Here are the two most recent episodes
The Refrigerant Revolution: From 134A to YF and Beyond [THA 424]
Recorded at the 45th annual Mobile Air Climate Systems Conference (MACS 2025) in Orlando, Florida, Honeywell experts explore the advantages of retrofitting older 134A systems with 1234YF refrigerant, highlighting its significantly lower global warming potential. They also discuss the growing complexity of thermal management in EVs, where efficient cooling for batteries and electronics is essential, and the ongoing search for standardized, high-performance refrigerants. Gain insights into the environmental benefits of transitioning to 1234YF, the challenges of EV thermal management, and the critical need for education and training in the automotive aftermarket.
From Employee to Business Owner: Structuring a Win-Win Succession Plan[RR 1029]
This episode focuses on the importance of planning ahead for selling a business in the auto repair industry. Bob Ward stresses that business owners should start identifying and training potential successors early—often from their current team. He walks through a clear four-step process to help with the transition, covering key areas like finding the right fit, determining the business’s value, securing financing, and handling legal requirements.
And all the rest:
Invest in the Industry's First Rate Content From the Premier Automotive Service Specialist Podcast
Owner, Technician, Service Advisor – Working Together – AAPEX 2020 Honors [RR 606]
Owner, Technician, Service Advisor – Working Together – AAPEX 2020 Honors [RR 606]
This 606th episode honors the recipients of the AAPEX 2020 Awards. The first annual honors include Shop Owner of the Year, Technician of the Year, and Service Advisor of the Year.
Sure we bestowed a bunch of high-fives upon these three outstanding aftermarket professionals, but you’ll love the episode as we discussed their roles in a shop environment and why working together through trust and respect make a huge difference for the business and work environment.
Help me welcome Brian Sump of Avalon MotorSports and Urbana Auto Care as the AAPEX 2020 Shop Owner of the Year. Norm Schultz of Interstate Auto Care, Madison Heights, MI as AAPEX 2020 Technician of the Year, and Jason Sexton of Dynamic Automotive, Frederick, MD as the AAPEX 2020 Service Advisor of the Year.
The key talking points for this episode reside at
Proof of Concept [THA 206]
THA 206 Proof of Concept
The pandemic was the test of preparedness, fortitude, leadership, nerves, among others. Our topic “Proof of Concept” is the story behind the strong getting stronger.
The leaders who listened and implemented the strategies being served up by the industry pundits especially coaches over the last 3 to 4 years found themselves in a good place. You’ve heard them enforce on the podcast, … essential tactics like strong business culture, a commitment to training your team, firing non-productive or toxic employees, DVI, Cloud-based software, text to pay and the list goes on like strong leadership. Smart Marketing. Managing KPIs, Good financial statements, building processes, and systems, Etc, etc. In essence, the strong found their pandemic recovery easier than others. That is what we are talking about today: ‘Proof of Concept’
Joining me is Chris Cotton, AJ Nealey, and Michael Gallini. They all agree that they are in a better spot because they implemented and worked the strategies and tactics that the industry is known to create success and sustainable profits. Glad you are here, Let’s Talk About It.
The key talking points from this episode are already done for you on the show notes page at
How to Implement Your Own Apprentice Program [RR 605]
How to Implement Your Own Apprentice Program [RR 605]
I want you to invest in this episode, beginning to end. It is one of the most important topics we can discuss today. You’ve heard me say that apprenticing will be an essential strategy to fill the technician ranks. We need to collectively engage a reliable apprentice program at every professional shop in North America.
This is an episode where there is a lot of ‘HOW TO’ discussed. With me is Mike Davidson, shop owner and creator of an apprentice program that has been put through all the rogers. Mike is president of Industry Essentials. Also speaking is. Pete McNeil and Jake Sorenson from McNeils in Sandy, Utah who created their own apprentice program, and it was picked up by NAPA nationally.
This episode will help you get started. There is a lot in here to understand and learn. Yes, we need to do this, but there is no super easy button that makes it happen. I challenge you to commit to an apprentice program and engage a willing ‘student’ who wants to become a journeyman technician.
The show notes page contains a link to the PowerPoint slides and links to important sites to help you start. You can find our guest’s other episodes and the key talking points for this episode at
Women in Auto Care Awards 2020 [RR 604]
Women in Auto Care Awards 2020 [RR 604]
This episode honors the 2020 Women in Auto Care Awards. There are 3 prestigious awards presented annually, namely; Auto Care Woman of the Year, Female Shop Owner of the Year, and Auto Care Woman of Excellence. The awards are presented to a Women in Auto Care member who has provided recent outstanding contributions to the auto care industry.
I welcome Auto Care Woman of the Year, Lauren Beaulieu, Vice President, Professional Marketing, Advance Auto Parts, The Female Shop Owner of the Year Kim Auernheimer, owner and Business Manager, Cool Springs Automotive, Brentwood, TN and the Auto Care Woman of Excellence, Danielle Sonnefeld, Vice President, Business Development, N.A. Williams
The key talking points for this episode reside at
The Women In Auto Care organization is very dedicated to the advancement, education and empowerment of women within the auto care industry, especially their commitment to educational scholarships. Please listen for details on the unrivaled nurturing they make in scholarships and continuing education.
You can find my panels previous episodes, their bios and the key talking points for this episode at
Requirement for Growing a Branch Store [THA 205]
THA 205 Requirements for Adding a Branch Store
Welcome to the 205th episode of the Town Hall Academy. New Year, New Challenges. Many in the industry are contemplating growth and many are thinking of selling or succession. Keep close to the insights and wisdom from your aftermarket peers, right here, who share their growth story with you.
I’m with Greg Bunch, Austin Miller, and John Manelas. Greg is the owner of Aspen Auto Clinic, Colorado. Austin Miller opened Tire Star in2011, and John owns Auto Care Plus and Euro Care Plus. Together this team has 15 branches and growing.
How many shops are enough? Is there a sweet spot? What qualities must a shop owner possess in order to successfully add a shop? What are the challenges? No doubt this group tells their tale of their initial branch store and the huge learning curve that happened with it and subsequent stores.
The key talking points from this episode are already done for you on the show notes page at
Millennials in High Gear with Sara Fraser – Part 1 [RR 603]
Millennials in High Gear with Sara Fraser Part 1 [RR 603]
Our topic today centers around millennial customers and employees. With me is Sara Fraser. Sara has been a favorite on the show and lives what she teaches as she is a millennial. Each generation has its traits and you must adjust your business to accommodate the millennial customer and employee.
Sara is with Haas Performance Consulting and teaches the millennial story. We look at the millennial customer needs/wants and the same for the millennial employee. This is part one of a two-part millennial series with Sara
You can find Sara’s other episodes and the key talking points for this episode at
The Benefits of Brainstorming Dr. John Passante and Phil Moore [RR 602]
The Benefits of Brainstorming [RR 602]
Let’s create ideas and let’s talk about solving problems. That’s what this episode is all about. I’m with my friend Dr. John Passante, CEO of the Organizational Development Group and a Legacy Aftermarket Human Resource Professional, and Phil Moore, Vice President Sales and Marketing at Federated Auto Parts.
Both have important insight on the power of brainstorming and the discussion will prove to be relevant with tips for your own brainstorming sessions. Also learn how to apply SWOT analysis and make it your own competitive advantage.
You can find my panel’s previous episodes, their bios, and the key talking points for this episode at
What Will 2021 Be Like? [THA 204]
THA 204 What will 2021 Bring?
Welcome to the 204th episode of the Town Hall Academy as 2020 is ending and 2021 takes over. Covid-19 continues its wrath and still a huge part in our daily lives. Most important is to move forward with the anticipation and excitement of a new year.
So let’s talk about it. I’m with Gene Morrill owner of Certified Automotive in Glendora, CA, Greg Buckley CEO of Buckley Personalized Auto Care in Wilmington, DE and Joe Marconi from Osceola Garage, Baldwin Place, NY.
2021 will continue to be a year of transition. It won’t be easy. The panel talks about moving the couch, reviewing your fundamentals and believes it’s not over yet. If ever a time to be proactive not is it. We still have a lot of unknowns so pay attention to everything because there are many unknowns. The panel did an excellent job assessing their approach to the new year.
The key talking points from this episode are already done for you on the show notes page at
How to Become a Thermostat Instead of a Thermometer- Dave Hobbs [RR 601]
Become a Thermostat Instead of a Thermometer – Dave Hobbs [RR 601]
Dave Hobbs, the lead technical trainer and course developer for Delphi Product and Service Solutions, Dave Hobbs is back. Dave has graced us recently with his episode 592 talking about how to avoid comebacks with tech talks. He is now offering you his insights on ADAS training virtual classes on how to become a thermostat not a thermometer.
You can find Dave’s other episodes and the key talking points for this episode at
An Unprecedented Year and Strategies for 2021 – Bonus Episode 8
Thoughts from an Unprecedented Year and Looking forward to Strategies for 2021 – Bonus Episode 008
As an industry we are essential.
The strong got stronger
. Virtual online training became the norm and will become a permanent part of our training needs
. Milestones reached this year:
600th episode of Remarkable Results Radio
. 200th episode of the Town Hall Academy
. The launch of Aftermarket
. Launched all LIVE show broadcast on the website’s LIVE page
. Training must become part of your culture
. The value of coaching.
Networking is a must to grow and learn
. Succession planning and growth
. Embrace our youth
. Set up an apprentice program
. Reach out to a local shop and have coffee and talk.
Reflections of My First Episode and Prudent Advice for the Ages [RR 600]
Reflections of My First Episode and Prudent Advice for the Ages [RR 600]
Welcome to the 600th Episode of Remarkable Results Radio. Enjoy some very candid talk and behind the scenes revelations from some of the very first episodes from my panel.
Along with the fun discussion, the panel dished out some great advice as the podcast continues to set the standard and the tone for aftermarket industry podcasts.
Our longevity is a testament to the leaders from every segment of the industry who have shared so that others have gained. We will continue to bring thought piercing issues and commentaries so that you grow your business acumen. As I said and I mean it from the bottom of my heart, this podcast is dedicated to you for “listening and learning” and for letting me know how much our content means to you. And a big shout out to the sponsors who make the podcast a reality. Please support them.
My guests bring and give color to this milestone event. Not many can reach the lengths we have reached but we have aced it through the support and respect from peers, students, coaches, service advisors, and shop owners. Welcome Greg Buckley from Buckleys, Dwayne Myers from Dynamic, G Jerry Truglia from TST, Bob Greenwood; CEO of AAEC, Kim Auernheimerfrom CS Automotive, and Matt Fanslow from Riverside Automotive.
We’ve reached these milestones, besides the 600th RRR, the 200th Town Hall Academy and the start of Aftermarket Weekly this year only because you are there and use this resource.
You can find our guest’s previous episodes, their bios, and the key talking points for this episode at
How My Business Changed as a Result of Covid-19 – A Look Back [THA 203]
THA 203 How My Business Changed as a Result of Covid-19 – A Look Back
A lot has happened as we drew to a close a year considered to be one of the most challenging years in our history.
Today, our topic talks about the changes and the challenges that Covid-19 swept on the aftermarket industry, along with every shop owner and team member. Did you push through? How did you cope? What changed and what changed permanently? These are some questions to reflect on as 2021 is on our doorstep. Reflect on your preparedness to face this unprecedented call to action.
Joining me are for this frank discussion is Jim Hayes, General Manager of Pacific Motor Service — and Dave Martin from Martin’s Auto Repair, Phoenix, AZ
The key talking points from this episode are already done for you on the show notes page at
From College to ADAS Calibrations – Learning How [RR 599]
From College to ADAS Calibrations – Learning How [RR 599]
My guests today is Dominik Wrobel and Bob Heipp both from Mobile Auto Solutions in Chicago. Commonly referred to as MAS. This interview is about Dominik. As a 23-year-old, is straight out of college, working with 25 other mobile diagnostic technicians and learning the trade.. He is Bob Heipp’s Mentee. You know Bob as a member of the threesome TechnicianTalk Group where we’ve done 9 really intense and off the wall episodes. If you are new to the podcast go to the collections page on the website to find all Technician Talk EPisode.
Dominik and Bob talk with us about the transitions and challenges of adapting to work without any prior experience. Very much like what an automotive grad would go through. Dominik will also shed light on his mentorship, new technologies, and how much he likes ADAS Calibrations. His goal is to have his own MAS mobile truck and get out on the road. Dom is learning from all 25 team members by using slack to get the information and wisdom that he seeks.
The talking points of this episode can be found at
Social Media Influencer- Do What is Right and Not Easy [RR 598]
Social Media Influencer- Do What is Right and Not Easy [RR 598]
Matt Fanslow and Scott Brown have been great contributors to the podcast. They also have no-nonsense views about Social Media and the diluting and filtering of information. They talk about the Dunning-Kruger effect and time consumption among other topics as they speak to the good and bad of social media. They do recommend being professional in handling your social media presence. Learn to be professionals in handling your social media presence.
Matt Fanslow is the diagnostic tech/shop manager at Riverside Automotive in Red Wing, MN., and Scott Brown is a shop owner, an ASE Master Certified Automobile Technician and the CEO of
You can find Matt and Scott’s previous episodes and the key talking points for this episode at
Why Fix a Negative Attitude in your Shop [THA 202]
Why Fix a Negative Attitude [THA 202]
Statistics and many studies concluded that a negative behavior creates liabilities in the business setting and strains relationships. On a personal level, it decreases productivity and performance. Not only does it damage teamwork, but it also makes for unhappy customers. Our episode today attacks why a negative attitude has no room in our industry!
Joining me is Craig O’Neill, Andy Pollina, from Legacy Auto Tech, Grand Rapids, and Rick White from 180 Biz.
The key talking points from this episode are already done for you on the show notes page at
Thinking Way Outside the Box with Greg Buckley [RR 597]
Thinking Way Outside the Box with Greg Buckley [RR 597]
My friend Greg Buckley brought one of his way out of the box think to play here; that has an octopus analogy sliced in for good measure. Greg does make some excellent points that will help you and your business grow. Seen a copy of National Geographic lately? Have I teased you enough?
The talking points of this episode can be found at
Hiring a Business Coach [RR 596]
Hiring a Business Coach [RR 596]
Learn how a coach can keep you focused, motivated, and accountable. It’s very easy to get lost in the day-to-day. It’s great to have someone to keep your feet on the ground.
I get a lot of requests to recommend things, especially business coaches. You know how much I believe in having a business coach. Well, I do not recommend business coaches, as I must be neutral, like the country Sweden. So many coaches bring their wisdom to you on the show and for that I am grateful. What I do do is give a link to all the episodes I’ve done with our industry’s business coaches.
In this case shop owner Rick Williams asked and I gave him the link. I went on to ask him if he would pick three and allow an interview with him and the three coaches as a sort of opportunity for shop owners without a coach to hear what goes on in the coach hiring process. Shop owner Rick Williams of Rix Automotive was kind enough to agree to do this and he chose Bill Haas of Haas Performance Consulting, Bob Greenwood of Automotive aftermarket E-Learning Center, and David Justice from Repair Shop of tomorrow.
You can find Rick, Bob, Bill, and David’s other episodes and the key talking points for this episode at
Creating the Right Environment for Shop Efficiency [THA 201]
Creating The Right Environment for Shop Efficiency [THA 201]
There are a lot of variables when we talk about shop efficiency. There is culture, environment, leadership, and more. There is no single formula that can solve shop efficiency. But if there are the right guidelines, our panel today, certainly has the answers. A big fat thank you to Chris Monroe, Joe Marconi, and Kevin Vaught for sharing their expertise with you. So many small things done right makes for improved efficiency.
Chris Monroe is a coach who owns Monroe Tire & Service at Shelby, NC., Joe Marconi is a coach who also owns Osceola Garage at Baldwin Place, NY., and Kevin Vaught is a former multi-shop owner and is an Elite Worldwide Business Development Coach.
The key talking points from this episode are already done for you on the show notes page at
Frank Scandura – 20 Questions in 30 Minutes [RR 595]
Frank Scandura – 20 Questions in 30 Minutes [RR 595]
I’m with Frank Scandura of Franks European. Frank Scandura shares his business acumen and offers insights and trends on leadership as a business coach. Here is his 20 Questions in 30 Minutes Episode.
This episode emphasized Frank’s philosophy on making mistakes and how you handle them sets you apart from the rest. Some customers make unreasonable demands. You must be able to handle them even if telling your customer you are not taking them. We had a great time with this interview.
Find the key talking points, Frank Scandura’s bio, and links to his previous episodes at
Hiring Superstars with Jerry Kezhaya and Dr. Laura Shwaluk [RR 594]
Hiring Superstars with Jerry Kezhaya and Dr Laura Shwaluk [RR 594]
Once again I welcome Jerry Kezhaya and Dr. Laura Schwaluk owners of The Auto Shop in Plano, TX, they are also leading Business Builders Mentor and Mastermind USA.
Hiring superstar employees is the goal of every business person I’ve known. Our intention is to find the best of the best in order to seed the company with outstanding and culture driven people. As you and I know, that is not always the case.
How can we get better at recruiting and filtering out just the cream of the crop. Jerry and Dr. Laura will take us through a process and great stories to make their case.
Find Jerry and Laura’s other episodes and the key talking points for this episode at
A Blessing in Disguise From My Biggest Mistake [THA 200]
A Blessing in Disguise From My Biggest Mistake [THA 200]
Welcome to the 200th milestone episode of the Town Hall Academy. The industry’s premiere and original single subject forum. Thank you for your support in listening and watching the forum and making it a staple of information and insights for our automotive service industry.
Wisdom comes from many sources. If you think about the many mistakes you’ve made there are hundreds. But the blessing that can come from failure is to think of the challenge you faced and the outcome. Your panel today digs deep in their heart and shares with you the triumphs that came from some tough and low spots in their careers. I thank Emily Chung, Kelli Weatherby, Matthew Lachowitzer and Kevin Eckler for their transparent and emotional rendering on how they overcame a huge mistake and found blessings in their decision to act.
Matt Lachowitzer owns and founded Matt’s Automotive Service Center, Emily Chung owns and operates AutoNiche auto repair shop in Markham, Kelli Weatherby co-owner, with husband Lee, co-owns Accurate Automotive in Mesa, AZ., and Kevin Eckler, along with wife Lisa, owns Foreign Car Specialists.
The key talking points from this episode are already done for you on the show notes page at
Avoiding Comebacks with Dave Hobbs [RR 592]
Avoiding Comebacks and More with Dave Hobbs [RR 592]
I’m with the lead technical trainer and course developer for Delphi Product and Service Solutions, Dave Hobbs. Dave has graced the podcast in the past and we are going to do a series of thought-provoking shows just for you.
Dave is tackling comebacks — a real part of doing business. Prevention or minimizing them comes from quality control, high standards and training. He also talks about the Right To Repair, Access to Data.
You can find Dave’s other episodes and the key talking points for this episode at
Buying & Selling: A Tale of Two Deals [THA 199]
Buying and Selling – A Tale of Two Deals [THA 199]
An episode that showcases a sale and an acquisition and the story behind these aftermarket transactions from two couples who each had a great opportunity.
Kevin and Sarah Bickford bought the Fox River Tire & Auto, Richie and Leslie Zimmerman owned and sold 3 Shops to a big box brand. The reasons and method of these two transactions will help you realize how these opportunities take an immense amount of work and maybe some luck.
The key talking points from this episode, they are already done for you. Go to the show page at
Customer Service vs. Customer Experience with Murray Voth [RR 591]
Customer Service vs. Customer Experience with Murray Voth [RR 591]
Murray Voth the owner and principal trainer of RPM Training and one of Canada’s most knowledgeable experts on the automotive industry. Murray specializes in the fields of business development of the independent automotive service and repair sector.
Murray is focused on the customer experience. In this episode, Murray differentiates customer service vs customer experience and their specific advantages and disadvantages.
The talking points of this episode can be found at
Science Based Hypnotherapy with Maureen Pisani [RR 590]
Science-Based Hypnotherapy with Maureen Pisani [RR 590]
I’m with Maureen Pisani a Certified Master Hypnotherapist and the founder of ProThrive Science-Based Hypnotherapy, where she works with individuals and groups (both in-person and online) to help empower, streamline success, and truly thrive.
Why this interview? I found the discussion with Maureen refreshingly different. I can see where some never reach their potential, yet we know they have it in them. Maureen offers solutions.
Imagine this as a tool for the automotive aftermarket. You do the math. Unlimited potential and untapped ideas.
We discuss how the brain works in hypnotherapy and the science behind it that proved useful in uplifting and giving us an edge in life! The talking points can be found at
Four Corner – Four Wall Shop Inspection [THA 198]
Four Corner – Four Wall Facility Audit [THA 198]
Welcome to an episode that brings to you the power and value of peer inspections of your facility and property. This discussion applies to the Four Corners and Four Walls of your shop. Does your customer see the organization and cleanliness of your shop? How about the environment that your people work in. Is it up to your standards?
I’m with Seth Thorson, Owner of EuroTech Auto Service and LMV Bavarian BMW Support; and Daniel Gravely, District Manager, EuroTech Auto Service. And keep in mind this is a peer review – some special power in that.
The key talking points from this episode, they are already done for you. Go to the show page at
Doug Grills – 20 Questions in 30 Minutes [RR 589]
Doug Grills – 20 Questions in 30 Minutes [RR 589]
Welcome to another episode of 20 Questions in 30 Minutes. I’m with Doug Grills of AutoStream Car Care Center. Doug along with his partner Rick Levitan has been around the auto service business for over 25 years and has built their reputation by offering best-in-class service to their customers. Now he joins and answers his hand-picked questions on our format I call 20 Questions in 30 Minutes.
This episode highlights Doug’s early musical career and allowed us to understand how he uses his analytical skills to make decisions. He believes in process and that a strong culture is what people really buy into.
Find the key talking points, Doug Grills’ bio, and links to his previous episodes at
The Difference: Dealership Tech Now Works for an Independent. Why? [RR 588]
The Difference: Dealership Tech Now Works for an Independent. Why? [RR 588]
I’m with Matt Manzone and Jim Fleischman. Matt is an ASE certified master tech and service writer and works at Jim’s shop Automotive Alley in Arcade, NY.
Why this interview. Matt is a former dealer technician. Hearing the reasons why Matt Manzone went to work for an independent is important to how you think and approach hiring dealer techs. Jim also shares some of his process to bring Matt on board to work in his company.
We discuss the differences of techs at dealerships against techs at independent shops. Matt and Jim also talk about the dilemma of leaving your job of 14 years for the same yet new job. The talking points can be found at
Electric Vehicles – The Future Unfolds [THA 197]
Electric Vehicles – The Future Unfolds [THA 197]
Welcome to an episode ahead of its time. It may bring forth some brilliant thoughts and strategies moving forward that will help the aftermarket prepare for the future. It will be here sooner than we know.
I’m with John Eppstein, Carolyn Coquillette, Dave Kusa, and Rorry Balmer. We talk about the future with changing technology especially Electric Vehicles. Don’t shy away from this or any other topic that will define your future.
My Academy guests detailed our preparedness, the competitive landscape, predictions, legislation, powertrain, ownership structure, electric vehicles and more along with their recommendations.
If you want the key talking points from this episode, they are already done for you. Go to the show page at
Four Ways to Generate Income Using ESBI with Gerry Frank [RR 587]
Four Ways to Generate Income Using ESBI with Gerry Frank [RR 587]
Gerry Frank, a business coach, and shop owner share Robert Kiyosaki’s famous CashFlow Quadrant in an easy to swallow and digestible way.
It has 4 quadrants and abbreviated as ESBI. He is correlating the ESBI approach to stages in the aftermarket. The stages are Employee, Self-employed, Business Owner, and Investor which relates to an individual starting himself as a technician becomes a shop owner and eventually, becomes an investor.
Find the key talking points, Gerry Frank’s bio, and links to his previous episodes at