Where the Voices, Ideas and Insights that are helping to Advance the Future of the Automotive Repair Industry Reside.


What My Dad Taught Me with Emily Chung [RR 652]

Career Paths – Technician to Manager [THA 229]

Total Management Commitment to Training – BE BOLD with Karim Morsli [RR 651]

Chris Cloutier and Virtual Shop Tour with Sam Craven [AW 058]

Hitting Rock Bottom and Climbing out [RR 650]

Make Price Irrelevant [THA 228]

Satellite Location with Tom Grady [RR 649]

Selling Batteries with Tom Sciortino and John Armstead [CC 092]

ASE Service Professionals Month – Trish Serratore [Bonus 09]

G Jerry Truglia and Virtual Tour at Dorman Products [AW 057]

Journaling – Your Personal Case Study with Matt Fanslow [RR 648]

Shop New Build with Seth Thorson and Troy Vaninetti [THA 227]

The CEO Commitment with Mike Bennett [RR 647]

Bill Nalu and Virtual Tour with John Gustafson [AW 56]

Leadership Series Part 2 with Mike Davidson – What They See [RR 646]

Our Industry Needs a Change [THA 226]

EOS Part 5 – Issues – with Barry Barrett [RR 645]

Employee Amenities with JJ Greenfield and Kelly Michel [CC 091]

Chris Chesney and Virtual Tour with Judi Haglin [AW 055]

Taking Your Toolbox Home with Justin Barrett [RR 644]

Building Customer Trust [THA 225]

Technician Outlook with Jake Sorensen- Part 1 [RR 643]

Clint Dudley and Virtual Tour with Pete McNeil [AW 054]

Partnership Agreements with Charlene Parlett [RR 642]

Comebacks: Prevention, Reputation and Cost [THA 224]

Drop the Keys and Fix It [RR 641]

Improve Your Capabilities and Processes – Get LEAN [CC 090]

Dwayne Myers and Shop Tour with Jonathan Ortiz [AW 053]

Leadership Series Part 1 with Mike Davidson – Everything Rises and Falls [RR 640]

My Biggest Mistakes [THA 223]

EOS Part 4 Data with Barry Barrett [RR 639]

Tom Ham and Shop Tour with Eric Henley [AW 052]

Interesting New Technology with Chris Cloutier [RR 638]

10 Things That Require Zero Talent [THA 222]

NASTF Update with Donny Seyfer [RR 637]

Why Invest In Digital Signage & Great Branding [CC 089]

Keith Knowlton and Shop Tour with Trent Pickering [AW 051]

Learn Customer Communication Styles: DISC with Emily Chung [RR 636]

Are You Fixing Hybrids Cars? [THA 221]

Yellow and Red Envelopes with Seth Thorson [RR 635]

Eric Ziegler and Shop Tour with Carlo Sabucco [AW 050]

Supreme Court Ruling with Aaron Lowe [RR 634]

Specialization with Tom Palermo and John Anello [THA 220]

The Coalition of Automotive Management Professionals (CAMP) with Bob Greenwood, Bill Haas and Brian Gillis [RR 633]

Keeping Your Shop Floors Clean – Why and How [CC 088]

Donnie Hudson and Shop Tour with John Eppstein [AW 049]

Unbreakable Bond Between Brothers with Fernando and Jonathan Osorio [RR 632]

Tires as a Profit Center [THA 219]

EOS Part 3: People with Barry Barrett [RR 631]

Carolyn Coquillette and Shop Tour at Maximilian MotorSports with Maxmilian Macdonald [AW 048]