There Can Be Change Without Progress, But No Progress without Change – Chris Cloutier [RR 731]

Did you know you’re 27% smarter when you’re positive? It makes sense, doesn’t it? Having a positive attitude can change everything if you let it. I’m with Chris Cloutier at Vision 2022. We didn’t have an agenda or talking points. He came in, sat down, and in classic Chris fashion, I was on the edge of my seat listening to him. Find your positivity and get smarter.

6 Components to a Great Compensation Plan – Bob Cooper [RR 730]

How do you incent behavior and retain top talent? Is the tech shortage a blessing in disguise? Did you know money is not the best motivator for employees? Bob Cooper, President of Elite Worldwide, shares 6 key components you should have in your compensation and incentive package for your employees.

Are You Comfortable With Your Problems? Business Coaches Lab [RR 729]

You’re going to love this transparent interview recorded live at vision 2022. 3 business coaches, and no agenda. Listen firsthand from these business coaches on why so many business owners are struggling and how they are able to lift them to success. We talk about marriages, ego, habits, mistakes, and bad reactive pricing.

Restructuring New Staff – Vinnie Lucido [RR 728]

The idea of completely restructuring your staff seems impossible, right? So how did Vinnie Lucido do it after his brother and partner retired from the business? And how did his role as the sole owner and operator change? I asked Vinnie all these questions, in the Vision KC studios, including his perspective on interns and how he can work such a few hours a week.

How To: Change Your Mindset – Murray Voth [RR 727]

What’s the real reason why you became a business owner? Did you want to be your own boss? Have a flexible schedule? Were you certain you could do things better? My guest Murray Voth explains there’s an ‘entrepreneurial fizz” with so many technicians becoming business owners. But changing your mindset from tech to business owner doesn’t come easy or naturally.

Brought His 14 Team Members to Vision – Travis Troy [RR 726]

I asked Travis Troy, point-blank, what did it cost him to take his entire team to Vision this year. I talked to so many shop owners at Vision KC 2022 that closed their shops to take their entire team for some of the best training and networking both Technician, Service and Management. I stopped counting at 30 the number of shop owners who closed their shops there had to be 100 or more based on my simple survey results. Some strategies were to uplift and cross training their people into leadership roles by selecting that type of training. Travis and his partner Josh know they’ll get a huge return on their training investment. The message: get out of your comfort zone.

Can the Independent Aftermarket And OE Work Together? [RR 725]

I have a question for you, are the OEMs really after the service and repair market? Or do they need us as much as we need them? Can we work together, and will that give us access to important information? Rob Merwin joins me, the publisher at Aftermarket Matters, and brings his intel on the Right to Repair Act and topics he reports on. He has big dreams of everyone working together.

Husband and Wife Accountability Partners [RR 724]

Darrin and Ginger Barney are a powerhouse husband and wife team both at home and in their business. It’s not always smooth sailing when you work with your spouse. Many of you know that. Find out how they make it work and their advice to spouses considering working together.

1 Shop, 3 Apprentices [RR 723]

For anyone who doesn’t have a working apprentice in your shop, this is your wake-up call. Roy Foster from Foster’s Automotive currently has three apprentices and you’ll get a chance to hear from all three. Two are his sons and Yes they are going through an apprentice program. What about your son or daughter. Their excitement and motivation for this industry is hard to miss.

How Much Does It Cost You To Open Your Doors? [RR 722]

We know transparency with our people is important, but what does ‘sharing your numbers’ really mean? Are you explaining the backstory behind those numbers and how it affects the business, and most importantly, your employees? My guest Tim Shaffer simplifies the numbers side of the business and areas in your point of sale system that you might be overlooking.

Are You Dreaming Big Enough? [RR 721]

Are you dreaming big enough for yourself and your business? Imagine what next year could look like if you take action today. Don’t let past failures cloud your vision and passion. My guest Bryan Gossel shares his humble beginnings going through bankruptcy with his first business, to his successful 3 store operation today. Listen closely to his journey and story.

Practicing Automotive with Heipp, Fanslow and Manna [RR 720]

There’s nothing like hitting the record button and letting Bob Heipp, Matt Fanslow and Scot Mana have a wide open discussion about the automotive industry. What does it take to really fix cars? Are we doing a good job explaining it to our customers? How do other industries compare to ours? Should we really be using the term ‘diagnosing’ when what we are doing is performing tests and analyzing? My panel continues to advance the aftermarket, with great talk that will make you think.

The Power of EOS: 2 Day Leadership Meeting [RR 719]

My panel, back to discuss the Entrepreneurial Operating System and their annual 2-day meeting. If you are longing to create leaders throughout your company, please follow every episode we’ve done on EOS so you can appreciate the strategy, system, and process of EOS. My shop owner panel has never been so excited and rewarded for having implemented the EOS model. They discuss their 2-day annual meeting with their leadership teams and the powerful team and leadership building that was a result of their annual 2-day. This gives you a glimpse of what is to come if you get on board with EOS.

ASE Board Chairman Brad Pellman [RR 718]

ASE has made a commitment to its certifications and continues to push forward with its own app to make recertifications a learning opportunity. Not only do certifications benefit the technician and business owner, but it is also a tool to educate customers. It’s time to promote your business and employees and show your professionalism in the industry as ASE celebrates its 50th year.

Ego Is The Enemy [RR 717]

Everyone needs an ego to start something new. Ego and self-confidence work hand in hand. But if you’re not careful, ego can run rampant and stifle both your personal and professional growth. As a business owner, what are you trying to build? Are you hiring the right people and letting them grow? Or has your ego become a roadblock to your success?

The Joy of Hiring [RR 716]

How did you develop your hiring process? Did you learn from other colleagues? Did you look online? Do you make decisions based on your intuition? Do you cross your fingers and hope for the best because you are desperate to fill a position? It’s time to take proven methods and guidance with Maylan Newton’s book “The Joy of Hiring”. You’ll also hear from a shop owner that implemented the concepts from this book into her hiring routine. She says it has completely changed her process and improved her hiring skills.

The Big Picture Program [RR 715]

I recently had the privilege to connect with Karen Monaco, a teacher for a local school district and advisor for the Big Picture Program during a local independent shop owner meeting. This national program puts students at the center of their own learning through “leave to learn” internships and shadowing at local businesses. If you’re not involved with education, this is your wake-up call to get started. All it takes is a phone call. My goal is that this episode shows you the way to engage our young people in our industry.

1 Out of 4 Employees Are Considering Quitting, What Are You Doing About It? – Dave Luehr [RR 714]

Did you know over 4.5 million people quit their jobs in November 2021? There isn’t a shortage of workers, there is a shortage of great places to work. How does your business rank? Are you measuring your employee’s performance and sharing it with them? If you’ve kept the same business model throughout the decades, this is your sign to start elevating your business.

Handling A Toxic Employee with Dr. Dave Weiman [RR 713]

How do we handle a toxic employee? How long have we noticed their behavior and never addressed it? Is it hard for owners to let someone go that they hired and thought would be a great fit for the team? Dr. Dave Weiman, psychologist, and owner of Weiman Consulting explain the behavioral background of a toxic employee. Every business owner needs to listen to this episode!

What Is The Best Thing You Can Do As An Owner? Leave! [RR 712]

Another episode recorded at AAPEX 2021. In this episode, you’ll hear from three different perspectives, a hands-off visionary owner, his partner and director of operations, and a 26 year old service director that started as a technician. Find out how these three successful businessmen work cohesively together while continuing to look toward the future. You’ll be inspired.

Start Monday Positive and Celebrate Friday [RR 711]

Start Monday Positive and Celebrate Friday [RR 711]

Get an inside look at Andy Bizub’s team culture in his Chicago business, including an emotional story about an accident his top technician suffered and how everyone rallied around him. Andy is passionate about pricing and what it takes to run a successful business and paying his employees accordingly. We also had a refreshing talk about Zero Gravity.

Mobile Diagnostics and 3D Printing [RR 710]

Mobile Diagnostics and 3D Printing [RR 710]

Mobile diagnostics is a growing segment of our industry. I sat with Brandon Dills at ASTE. We talked about his mobile diagnostic company, his investment, training, ADAS, and even using a 3D printer. Brandon also shares his plans for the future.

Women of the Year Awards 2021 [RR 709]

Women of the Year Awards 2021 [RR 709]

I had the honor last year to sit down with the Women in AutoCare Women of the Year recipients at AAPEX 2021. The electric energy between these women is hard to miss. The push for more women in our industry is never over. We need to continue to support women in leadership roles, encourage the younger generation to join and get involved in mentorship.

Talking Tech: SVI, ADAS, Perception Systems, and Ethernet with Joe Register [RR 708]

Talking Tech: SVI, ADAS, Perception Systems, and Ethernet with Joe Register [RR 708]

Consider this episode a blitz round table with Joe Register, Vice-President Emerging Technologies at the AutoCare Association, we are discussing, emerging technology, ADAS, electrification, the Right to Repair Act and more. Vehicles have never been more connected and complicated than now and it’s critical to pause and learn about the intricacies involved.

What Type of Training Works for You? [RR 706]

What Type of Training Works for You? [RR 706]

Training, training, training. We can’t talk enough about the importance of training and how it’s changed due to COVID-19 along with smarter trends on virtual. How has free virtual training impacted the industry? What are the pros and cons to live training and virtual training? What can we do to encourage more people to get training? And another thought …. What is your commitment to training in the new year?