Norwalk, CT.

As a business owner, she can chalk up many a mistake that has turned into wisdom. She has been there and done that and shares 5 key principles to help a startup business person get ahead of the game. She is speaking to resilience, commitment, getting help, being curious and giving. Learn why messaging, relationships and financials are vital no matter what stage you are and your business is currently in. Don’t believe you need to go it alone.

Maryann is also a member of Women in Auto Care and owns Her biggest mistake as a new business owner was thinking she had to do it all. This is one of the reasons why her signature talk “Gain Control by Letting Go” was created.

FTR 054: Roy Schnepper – ASA Behind the Scenes

Jul 15, 2019

ASA Behind the Scenes. Roy Schnepper from Butlers Collision, Roseville, MI and outgoing chairman and I caught up at the annual ASA Member meeting in Dallas, TX. Find out who the new chairman is and where the Technology and Telematics Forum will be held this year.

RR 448: Larry Dragan – Life After Selling My Business – Lemon Law Expert Witness, Certified Mediator and Appraiser

Jul 12, 2019

Larry Dragan – Life After I Sold My Business – Lemon Law Expert Witness, Certified Mediator and Appraiser

Larry Dragan is the 2nd generation owner of Stan’s Garage founded in 1941 at Dearborn Heights, Mi. He sold his ownership to his son, Scott. He now serves as its chairman of the board. He is a member of ASA, ASE Blue Seal and IAAA (International Automotive Appraisers Association).

Larry got involved during the ’90s in the mediation of problem vehicles and served on the arbitration boards for both Chrysler and Ford. Larry still provides many services nationwide including expert witness services, Lemon Law cases, pre-purchase inspections, automotive appraisals, automotive mediation/ umpiring and automotive business coaching and development.

THA 127: Overcoming Owner Burnout

Jul 11, 2019

Overcoming Owner Burn Out

Endeavor into some really great smart talk on delegating, recharging and prioritizing. Things you must do so you don’t spin deep into a negative vortex.

This team dishes out solutions to staying fresh and relying on your team to help you accomplish all your goals. Find out what it took Gerry and Jon to leave the business in the hands of their team. Is it easy? Is it easy? Will you need to start slow? How do your people fit into this equation? Are they qualified? Have you prepared them? How do you handle distractions? These and many more questions answered for you right now.

Join Jon Bockman from Bockman’s Auto Care, two locations based out of Sycamore, IL, and the NAPA Auto Care Center of the year 2019, also Gerry Frank, Auto Repair Technology, Brook Park, OH and Partner in Repair Shop Coach and Jim Hayes, General Manager, Pacific Motor Service, Monterey, CA

RR 447: Jonnie Wright – Customer Service: What Are The Three Things You Want To Get Better At?

Jul 9, 2019

Jonnie Wright – Customer Service: What Are The Three Things You Want To Get Better At

Keeping customers satisfied is what most businesses strive for and it is what keeps them coming back.

Listen to the story of customer service from Jonnie Wright. Jonnie owns The Buyosphere. Jonnie and I get into a very deep conversation on customer service, generations, the future of phone skills, secret shopping, and reviews. Later in the episode, you will learn that the most important customer becomes the one you w

FTR 053: Judi Haglin – Do You Know The Exact Source of Your Marketing Efforts?

Jul 8, 2019

Do You Know The Exact Source of Your Marketing Efforts?

Judi Haglin from Haglin Automotive has a passion for numbers and marketing. She has a chance to set up why you need to track your marketing efforts and determine which give you the greatest return. She has a few great ideas on how to do it and why tracking and the numbers has helped her marketing investment pay dividends for her.

RR 446: Privacy, Data Ownership and Cyber-security Threatens the Automotive Aftermarket

Jul 5, 2019

Privacy, Data Ownership and Cybersecurity – Threats to the Automotive Aftermarket

Carm Capriotto with Bob Redding ASA’s Legislative representative, Frank Leutz who is the COO of Desert car care in Chandler, Arizona, and Brin Kleine who is the owner of Assured Auto Works in Melbourne, Florida. Today we discussed Privacy, Vehicle Data and Cybersecurity.

ASA has one powerful representative in Washington in Bob Redding and anytime you can get to listen and get guidance from Bob you need to invest your time. Privacy, Vehicle Data and Cybersecurity are huge topics and we covered them a lot recently and for you, knowing as much as you can will help get laws passed that will not only benefit your clients but the aftermarket.

You may be skeptical, hesitant and maybe you just don’t the magnitude of this issue. Privacy laws could potentially derail the current aftermarket shop owner’s business model due to bad legislation and confusion. As you school yourself with this episode step up and get behind the effort for privacy, data and cybersecurity.

THA 126: Firing Customers – When is it Right or Wrong?

Jul 4, 2019

Bottom line is firing customers is rare, however, it happens and should be for the right reasons.

With me is Joe Hanson, Gordie’s Garage, Roseville, Michigan, Jerry Kezhyaya, The Auto Shop, Plano, TX, and Doug Callaghan, Vic’s Service, Wainright, Alberta, CA

OK, you may not have ever fired a customer or you may have done it just last week. It isn’t a task you do often, however, the job of firing a customer comes with some caveats. Joe, Jerry, and Doug share with you why they would do it and suggest that you do a deep dive inside your business to see if YOU aren’t the problem.

RR 445: Cash Management with Chris Cotton

Jul 2, 2019

RR 445: Chris Cotton – On Cash Management

My guest Chris Cotton is a business coach and helps shop owners understand the fundamentals of money and the decision-making behind it. He helps us manage our cash and how to set aside money obligations.

Chris’s AutoFix SOS coaching company is. His experience as a former shop owner relates to the struggles of shop owners to maximize their profits.

If you have ever wanted to know where your money goes, ever had a tough time paying your bills, meeting your tax obligations, or ever held cashing your paycheck because you knew it will bounce; this podcast is for you.

FTR 052: Build Your Bench – Kyle Holt and Jay Goninen

Jul 1, 2019

Build Your Bench – and Be a Proactive Recruiter.

Kyle Holt President of SP/2 and Jay Goninen from ‘Find a Wrench’ speak to their expertise as supporters and recruiters of technician talent. They have the depth of experience and are speaking to you from their heart about your need to recruit talent when you don’t need the help. They will tell you why.

RR 444: Technician Round Table – Part 7 – Professionalism and More – Heipp – Landry – Fanslow:

Jun 28, 2019

Technician Talk 7 – Professionalism and More

This outspoken trio wonders how professionalism is bred, how it starts and how it can be compartmentalized. Everyone must step up and set the bar high for others to emulate and follow.

My guests for Tech Talk 7 are Bob Heipp, Peter Landry and Matt Fanslow. These guys also wonder why shops that are not equipped to service certain vehicles advertised that they can. Some shops lack professionalism. Let’s face it, some shops advertise what they can do even if they are ill-equipped to do it.

They say that Shops need to get OE level service information to best understand how to repair the most common brands that they see in their bays.

THA 125: Client Loyalty Programs – Do They Work?

Jun 27, 2019

Client Loyalty Programs – Do They Work?

We’re going to serve up a strong discussion building client loyalty through loyalty programs. My guests are lo Brian Bates, Eagle Automotive, Columbine Hills, CO, Vinnie Lucio, Co-Auto – Community Conscious Car Care, Reno, NV, and Jeff Rudnick, Pit Crew Marketing.

You’ll hear a wide-open discussion. Vinnie doesn’t have a specific loyalty card but has programs, Brian does have a loyalty card and Jeff brings his insights from a loyalty card company.

A big take-a-way for you is this: A loyalty program will not fix broken systems, processes and a weak selling system and look for every competitive edge to build a relationship with your client.

RR 443: Jill Trotta – Survey Results – The Best and Worst Metro Cities for Car Repair

Jun 25, 2019

Jill Trotta Best and Worst Metro Cities for Car Repair Survey

My guest is Jill Trotta. She is the Vice President for Industry Advocacy and Sales at RepairPal. We talked about the surveys that pointed out which metro cities are best for car repair. This is based on factors like average repair order, road quality, average labor rate among others.

The survey talked about the statistics and information about car repair. You will learn the best and the worst cities for repairs according to the survey. The survey also pointed out which cities are most affected by the technician shortage.

FTR 051: Jerry Holcom – Where is Your Personal Commitment & Professionalism

Jun 24, 2019

FTR 051: Jerry Holcom – Where is Your Personal Commitment & Professionalism

Jerry Holcom from S & S Service Center in Kansas City, MO is a co-founder of Vision and current President of the Midwest Auto Care Alliance wrote in his latest presidents message about his concern for commitment and professionalism

RR 442: Joe Register – What are the Puts and Takes In Servicing Advanced Technologies

Jun 21, 2019

What Are The Puts And Takes In Servicing Vehicles Equipped With Advanced Technologies And Automated Driving Functions – ADAS

Vehicular data is important for various reasons ranging from collisions to communications and safety. With the advancement in technologies and improved automated driving functions, data and vehicle information is vital to the future of the aftermarket.

My guest is Joe Register who is the Vice-President Emerging Technologies at Auto Care. This is his second interview. His first episode was episode 381 which talks about SVI (Secure Vehicle Interface). In this episode, we discuss the technologies and features that keep consumers safe. With a focus on calibration and self-calibration, we speak to the vehicle data privacy and the investment in ADAS calibration training and equipment among others.

THA 124: So You Need an Accountability Coach?

Jun 20, 2019

This Town Hall Academy summit will explore the value of an accountability coach. The panel has a harvest of thoughts and insight for you.

These guys brought their A game and really were extremely transparent about their own personal story. The panel’s message resonated and was on point about coaching and accountability. There is a lot of talk in the industry as to the value of an accountability partner or coach. It is a personal decision. It is not for everyone, but this summit will help you resolve some of your very own concerns and help you make a decision.

The panel: Carlo Sabucco from Sils Complete Auto Care Centre, Oakville, Ontario, Kevin Eckler, Foreign Car Specialists, Poughkeepsie, NY and Barry Barrett a Professional EOS Implementer.

RR 441: Geek Talk 2.0 Part 4 – Can Our Data Be Used As a Benefit to Others and Us?

Jun 18, 2019

In their fourth installment of Geek Talk 2.0. This episode took an interesting path as Greg brought his perspective on AAA. Chris talked about AI, Bill has his thought on his suppliers and Karim talked about the importance of data ownership.

Your panel- Greg Buckley from Buckley’s Personalized Auto Care Willimgton, DE Chris Cloutier from Golden Rule Auto Care, Dallas, and CEO of, Bill Nalu Interstate Auto Care, Madison Height, MI and Karim Morsli, Winkler Automomotive in Gaithersburg, MD.

FTR 050: What the Aftermarket Can Learn from Professional Wrestling – Matt Fanslow

Jun 17, 2019

FTR 050: What the Aftermarket Can Learn from Professional Wrestling

Matt Fanslow threads a concept that we can learn from the way professional wrestling promotes themselves. Matt makes a strong point comparing the promotion of professional wrestlers to aftermarket shops. Matt likes to look outside the industry to learn and see new things. A stretch in thinking, I don’t think so. I know one thing, this rant will make you think.

RR 440: Bill Hanvey – Ownership of Vehicle Telematic Data Must Flow to the Vehicle Owner

Jun 14, 2019

Amending Legislation for Telematic Data Ownership – RR 440

My guest is Bill Hanvey, President and CEO of the Auto Care Association. Bill is engaging the automotive aftermarket to get involved in letting your legislators know the issue about data. Your help is needed to help in amending the right to repair legislation. Learn everything you can about this fight to amend the right to repair legislation. Ownership of Vehicle Telematic Data Must Flow to the Vehicle Owner.

Do you know that a car collects data as you drive? By 2022, 87% of new vehicles will be transmitting telematic data wirelessly. But who owns the data? The car manufacturer does. Without access to data, the independent service professional will not be able to get specific diagnostic data from the vehicle.

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