Satellite Location and Shop Tour with Tom Grady [AW 088]

Satellite Location and Shop Tour with Tom Grady [AW 088]

Guest host and shop tour with Tom Grady, Redhawk Auto Service, Temecula, CA. Tom discusses his satellite location that is ½ mile away from his first location. Find out how he found it and why he decided to open a satellite location.

Preventing Employee Apathy [THA 258]

Preventing Employee Apathy [THA 258]

How do you prevent apathy in your business? We know hiring is a crucial component in setting your culture the right way, but culture isn’t a set it and forget it concept. In this episode, learn some important tactics my panel uses in their businesses to keep a pulse on their people.

Women of the Year Awards 2021 [RR 709]

Women of the Year Awards 2021 [RR 709]

I had the honor last year to sit down with the Women in AutoCare Women of the Year recipients at AAPEX 2021. The electric energy between these women is hard to miss. The push for more women in our industry is never over. We need to continue to support women in leadership roles, encourage the younger generation to join and get involved in mentorship.

What Is Your Word Of The Year? [AW 087]

What Is Your Word Of The Year? [AW 087]

Guest host and shop tour with Travis Troy, Honest Wrenches, Des Moines, IA. Travis Troy’s word of the year is “execute.” Goals are just ideas if you don’t have an execution plan with deadlines.

ASE ADAS Certification and Other Important News [RR 707]

ASE ADAS Certification and Other Important News [RR 707]

If you’re not actively involved in ASE certifications or the ASE education foundation, you are missing a huge opportunity. There are so many resources at your fingertips to improve your business, get involved in education, become certified, or stay certified with ASE. Stop making excuses in this new year, become proactive and start taking action.

Creating Powerful Moments [AW 086]

Creating Powerful Moments [AW 086]

Guest hosts and shop tour with John Long and Edgar Reyes, Schertz Auto Service, Schertz TX. Are you creating powerful moments with your employees? How has it changed your culture?

Training Workshops: Develop Your Culture and Leadership [RR 705]

Training Workshops: Develop Your Culture and Leadership [RR 705]

How do you elevate your business to the next level? It can seem like an uphill battle. Why does improving yourself and your business seem overwhelming to most people? Where do you even start? It all starts with one step at a time. Here is a great interview about UpShift Powered by Ask Patty and provides training on culture, leadership skills, and diversity inclusion (including women) among so much more. Consider it your own personal board of directors for your business. With Jody Devere and Donna Wagner.

Culture Makes Great Customers, Keeps Great People, and Attracts Superstars [THA 255]

Culture Makes Great Customers, Keeps Great People, and Attracts Superstars [THA 255]

Culture is a common buzzword in our world. But did you know every organization has organic culture no matter what? If you’re not consistently developing and working on your culture, it will churn on its own and slip from your fingertips. What’s the cultural vibe in your business?

Three Managers You Need In Your Business- George Zeeks [RR 702]

Three Managers You Need In Your Business [RR 702]

Can owners buy freedom? The short answer is no, they have to grow it with their people. Are you grooming specific employees in managerial roles? Or do you give them a title and assume they can go on autopilot? George Zeeks discusses the three different managers you need in your business as it grows. Find out if you have these roles filled or you need to start.

Under 30: Our Future is Bright [THA 253]

Under 30: Our Future is Bright [THA 253]

Recently I’ve had the chance to meet some inspiring young people in our industry and I wanted to be sure you had a chance to experience what I did. I brought three of them together and I think you’ll agree, if we are grooming our young talent the proper way and they have the fortitude like these three do, then our future is in strong hands.

New Leadership Team at ASCCA [RR 699]

New Leadership Team at ASCCA [RR 699]

At AAPEX 2021 I caught up with the new Leadership team at ASCCA the Automotive Service Councils of California. I’ve known so many industry leaders who make ASCCA a great organization. I have the incoming and the outgoing president to talk about the future and a wide perspective on the power and value of association membership. Remember great things happen when we work together and my panel of ASCCA members is here to encourage you to get involved.

“I Stopped Micromanaging” Becki McGinnis [AW 082]

“I Stopped Micromanaging” Becki McGinnis [AW 082]

Guest host and shop tour with Becki McGinnis as she discusses why “letting go” is essential if you want your business to grow. Your employees take care of your customers and as an owner, you take care of your employees. It’s time to allow your employees to do the job they were hired to do.

Maybe You Need a Boss [THA 252]

Maybe You Need a Boss [THA 252]

As an owner of your business, who holds you accountable? Why is it that many, of us, need someone to hold us accountable? Do you ever feel like you’re stuck in your own day-to-day world and not moving forward? Is your business really growing or just trying to do better than last year’s numbers? My panel has a lot of answers, if you’re willing to listen and be open-minded, this episode can be a life-changer.

AAPEX 2021 Service Award Winners [RR 697]

AAPEX 2021 Service Award Winners [RR 697]

I had the privilege to speak with the AAPEX 2021 service award winners while at AAPEX. Be a fly on the wall as they discuss what it was like to receive the call that they were award winners and what it means to them. They were selected based on the guidelines of the nomination process and the final voting and filtering from industry professionals. Congrats again to Matt Fanslow, Eric and Jaime Carlson and Brittany Schindler, your awards are well deserved.

Short Term Goals WILL Change Your Behavior – Bob Cooper [RR 693]

Short Term Goals WILL Change Your Behavior – Bob Cooper [RR 693]

Don’t just write down a few goals for 2022. Allow them to change your behavior. As we near the end of 2021, we all start to think about New Years Resolutions. But did you know only 3% of people have clearly defined goals? The other 97% that don’t how to set clearly defined goals — face fears of failure and rejection. This is a one-of-a-kind episode with Bob Cooper CEO at Elite Worldwide, that will set you on a path to change yourself and your business. It’s not about the 97 yards you’ve traveled down the field but the three ahead of you that will score a touchdown.

Coaching CEO’s to Their Next Level [THA 249]

Coaching CEO’s to Their Next Level [THA 249]

Have you ever considered yourself the CEO of your business? If you own it, you should. If your role is the CEO then you’ve taken the important step to remove yourself from the bays and lead your business.

You should have joined a networking group, hired a business coach, attend training and continue to oversee your business from a birdseye view while your people lead it. In this episode, my panel discusses their experience in a CEO-only leadership group. Find out how it’s different from other networking and coaching groups and the secrets to elevate the functionality of your business. It’s time to learn about yourself and your role on a deeper level.

Implementing EOS with Barry Barrett: Four Shop Owners Share Their Success [RR 686]

Implementing EOS with Barry Barrett: 4 Shop Owners Share Their Success [RR 686]

The Entrepreneurial Operating System has been highlighted on the podcast with a 7 part series featuring Barry Barrett, a certified EOS Implementor. The EOS system enables owners to get the most out of their business using six key components: Vision, People, Data, Issues, Process, and Traction. It’s easy to discuss and learn, but how does it work with real people in different levels of business? In this episode, you’ll hear from 4 shop owners that have implemented EOS in their business and their success stories from it.

Anxiety Disorders at Work [THA 246]

Anxiety Disorders at Work [THA 246]

Anxiety: we all know it and we all experience it. If you’re tuning into this episode you’re probably hoping to find a quick fix to handle anxiety. My panel does cover best practices when you’re in an anxious state, but they also dive deeper into what causes anxiety in the first place. The majority of the time it is self-induced. It’s time to open your mind and view anxiety from a different perspective.

The Courage to Make Tough Decisions [THA 243]

The Courage to Make Tough Decisions [THA 243]

Making a difficult, tough decision can be one of the hardest things to face. Ever toil with, when is it the right time? Are you making the right choice? Can you push through it? Well in this episode my panel of courageous women shares their own examples of pulling the trigger on a tough decision. Their stories will inspire you and maybe even give you the push you were looking for.

The Power of Transformational Coaching [THA 242]

The Power of Transformational Coaching [THA 242]

Employee reviews: We’ve all been there. You get called into your boss’s office and get graded on your performance over the past year. It can be easy to forget your review once you leave the office. Out of sight, out of mind. Isn’t it time to change that mundane process? In this episode my panel discusses a transformational approach for owners to deepen their relationship with their employees. Let them be a part of your business and see how it can flourish. We are talking Transformational Coaching.

Mitch Schneider and Shop Tour with John Constantin [AW 071]

Guest host, Mitch Schneider, Mitch’s World and “Misfire the Book”
Mitch will speak to the 5 levels of knowledge and concentrates on the 5th; “You Don’t Want to Know What You Don’t Know”
Virtual shop tour with John Constantin, Bison Fleet Specialists, Buffalo, NY
Weekly episode updates

Leadership Series Part 5 with Mike Davidson – Rewards of Growing as a Leader [RR 673]

Leadership Series Part 5 with Mike Davidson – Rewards of Growing as a Leader [RR 673]

In this final installment of our Leadership Series with Mike Davidson, Mike discusses the reward of growing in leadership. It goes beyond profit and cash flow. The real success comes from business owners realizing they need to develop their people instead of managing them. Too often the owner is the biggest obstacle in allowing the business to grow. Find out what happens when you implement this how-to leadership series.

Creating a Culture of Productivity – Scott Brown [RR 671]

Creating a Culture of Productivity [RR 671]

Goodhart’s law named after British economist Charles Goodhart states “When a measure becomes a target, it ceases to be a good measure.” Sometimes when business owners become focused on a specific measure in their business, like productivity, it can actually hold everyone back. In this episode Scott Brown, from Cardinal Shell, discusses how his 5 bay shop produces 4.2 million per year by focusing on the culture of the business. Keep listening for a different perspective that might change the way you do business if you let it.

Mental Toughness – Maryann Croce [RR 670]

Mental Toughness -Maryann Croce [RR 670]

When a stressful situation happens, how do you handle it? Do you often wish you had a longer fuse when dealing with issues and problems? Every single day we are challenged with decisions and different roles in our lives. We are a friend, employer, employee, owner, husband, mother, aunt, grandfather, community pillar…the list goes on. So what’s the best way to wear all those hats? Keep listening to find out.