Our Team Sold Jobs While Stuck at the Kansas City Airport [AW 096]

Guest host and shop tour with Shawn Gilfillan, Automotive Magic, Kenvil, NJ. Shawn and his team were stuck at the Kansas City airport after Vision 2022, but that didn’t stop them. They worked remotely while using the communication training they received over the weekend. 


Talking Tech: SVI, ADAS, Perception Systems, and Ethernet with Joe Register [RR 708]

Talking Tech: SVI, ADAS, Perception Systems, and Ethernet with Joe Register [RR 708]

Consider this episode a blitz round table with Joe Register, Vice-President Emerging Technologies at the AutoCare Association, we are discussing, emerging technology, ADAS, electrification, the Right to Repair Act and more. Vehicles have never been more connected and complicated than now and it’s critical to pause and learn about the intricacies involved.


Keith Perkins Mobile Diagnostician and Tour of his Vans [AW 078]

Keith Perkins Mobile Diagnostician and Tour of his Vans [AW 078]

Guest host Keith Perkins, L1 Automotive Diagnostics and Programming, Tulsa, OK
Keith also operates the L1 Automotive Training company that offers advanced level automotive training on-site and online at www.L1Training.com. See or hear a tour of his three Mobile Diag Vans.


Growing Pains When Scaling Your Business [RR 683]

Growing Pains When Scaling Your Business [RR 683]

We all know growing pains happen when expanding your business to more locations. It’s tough, necessary, and normal. But wouldn’t it be nice to skip some of the known challenges? Consider this episode your “How to Scale” road map if you’ve been considering opening more locations. Listen and learn from a shop owner and one of his Directors, as they share some tactics to controlled chaos.


Scan Tools Part 3 [RR 678]

Scan Tools Part 3 [RR 678]

Same crew, Matt Fanslow, Keith Perkins and Bill Nalu from Part 1 and 2 and in this episode we are hearing about preferred scan tool preferences by platform. We also hammer about the investment the shop needs to make in scan tools for the team and some additional myths. The team speaks to the difference between a scan tool and a diagnostic platform.


Bonus: Advancing the Aftermarket – We are an Industry to be Proud and Rivaled [Bonus 10]

Bonus: Advancing the Aftermarket – We are an Industry to be Proud and Rivaled [Bonus 10]

Advancing the Aftermarket. We have amazingly smart people in our industry. If anyone would ever say that the independent automotive aftermarket is made up of car fix hobbyists who just want to fix cars, partially true but you and I know better we are working hard to run great businesses, employ top people and keep the transportation needs of our customers safe and reliable. remarkableresults.biz/b010

Social Media 101: Lead Gen, IOS Changes, Boosting [RR 674]

Social Media 101: Lead Gen, IOS Changes, Boosting [RR 674]

Are you a do-it-yourselfer when it comes to handling your own marketing campaign for the business? Where do you start? What’s the best way to target your audience? How do you set up ads for Facebook that are going to really work? It can become frustrating very fast and so many people end up throwing in the towel. In this episode, Christina Modesti from Mode Marketing Agency outlines simple steps to point you on the right track. As she explains, “you don’t win or lose in marketing and advertising, you win or learn.” Keep in mind that Cristina’s husband owns a shop so she does have a great perspective.


All Electric Vehicle Business Model – Dave Giles [RR 672]

All Electric Vehicle Business Model – Dave Giles[RR 672]

This is a fascinating business model and one that Makes EV’s a specialty, no different than Euro Shops. With OE commitments and government mandates to roll out EV’s and reduce the production of the internal combustion engine, we all need to be schooled in the ‘What’s Next’ indoctrination. It is time to look ahead before you get left behind. David Giles discusses how his electric and hybrid-only business has become a huge success. Keep in mind progress is impossible without change.


Scan Tools Part 2 [RR 669]

Scan Tools Part 2 [RR 669]

Same crew, Matt Fanslow, Keith Perkins and Bill Nalu from part 1 and we came together to discuss the myths of which scan tool will do a better job and if the words “Scan tool,” is the right term to define this device. Also, many do not know that you can buy an OE scan tool from the dealer. Yes another deep discussion and if you didn’t listen to Scan Tools Part 1 it is episode 629 released in April 2021. remarkableresults.biz/e669

Cut through the Fog on the Future of Electric Vehicles – Derek Kaufman [RR 661]

Cut through the fog on the Future of Electric Vehicles – Derek Kaufman [RR 661]

If you’re tired of hearing the buzz about electric vehicles, don’t sneer at it, embrace the information. Knowledge is power… that helps you react. Are you going to face the inevitable change in the industry as an opportunity or will you continue to tune out and let your business fall one piece at a time?

Is it too early to keep you informed on the evolution of EV? Not at all. Derek Kaufman brings to the table some very interesting facts and figures to keep you engaged in the evolving Electrification of the Vehicle. This is stuff you need to know. remarkableresults.biz/e661

Interesting New Technology with Chris Cloutier [RR 638]

Interesting New Technology with Chris Cloutier [RR 638]

If you love new technology you’re in for a treat! Chris Cloutier discusses the rapid changes in technology and what that means for our industry. If you’re not a fan of new technology, then consider this your opportunity to learn a slice of the future and get on board before it steamrolls you.

New technology is going to happen no matter what, it’s just a question of accepting it and adapting it to your world. The key talking points for this episode reside at remarakableresults.biz/e638

Supreme Court Ruling with Aaron Lowe [RR 634]

Supreme Court Ruling with Aaron Lowe [RR 634]

April 6th, 2021 was a big day regarding a Supreme Court ruling where Google had violated Oracle’s copyright of its API.

Why are we talking about it and what does this have to do with the aftermarket. A lot. I’m honored to have Aaron Lowe, Senior VP of Regulatory and Government Affairs as my guest. Aaron breaks down the impact that the ruling can and will be to the industry.

Where else will you find important and relevant news coverage than the Remarkable Results Radio Podcast! Learn all about it and the impact it will have on our future. The key talking points for this episode reside on remarkableresults.biz/e634

Scan Tools Part 1 [RR 629]

Scan Tools Part 1 [RR 629]

Scan tools…who should be the one investing in scan tools? The owner? The technician? How often are you turning away jobs because you don’t have the right tool? Does a journeyman plumber need to buy their own tools to do a job? I don’t think so! These are all questions we cover in this episode with Matt Fanslow, Keith Perkins, and Bill Nalu. A wide-open panel discussion you will enjoy and learn just one thing.

The key talking points for this episode reside at remarkablersults.biz/e629

New Technology – Finding Out How it Works – Dave Hobbs Part 3 [RR 615]

New Technology – Finding Out How it Works – Dave Hobbs Part 3 [RR 615]

Welcome to the 3rd part in a series with trainer Dave Hobbs.

Dave Hobbs is the lead technical trainer and course developer for Delphi Product and Service Solutions. Dave talks about innovations in ADAS, calibrating radar, education for tech and shop owners, brainstorming ADAS class for customers, safety, new technologies and why the automotive industry is deemed an essential business.

Hear Dave’s surprising acronyms: FRED, WARPand EWFM. Some new vocab for you.

You can find Dave Hobbs’ other episodes, and this episode’s key talking points, they reside at remarkablersults.biz/e615. Remember make listening HOMEWORK.

Social Media Influencer- Do What is Right and Not Easy [RR 598]

Social Media Influencer- Do What is Right and Not Easy [RR 598]

Matt Fanslow and Scott Brown have been great contributors to the podcast. They also have no-nonsense views about Social Media and the diluting and filtering of information. They talk about the Dunning-Kruger effect and time consumption among other topics as they speak to the good and bad of social media. They do recommend being professional in handling your social media presence. Learn to be professionals in handling your social media presence.

Matt Fanslow is the diagnostic tech/shop manager at Riverside Automotive in Red Wing, MN., and Scott Brown is a shop owner, an ASE Master Certified Automobile Technician and the CEO of Diag.net

You can find Matt and Scott’s previous episodes and the key talking points for this episode at remarkablersults.biz/e598

Electric Vehicles – The Future Unfolds [THA 197]

Electric Vehicles – The Future Unfolds [THA 197]

Welcome to an episode ahead of its time. It may bring forth some brilliant thoughts and strategies moving forward that will help the aftermarket prepare for the future. It will be here sooner than we know.

I’m with John Eppstein, Carolyn Coquillette, Dave Kusa, and Rorry Balmer. We talk about the future with changing technology especially Electric Vehicles. Don’t shy away from this or any other topic that will define your future.

My Academy guests detailed our preparedness, the competitive landscape, predictions, legislation, powertrain, ownership structure, electric vehicles and more along with their recommendations.

If you want the key talking points from this episode, they are already done for you. Go to the show page at remarkableresults.biz/a197.

ADAS and Tech Advances – Joe Register [RR 584]

ADAS and Tech Advances – Joe Register [RR 584]

This episode speaks to Advanced Driver Assistance Systems or ADAS. Joe Register the Vice-President of Emerging Technologies at the AutoCare Association is back. One week ago we talked about Secure Vehicle Interface and this is our follow-up with Joe. He has brought enormous amounts of helpful information on the advancement of technology to my listeners.

Joe Register has over 40 years of experience delivering progressive system solutions to companies in every channel of the Automotive Aftermarket. Joe is well connected through his work in helping to create tech and interface standards with ISO (International Organization for Standards) and SAE (Society of Automotive Engineers).

Find the show notes and the video of Joe’s slides at https://remarkableresults.biz/e584

Secure Vehicle Interface – Standards Evolve as the Vehicle is Part of a Larger Transportation System – Joe Register [RR 582]

Secure Vehicle Interface – Standards Evolve as the Vehicle is Part of a Larger Transportation System – Joe Register [RR 582]

We are talking about Secure Vehicle Interface or SVI. We can’t get enough information on the plethora of technology that is happening at an enormous rate. My guest is Joe Register the Vice-President Emerging Technologies at the AutoCare Association. I love talking to Joe and we’ve done episodes in the past with big uptakes on technology. Joe also brought slides with him so we have the video on our youtube channel and on the show page on the website.

Joe Register has over 40 years of experience delivering progressive system solutions to companies in every channel of the Automotive Aftermarket. This is our third interview and we are also doing an ADAS update look for that soon. I love listening to Joe as he is so well connected through his work in helping to create tech and interface standards with ISO (International Organization for Standards) and SAE (Society of Automotive Engineers).

Find the show notes at https://remarkableresults.biz/e582.

Cybersecurity: Defend and Protect Your Business and Network [RR 581]

Cybersecurity: First Line of Defense for your Business – RR 581

Chris Cloutier has brought his wisdom and insights to the podcast over the years. // he and his brother own Golden Rule Auto Care and is CEO of Autotext.me. Jay Mikulovich is the founder and CEO of Revival Technology LLC. We will be traversing the world of cybersecurity.

As we all know, cybersecurity is the defense and protection of your computers, mobile devices, or any electronic gadgets connected to the internet against any form of malicious software and hackers. You may be saying why me, Carm. I don’t need to care about this.

Many say differently. You’ve got to take a proactive position to minimize threats that loom to affect computer systems. Learn from this episode, the best practices needed to protect your business from threats that include ransomware, viruses, and malware.

Don’t ignore this. We tend to overlook securing our network and systems with the attitude that it will not happen to me. Find the key talking points at remarkableresults.biz/e581

Aftermarket Pros Talk Tesla [RR 552]

Aftermarket Pros Talk about Tesla [RR 552]

In this episode we are talking Tesla and this is a topic I’ve wanted to learn more about as the aftermarket should be a source for service and repairs for this brand. Seth Thorson is servicing them and we pulled a panel together to help you fill in the blanks on where the aftermarket stands as it comes to service and parts for the Tesla.

Find the show notes and key talking points at remarkableresults.biz/e552. Not only do Scott and Seth own Tesla’s, they are working on them, in a limited way, but nonetheless they are learning how to acquire parts, and understand what is going wrong with them. My panel feels that we will be able to play a role in the service of Tesla’s in the future.

The panel: Seth Thorson, Scott Brown, and Matt Fanslow. They are veterans in the industry working on Tesla Vehicles. They know the first-hand issues and workarounds. Learn how they generate energy, securing parts, service and distribution models.

Derek Kaufman on the Future of Battery Electric Drive Vehicles [RR 529]

For 40 years, Derek Kaufman has worked in the Transportation Industry with positions ranging from VP Marketing and Product Planning for Freightliner Trucks, SR VP of Sales, Marketing and Customer Support for Hino Trucks, President of Diesel Technology Co, a subsidiary of Penske Corporation, VP of Fixed Operations for Smart USA and CEO of Mission…

Tech Update: AI and The Autonomous Vehicle [RR 526]

Scott Brown is an ASE Master Certified Automobile Technician with over three and a half decades of professional service industry experience. He and his wife own Connie & Dick’s Service Center Inc., a 57-year-old independent shop in Southern California. With a strong focus on engine performance and electronics, Scott began collaborating with other industry professionals, online,…

Knowing All About ADAS Will Make You a Smarter Technician [RR 519]

Ben Johnson, Director, Project Management, Mitchell 1 ADAS training class- training is maintenance, instructors need the training to give a training class Full class- many was their first time hearing about ADAS  ADAS is not a “thing” it is industry generated category- each car company will use different terms for ADAS systems (ex: blind-spot monitoring),…

RR 487: Joe Register – Will You Be at the Forefront of Technology?

RR 487: Joe Register – Will You Be at the Forefront of Technology?

Joe Register, Vice-President Emerging Technologies at Auto Care. Joe has over 40 years of experience delivering progressive system solutions to companies in every channel of the Automotive Aftermarket. You owe it to yourself to listen to Joe’s previous two episodes 381 and 442.

This episode shows you that there is no hiding from technology. Adapt or Fade. Joe reiterates standardization, immersive perception tech, ADAS, Dedicated Short Range, Security, Safety, Communication, 5G, Re-Calibration, OE operating specs, and so many more.

Joe says that Technicians must continue to train because of the new tech coming. They will have great job security. Shops will need to charge enough to pay for access, systems, and their communication diagnostician specialist to get the vehicle back into OE operating specs.