10 Things That Require Zero Talent [THA 222]
10 Things That Require Zero Talent [THA 222]
What makes a person successful? Is it luck? Is it because they are born to be leaders? Can success be taught or learned? Too often we get caught up in the day-to-day grind, we lose focus on the big picture called life. In this episode, we go back to basics and discuss 10 things that require zero talent that EVERYONE can accomplish. Practice each one and you’ll be amazed at the changes that follow.
You can listen and/or watch the video of this episode and find the key talking points at remarkableresults.biz/a222. They make a great meeting agenda.
Learn Customer Communication Styles: DISC with Emily Chung [RR 636]
Learn Customer Communication Styles: DISC with Emily Chung [RR 636]
As automotive service professionals, it’s our job to educate our customers and clients. But did you ever stop to think about your approach? What is the best way to efficiently communicate with each individual (client) based on how they like to receive information? In this episode with Emily Chung, from AutoNiche, we discuss how and why it is important to code your customer and train your employees.
The key talking points for this episode reside at remarkableresults.biz/e636
Are You Fixing Hybrids Cars? [THA 221]
Are You Fixing Hybrid Cars? [THA 221]
If you’re waiting for a sign to get into hybrid repairs then consider this your wake-up call! You can either sit back and let a specialization opportunity pass you by, or take action and embrace hybrid repairs whose cars have been around for 21 years. Our lineup includes Craig Van Battenburg, Automotive Career Development Center (ACDC), Cameron Lee, Ernie Lee’s Service Center, and Raleigh Hybrids and Eric Carlson.
They are here to help guide you through hybrid repairs, marketing, tooling, and training. The key talking points for this episode on Hybrids reside at remarkableresults.biz/a221
Yellow and Red Envelopes with Seth Thorson [RR 635]
Yellow and Red Envelopes with Seth Thorson [RR 635]
In this episode multishop owner Seth Thorson, Eurotech Auto Repair, explains two important envelopes he has in his office. One is yellow and one is red and they contain key information if he unexpectedly was away from his business.
As shop owners you are constantly working on your business, but did you ever think about what would happen to it if you weren’t around? Where would someone find important passwords or contact information for sustaining your business? No one plans for accidents to happen but it’s important to prepare for the unexpected for your business’s survival, and for your family and employees.
The key talking points for this episode reside at remarkableresults.biz/e635
Specialization with Tom Palermo and John Anello [THA 220]
Specialization with Tom Palermo and John Anello [THA 220]
We are here to talk about specialization. Ever wonder what are the pros and cons to being a specialist in a certain field of repair? In this episode, we discuss fleet business with Tom Palermo, Preferred Auto Specialists, and the world of being a mobile diagnostician/programmer and ADAS calibrator from John Anello, Auto Tech on Wheels.
Listen to their approach to specializations and how they’ve adapted to the changes in our industry. This is Knowledge you need to have as you continue to learn what makes our aftermarket tic.
The key talking points for this episode reside at remarkableresults.biz/a220
ASE Educational Foundation [RR 630]
ASE Educational Foundation [RR 630]
Many of us support education at the high school and college level giving of our time, guidance, and advice to advisory boards. If you are not I highly recommend getting involved. There are not enough independent voices on advisory boards. This is an important show where you will learn the role of the ASE Education Foundation in our schools and who is the biggest poachers of technician talent.
Find the key talking points for this episode at remarkableresults.biz/e630
Women Shop Owners Round Table [CC 087]
In honor of March’s Women History Month, I assembled a panel of lady shop owners to discuss the women’s role in the aftermarket. The ladies brought some wide-ranging perspectives and I loved the trajectory of this discussion. No matter your position or gender in our beloved aftermarket give this episode your due. The ladies were on fire.
Auto Repair in the Decade of the Nineties [THA 217]
Auto Repair in the Decade of the Nineties [THA 217]
It’s quite fitting this episode is being released on a Thursday…because it is the quintessential #throwbackthursday. My panel is taking a trip down memory lane in the 1990’s…the era of OBD2 and the huge shift in technology. Change is never easy but it is always a necessity, hear how my guests handled the changes and adapted in order to move forward. You can watch the video of this episode and find the key talking points at remarkableresults.biz/a217
Have You Started Your Apprentice Program? [THA 216]
Have You Started Your Apprentice Program? [THA 216]
How many times have you heard “there is a technician shortage problem.” Is there really a technician shortage or is the real problem that there is a shortage of qualified technicians?
In this episode, we discuss the entire apprenticeship journey through the eyes of Jason Molinar. Find out how Jason literally switched gears as a pharmacy technician to becoming McNeil’s Auto Care’s most recent apprentice graduate.
As a business owner, the solution to staffing issues and shortages is…you. Now’s the time to build an apprentice program and “grow your own” technician. Jason’s story is powerful and should motivate you to start. A must listen to help ensure your business continues into the future.
Chris Cloutier – 20 Questions in 30 Minutes [RR 622]
Chris Cloutier – 20 Questions in 30 Minutes [RR 622]
Here is another 20 Questions in 30-minute episode with Chris Cloutier of AutoText.me and Golden Rule Auto Care.
This unique format puts Chris in the driver’s seat as he answers some tough questions about his passions, business, and life in general. This is one of those interviews that I enjoy doing, and you’ll hear that Chris and get lost in his answers.
The key talking points for this episode with Chris Cloutier resides at remarkablersults.biz/e622.
Preventing Zoom Burnout [THA 214]
Preventing Zoom Burnout [THA 214]
Ever get burnt out on a zoom meeting or call?
The pandemic has caused us social creatures, to go indoors and away from our friends at conferences and training events. However, Technology stepped in to keep us ‘in the loop’ and engaged. Zoom was embraced along with other video conferencing platforms to give us virtual training and even cocktail parties.
Just talking to industry friends I found that for the majority we are ‘zoomed out’. Is that a real verb? So it was time to talk about it.
This panel says they are maxed out on virtual training, but we took it a step future. We all realized that virtual is here to stay. We will have hybrid training, some face-to-face and some virtual and we talk about it.
The panel says the presenters need to learn new virtual training techniques and the participants need to participate. A very eager panel that has some really great ideas on how to zoom!
This episode’s key talking points are already done for you. Find them at remarkableresults.biz/a214
ASE Update: Approaching 50 Years of Certification Excellence [RR 619]
ASE Update: Approaching 50 Years of Certification Excellence [RR 619]
As a listener, I know how much you care about ASE and the value it brings to your people, your quality, and your commitment to excellence.
Did you know that ASE will be 50 years old next year? I’ve done episodes on ASE yet it is time to get an important update from ASE Sr. Vice President Communications, Trish Serratore.
She will cover what is happening with ASE now and into the future. We talk ADAS, the ASE renewal app, and the future related to remote proctoring and recertification tests at home.
The key talking points reside at remarkablersults.biz/e619.
How To Make Your Business Better and More Productive Than What it is Today? – Bob Greenwood [RR 612]
How To Make Your Business Better and More Productive Than What it is Today? – Bob Greenwood [RR 612]
I’m with aftermarket business coach Bob Greenwood, AMAM, of the Automotive Aftermarket E-Learning Centre Ltd. Bob, sees too many shop owners working in their business instead of on it. He created 22 questions for his clients to help them make them better at working on their business. It is the answers to the questions that help determine what they need to work on. As Bob has told me, some shop owners get in their office and say. ‘Now what do I do’. Most don’t know the first step on how to work on their business. The answers to these questions will help them focus.
Bob and I picked 5 questions from his list of 22 that we will discuss in this episode. So as you listen to learn just one thing … keep in mind this question.“How do I make my business better and more productive than what it is today?”
The key talking points reside at remarkablersults.biz/e612
Proof of Concept [THA 206]
THA 206 Proof of Concept
The pandemic was the test of preparedness, fortitude, leadership, nerves, among others. Our topic “Proof of Concept” is the story behind the strong getting stronger.
The leaders who listened and implemented the strategies being served up by the industry pundits especially coaches over the last 3 to 4 years found themselves in a good place. You’ve heard them enforce on the podcast, … essential tactics like strong business culture, a commitment to training your team, firing non-productive or toxic employees, DVI, Cloud-based software, text to pay and the list goes on like strong leadership. Smart Marketing. Managing KPIs, Good financial statements, building processes, and systems, Etc, etc. In essence, the strong found their pandemic recovery easier than others. That is what we are talking about today: ‘Proof of Concept’
Joining me is Chris Cotton, AJ Nealey, and Michael Gallini. They all agree that they are in a better spot because they implemented and worked the strategies and tactics that the industry is known to create success and sustainable profits. Glad you are here, Let’s Talk About It.
The key talking points from this episode are already done for you on the show notes page at remarkableresults.biz/a206.
The Benefits of Brainstorming Dr. John Passante and Phil Moore [RR 602]
The Benefits of Brainstorming [RR 602]
Let’s create ideas and let’s talk about solving problems. That’s what this episode is all about. I’m with my friend Dr. John Passante, CEO of the Organizational Development Group and a Legacy Aftermarket Human Resource Professional, and Phil Moore, Vice President Sales and Marketing at Federated Auto Parts.
Both have important insight on the power of brainstorming and the discussion will prove to be relevant with tips for your own brainstorming sessions. Also learn how to apply SWOT analysis and make it your own competitive advantage.
You can find my panel’s previous episodes, their bios, and the key talking points for this episode at remarkablersults.biz/e602.
What Will 2021 Be Like? [THA 204]
THA 204 What will 2021 Bring?
Welcome to the 204th episode of the Town Hall Academy as 2020 is ending and 2021 takes over. Covid-19 continues its wrath and still a huge part in our daily lives. Most important is to move forward with the anticipation and excitement of a new year.
So let’s talk about it. I’m with Gene Morrill owner of Certified Automotive in Glendora, CA, Greg Buckley CEO of Buckley Personalized Auto Care in Wilmington, DE and Joe Marconi from Osceola Garage, Baldwin Place, NY.
2021 will continue to be a year of transition. It won’t be easy. The panel talks about moving the couch, reviewing your fundamentals and believes it’s not over yet. If ever a time to be proactive not is it. We still have a lot of unknowns so pay attention to everything because there are many unknowns. The panel did an excellent job assessing their approach to the new year.
The key talking points from this episode are already done for you on the show notes page at remarkableresults.biz/a204.
Reflections of My First Episode and Prudent Advice for the Ages [RR 600]
Reflections of My First Episode and Prudent Advice for the Ages [RR 600]
Welcome to the 600th Episode of Remarkable Results Radio. Enjoy some very candid talk and behind the scenes revelations from some of the very first episodes from my panel.
Along with the fun discussion, the panel dished out some great advice as the podcast continues to set the standard and the tone for aftermarket industry podcasts.
Our longevity is a testament to the leaders from every segment of the industry who have shared so that others have gained. We will continue to bring thought piercing issues and commentaries so that you grow your business acumen. As I said and I mean it from the bottom of my heart, this podcast is dedicated to you for “listening and learning” and for letting me know how much our content means to you. And a big shout out to the sponsors who make the podcast a reality. Please support them.
My guests bring and give color to this milestone event. Not many can reach the lengths we have reached but we have aced it through the support and respect from peers, students, coaches, service advisors, and shop owners. Welcome Greg Buckley from Buckleys, Dwayne Myers from Dynamic, G Jerry Truglia from TST, Bob Greenwood; CEO of AAEC, Kim Auernheimerfrom CS Automotive, and Matt Fanslow from Riverside Automotive.
We’ve reached these milestones, besides the 600th RRR, the 200th Town Hall Academy and the start of Aftermarket Weekly this year only because you are there and use this resource.
You can find our guest’s previous episodes, their bios, and the key talking points for this episode at remarkablersults.biz/e600
Social Media Influencer- Do What is Right and Not Easy [RR 598]
Social Media Influencer- Do What is Right and Not Easy [RR 598]
Matt Fanslow and Scott Brown have been great contributors to the podcast. They also have no-nonsense views about Social Media and the diluting and filtering of information. They talk about the Dunning-Kruger effect and time consumption among other topics as they speak to the good and bad of social media. They do recommend being professional in handling your social media presence. Learn to be professionals in handling your social media presence.
Matt Fanslow is the diagnostic tech/shop manager at Riverside Automotive in Red Wing, MN., and Scott Brown is a shop owner, an ASE Master Certified Automobile Technician and the CEO of Diag.net
You can find Matt and Scott’s previous episodes and the key talking points for this episode at remarkablersults.biz/e598
Hiring Superstars with Jerry Kezhaya and Dr. Laura Shwaluk [RR 594]
Hiring Superstars with Jerry Kezhaya and Dr Laura Shwaluk [RR 594]
Once again I welcome Jerry Kezhaya and Dr. Laura Schwaluk owners of The Auto Shop in Plano, TX, they are also leading Business Builders Mentor and Mastermind USA.
Hiring superstar employees is the goal of every business person I’ve known. Our intention is to find the best of the best in order to seed the company with outstanding and culture driven people. As you and I know, that is not always the case.
How can we get better at recruiting and filtering out just the cream of the crop. Jerry and Dr. Laura will take us through a process and great stories to make their case.
Find Jerry and Laura’s other episodes and the key talking points for this episode at remarkablersults.biz/e594
Science Based Hypnotherapy with Maureen Pisani [RR 590]
Science-Based Hypnotherapy with Maureen Pisani [RR 590]
I’m with Maureen Pisani a Certified Master Hypnotherapist and the founder of ProThrive Science-Based Hypnotherapy, where she works with individuals and groups (both in-person and online) to help empower, streamline success, and truly thrive.
Why this interview? I found the discussion with Maureen refreshingly different. I can see where some never reach their potential, yet we know they have it in them. Maureen offers solutions.
Imagine this as a tool for the automotive aftermarket. You do the math. Unlimited potential and untapped ideas.
We discuss how the brain works in hypnotherapy and the science behind it that proved useful in uplifting and giving us an edge in life! The talking points can be found at remarkablersults.biz/e590
Four Ways to Generate Income Using ESBI with Gerry Frank [RR 587]
Four Ways to Generate Income Using ESBI with Gerry Frank [RR 587]
Gerry Frank, a business coach, and shop owner share Robert Kiyosaki’s famous CashFlow Quadrant in an easy to swallow and digestible way.
It has 4 quadrants and abbreviated as ESBI. He is correlating the ESBI approach to stages in the aftermarket. The stages are Employee, Self-employed, Business Owner, and Investor which relates to an individual starting himself as a technician becomes a shop owner and eventually, becomes an investor.
Find the key talking points, Gerry Frank’s bio, and links to his previous episodes at remarkableresults.biz/e587
Cybersecurity: Defend and Protect Your Business and Network [RR 581]
Cybersecurity: First Line of Defense for your Business – RR 581
Chris Cloutier has brought his wisdom and insights to the podcast over the years. // he and his brother own Golden Rule Auto Care and is CEO of Autotext.me. Jay Mikulovich is the founder and CEO of Revival Technology LLC. We will be traversing the world of cybersecurity.
As we all know, cybersecurity is the defense and protection of your computers, mobile devices, or any electronic gadgets connected to the internet against any form of malicious software and hackers. You may be saying why me, Carm. I don’t need to care about this.
Many say differently. You’ve got to take a proactive position to minimize threats that loom to affect computer systems. Learn from this episode, the best practices needed to protect your business from threats that include ransomware, viruses, and malware.
Don’t ignore this. We tend to overlook securing our network and systems with the attitude that it will not happen to me. Find the key talking points at remarkableresults.biz/e581
Stress Busters to Deal with the Emotional Roller Coaster – Dr. Dave Weiman [RR 579]
Stress Busters to Deal with the Emotional Roller Coaster – Dr. Dave Weiman – RR 579
This year was like any I ever remember. I’m sure you have the same sentiment. COVID-19 hit us and the uncertainty of dealing with protection, safety, and serving our clients was and is a huge part of our daily lives. We are still figuring out our new normal and with it comes new struggles. With that comes mental stresses of all kinds and the roller-coaster swings that can cause emotional highs and lows.
I’m with Dr. David Weiman. He is the president of Weiman Consulting, a leadership consulting firm in Philadelphia PA. He is also an adjunct Assistant Professor at Widener University’s Institute for Graduate Clinical Psychology, and he is a Certified Performance Coach through Johnson & Johnson’s Human Performance Institute. He will talk about keeping clients, overcoming the stress that the pandemic has thrust upon us all and how we can show gratitude to the people we care about.
I so enjoyed this discussion with Dr. Dave and I’m sure you’ll take some great advice on dealing with stress and showing your gratitude. Find the key talking points at remarkableresults.biz/e579
Wealth Building: Become a Financial Adult [RR 575]
Wealth Building: Becoming a Financial Adult [RR 575]
Jerry Kezhaya and his wife Dr. Laura Shwaluk bring you a powerful discussion on wealth and money. Jerry and Dr. Laura own The Auto Shop in Plano, TX. They are also leading Business Builders Mentor and Mastermind USA, helping entrepreneurs accelerate their businesses and open doors of mental blocks that prevent them from succeeding.
We discuss Debt, Wealth Building, Entitlement, Consumerism and Determining a Need or a Want. Surprisingly, 85% of 65 years or older don’t have access to $25,000. That is a very sad percentage knowing that you have worked almost all of your life, but do not reap the benefits!
Let this episode be your springboard to bounce you back to financial stability. The episode talks about Fiat Currency, the distinction between spending and investing, spending habits, and other in-depth financial mechanisms wired deep within you. As you listen, there are a lot of variables on why we fail with money. But there are also a lot of things to help us with what to do about it.
Get Jerry and Laura’s bio and talking points and previous episodes at remarkableresults.biz/e575.
Succession Planning: With an Internal Candidate [THA 190]
THA 190 Succession with an Internal Candidate
In keeping with my goal to keep the succession theme burning as we face the reality that many of you need to retire and sell your business and many of you would like to become business owners.
This episode reveals a transaction with two internal non-family successors. Bob Ward anchors this episode as he helped orchestrate this transaction.
I’m with business owner Steve LaFleur from Prescott Import Car Service and one of the internal co-buyers, Dave Mendez. Dave has worked for Steve for 10 years.
This very candid conversation will help move your succession plans forward and you can get all the key talking points from this episode at remarkableresults.biz/a190. These key talking points will make for a great planning agenda.