Embracing Change: Navigating the Electrification Revolution [AW 165]

Dave Hobbs discusses the challenges and changes brought about by electrification in the automotive industry. Dave shares his experience with hub bearing failures, the importance of proper charging cables for electric vehicles and the maintenance requirements of EVs. He also discusses the recently launched ASE Safety Certification and the importance of safety in the industry. It’s an exciting time, and by embracing change and staying curious, technicians can ensure their success in this evolving landscape.

App-solutely Essential: Why Auto Repair Shops Need to Embrace Apps [RR 863]

Jeff Mont, owner of JJ’s Auto Service Center and Jeremy Glassco, founder of App Fueled, discuss the benefits of using apps in the automotive industry. Apps can be a valuable tool to engage with customers and increase customer loyalty. By offering valuable benefits and discounts, shops can make it worth their customers’ while to give their time and attention to their business. JJ shares his experience using App Fueled for his shop’s app, which includes a 10% discount on all purchases and a 5% rebate up to $50. He notes that the app has helped increase his shop’s average repair order by 15-16%.

How Can Data Improve Customer Relationships and Sales? [860]

Are you looking for ways to improve your customer relationships and drive business success? Bill Nalu and Stan Stokes discuss the importance of using data and information to enhance customer relationships and sales. They share their experiences with auditing phone calls and using personality assessments to identify areas for improvement. Tune in to learn practical advice for using data and information to improve your customer relationships and drive business success.

Using Slack as a Communication Tool [THA 332]

Chris Lum and Tom Ham discuss the benefits of using Slack as a productivity tool and how they use it in their businesses, including the ability to create different channels for different purposes, send attachments and documents, and customize notifications. Overall, Slack is seen as a valuable tool for improving communication and efficiency in the automotive industry.

How Can Professionalism Improve the Automotive Industry? [AW 161]

Mac Akram, the owner of Mack’s Complete Auto Repair in Chandler, Arizona, discusses the importance of professionalism in the automotive industry, including keeping the shop clean and organized and using digital vehicle inspections to provide better service. Mac believes that raising the standards of the industry is crucial to gaining the trust of customers. Mac also encourages shop owners to invest in training for their technicians.

21 Tips: How to Gain an Edge Part 4 [THA 328]

Learn how to improve your business and take it to the next level with these 21 tips and insights related to management, marketing, customer service, and personal growth. Our panel provides practical tips such as refreshing online photos, using referral programs, and creating a virtual tour of the shop. They also encourage humility, vulnerability, and continuous learning as essential tools for success in the automotive industry.

Navigating Family Dynamics in Business Ownership [AW 157]

Tatsu Tsuchida discusses his experience transitioning from a Japanese-only shop to an all-makes and all-models shop, his marketing strategy, and his experience taking over an existing business. He also discusses the challenges of owning a family business and the importance of having an exit strategy. The episode also includes a tour of Tsuchida’s second location.

Streamlining Workflow: Shop-Ware’s New TechApp for Technicians [RR 843]

Recorded Live at Vision 2023, this episode features Carolyn Coquillette, CEO of Shop-Ware, discussing the release of their new mobile application, TechApp, designed to help technicians manage their work more efficiently. The app allows technicians to view a list of current jobs, track their time on individual services, and easily document findings and results, including inspections. The episode also touches on the challenges of building software for the automotive industry and the importance of customer feedback in the development process.

Alignments Taking Longer: Are We Charging Enough? [THA 323]

The automotive industry constantly evolves, with new technology and safety features being added to vehicles each year.  Are you investing in technology and education to stay competitive and provide quality service to customers? In this episode, we discuss the importance of charging enough for alignments and educating customers on the need for calibration and maintenance to ensure their safety on the road.

Internal Company App Gets the Word Out [AW 148]

Communication is full of opportunities and challenges. How do you effectively communicate with everyone in your business, especially if you’re a multi-shop owner? Bill Snow discusses their own internal app and why it is critical in their business. 

Future Shop: Sooner Than You Think [THA 318]

Will diagnostic work overtake remove and replace work? How will you position and present your shop as a technologically advanced repair center? What training will our employees need? How will artificial intelligence impact our industry? Will we be prepared? Join Jake Sorensen, Chris Chesney and Derek Kaufman as they discuss the shop of the future. 

We Are Paperless and Loving It! [THA 302]

What are the advantages, challenges, and needs for a shop to go paperless? Why is it critical to get buy in from your employees ahead of time? How do you create buy in?

Google Reviews – Jimmy Lea [RR 747]

It’s time to take a deep dive into Google Reviews. Why is it important to have a variety of star ratings instead of all 5 stars? Why do you need to respond to good and bad reviews? I’m with Jimmy Lea, Kukui Evangelist. Find out why your business must exist digitally in order to capture customers.

CEO Margaret Palango Takes the Lead [RR 692]

CEO Margaret Palango Takes the Lead [RR 692]

I’m so honored to be speaking with the new CEO of Auto Shop Solutions, Margaret Palango. In this episode, Margaret shares how she went from a stay-at-home mom to her newly appointed position as CEO. You have to create opportunities for yourself and go for what you want. Her new role will encourage more women to join our industry. Listen and be inspired and strive to grow your confidence so you can reach your goals, take big leaps and make a difference.


Scan Tools Part 3 [RR 678]

Scan Tools Part 3 [RR 678]

Same crew, Matt Fanslow, Keith Perkins and Bill Nalu from Part 1 and 2 and in this episode we are hearing about preferred scan tool preferences by platform. We also hammer about the investment the shop needs to make in scan tools for the team and some additional myths. The team speaks to the difference between a scan tool and a diagnostic platform.


Scan Tools Part 2 [RR 669]

Scan Tools Part 2 [RR 669]

Same crew, Matt Fanslow, Keith Perkins and Bill Nalu from part 1 and we came together to discuss the myths of which scan tool will do a better job and if the words “Scan tool,” is the right term to define this device. Also, many do not know that you can buy an OE scan tool from the dealer. Yes another deep discussion and if you didn’t listen to Scan Tools Part 1 it is episode 629 released in April 2021. remarkableresults.biz/e669

Interesting New Technology with Chris Cloutier [RR 638]

Interesting New Technology with Chris Cloutier [RR 638]

If you love new technology you’re in for a treat! Chris Cloutier discusses the rapid changes in technology and what that means for our industry. If you’re not a fan of new technology, then consider this your opportunity to learn a slice of the future and get on board before it steamrolls you.

New technology is going to happen no matter what, it’s just a question of accepting it and adapting it to your world. The key talking points for this episode reside at remarakableresults.biz/e638

Scan Tools Part 1 [RR 629]

Scan Tools Part 1 [RR 629]

Scan tools…who should be the one investing in scan tools? The owner? The technician? How often are you turning away jobs because you don’t have the right tool? Does a journeyman plumber need to buy their own tools to do a job? I don’t think so! These are all questions we cover in this episode with Matt Fanslow, Keith Perkins, and Bill Nalu. A wide-open panel discussion you will enjoy and learn just one thing.

The key talking points for this episode reside at remarkablersults.biz/e629

The Evolution of SEO: Make Your Website the Best For Search – Brain Walker [RR 580]

The Evolution of SEO: Make Your Website the Best For Search – Brain Walker [RR 580]

In this episode, we have Brian Walker talking about the basic core principles of SEO. We will be diving into websites, quality content, search engine, Google’s algorithm of search intent, marketing and many more areas that helps you improve your website.
Brian was a Mercedes Benz Master dealer tech and was ASE certified with L1. He owned Peak Automotive in Apex, NC. He is also the co-owner of Shop Marketing Pros. He does “Done for you” marketing services for auto repair shops.

We talked about websites and optimizations. A few years back you can trick search engines to position your sites a little bit higher but now SEO or search engine optimization has evolved. AI’s are being used to make search engines think like a human. It can adapt well. This means we have to go back to the basic core principles of why your site ever existed.

Find the show notes at https://remarkableresults.biz/e580.

RR 476: Chris Cloutier and Scott Brown – Productivity Hacks

Chris Cloutier and Scott Brown – What does it take to become more Productive and Efficient?

There are a lot of ways to become productive and efficient. There are a lot of strategies and systems that can be followed by just hearing this episode. Follow the process, improve communication, leverage to software technologies, learn to improve diagnostic methods and a whole lot more!

The experts: Chris Cloutier and Scott Brown. Chris is the co-owner of Golden Rule Auto Care in Dallas Texas and CEO of Auto Tex Me. He spent many years in the software industry developing solutions for companies. And Scott is an ASE Master Certified Automobile Technician with over three and a half decades of professional service industry experience. He and his wife own Connie & Dick’s Service Center Inc. Together they are the productivity and efficiency duo that bring results.

RR 303: Jason Soto from Mobilesoft.com

There’s an APP for that!

Ever thought of connecting with your customer with your own APP. Did you know that a smartphone app is a retention strategy?

Ever thought of the challenges with social media to get your message heard? What if you could push a message to a user of your app? Will your customer have a stronger relationship with you if your app is on their phone?

Jason Soto from Mobile Soft Technology talks about the value of having your own smartphone app. Interesting concepts you need to know about. Learn about this tool and how it could work for you in your quest to create customers for life.

RR 299: Christopher Petersen from Northwest Automotive

Shop Owner For Only 2 ½ Years Makes Big Moves: Buys a Building And Retrofits It Into a State Of The Art Facility.

Christopher Petersen from Northwest Automotive in Kalispell, MT has only been a shop owner for 2 ½ years. A twenty-two-year industry veteran, Chris made the leap to shop ownership and found himself owning two properties. He shares the story and explains that his bank showed the confidence in him to support these transactions.

Good take-a-ways here on DVI, and staying on the cutting edge of change. Chris says If it is not documented, then it didn’t happen. He’s got a porter on staff and he shares how important his people are to his culture and that his loyal and happy customers are a direct reflection of him putting his people first.

RR 288: Jorge Antico from eAutoClub.com

Customer Transaction Data is a Powerful Resource for Organic Growth

With a business and computer science education, Jorge Antico identified the aftermarkets need for transactional service-data aggregation. In essence, a family-owned vehicle fleet service management system.

The data that sits on your server contains a treasure of information that can be served up in just the right way. With the right AI software for natural language predictive CRM, you can do a lot with your information. Antico shares the power of growing your business using the data you already own.

This episode will provide much insight, from a tech perspective. There are many strong thinking moments here that will energize your systems and marketing talents and inspire you to grow your business.