Here are the two most recent episodes

The Invisible Paycheck: Retention Strategies Beyond Pay [THA 403]

Oct 18, 2024

Recorded at the 2024 ASTA Expo, explore key strategies for hiring, compensating, and retaining skilled technicians in the automotive industry. This episode highlights the significance of comprehensive benefits beyond pay.

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Ego Death and Leadership: Redefining Success [RR 999]

Oct 18, 2024

Recorded at the ASTA Expo, discover strategies for scaling businesses, attracting top talent, and implementing efficient workflows. Tune in to gain valuable knowledge on leadership, accountability, and how continuous learning can drive transformative success in your automotive business.

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What My Dad Taught Me with Emily Chung [RR 652]

Jun 25, 2021

What My Dad Taught Me with Emily Chung [RR 652]

To those of you that have grown up in this industry, what are your most vivid memories? Was it helping change oil on the car, washing cars, or learning how to drive a standard? Whatever the task was, it is probably ingrained in your memory. Parents have a huge impact on our lives and Emily Chung shares how her father, who owns a national wholesale auto parts business, shaped hers.

Career Paths – Technician to Manager [THA 229]

Jun 24, 2021

Career Paths – Technician to Manager [THA 229]

It’s always interesting to hear the unique paths people have embarked on to be in this industry and to grow in it. Seniority doesn’t always trump leadership skills and a drive to become invested and committed in the business. In this episode, my panel discusses the different career paths that they have taken while working for Dynamic Automotive and their plans for future growth within the company.

Total Management Commitment to Training – BE BOLD with Karim Morsli [RR 651]

Jun 22, 2021

Total Management Commitment to Training – BE BOLD with Karim Morsli [RR 651]

Everyone knows training is one of the most important parts of your business. What kind of training do you do? Are you 100% committed to training? Does your culture reflect continual learning? In this episode, Karim Morsli from Winkler Automotive breaks down the essence of training in a very different way that will get you thinking large. If you are ready to take your training commitment to the next level – this is a required listen.

Chris Cloutier and Virtual Shop Tour with Sam Craven [AW 058]

Jun 19, 2021

Guest host, Chris Cloutier, Golden Rule Auto Care, CEO Virtual shop tour from Sam Craven, The Garagisti, Houston, TX Trivia Challenge: What year launched the Corvette ZR1, nicknamed the ‘King of the Hill” Dorman gives people greater freedom to fix vehicles by constantly developing new repair solutions that put owners and technicians first. By always…

Hitting Rock Bottom and Climbing out [RR 650]

Jun 18, 2021

Hitting Rock Bottom and Climbing out [RR 650]

The hardest part about moving forward is sometimes going backward. Moving out of your comfort zone and embracing change can be a struggle for all of us to do. In this episode, Jeff and Donna Hazeltine share an emotional story that happened just 8 months ago. They had hit rock bottom with their business after losing long-term employees and felt like things couldn’t get any worse.

They had help from their fellow shop owner Troy Vaninetti. Discover how they climbed out and now have a completely different business culture.

Make Price Irrelevant [THA 228]

Jun 17, 2021

Make Price Irrelevant [THA 228]

Everyone strives to implement good customer service. But what about creating an exceptional customer experience?

Being friendly and helpful to customers while repairing their vehicles correctly is plain old expected. In a restaurant or hotel or anyplace for that matter, what is going to push you to remember the experience? Have you asked your customers if you are meeting their expectations? In this episode find out how to elevate your business and culture.

Satellite Location with Tom Grady [RR 649]

Jun 15, 2021

Satellite Location with Tom Grady [RR 649]

So many shop owners want to expand their business but oftentimes have a hard time finding a second location to purchase. You can wait years before a business location becomes available. And sometimes you find the land but building from the ground up isn’t an option for your budget. Have you ever thought about a satellite location?

Tom Grady is in the process of opening his satellite location a few miles away from his current shop. Find out how and why he did it in this real informative episode.

Selling Batteries with Tom Sciortino and John Armstead [CC 092]

Jun 14, 2021

Selling Batteries with Tom Sciortino and John Armstead [CC 092]

How many batteries are you selling in your business per week and per year? Are you testing each battery that comes through the bays no matter what? You might be missing an opportunity to not only make a sale but also gain a customer’s trust that their battery needs to be replaced before it fails. No one wants to get stuck because of a dead battery. Listen and learn from two guys that aren’t shy about sharing how many batteries they sell per week!

Head to the CarmCast Page on my website to listen or watch archived episodes.

ASE Service Professionals Month – Trish Serratore [Bonus 09]

Jun 13, 2021

I’m with Sr. VP of Communications at ASE, Trish Serratore and we discuss some why and how to jump on board with Service Professionals Month. This is a very short listen and we toss up some ideas on how to build momentum inside your community, but more important to thank your people who have invested in their ASE Certifications. There is still time to embrace and support ASE Service Professionals Month.

G Jerry Truglia and Virtual Tour at Dorman Products [AW 057]

Jun 11, 2021

Guest host G Jerry Truglia from TST and Virtual Tour at Dorman Products. Trivia Challenge: Which Car Was Labeled “The Worst Car in History”?

Journaling – Your Personal Case Study with Matt Fanslow [RR 648]

Jun 11, 2021

Journaling – Your Personal Case Study with Matt Fanslow [RR 648]

Do you remember being in school and it seemed like all you were doing was writing? You also memorized phone numbers. With the introduction of cell phones and computers, it seems like our memory bank has shifted. Anything we need is at a click of a button or a quick google search.

In this episode, Matt Fanslow challenges you to go back to the days of journaling and recounting your day. Start keeping a log of success and struggles you face in work and in life. It will help you map out a path to success for yourself. Journaling would be beneficial for new technicians entering our industry that might be overwhelmed. Will you take the time to create your own personal case study? Type it or write it, you choose.

Shop New Build with Seth Thorson and Troy Vaninetti [THA 227]

Jun 10, 2021

Shop New Build with Seth Thorson and Troy Vaninetti [THA 227]

Whether you’re ready to expand to another location, remodeling an existing building or starting from scratch, construction and breaking ground can be very overwhelming with different challenges based on the location. How do you create and build the shop of your dreams?

Shop owners Seth Thorson and Troy Vaninetti share their experiences and offer advice with what they’ve learned during the process. Take this opportunity to get the wheels turning for a future project.

The CEO Commitment with Mike Bennett [RR 647]

Jun 8, 2021

The CEO Commitment with Mike Bennett [RR 647]
As a business owner, are you consciously working towards breaking your own glass ceiling? How do you get the next level mindset, a CEO mindset? In this episode business coach Mike Bennett discusses a unique CEO peer group and coaching program he manages. He has first-hand insights into what it takes to elevate successful shop owners out of daily operations and focus on “what’s next” for their business.
You can find Mike Bennett’s previous episodes on my website

Bill Nalu and Virtual Tour with John Gustafson [AW 56]

Jun 4, 2021

Guest host, Bill Nalu, Owner, Interstate Auto Care, Madison Heights, MI and Virtual Shop Tour with John Gustafson owner, Gustafson Brothers, Huntington Beach, CA. Trivia Challenge: In Christopher Nolan’s film Batman, Bruce Wayne drives a Lamborghini Murcielago. In Spanish What does Murcielago mean?

Leadership Series Part 2 with Mike Davidson – What They See [RR 646]

Jun 4, 2021

Leadership Series Part 2 with Mike Davidson [RR 646]

We are on part 2 of our Leadership Series with Mike Davidson, shop owner and a John Maxwell Certified Teacher, Trainer, and Coach. In this episode, Mike focuses on the idea that what your employees see is what they will be. It’s time to take a moment and realize your behavior has a long-lasting impact on your leadership influence.

Our Industry Needs a Change [THA 226]

Jun 3, 2021

Our Industry Needs a Change [THA 226]

How do we change the mindset of others? Why do owners continue to have the same old thinking that leads to the same old results? Why are technicians leaving the industry? Why isn’t there a draw for an automotive career for young professionals?

If you are listening to this podcast you are making a conscious effort to learn and make a change in your life and your business. How do we get others to follow? In this episode, all these questions and more are discussed by my panel of business coaches. Prepare to be inspired by their passion for change in this industry.

You can find the talking points for this episode and every archived episode on my website

EOS Part 5 – Issues – with Barry Barrett [RR 645]

Jun 1, 2021

EOS Part 5 Issues with Barry Barrett [RR 645]

We are on 5 of our 7 part series on the Entrepreneurial Operating System with Barry Barrett, a certified EOS implementer. Did you know issues aren’t always bad? Sometimes issues can be positive and an opportunity for growth. How many times have “issues” been brought up during team meetings with a discussion that follows but no real solution? In this episode, Barry breaks down how to identify, discuss and solve issues within your business with real-life examples.

You can find Barry’s previous episodes on the EOS system on, just search “Barry Barrett” or “EOS” to find them.

Employee Amenities with JJ Greenfield and Kelly Michel [CC 091]

May 31, 2021

Employee Amenities with JJ Greenfield and Kelly Michel [CC 091]

I recommend you watch the video so you can see pictures of top-notch employee amenities from JJ’s Auto Care and Kelly’s Auto Repair. Both shops are located in Florida, and with that humid summer weather, you’ll see a refreshing way their tech’s beat the heat!

Showing your employees how much you value them can also be as easy as providing lunch once a week or once a month.

Head to the CarmCast Page on my website or my youtube channel to watch the video and find the key talking points for this episode. You might want to watch previous Carmcasts on lean processes and digital signage!

Chris Chesney and Virtual Tour with Judi Haglin [AW 055]

May 28, 2021

Guest host, Chris Chesney, Sr. Director Customer Training, Carquest Technical Institute and Virtual Shop Tour with Judi Haglin, Haglin Motors. Denver, CO. Check out the Trivia Challenge: What Brand on April 29, 2004 Closed its Doors? It was the Oldest Automaker.

Taking Your Toolbox Home with Justin Barrett [RR 644]

May 28, 2021

Taking Your Toolbox Home with Justin Barrett [RR 644]

Justin is the owner of Barrett Automotive and has been trying to pack up his toolbox in the shop for good for the last 11 years. How many other owners out there have trouble leaving the bays?

The temptation is to default to being a technician, you were always most comfortable in that role or to help your team cover the overload. But when you’re a business owner, you have to hang up that hat and put on a different one. Justin shares his struggle.

The key talking points for all episodes reside on my website,

Building Customer Trust [THA 225]

May 27, 2021

Building Customer Trust [THA 225]

We all know building customer trust takes time and doesn’t happen overnight. So when does it happen? It starts with every single touchpoint you make with your customer.

From marketing to the way your storefront looks, and that first phone call, every interaction inches you further in developing trust. Find out how to polish your business in this must-listen episode.

Technician Outlook with Jake Sorensen- Part 1 [RR 643]

May 25, 2021

Technician Outlook with Jake Sorensen [RR 643]

Are you having trouble finding qualified technicians? Have you ever thought about starting an apprentice program but you don’t know where to begin?

In this episode, Jake Sorensen breaks down all the classic questions and concerns that arise with apprentice programs. It’s time to stop complaining about a technician shortage, and start becoming the solution. Are you willing to invest in your employees and your business? If so, keep listening. This episode can change your trajectory for the future of your business.

You can find the key talking points for this episode and every episode released on my website

Clint Dudley and Virtual Tour with Pete McNeil [AW 054]

May 21, 2021

Guest Host Clint Dudley from Shade Tree Auto, Grimes, IA talks about technician pay plans. Check out the Virtual Shop Tour by Pete McNeil from McNeil’s Auto Care, Sandy and Riverton, UT and take the Trivia Challenge

Partnership Agreements with Charlene Parlett [RR 642]

May 21, 2021

Partnership Agreements with Charlene Parlett [RR 642]
Do you remember when you started your business with your wife or friend as your partner? The upside was blue skies and the horizon was never-ending.
No one plans for partnerships to crumble or marriages ending or an unforeseen death to occur. But what happens when it does? Do you have legal documents in place? No matter what stage you are in owning a business, it is a necessity to plan for the unexpected now, rather than later when emotions and tensions are high. In this episode, Charlene Parlett shares her personal experience with business and marriage so others can avoid the same path.
Find the key talking points for this episode at

Comebacks: Prevention, Reputation and Cost [THA 224]

May 20, 2021

Comebacks: Prevention, Reputation and Cost [THA 224]

How closely do you track comebacks in your shop? Do you look for trends? Is it human error or communication gaps between customer and service advisor, and service advisor and technician? Sometimes the most loyal customers arise from correcting a mistake, but often times we are unaware a mistake even happened. In this episode, my panel dives into the different scenarios that occur during vehicle comebacks and how to correct them.

You can listen and/or watch the video of this episode and find the key talking points at

Drop the Keys and Fix It [RR 641]

May 18, 2021

Drop the Keys and Fix It [RR 641]

Think about the latest procedure or surgery you had. You put all your trust in your doctor and the medical staff as you were getting put under anesthesia. Can we translate that trust into auto repair customers? How do we gain “Here are my keys, I trust you, fix it and let me know when it’s done” type of customers? In this episode, Andy Bizub and Charlie Marcotte break down the fundamentals of connecting with customers and what that means to your business.

The key talking points for this episode reside at

Improve Your Capabilities and Processes – Get LEAN [CC 090]

May 17, 2021

Improve Your Capabilities and Processes – Get LEAN [CC 090]

I recommend you watch the video so you can see the incredible organizational strategies Craig Caudill has implemented at Fine Tuned Auto in Erie CO. Use it as a template for your shop. Head to the CarmCast Page or to watch the video and find the key talking points for this episode.

Dwayne Myers and Shop Tour with Jonathan Ortiz [AW 053]

May 14, 2021

Guest Host Dwyane Myers talks about technician career paths. Check out the Virtual Shop Tour by Jonathan Ortiz from Foreign Affairs, Palm Beach, FL and take the Trivia Challenge.

Leadership Series Part 1 with Mike Davidson – Everything Rises and Falls [RR 640]

May 14, 2021

Leadership Series Part 1 with Mike Davidson [RR 640]

How often do you work on your leadership skills? If you don’t, where do you start? Every business owner knows they need to be strong leaders, but how many are consciously working on it? Mike Davidson, a John Maxwell Certified Teacher, Trainer, and Coach, will be bringing you a 5 part series on leadership during the next few months. In this part 1 episode, Mike breaks down the essence of leadership that you should have in both your personal and professional life. Mike is also a shop owner.

The key talking points for this episode reside at

My Biggest Mistakes [THA 223]

May 13, 2021

My Biggest Mistakes [THA 223]

In this episode, my panel discusses some of their biggest mistakes they’ve overcome as shop owners. We all wish we could go back in time and fix mistakes from ever happening, but unfortunately, there is no crystal ball for life. Instead, it’s important to reflect and turn it into a learning curve for ourselves and others. Take this opportunity to listen to this giving and transparent episode to perhaps avoid making the same mistakes in your business. Learn from these moments of truth.

The key talking points for this episode reside at

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