Right To Repair NHTSA Update [RR 861]
Lisa Foshee, Senior Vice President of Government Affairs and General Counsel for the Auto Care Association, discusses the recent letter from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) instructing auto manufacturers not to comply with the data access law in Massachusetts. This letter has caused concern for those advocating for the right to repair legislation, as it could hinder progress.
But why is the right to repair legislation so important? It allows car owners to have access to the same diagnostic and repair information that dealerships have. This means that car owners can choose where to get their car repaired, and not be forced to go to a dealership for repairs.
Advocacy, Action, and the Future of Right to Repair [RR 857]
Join Lisa Foshee, Senior Vice President of Government Affairs and General Counsel of the Auto Care Association, and Paul McCarthy, President and CEO of MEMA Aftermarket Suppliers Group, as they discuss the recent update to the law and the challenges that may arise in enforcing it. The recent decision by a federal judge in Massachusetts to allow the law to go into effect is a big step forward for the automotive industry, but there are still some challenges that need to be addressed. They discuss the limitations of the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) model for data sharing between Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) and independent repair shops and urge listeners to sign the petition at repairact.com and support the Federal Repair Act, also known as HR 906. Lisa and Paul describe the bill as a reasonable and critical solution to ensure vehicle repairability, safety, and cybersecurity. They stress the need for unified and passionate support from the industry to push Congress to take affirmative action and pass the bill.
Going Electric in California [THA 320]
California is mandating 100% of new cars and light trucks sold will be zero-emission vehicles by 2035. How will electric vehicles change the composition of our industry? What are the service opportunities? Should you start working on hybrids if you haven’t already? Hear from the perspectives of 3 California shop owners that are ready and prepared for the future.
Future Shop: Sooner Than You Think [THA 318]
Will diagnostic work overtake remove and replace work? How will you position and present your shop as a technologically advanced repair center? What training will our employees need? How will artificial intelligence impact our industry? Will we be prepared? Join Jake Sorensen, Chris Chesney and Derek Kaufman as they discuss the shop of the future.
Forecasting Your Future [RR 826]
The future is here, consolidation is already happening. The middle-level shops will now be at the bottom end of the bell curve. What are the trends at the OEM level? Is Uber/Lyft the fleet of the future? What is the outlook of the changing service aftermarket? Recorded Live at the 2022 Institute Summit, Michael Smith, Brian Bates, and AJ Nealey discuss the future; it is happening sooner than we think.
Prepare Your Business for Sale [THA 315]
Did you know 80% of small businesses do not survive the departure of the current owner? When is the right time to prepare your business for sale? The day you opened your business! How do you maximize your selling price? Is there a simple way to quickly valuate your business? Hear from 3 business coaches on the importance of properly planning your business for sale.
Aftermarket Radio Network 2023 Forecast [THA 313]
Recession is the main topic for everyone as we enter into 2023, almost 3 years post-pandemic. The Aftermarket Radio Network has collaborated together to offer their forecast for the year. Consider this your ‘one stop podcast player’ to hear insights from an accountant, technician, business coach and marketing perspective. Together, we continue to Advance the Aftermarket.
The Extreme Value of a ‘SWOT’ for your Business [THA 283]
How often are you checking on the overall health of your business with your team members involved? Are you identifying and working on the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats, known as SWOT? How do you start a SWOT analysis? What are the benefits? How do you find your blindspots? Does knowing your SWOT give you a competitive advantage? My panel takes a deep dive into the value of SWOT and shares their own experiences.
Surviving the Loss of 3 Technicians in 3 Weeks – John Bridgwater [AW 111]
Surviving Two Store Openings During the Pandemic [RR 750]
What is it like opening two locations at the dawn of COVID? David Eschbach shares his story around three primary business tenets. Each Take-Away is wrapped in a compelling story and supported by integrating sub-lessons. See the show notes as a guide, as this information is applicable for leading a business during any crisis or economic environment, not just during COVID.
Prepare for the Future [THA 277]
How do we prepare for the future? In this episode listen to the insights from the perspective of a shop owner, technician, instructor, COO, and trainer. Times have changed, so how do we get the younger generation passionate about our industry and our high-tech vehicles? What does the future of ADAS and electric vehicles mean to the aftermarket?
Build Your Labor Rate From The Ground Up [THA 276]
How much do you value your time? Your employee’s time? Are you making your decision on your labor rate based on data? My expert panel breaks down a mathematical and strategic way to understand the labor rate that delivers your profit goal. To view the charts and presentations my guests have prepared, make sure you head to my carm capriotto youtube channel or find the link on the show notes. Once you see the math your decision to set a profitable labor rate will be smarter and easier.
Plan For Slow Times [THA 275]
The aftermarket is blazing busy. We may think that boomtown will continue without an end in sight. But what are your ‘slow day action plans?’ Some who have not been doing things ‘right’ are feeling the ebb and flow of typical cycle times, holidays, back to school, vacations, weather, and travel. Let this episode help you re-think how you prop up your business. Stop stopping.
Ethics 101 [THA 272]
Can the Independent Aftermarket And OE Work Together? [RR 725]
I have a question for you, are the OEMs really after the service and repair market? Or do they need us as much as we need them? Can we work together, and will that give us access to important information? Rob Merwin joins me, the publisher at Aftermarket Matters, and brings his intel on the Right to Repair Act and topics he reports on. He has big dreams of everyone working together.
Financial Help For Your Team [THA 262]
Where did you learn about finances? Did you learn it from your parents? Finances are one of the most important elements in our lives, yet most of us never really understand it or discuss it with our spouses or employees. Listen to 3 shop owners that make finances a part of the conversation in their business and for their people.
Tina Erickson on Brand Equity and Tour of Her Shop [AW 075]
Addition by Subtraction: Letting Someone Go [THA 244]
Addition by Subtraction: Letting Somone Go [THA 244]
Are you the type of person that sees potential in others when they don’t see it in themselves? Do you work hard to get them to contribute to the business? Too often business owners hold onto employees longer than they should because they want the employee to succeed. Sometimes we give many chances, however, how many chances should you give? When is it time to make the tough decision to let someone go? Letting go of an employee doesn’t necessarily mean they are a bad person, they just might be in the wrong position, company or industry.
The Courage to Make Tough Decisions [THA 243]
The Courage to Make Tough Decisions [THA 243]
Making a difficult, tough decision can be one of the hardest things to face. Ever toil with, when is it the right time? Are you making the right choice? Can you push through it? Well in this episode my panel of courageous women shares their own examples of pulling the trigger on a tough decision. Their stories will inspire you and maybe even give you the push you were looking for.
Bonus: Advancing the Aftermarket – Charging What We Are Worth [Bonus 11]
Advancing the Aftermarket.
Of late there has been a lot of dialogue around my circles about being paid for the value you give and bring to your customer. I recently saw a survey of shops whose sales averaged $750,000 yet their net operating profit was only 2%. That is only a $15,000 average net operating income before tax. This troubling stat begs the question: How do you continue to invest in the business and even provide a living wage for you and your team at that level of profit? remarkableresults.biz/b010
Q & A with Chris Chesney [THA 241]
Q & A with Chris Chesney [THA 241]
You’re going to love this question and answer format style episode with the newly retired Chris Chesney. My panel takes a deep dive into Chris’s long and successful career. What was his most rewarding experience? Does he have any regrets? What is his forecast on the technician shortage and electric vehicles? And most importantly, is retirement really in the cards for Chris Chesney?
Addiction: How Can We Help? What Can We Do? [THA 238]
Addiction: How Can We Help? What Can We Do? [THA 238]
Everyone has faced addiction, whether it’s yourself, a loved one, a friend, or a colleague. How do we help someone who is struggling with addiction? What can you do and say to them? In this episode you’ll hear from 2 recovering addicts and their personal journeys to become sober. Please share this episode with your network, you never know who is struggling behind closed doors. Share this with your team. Get this discussion out in the open.
Hitting Rock Bottom and Climbing out [RR 650]
Hitting Rock Bottom and Climbing out [RR 650]
The hardest part about moving forward is sometimes going backward. Moving out of your comfort zone and embracing change can be a struggle for all of us to do. In this episode, Jeff and Donna Hazeltine share an emotional story that happened just 8 months ago. They had hit rock bottom with their business after losing long-term employees and felt like things couldn’t get any worse.
They had help from their fellow shop owner Troy Vaninetti. Discover how they climbed out and now have a completely different business culture.
Our Industry Needs a Change [THA 226]
Our Industry Needs a Change [THA 226]
How do we change the mindset of others? Why do owners continue to have the same old thinking that leads to the same old results? Why are technicians leaving the industry? Why isn’t there a draw for an automotive career for young professionals?
If you are listening to this podcast you are making a conscious effort to learn and make a change in your life and your business. How do we get others to follow? In this episode, all these questions and more are discussed by my panel of business coaches. Prepare to be inspired by their passion for change in this industry.
You can find the talking points for this episode and every archived episode on my website remarkableresults.biz
Taking Your Toolbox Home with Justin Barrett [RR 644]
Taking Your Toolbox Home with Justin Barrett [RR 644]
Justin is the owner of Barrett Automotive and has been trying to pack up his toolbox in the shop for good for the last 11 years. How many other owners out there have trouble leaving the bays?
The temptation is to default to being a technician, you were always most comfortable in that role or to help your team cover the overload. But when you’re a business owner, you have to hang up that hat and put on a different one. Justin shares his struggle.
The key talking points for all episodes reside on my website, remarkableresults.biz