Here are the two most recent episodes

The Invisible Paycheck: Retention Strategies Beyond Pay [THA 403]

Oct 18, 2024

Recorded at the 2024 ASTA Expo, explore key strategies for hiring, compensating, and retaining skilled technicians in the automotive industry. This episode highlights the significance of comprehensive benefits beyond pay.

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Ego Death and Leadership: Redefining Success [RR 999]

Oct 18, 2024

Recorded at the ASTA Expo, discover strategies for scaling businesses, attracting top talent, and implementing efficient workflows. Tune in to gain valuable knowledge on leadership, accountability, and how continuous learning can drive transformative success in your automotive business.

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Profit Strategies with Natalie Paris [RR 679]

Sep 28, 2021

Profit Strategies with Natalie Paris [RR 679]

The financial numbers of any business tell an important story. But how many owners know how to read their financial statements correctly? Do you know your breakeven point for your business? Do you review your cash flow monthly? In this episode, Natalie Paris from Three Rivers Bookkeeping shares the importance of the dynamics of a good bookkeeper, your CPA and your business coach to keep your business on track for success

Michael Gallini and Shop Tour with Kristi Hudson [AW 072]

Sep 25, 2021

Guest host Michael Gallini, Eurauto Shop, Plano, TX and a virtual shop tour with Kristi Hudson, Troy Auto Care, Troy, MI. Weekly episode updates

Scan Tools Part 3 [RR 678]

Sep 24, 2021

Scan Tools Part 3 [RR 678]

Same crew, Matt Fanslow, Keith Perkins and Bill Nalu from Part 1 and 2 and in this episode we are hearing about preferred scan tool preferences by platform. We also hammer about the investment the shop needs to make in scan tools for the team and some additional myths. The team speaks to the difference between a scan tool and a diagnostic platform.

The Power of Transformational Coaching [THA 242]

Sep 23, 2021

The Power of Transformational Coaching [THA 242]

Employee reviews: We’ve all been there. You get called into your boss’s office and get graded on your performance over the past year. It can be easy to forget your review once you leave the office. Out of sight, out of mind. Isn’t it time to change that mundane process? In this episode my panel discusses a transformational approach for owners to deepen their relationship with their employees. Let them be a part of your business and see how it can flourish. We are talking Transformational Coaching.

Bonus: Advancing the Aftermarket – Charging What We Are Worth [Bonus 11]

Sep 22, 2021

Advancing the Aftermarket.

Of late there has been a lot of dialogue around my circles about being paid for the value you give and bring to your customer. I recently saw a survey of shops whose sales averaged $750,000 yet their net operating profit was only 2%. That is only a $15,000 average net operating income before tax. This troubling stat begs the question: How do you continue to invest in the business and even provide a living wage for you and your team at that level of profit?

Succession Planning Blueprint – Bryan Stasch [RR 677]

Sep 21, 2021

Succession Planning Blueprint [RR 677]

Succession Planning: We can’t talk about it enough. I like doing shows on this topic because we have thousands and thousands of shop owners who can benefit from this wisdom. The average shop owner doesn’t think about preparing for his or her exit until they’re ready to exit, and by that time it is often too late to prepare the business for a successful sale that may garner a top asking price. In this episode, Bryan Stasch, the Vice President of Program and Content Development for the Automotive Training Institute (ATI) defines a clear blueprint for your business. He talks about getting you ready, the shop ready, how you derive a sale price and what does walk away money look like. When should you start to put all this together? NOW, even if you don’t plan to retire for years to come.

Mitch Schneider and Shop Tour with John Constantin [AW 071]

Sep 18, 2021

Guest host, Mitch Schneider, Mitch’s World and “Misfire the Book”
Mitch will speak to the 5 levels of knowledge and concentrates on the 5th; “You Don’t Want to Know What You Don’t Know”
Virtual shop tour with John Constantin, Bison Fleet Specialists, Buffalo, NY
Weekly episode updates

Job Expectations: Boomers vs Millennials [RR 676]

Sep 17, 2021

Job Expectations: Boomers vs Millennials [RR 676]

Boomers and millennials could not be more different if they tried. We’ve all heard the stereotype for both generations and miscommunication and frustration often bubble to the surface in any work environment. Instead of criticizing different generations than our own, isn’t it time we pause and start understanding each other? In this episode, Bill Haas is the boomer and Sara Fraser is the millennial. They are also a father-daughter team that works together. Listen to both perspectives and find out how both generations can actually work together harmoniously.

Q & A with Chris Chesney [THA 241]

Sep 16, 2021

Q & A with Chris Chesney [THA 241]

You’re going to love this question and answer format style episode with the newly retired Chris Chesney. My panel takes a deep dive into Chris’s long and successful career. What was his most rewarding experience? Does he have any regrets? What is his forecast on the technician shortage and electric vehicles? And most importantly, is retirement really in the cards for Chris Chesney?

Apprentice Journey – High School to Graduate [RR 675]

Sep 14, 2021

Apprentice Journey – High School to Graduate [RR 675]

How did a high school student who wanted to just fill a slot in his schedule end up becoming an apprentice at Dynamic Automotive? What are the qualities a mentor needs to have for an apprenticeship program? Is it possible for a 20 something-year-old to be financially stable in a career with no college debt? This is a down-to-earth, real-life episode that will shed some light on the importance of apprenticeships in our industry. … and you know how important apprentices are to me and to our long-term survival.

Bonus: Advancing the Aftermarket – We are an Industry to be Proud and Rivaled [Bonus 10]

Sep 13, 2021

Bonus: Advancing the Aftermarket – We are an Industry to be Proud and Rivaled [Bonus 10]

Advancing the Aftermarket. We have amazingly smart people in our industry. If anyone would ever say that the independent automotive aftermarket is made up of car fix hobbyists who just want to fix cars, partially true but you and I know better we are working hard to run great businesses, employ top people and keep the transportation needs of our customers safe and reliable.

Sam Craven and Lee Forman [AW 070]

Sep 11, 2021

Sam Craven and Lee Forman [AW 070]

Guest host, Sam Craven, The Garagisti, Houston, TX shares his thoughts on culture, measures and customers. We get a virtual shop tour with Lee Forman of Dynamic Automotive, New Market, MD. And important weekly episode updates.

Social Media 101: Lead Gen, IOS Changes, Boosting [RR 674]

Sep 10, 2021

Social Media 101: Lead Gen, IOS Changes, Boosting [RR 674]

Are you a do-it-yourselfer when it comes to handling your own marketing campaign for the business? Where do you start? What’s the best way to target your audience? How do you set up ads for Facebook that are going to really work? It can become frustrating very fast and so many people end up throwing in the towel. In this episode, Christina Modesti from Mode Marketing Agency outlines simple steps to point you on the right track. As she explains, “you don’t win or lose in marketing and advertising, you win or learn.” Keep in mind that Cristina’s husband owns a shop so she does have a great perspective.

I Want $1 Million For My Business [THA 240]

Sep 9, 2021

I Want $1 Million For My Business [THA 240]

In this episode, my panel will be dissecting a pertinent issue when it comes to selling any business, which is wanting more than it is worth. Many have worked for years and want to get 1 million for their business.

As a business owner, you’ve been painting a very specific picture in your mind about retirement. Where you’ll live, what you’ll be doing, and most importantly, what will your nest egg look like. Too often your ideal price tag does not line up with the bottom line financials of your business and its true market value and what the buyer is willing to pay. And, if you’re a buyer, how do you bridge that gap from want to real value? The panel rolls up their sleeves and discusses both sides of buying and selling a business.

Leadership Series Part 5 with Mike Davidson – Rewards of Growing as a Leader [RR 673]

Sep 7, 2021

Leadership Series Part 5 with Mike Davidson – Rewards of Growing as a Leader [RR 673]

In this final installment of our Leadership Series with Mike Davidson, Mike discusses the reward of growing in leadership. It goes beyond profit and cash flow. The real success comes from business owners realizing they need to develop their people instead of managing them. Too often the owner is the biggest obstacle in allowing the business to grow. Find out what happens when you implement this how-to leadership series.

Rob Merwin and Charlie Marcotte [AW 069]

Sep 4, 2021

Rob Merwin and Charlie Marcotte [AW 069]

Guest host Rob Merwin from Aftermarket Matters will share news on the number of shops that closed as a result of Covid-19 and the advance of mobile repair. Charlie Marcotte from American Pride in Virginia gives you a tour of his four shops.

All Electric Vehicle Business Model – Dave Giles [RR 672]

Sep 3, 2021

All Electric Vehicle Business Model – Dave Giles[RR 672]

This is a fascinating business model and one that Makes EV’s a specialty, no different than Euro Shops. With OE commitments and government mandates to roll out EV’s and reduce the production of the internal combustion engine, we all need to be schooled in the ‘What’s Next’ indoctrination. It is time to look ahead before you get left behind. David Giles discusses how his electric and hybrid-only business has become a huge success. Keep in mind progress is impossible without change.

Trends – Aftermarket Round Table [THA 239]

Sep 2, 2021

Trends – Aftermarket Round Table [THA 239]

The passion my panel has for this industry is hard to miss in this episode. They touch base on topics including labor rates, the professionalism of the industry and the importance of DVI’s to just name a few. We are only scratching the surface of these issues and concerns but it’s what is needed to spark a real change.

Creating a Culture of Productivity – Scott Brown [RR 671]

Aug 31, 2021

Creating a Culture of Productivity [RR 671]

Goodhart’s law named after British economist Charles Goodhart states “When a measure becomes a target, it ceases to be a good measure.” Sometimes when business owners become focused on a specific measure in their business, like productivity, it can actually hold everyone back. In this episode Scott Brown, from Cardinal Shell, discusses how his 5 bay shop produces 4.2 million per year by focusing on the culture of the business. Keep listening for a different perspective that might change the way you do business if you let it.

Behind the Scenes: New Shop Retrofit/Remodel [CC 097]

Aug 30, 2021

Behind the Scenes: New Shop Retrofit/Remodel [CC 097]

With me is Carl Hutchinson from Complete Automotive in Springfield, MO, He showcases his second location that is almost ready for the grand opening. With any remodel, there were some hidden challenges and extra costs but Carl was able to meet those roadblocks and adapt in order to keep the construction going. If you’re considering a second location but don’t have the insights or ideas to retrofit a building from the ground up you’ll love this how-to episode. Imagine how tough it was with delays and spiraling costs of building materials.

Rena Rennebohm and Carl Hutchinson [AW 068]

Aug 28, 2021

Rena Rennebohm and Carl Hutchinson [AW 068]

Guest host, Rena Rennebohm, CEO Empowered Advisor and Virtual shop tour with Carl Hutchinson from Complete Automotive, Springfield, MO. The Automotive Trivia Challenge: What year were the first electric door lock and adjusted side mirror introduced respectively?

Mental Toughness – Maryann Croce [RR 670]

Aug 27, 2021

Mental Toughness -Maryann Croce [RR 670]

When a stressful situation happens, how do you handle it? Do you often wish you had a longer fuse when dealing with issues and problems? Every single day we are challenged with decisions and different roles in our lives. We are a friend, employer, employee, owner, husband, mother, aunt, grandfather, community pillar…the list goes on. So what’s the best way to wear all those hats? Keep listening to find out.

Addiction: How Can We Help? What Can We Do? [THA 238]

Aug 26, 2021

Addiction: How Can We Help? What Can We Do? [THA 238]

Everyone has faced addiction, whether it’s yourself, a loved one, a friend, or a colleague. How do we help someone who is struggling with addiction? What can you do and say to them? In this episode you’ll hear from 2 recovering addicts and their personal journeys to become sober. Please share this episode with your network, you never know who is struggling behind closed doors. Share this with your team. Get this discussion out in the open.

Scan Tools Part 2 [RR 669]

Aug 24, 2021

Scan Tools Part 2 [RR 669]

Same crew, Matt Fanslow, Keith Perkins and Bill Nalu from part 1 and we came together to discuss the myths of which scan tool will do a better job and if the words “Scan tool,” is the right term to define this device. Also, many do not know that you can buy an OE scan tool from the dealer. Yes another deep discussion and if you didn’t listen to Scan Tools Part 1 it is episode 629 released in April 2021.

Steve Finzel and Sara & Chad Kooiman [AW 067]

Aug 21, 2021

Steve Finzel and Sara & Chad Kooiman [AW 067]

Guest host, Steve Finzel, Finzel’s Mastertech, Terre Haute, IN and the virtual shop tour with Sara and Chad Kooiman, Ultimate Auto, Sioux Falls, SD. Trivia Challenge: What year did the first “Soccer Mom” minivan debut?

Mergers and Acquisitions Explained – Rick Schwartz [RR 668]

Aug 20, 2021

Mergers and Acquisitions Explained [RR 668]

What is going on in overall Mergers and Acquisitions? What are buyers looking for? Why are so many family-owned businesses selling? All these questions and more are answered in this episode as Rick Schwartz from Schwartz Advisors makes it easy for you to understand M & A.

Supply Chain: Getting Parts to Market Post Pandemic [THA 237]

Aug 19, 2021

Supply Chain: Getting Parts to Market Post Pandemic [THA 237]

Shipping delays, raw material and labor shortages along with COVID-19 are just a few challenges suppliers are experiencing every single day. As the automotive repair industry has seen a boom in business, getting parts to market is one of the most important priorities and challenges we have. In this episode, my panel gives you an inside look at the supply chain, no sugar coating, just real facts.

Dealer Technicians Build Shop Partnership [RR 667]

Aug 17, 2021

Dealer Technicians Build Shop Partnership [RR 667]

Six years ago, two technicians at a dealership decided to start their own business. Jorge and Jason dove headfirst into business together with some major learning curves during the journey.

Like so many green owners, (by green I mean new and inexperienced in running a business) they thought they had all the answers and didn’t need outside help. Sound familiar? Find out how that changed and why it was a major turning point for them.

Brittany Schindler and Bruce Howes [AW 066]

Aug 14, 2021

Brittany Schindler and Bruce Howes [AW 066]

Guest host, Brittany Schindler, Rod’s Japanese Auto Care, Bellingham, WA and the virtual shop tour with Bruce Howes, Atlantic MotorCar Center, Wiscasset, ME. Trivia Challenge: What was the first car fitted with an alternator rather than a direct current dynamo?

EOS Part 7 – Traction with Barry Barrett [RR 666]

Aug 13, 2021

EOS Part 7 – Traction with Barry Barrett [RR 666]

Welcome to the final episode in our 7 part EOS (Entrepreneurial Operating System) series with Barry Barrett, a certified EOS implementer. It’s time to put everything together that we have learned in the previous episodes on EOS. No business is too big or too small to put this system in action.

Everyone has a lot to get done every day, especially business owners, but are you getting the right things done every day? How should your weekly meetings be structured? Take the questions out of the equation in your business by following Barry’s simple and direct processes. EOS can grow your profitability by 20-25%, what are you waiting for?

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