Here are the two most recent episodes

The Invisible Paycheck: Retention Strategies Beyond Pay [THA 403]

Oct 18, 2024

Recorded at the 2024 ASTA Expo, explore key strategies for hiring, compensating, and retaining skilled technicians in the automotive industry. This episode highlights the significance of comprehensive benefits beyond pay.

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Ego Death and Leadership: Redefining Success [RR 999]

Oct 18, 2024

Recorded at the ASTA Expo, discover strategies for scaling businesses, attracting top talent, and implementing efficient workflows. Tune in to gain valuable knowledge on leadership, accountability, and how continuous learning can drive transformative success in your automotive business.

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Have You Started Your Apprentice Program? [THA 216]

Mar 25, 2021

Have You Started Your Apprentice Program? [THA 216]

How many times have you heard “there is a technician shortage problem.” Is there really a technician shortage or is the real problem that there is a shortage of qualified technicians?

In this episode, we discuss the entire apprenticeship journey through the eyes of Jason Molinar. Find out how Jason literally switched gears as a pharmacy technician to becoming McNeil’s Auto Care’s most recent apprentice graduate.

As a business owner, the solution to staffing issues and shortages is…you. Now’s the time to build an apprentice program and “grow your own” technician. Jason’s story is powerful and should motivate you to start. A must listen to help ensure your business continues into the future.

Employee Review Process with Bryan Kelley [RR 625]

Mar 23, 2021

Employee Review Process with Bryan Kelley [RR 625]

Employee Review …two dreaded words for both the owner and the employee. But, with my guest Bryan Kelley’s unique approach it might be something everyone looks forward to. Bryan owns Valley Automotive Electric, Covington, WA, and is the ASA Northwest President. Brian and I did an episode on Hiring practices in Feb 2021 episode 611 and is the perfect pairing to this episode.

In this episode, we dive into a role reversal with employee reviews. Should it always be the owner that does the reviews? Are they the ones observing the day-to-day pulse of the business? Some are … some not. What if the employee reviews were done with everyone in the business as a collective group once a week? The culture of your business is dependent on the attitudes of your employees. It’s time to sit back and listen to what your people have to say.

Mitch Schneider and Shop Tour at Mark’s Independent with Colleen Yarger [AW 045]

Mar 20, 2021

Guest Host Mitch Schneider from Mitch’s World and Misfire the Book. Virtual Shop Tour by Colleen Yarger, owner of Mark’s Independent in Chatsworth, CA. Trivia Challenge: What did Ford Motor Company introduce as an audio option in 1965? Listen for the fortune cookie wisdom of the week

EOS Part 2: Vision with Barry Barrett [RR624]

Mar 19, 2021

We are on part 2 of our 7 part series on the Entrepreneurial Operating System with Barry Barrett a certified EOS implementer. The EOS system includes simple concepts and practical tools that help entrepreneurs get the most out of their business. There’s finally a system to build your leadership team through vision, traction and healthy disciplines
In this part we are covering “Vision,” the foundation of your business. As a business owner, it is critical to get everyone on board with where you are going and how you will get there. And that starts with establishing your core values and focus within the business and mapping out short-term and long-range goals. It’s time to put your ideas and brainstorming thoughts on paper.

Rethinking Your ASE Certification [THA 215]

Mar 18, 2021

Rethinking Your ASE Certification [THA 215]

Did you know you need a license to cut hair but you don’t need a license or certifications to change brakes on a vehicle? And why do industry owners and technicians not value ASE certifications? That is the question of the day.

Joining me on this lively discussion on ASE is Trish Serratore, Sr. VP Communication, ASE, Mark Murphy, Lead Technician, Dynamic Automotive and technician and mentor Bryan Stafford from Parkway Automotive in Little Rock, AR

A great way to attract and keep customers is by letting them know YOU have certified technicians working on their vehicles. It is also a strong part of your value proposition. Now think about this …… If you value your ‘career’ in our industry wouldn’t ASE Certification be at the top of your list?

Don’t let the fear of failure keep you from taking the tests, there are practice tests and plenty of support located on the website to guide you along the way including the new recertification app.

Lessons on 3rd Generation Family, Networking and the Front Counter- Steve Mancinelli [RR 623]

Mar 16, 2021

Lessons on 3rd Generation Family, Networking and the Front Counter [RR 623]

I caught up with Steve Mancinelli, AMAM, who proudly wears the scars of battle as a 3rd generation shop owner. Family business, networking, and learning how to run a great business are challenges we all face and Steve shares his many moves through the labyrinth of barriers that got him to where he is today. In his section of Denver, there have been 6 shops and 23 service bays have closed since the pandemic hit. Either they liquidated, retired, or moved due to high rent in the downtown area during the pandemic. Besides many wise thoughts, Steve talks about women at the front counter.

The key talking points reside at

Chris Cloutier – 20 Questions in 30 Minutes [RR 622]

Mar 12, 2021

Chris Cloutier – 20 Questions in 30 Minutes [RR 622]

Here is another 20 Questions in 30-minute episode with Chris Cloutier of and Golden Rule Auto Care.

This unique format puts Chris in the driver’s seat as he answers some tough questions about his passions, business, and life in general. This is one of those interviews that I enjoy doing, and you’ll hear that Chris and get lost in his answers.

The key talking points for this episode with Chris Cloutier resides at

Preventing Zoom Burnout [THA 214]

Mar 10, 2021

Preventing Zoom Burnout [THA 214]

Ever get burnt out on a zoom meeting or call?

The pandemic has caused us social creatures, to go indoors and away from our friends at conferences and training events. However, Technology stepped in to keep us ‘in the loop’ and engaged. Zoom was embraced along with other video conferencing platforms to give us virtual training and even cocktail parties.

Just talking to industry friends I found that for the majority we are ‘zoomed out’. Is that a real verb? So it was time to talk about it.

This panel says they are maxed out on virtual training, but we took it a step future. We all realized that virtual is here to stay. We will have hybrid training, some face-to-face and some virtual and we talk about it.

The panel says the presenters need to learn new virtual training techniques and the participants need to participate. A very eager panel that has some really great ideas on how to zoom!

This episode’s key talking points are already done for you. Find them at

The Virtual Service Advisor [RR 621]

Mar 9, 2021

The Virtual Service Advisor [RR 621]
Amidst the pandemic scare, shops have taken advantage of VoIP, cloud services and new technologies to serve their customers. Some have had to put their service advisor working from home for various reasons. Imagine having support for your counter in the virtual world. Is there is a future for a Virtual Service Advisor?

Our guest today, Robbie Bunch became a virtual service advisor because of the pandemic and has excelled at it. His previous experience helped make this a reality for a shop he supports. Not only is Robbie Bunch doing Virtual Service Advisor work for a shop he continues to work for his other business “Platform Digital Marketing.”

Robbie and I toss out the idea of creating an entire industry of Virtual Service Advisors to support shops when your business is growing but not in need of a full-timer or when you lose a Service Advisor and while you are looking to hire a new person to rely on a Virtual Service Advisor to take up the slack. This episode will get you thinking.

The key talking points reside at

Millennials A to Z – Part 2 – Sara Fraser [RR 620]

Mar 5, 2021

Millennials A to Z Part 2 – Sara Fraser [RR 620]

Sara from Haas Performance Consulting will cover a large swath of millennials’ behaviors as it relates to being a customer or a team member in your business. Understanding this important and powerful generation will allow you to embrace them to the fullest. You may have millennial children, customers, nieces, and nephews, you may be one — Millennials account for a third of the workforce and you need to know their tendencies as it relates to relationships in the workplace and as customers.

The key talking points for this episode with Sara Fraser reside at

Service Advisor Role Play #5 [THA 213]

Mar 4, 2021

Service Advisor Role Play #5 [THA 213]

Our role play subjects cover closing the expectation gap on the appointment setting call and understanding the importance of building anticipation in making the sale after the results of the DVI. We also covered how to demonstrate the effectiveness of the Service Advisor in calming the customer while building value in their services and retaining the sale. Lastly, we talked about the effective way in deferring services at the cash-out. All important and vital in building you or service advisor team.

The panel includes Clint White from Shop Vision, Dan McWilliams from Quality Service Center and Ben Lesueur from Oxford Automotive. They put their service advisor strategies for you to follow.

Find ways to compare and improve your confidence and comfort in the face of your customer. Together we have something here. This episode’s key talking points are already done for you. Find them at

ASE Update: Approaching 50 Years of Certification Excellence [RR 619]

Mar 2, 2021

ASE Update: Approaching 50 Years of Certification Excellence [RR 619]

As a listener, I know how much you care about ASE and the value it brings to your people, your quality, and your commitment to excellence.

Did you know that ASE will be 50 years old next year? I’ve done episodes on ASE yet it is time to get an important update from ASE Sr. Vice President Communications, Trish Serratore.

She will cover what is happening with ASE now and into the future. We talk ADAS, the ASE renewal app, and the future related to remote proctoring and recertification tests at home.

The key talking points reside at

Never the Cheapest but the Best Value Shop – Travis Guy [RR 618]

Feb 26, 2021

Never the Cheapest but the Best Value Shop – Travis Guy [RR 618]

Welcome to the 618th episode of Remarkable Results Radio.

In keeping with my goal to showcase our young owners and their rise to ownership, you’ll love this story as my Guest Travis Guy came into the family business via the hospitality industry. Specifically Disney. Do you think he may have learned a lot about how to embrace a customer? A fun and transparent interview with Travis, He says he sees the flaws we have as an industry and tells it straight about being paid for our worth and value.

Travis Guy hails from Yourba Linda Auto Service, Placentia, CA along with his brother Tim, and Dad Danny makes up the family business. He gives you a refreshing take on the state of our industry from a young owner’s perspective. We can learn a few things from Travis.

The key talking points for this episode with Travis resides at
Thanks for being here in the front row of life in the automotive service business.

Charging What We are Worth [THA 212]

Feb 25, 2021

THA 212 Charging What We Are Worth

We are talking about charging what we truly are worth. Yes this topic dives into your reluctance to charge enough so you can sustain a real profitable business. Breaking even is just a hobby. Many don’t feel that they can actually make a real living serving their customer … repairing cars.

This episode exposes the elephant in the room. Emotion is a big driver in your worth and what you charge. Do you truly know the value of your business and your overall cost of doing business? If you did, you would not be working for Free.

Our panel nails this episode in all the proper places. With me is Carlo Sabucco, 2nd generation owner of Sil’s Complete Auto Care Centre, Maylan Newton, business coach from ESI – Educational Seminars Institute, and Glenn Larson, from Foothill Autoservice, Lake Forest, CA

This episode’s key talking points are already done for you. Find them at

A Shop Fire. What Happened? Resolution. Aftermath. Prevention. Matt Fanslow [RR 617]

Feb 23, 2021

A Shop Fire. What Happened? Prevention? Resolution! Aftermath [RR 617]

We don’t know what the future holds especially when it comes to our businesses. We work hard every day and never expect something would happen to disrupt our world. An important question …. how prepared are we? We all feel horrible when certain tragedies, disasters, or near disasters impact our fellow colleagues.

Matt Fanslow, a strong contributor to the podcast shares his story, of a fire at Riverside Automotive in Redwing, MN that happened in January 2021, It’s a story that you need to hear and let touch you, and then push you toward a total safety, systems, and insurance review. There is a lot to learn in this episode, so bury yourself in the audio and give this episode as homework for your team and then follow it up with a discussion.

Matt Fanslow, is the lead diagnostician and /shop manager and talks about being proactive and learn the things you can do ahead of time to minimize catastrophic failure. The key talking points reside at

EOS Part 1: How EOS helps Owners Get More Out of Their Business – Barry Barrett [RR 616]

Feb 19, 2021

EOS Part 1: How EOS helps Owners Get More Out of Their Business – Barry Barrett [RR 616]

Here is a first in a series with Barry Barrett, a Certified EOS Implementer. Barry talks about how the Entrepreneur Operating System helps entrepreneurs get what they want from their business and to Understand how to make your leaders get on the same page with you and have Traction by helping them become more disciplined and accountable.

This episode is an overview of EOS. Barry and I will bring you seven episodes, released over time to help you better understand the disciplines and power of the Entrepreneurial Operating System or EOS. There are shop owners engaged in EOS and it is having a huge impact on their business.

The key talking points for this episode with Barry reside at
Thanks for being here in the front row of life in the automotive service business.

Retirement Plans and Profit Sharing Insights [THA 211]

Feb 18, 2021

Retirement Plans and Profit Sharing Insights

We are talking about retirement plans. If you asked your people if they had a retirement account or even a decent nest egg you will most likely get a blank stare or a no answer.

You just discovered an important benefit you can provide your people. Sure you’ve got to have the profits in the company to start up a program like this, but there are many creative ways to start a 401K and/or profit-sharing program.

First off we are not giving any advice or are even qualified to give advice. This is an open discussion among your peers to get your thoughts started, or even to educate you on this potential employee benefit. You need to contact a certified financial planner, your accountant, and possibly an attorney if you get serious about creating another benefit that keeps your team working for you.

Invest in this episode even if you don’t have a glimmer about providing a retirement saving discipline for your people. You may not be ready today, but the information in this episode will give you ideas and insights if ever you consider doing this.

My guests today are Greg Skolnik from Motor Works in Rockville, MD, and Sabrina Gatewood from King Amaco. As shop owners, they both have a perspective and opinion on retirement plans for your people.

This episode’s key talking points are already done for you. Find them at Let’s talk about it.

New Technology – Finding Out How it Works – Dave Hobbs Part 3 [RR 615]

Feb 16, 2021

New Technology – Finding Out How it Works – Dave Hobbs Part 3 [RR 615]

Welcome to the 3rd part in a series with trainer Dave Hobbs.

Dave Hobbs is the lead technical trainer and course developer for Delphi Product and Service Solutions. Dave talks about innovations in ADAS, calibrating radar, education for tech and shop owners, brainstorming ADAS class for customers, safety, new technologies and why the automotive industry is deemed an essential business.

Hear Dave’s surprising acronyms: FRED, WARPand EWFM. Some new vocab for you.

You can find Dave Hobbs’ other episodes, and this episode’s key talking points, they reside at Remember make listening HOMEWORK.

What it Takes to Be the Leader of a Family Business [RR 614]

Feb 12, 2021

What it Takes to Be the Leader of a Family Business [RR 614]

We welcome Esteban Gonzales, owner of Proshop Automotive to the podcast. Here is a great story about change. Esteban needed to face reality and change his mindset and adapt to what it actually took to run a proper auto repair business.

So many can relate to Esteban and many have yet to face the hard fact that it is not easy to run a profitable service business. Esteban laments that knowing the business numbers and assembling a great team with the same passion is a different story.

This is a true family business. His older brother is a master tech, his younger brother and sister work on the front counter. His parents even live next to the shop and they eat home-cooked meals every day. That tight family bond is what makes their team a success. Check out Esteban’s advice to shop owners and understand why networking is very important in the long run. This keeps with my goal of providing you inspiring stories from the young shop owners who will be leading our industry into the future.

The key talking points reside at

Where the Money Goes – The $100 Lesson [THA 210]

Feb 11, 2021

THA 210 Where the Money Goes – The $100 Lesson

How many times do you get a great idea on an exercise you can share with your team …. one that helps your people respect and understand the costs of running a business? My guest Patrick McHugh and I will show you a fun and profound exercise on what happens to a $100 transaction … exactly where the money goes. Welcome to the 210th episode of the Town Hall Academy.

It is important that your people get a chance to see your Profit and Loss Statement, but for many, it will be a very difficult learning curve. We have a very simple way to do it that will make respecting margin, costs, and net profits in a whole new way.

This exercise will change the way you and your people look at the numbers and what it takes to grow a strong and profitable business.

My guest today is Patrick McHugh from Bimmer Rescue in Richmond, VA. and we have a story for you! This episode’s key talking points are already done for you at

Discover the Hard Truths. Fix Your Attitude. [RR 613]

Feb 9, 2021

Discover the Hard Truths. Fix Your Attitude. [RR 613]

Another deep storyline. A story of attitude change and personal growth. Carl Hutchinson from Complete Automotive in Springfield, MO helps you by sharing how he overcame negative emotions and negative energy to forge a new and positive attitude. He says that he was not always the nice guy that he is today. Carl explains his re-invention and being grateful to the people in his life as a turning point in his career.

Carl Hutchinson is a founding member of the Midwest Autocare Alliance. His story of attitude adjustment will help many who listen to his story. If you know someone who can benefit from Carl’s story so please share this episode. This is why I podcast. It is stories like this that keeps you in the front row of life in the auto service business.

You can find Carl Hutchinson’s other episodes, and this episode’s key talking points, they reside at This is why I podcast.

How To Make Your Business Better and More Productive Than What it is Today? – Bob Greenwood [RR 612]

Feb 5, 2021

How To Make Your Business Better and More Productive Than What it is Today? – Bob Greenwood [RR 612]

I’m with aftermarket business coach Bob Greenwood, AMAM, of the Automotive Aftermarket E-Learning Centre Ltd. Bob, sees too many shop owners working in their business instead of on it. He created 22 questions for his clients to help them make them better at working on their business. It is the answers to the questions that help determine what they need to work on. As Bob has told me, some shop owners get in their office and say. ‘Now what do I do’. Most don’t know the first step on how to work on their business. The answers to these questions will help them focus.

Bob and I picked 5 questions from his list of 22 that we will discuss in this episode. So as you listen to learn just one thing … keep in mind this question.“How do I make my business better and more productive than what it is today?”

The key talking points reside at

Building Deep Ties to the Community [THA 209]

Feb 4, 2021

THA 209 Building Deep Ties to the Community

Do you agree that paying it forward and creating a lasting rapport with your own community goes a long way?

Being involved in your community is more important than you know. When you support from the heart never expect to get something back. Our episode today tackles and explains exactly why connections and network within your community is essential as well as it is necessary.

Part of branding your business includes your support of the community. I’m with Jennifer Filzen from Rock Star Marketing and Author of the new book “The Give To Get Principle: How Relationships & Reciprocity Build Raving Fans”, Carl Hutchinson from Complete Automotive, Springfield, MO, Patrick Dolder of PALS Ocala Auto Repair, Ocala, FL, and Sue Morsching, Elysian Auto Service, Elysian, MN. You can learn a lot from this community-engaged panel.

This episode’s key talking points are already done for you. They reside on the show notes page at

Hiring Practices with Bryan Kelley [RR 611]

Feb 2, 2021

Hiring Practices with Bryan Kelley [RR 611]

When we talk about hiring, there are a lot of questions that come to mind. You may have already in your business life hired and fired a hundred people. Hiring can be an art, especially if you are looking for just that right team member. Bryan Kelley realized that he needed to get a process down to help improve the quality of the individual he added to his team and business culture.

Bryan Kelley, the shop owner of Valley Automotive, Covington, WA and president of ASA Northwest, has been a great contributor to the podcast. He will share his hiring practices and the reason why he does them.

This is one of those gems of a podcast that keeps you in the front row of life in the auto service business.

We get into the critical importance to hire a cultural fit, interviews, processes and offers. Bryan also gets into job posting, job description and specific indicators you need to find in a good hire.

You can find Bryan Kelley’s other episodes, and this episode’s key talking points, they reside at This is why I podcast.

The Give to Get Principle: How Relationships & Reciprocity Build Raving Fans [RR 610]

Jan 29, 2021

The Give to Get Principle: How Relationships & Reciprocity Build Raving Fans [RR 610]

We are happy to introduce Jennifer Filzen’s Fifth book which is out now on Amazon. The Book “The Give to Get Principle: How Relationships & Reciprocity Build Raving Fans” is a book that you can use as a tool to give back to the industry and to your community. If you are not involved enough in your community, you should be. Let this episode push you into paying it forward.

Jennifer CEO of Rock Star Marketing, a digital marketing agency, will help you discover these three important principles you need in your life. Your Why, Your Superpower, and Your Attitude. If you only work on these three, you will improve.

The incredibly successful businesses in our industry are extremely community-minded and involved. Use this episode as inspiration to take your community to the next level.

The key talking points reside at

Stop Selling From Your Wallet [THA 208]

Jan 28, 2021

THA 208 Stop Selling From Your Wallet

Too many times we think about our own money tolerance instead of the customer needs. We think what others believe is a lot of money to us is not. We also can’t fathom people paying what they do for services because we would not. We have different lines in the sand when it comes to price perception and if you sell from your own wallet you’ll limit yourself, do what is not necessarily right for your customer and limit your potential, not only for yourself but for the business.

In other words, don’t make the decision for your customer. Let them decide. We play a really insightful game that you need to do with your team.

I’m with Brian Gillis of You Net Results, who brought this excellent topic and the neat game we play, also Andy Arndt of Arndt Automotive in Malta, IL. And Keith Knowlton of LKS Auto Repair, Bremerton, Wa. They bring sound, practical, and professional advice for all of us to stop selling from our own wallets. Too many times we think about our own money tolerance instead of the customer’s needs.

This episode’s key talking points are already done for you. They reside on the show notes page at

MSO: 18 Team Members Tested Positive for Covid. How We Survived [RR 609]

Jan 26, 2021

MSO: 18 Team Members Tested Positive for Covid. How We Survived [RR 609]

What can we learn from this unprecedented year? A lot!

Our story today is of a hard hit multi-store operation (MSO) and how it survived 18 team members who contracted Covid-19. The preparation years before Covid-19 was to become a pandemic is the anchor in this story. It is proof of concept. Build a strong culture, put your people first, love your customers, engage all the latest technology and systems, and have strong processes and procedures. With all that in place, you can navigate just about anything.

Dwayne Myers from Dynamic Automotive from Frederick, MD, and his partners, Jose Buesso and Lee Foreman put their company in the position to fight through their Covid-19 barrage and come out the other side in decent shape. Surviving the ordeal was gut-wrenching and thought reflecting. Yet they did. This is homework for you to Listen to Learn Just One Thing!

You can find Dwayne Myers’s other episodes, and the key talking points, they reside at

Career Upgrade: Service Manager to Shop Owner at 29 Years Old [RR 608]

Jan 22, 2021

Career Upgrade: Service Manager to Shop Owner at 29 Years Old [RR 608]

In keeping with my goal to interview new shop owners and the upcoming youth of our industry. Here is an incredible story.

Our episode today a succession story from a non-family internal candidate. A trusted service manager who hasn’t even purchased her first home.

Welcome, Colleen Yarger. She trained in the hotel industry for more than 10 years and has risen through the ranks as a service manager. Amazing that this 29-year-old has taken steps to become a shop owner. Despite her young age, she doesn’t lack the talent and has been guided by former owner Mark Goldsmith who has been a great supporter of the RR podcast.

This episode shows what is possible and how Colleen seized many opportunities she had presented to her starting with my friend Maylon Newton, then with Ryan Tunison. Lots of great inspiration to see what can be possible when you capitalize on every situation presented.

The key talking points reside at

Pre Scheduling Appointments – The Time Has Come [THA 207]

Jan 21, 2021

THA 207 Pre Scheduling Appointments – The Time Has Come

Welcome to the 207th episode of the Town Hall Academy. Right up front l want to warn you. This discussion may just change the way you do business. I want you to give it your all and when done implement the tactics you discover. I know your business will blossom.

Scheduling future appointments is not a new concept. You know about it but have never decided it was good for your business or your customer. We have solid statistics that demonstrate that 59% of your customers are willing and ready to accept a future appointment for maintenance service. Ever walk out of the dentist’s office without your next hygiene appointment. How about a hair salon?

I’m with Bill Thompson, Craig Noel, and Greg Skolnik. Bill Thompson brings his critical data to support this strategy, Greg has been doing this for years and has the data to prove the strength of the strategy and Craig is starting to pre-book now.

There was a ton of passion flowing throughout this episode. I believe you’ll be moved to start in your business. So …. Let’s talk about it.

This episode’s key talking points are already done for you. They reside on the show notes page at Enjoy.

Brainstorming on Shop Ownership – A Business Not a Hobby [RR 607]

Jan 19, 2021

Brainstorming on Shop Ownership – A Business Not a Hobby [RR 607]

Chris Cotton once again shares his experience on shop ownership. Chris warns that buying your first shop and or getting into business as a new auto repair shop is not a cakewalk. Just because you know stuff about cars and love working on them doesn’t make it easy. You don’t treat it like a hobby, you treat it like a business.

Strong words of wisdom from Chris warning those who venture into shop ownership must have strong financial goals to reach. You need to have a lot of brainstorming or planning sessions to come out successfully. You will not be an overnight success. A fun and fast-paced episode. Make listening to it your homework.

You can find Chris Cotton’s other episodes and the key talking points at

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