Technician Outlook with Jake Sorensen-Part 2 [RR 659]
Technician Outlook with Jake Sorensen-Part 2 [RR 659]
We hear the perspectives of business owners all the time, but sometimes it’s important to gain the perspective of technicians as well. See things through their eyes instead and find out what retains them as employees, and how to continue to challenge them in productive ways. Listen and pick up a few ideas to implement in your team culture.
Playing the Long Game [THA 231]
Playing the Long Game [THA 231]
How do you “Play the Long Game?” Are you making an effort every single day or do you tend to coast when things are going well? Forecasting the future should always be on your mind with fresh ideas and plans in place to get there.
In this episode, my panel shares their ‘long game’ on finding technicians, reasons why hybrid and electric vehicle repair is a must and keeping customers for life.
Spoiler alert: they discuss things EVERY shop owner can implement. No excuses, it’s time to dive in.
Don’t forget you can find talking points to all episodes on my website
Career Paths – Technician to Manager [THA 229]
Career Paths – Technician to Manager [THA 229]
It’s always interesting to hear the unique paths people have embarked on to be in this industry and to grow in it. Seniority doesn’t always trump leadership skills and a drive to become invested and committed in the business. In this episode, my panel discusses the different career paths that they have taken while working for Dynamic Automotive and their plans for future growth within the company.
ASE Service Professionals Month – Trish Serratore [Bonus 09]
I’m with Sr. VP of Communications at ASE, Trish Serratore and we discuss some why and how to jump on board with Service Professionals Month. This is a very short listen and we toss up some ideas on how to build momentum inside your community, but more important to thank your people who have invested in their ASE Certifications. There is still time to embrace and support ASE Service Professionals Month.
Journaling – Your Personal Case Study with Matt Fanslow [RR 648]
Journaling – Your Personal Case Study with Matt Fanslow [RR 648]
Do you remember being in school and it seemed like all you were doing was writing? You also memorized phone numbers. With the introduction of cell phones and computers, it seems like our memory bank has shifted. Anything we need is at a click of a button or a quick google search.
In this episode, Matt Fanslow challenges you to go back to the days of journaling and recounting your day. Start keeping a log of success and struggles you face in work and in life. It will help you map out a path to success for yourself. Journaling would be beneficial for new technicians entering our industry that might be overwhelmed. Will you take the time to create your own personal case study? Type it or write it, you choose.
Taking Your Toolbox Home with Justin Barrett [RR 644]
Taking Your Toolbox Home with Justin Barrett [RR 644]
Justin is the owner of Barrett Automotive and has been trying to pack up his toolbox in the shop for good for the last 11 years. How many other owners out there have trouble leaving the bays?
The temptation is to default to being a technician, you were always most comfortable in that role or to help your team cover the overload. But when you’re a business owner, you have to hang up that hat and put on a different one. Justin shares his struggle.
The key talking points for all episodes reside on my website,
Technician Outlook with Jake Sorensen- Part 1 [RR 643]
Technician Outlook with Jake Sorensen [RR 643]
Are you having trouble finding qualified technicians? Have you ever thought about starting an apprentice program but you don’t know where to begin?
In this episode, Jake Sorensen breaks down all the classic questions and concerns that arise with apprentice programs. It’s time to stop complaining about a technician shortage, and start becoming the solution. Are you willing to invest in your employees and your business? If so, keep listening. This episode can change your trajectory for the future of your business.
You can find the key talking points for this episode and every episode released on my website
Comebacks: Prevention, Reputation and Cost [THA 224]
Comebacks: Prevention, Reputation and Cost [THA 224]
How closely do you track comebacks in your shop? Do you look for trends? Is it human error or communication gaps between customer and service advisor, and service advisor and technician? Sometimes the most loyal customers arise from correcting a mistake, but often times we are unaware a mistake even happened. In this episode, my panel dives into the different scenarios that occur during vehicle comebacks and how to correct them.
You can listen and/or watch the video of this episode and find the key talking points at
NASTF Update with Donny Seyfer [RR 637]
NASTF Update with Donny Seyfer [RR 637]
In this episode, we dive into NASTF’s soft launch of the Assisted Immobilizer Reprogramming Service that offers secure repairs when a vehicle’s security system is involved.
Cybersecurity risks are always a top concern and NASTF has collaborated with automakers to close the gap and offer a service to help shop owners, technicians, and car owners.
The key talking points for this episode reside at
ASE Educational Foundation [RR 630]
ASE Educational Foundation [RR 630]
Many of us support education at the high school and college level giving of our time, guidance, and advice to advisory boards. If you are not I highly recommend getting involved. There are not enough independent voices on advisory boards. This is an important show where you will learn the role of the ASE Education Foundation in our schools and who is the biggest poachers of technician talent.
Find the key talking points for this episode at
How to Have a Four Day Work Week with Eric Henley [RR 627]
How to Have a Four Day Work Week with Eric Henley [RR 627]
As a shop owner, how does a 4 day a week schedule sound to you? Would you like some extra time with family and friends? In this episode find out how Eric Henley
from H-Teck Auto Care does it! Be careful, you might free up some quality time!
The key talking points for this episode that make for a great meeting agenda reside at
Rethinking Your ASE Certification [THA 215]
Rethinking Your ASE Certification [THA 215]
Did you know you need a license to cut hair but you don’t need a license or certifications to change brakes on a vehicle? And why do industry owners and technicians not value ASE certifications? That is the question of the day.
Joining me on this lively discussion on ASE is Trish Serratore, Sr. VP Communication, ASE, Mark Murphy, Lead Technician, Dynamic Automotive and technician and mentor Bryan Stafford from Parkway Automotive in Little Rock, AR
A great way to attract and keep customers is by letting them know YOU have certified technicians working on their vehicles. It is also a strong part of your value proposition. Now think about this …… If you value your ‘career’ in our industry wouldn’t ASE Certification be at the top of your list?
Don’t let the fear of failure keep you from taking the tests, there are practice tests and plenty of support located on the website to guide you along the way including the new recertification app.
Never the Cheapest but the Best Value Shop – Travis Guy [RR 618]
Never the Cheapest but the Best Value Shop – Travis Guy [RR 618]
Welcome to the 618th episode of Remarkable Results Radio.
In keeping with my goal to showcase our young owners and their rise to ownership, you’ll love this story as my Guest Travis Guy came into the family business via the hospitality industry. Specifically Disney. Do you think he may have learned a lot about how to embrace a customer? A fun and transparent interview with Travis, He says he sees the flaws we have as an industry and tells it straight about being paid for our worth and value.
Travis Guy hails from Yourba Linda Auto Service, Placentia, CA along with his brother Tim, and Dad Danny makes up the family business. He gives you a refreshing take on the state of our industry from a young owner’s perspective. We can learn a few things from Travis.
The key talking points for this episode with Travis resides at
Thanks for being here in the front row of life in the automotive service business.
New Technology – Finding Out How it Works – Dave Hobbs Part 3 [RR 615]
New Technology – Finding Out How it Works – Dave Hobbs Part 3 [RR 615]
Welcome to the 3rd part in a series with trainer Dave Hobbs.
Dave Hobbs is the lead technical trainer and course developer for Delphi Product and Service Solutions. Dave talks about innovations in ADAS, calibrating radar, education for tech and shop owners, brainstorming ADAS class for customers, safety, new technologies and why the automotive industry is deemed an essential business.
Hear Dave’s surprising acronyms: FRED, WARPand EWFM. Some new vocab for you.
You can find Dave Hobbs’ other episodes, and this episode’s key talking points, they reside at Remember make listening HOMEWORK.
How to Become a Thermostat Instead of a Thermometer- Dave Hobbs [RR 601]
Become a Thermostat Instead of a Thermometer – Dave Hobbs [RR 601]
Dave Hobbs, the lead technical trainer and course developer for Delphi Product and Service Solutions, Dave Hobbs is back. Dave has graced us recently with his episode 592 talking about how to avoid comebacks with tech talks. He is now offering you his insights on ADAS training virtual classes on how to become a thermostat not a thermometer.
You can find Dave’s other episodes and the key talking points for this episode at
From College to ADAS Calibrations – Learning How [RR 599]
From College to ADAS Calibrations – Learning How [RR 599]
My guests today is Dominik Wrobel and Bob Heipp both from Mobile Auto Solutions in Chicago. Commonly referred to as MAS. This interview is about Dominik. As a 23-year-old, is straight out of college, working with 25 other mobile diagnostic technicians and learning the trade.. He is Bob Heipp’s Mentee. You know Bob as a member of the threesome TechnicianTalk Group where we’ve done 9 really intense and off the wall episodes. If you are new to the podcast go to the collections page on the website to find all Technician Talk EPisode.
Dominik and Bob talk with us about the transitions and challenges of adapting to work without any prior experience. Very much like what an automotive grad would go through. Dominik will also shed light on his mentorship, new technologies, and how much he likes ADAS Calibrations. His goal is to have his own MAS mobile truck and get out on the road. Dom is learning from all 25 team members by using slack to get the information and wisdom that he seeks.
The talking points of this episode can be found at
Social Media Influencer- Do What is Right and Not Easy [RR 598]
Social Media Influencer- Do What is Right and Not Easy [RR 598]
Matt Fanslow and Scott Brown have been great contributors to the podcast. They also have no-nonsense views about Social Media and the diluting and filtering of information. They talk about the Dunning-Kruger effect and time consumption among other topics as they speak to the good and bad of social media. They do recommend being professional in handling your social media presence. Learn to be professionals in handling your social media presence.
Matt Fanslow is the diagnostic tech/shop manager at Riverside Automotive in Red Wing, MN., and Scott Brown is a shop owner, an ASE Master Certified Automobile Technician and the CEO of
You can find Matt and Scott’s previous episodes and the key talking points for this episode at
Avoiding Comebacks with Dave Hobbs [RR 592]
Avoiding Comebacks and More with Dave Hobbs [RR 592]
I’m with the lead technical trainer and course developer for Delphi Product and Service Solutions, Dave Hobbs. Dave has graced the podcast in the past and we are going to do a series of thought-provoking shows just for you.
Dave is tackling comebacks — a real part of doing business. Prevention or minimizing them comes from quality control, high standards and training. He also talks about the Right To Repair, Access to Data.
You can find Dave’s other episodes and the key talking points for this episode at
The Difference: Dealership Tech Now Works for an Independent. Why? [RR 588]
The Difference: Dealership Tech Now Works for an Independent. Why? [RR 588]
I’m with Matt Manzone and Jim Fleischman. Matt is an ASE certified master tech and service writer and works at Jim’s shop Automotive Alley in Arcade, NY.
Why this interview. Matt is a former dealer technician. Hearing the reasons why Matt Manzone went to work for an independent is important to how you think and approach hiring dealer techs. Jim also shares some of his process to bring Matt on board to work in his company.
We discuss the differences of techs at dealerships against techs at independent shops. Matt and Jim also talk about the dilemma of leaving your job of 14 years for the same yet new job. The talking points can be found at
ADAS and Tech Advances – Joe Register [RR 584]
ADAS and Tech Advances – Joe Register [RR 584]
This episode speaks to Advanced Driver Assistance Systems or ADAS. Joe Register the Vice-President of Emerging Technologies at the AutoCare Association is back. One week ago we talked about Secure Vehicle Interface and this is our follow-up with Joe. He has brought enormous amounts of helpful information on the advancement of technology to my listeners.
Joe Register has over 40 years of experience delivering progressive system solutions to companies in every channel of the Automotive Aftermarket. Joe is well connected through his work in helping to create tech and interface standards with ISO (International Organization for Standards) and SAE (Society of Automotive Engineers).
Find the show notes and the video of Joe’s slides at
Apprentice Stories [THA 193]
Apprentice Stories [THA 193]
In your circles do you find that the discussion is trending toward finding top talent? All aspects from networking, writing great ads, improving hiring systems and improving your business culture is credited to finding and keeping top talent.
How much success are you having finding great talent out of the available pool? I believe the time has come, in a big way, to “grow your own”. For many that concept seems nebulous. Something you hear about, know you should do, but can’t even begin to know where to start.
I’ve done at least 10 podcasts on apprenticing and career pathing. Most recently Town Hall Academy #185 dedicated to understanding apprentice programs. This episode is a bookend to #185 and I call it Apprentice Stories. Listen to two apprentices and a mentor talk candidly about the process and results.
Anything worthwhile takes time and effort and installing an apprentice program in your shop is as right as having lifts in your bays.
I will have links to important apprentice programs you can embrace listed in the show notes at
Diagnostic Processes – Matt Fanslow and Scott Shotton – Part 2 [RR 578]
Diagnostic Processes – Matt Fanslow and Scott Shotton – Part 2 [RR 578]
There are different approaches to every situation and problem, especially in automotive repair problem-solving. My guests bring their different approaches in solving diag issues to the podcast. They did it before in episode 544, but this time they take it to the next level.
Matt Fanslow and Scott Shotton once again prove their own points in this second part episode. They may not agree on the processes but their approach to diagnose and solve problems are undeniable. They are relentless but their individual approach works. Matt and Scott are fine-tuned by years of experience diagnosing problems under the hood. In the end, we can pass the decision to you, the listener. Which pathway do you prefer? Possibly a hybrid of the discussion?
Both Matt and Scott agree that The customer supplies important data. The service consultant must write it all down so the tech has as much information available. Find the show notes at
Improving Work Flow [THA 192]
Improving Workflow – THA 192
We are talking about Improving Workflow in the Shop. The panel gave their best in sharing disciplines and processes that work for them. If you are a student of process improvement you’ll appreciate the discussion and if you are not you’ll realize you must start.
The panel includes Mike Davidson, Parkway Automotive, Little Rock, Arkansas, and Industry Essentials with a DOL Approved Apprenticeship Plan, Corey Evaldi, Olmsted Auto Care, Olmstead, OH, Andrew Minkler, Bavarian Motor Repairs, Capital Heights, MD and Steve Wootton, Technical Adviser, Ultimate Auto, Truck and Equipment in Cromwell, CT.
The detailed key talking points can be found at Remember you can use the talking points to help create your own next steps or meeting agenda.
Mike Davidson shares the most important question that he asks every one of his team members.
Leverage the Smart Phone to Maximize Technicians Learning Potential [RR 568]
Leverage the Smart Phone to Maximize Technicians Learning Potential – RR 568
An important take on training with David Boyes and Pat Pate from
If you are interested in a system that is designed to teach with Adaptive Learning interactions with wrong answers greeted with why it was wrong and why the correct answer is correct, You may just have discovered a powerful new tool to keep your learning curve high.
You’ll find this a very interesting episode that you may just start your research on this method of training. Show notes and bios at